use of org.mycore.iiif.image.impl.MCRIIIFUnsupportedFormatException in project mycore by MyCoRe-Org.
the class MCRIVIEWIIIFImageImpl method provide.
public BufferedImage provide(String identifier, MCRIIIFImageSourceRegion region, MCRIIIFImageTargetSize targetSize, MCRIIIFImageTargetRotation rotation, MCRIIIFImageQuality imageQuality, String format) throws MCRIIIFImageNotFoundException, MCRIIIFImageProvidingException, MCRIIIFUnsupportedFormatException, MCRAccessException {
long resultingSize = (long) targetSize.getHeight() * targetSize.getWidth() * (imageQuality.equals(MCRIIIFImageQuality.color) ? 3 : 1);
long maxImageSize = MCRConfiguration.instance().getLong(MAX_BYTES);
if (resultingSize > maxImageSize) {
throw new MCRIIIFImageProvidingException("Maximal image size is " + (maxImageSize / 1024 / 1024) + "MB. [" + resultingSize + "/" + maxImageSize + "]");
if (!SUPPORTED_FORMATS.contains(format.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH))) {
throw new MCRIIIFUnsupportedFormatException(format);
Path tiledFile = tileFileProvider.getTiledFile(identifier);
MCRTiledPictureProps tiledPictureProps = getTiledPictureProps(tiledFile);
int sourceWidth = region.getX2() - region.getX1();
int sourceHeight = region.getY2() - region.getY1();
double targetWidth = targetSize.getWidth();
double targetHeight = targetSize.getHeight();
double rotatationRadians = Math.toRadians(rotation.getDegrees());
double sinRotation = Math.sin(rotatationRadians);
double cosRotation = Math.cos(rotatationRadians);
final int height = (int) (Math.abs(targetWidth * sinRotation) + Math.abs(targetHeight * cosRotation));
final int width = (int) (Math.abs(targetWidth * cosRotation) + Math.abs(targetHeight * sinRotation));
BufferedImage targetImage;
switch(imageQuality) {
case bitonal:
targetImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY);
case gray:
targetImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY);
case color:
if (transparentFormats.contains(format)) {
targetImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR);
} else {
targetImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
// this value determines the zoom level!
double largestScaling = Math.max(targetWidth / sourceWidth, targetHeight / sourceHeight);
// We always want to use the the best needed zoom level!
int sourceZoomLevel = (int) Math.min(Math.max(0, Math.ceil(tiledPictureProps.getZoomlevel() - Math.log(largestScaling) / LOG_HALF)), tiledPictureProps.getZoomlevel());
// largestScaling is the real scale which is needed! zoomLevelScale is the scale of the nearest zoom level!
double zoomLevelScale = Math.min(1.0, Math.pow(0.5, tiledPictureProps.getZoomlevel() - sourceZoomLevel));
// this is the scale which is needed from the nearest zoom level to the required size of image
double drawScaleX = (targetWidth / (sourceWidth * zoomLevelScale)), drawScaleY = (targetHeight / (sourceHeight * zoomLevelScale));
// absolute region in zoom level this nearest zoom level
double x1 = region.getX1() * zoomLevelScale, x2 = region.getX2() * zoomLevelScale, y1 = region.getY1() * zoomLevelScale, y2 = region.getY2() * zoomLevelScale;
// now we detect the tiles to draw!
int x1Tile = (int) Math.floor(x1 / 256), y1Tile = (int) Math.floor(y1 / 256), x2Tile = (int) Math.ceil(x2 / 256), y2Tile = (int) Math.ceil(y2 / 256);
try (FileSystem zipFileSystem = MCRIView2Tools.getFileSystem(tileFileProvider.getTiledFile(identifier))) {
Path rootPath = zipFileSystem.getPath("/");
Graphics2D graphics = targetImage.createGraphics();
if (rotation.isMirrored()) {
graphics.scale(-1, 1);
graphics.translate(-width, 0);
int xt = (int) ((targetWidth - 1) / 2), yt = (int) ((targetHeight - 1) / 2);
graphics.translate((width - targetWidth) / 2, (height - targetHeight) / 2);
graphics.rotate(rotatationRadians, xt, yt);
graphics.scale(drawScaleX, drawScaleY);
graphics.translate(-x1, -y1);
graphics.scale(zoomLevelScale, zoomLevelScale);
graphics.setClip(region.getX1(), region.getY1(), sourceWidth, sourceHeight);
graphics.scale(1 / zoomLevelScale, 1 / zoomLevelScale);, "Using zoom-level: %d and scales %s/%s!", sourceZoomLevel, drawScaleX, drawScaleY));
for (int x = x1Tile; x < x2Tile; x++) {
for (int y = y1Tile; y < y2Tile; y++) {
ImageReader imageReader = MCRIView2Tools.getTileImageReader();
BufferedImage tile = MCRIView2Tools.readTile(rootPath, imageReader, sourceZoomLevel, x, y);
graphics.drawImage(tile, x * 256, y * 256, null);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MCRIIIFImageProvidingException("Error while reading tiles!", e);
return targetImage;
use of org.mycore.iiif.image.impl.MCRIIIFUnsupportedFormatException in project mycore by MyCoRe-Org.
the class MCRIIIFImageResource method getImage.
@Path("{" + IDENTIFIER_PARAM + "}/{region}/{size}/{rotation}/{quality}.{format}")
public Response getImage(@PathParam(IMPL_PARAM) String implStr, @PathParam(IDENTIFIER_PARAM) String identifier, @PathParam("region") String region, @PathParam("size") String size, @PathParam("rotation") String rotation, @PathParam("quality") String quality, @PathParam("format") String format) {
try {
MCRIIIFImageImpl impl = getImpl(implStr);
MCRIIIFImageInformation information = impl.getInformation(identifier);
MCRIIIFRegionParser rp = new MCRIIIFRegionParser(region, information.width, information.height);
MCRIIIFImageSourceRegion sourceRegion = rp.parseImageRegion();
MCRIIIFScaleParser sp = new MCRIIIFScaleParser(size, sourceRegion.getX2() - sourceRegion.getX1(), sourceRegion.getY2() - sourceRegion.getY1());
MCRIIIFImageTargetSize targetSize = sp.parseTargetScale();
MCRIIIFRotationParser rotationParser = new MCRIIIFRotationParser(rotation);
MCRIIIFImageTargetRotation parsedRotation = rotationParser.parse();
MCRIIIFImageQuality imageQuality = MCRIIIFImageQuality.fromString(quality);
BufferedImage provide = impl.provide(identifier, sourceRegion, targetSize, parsedRotation, imageQuality, format);
Response.Status status = rp.isCompleteValid() ? Response.Status.OK : Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST;
Response.ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = Response.status(status);
return responseBuilder.header("Link", buildCanonicalURL(impl, identifier)).header("Profile", buildProfileURL()).type("image/" + format).entity((StreamingOutput) outputStream -> ImageIO.write(provide, format, outputStream)).build();
} catch (MCRIIIFImageNotFoundException e) {
return Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).entity(e.getMessage()).build();
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | MCRIIIFUnsupportedFormatException e) {
return Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity(e.getMessage()).build();
} catch (MCRAccessException e) {
return Response.status(Response.Status.FORBIDDEN).entity(e.getMessage()).build();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error(() -> "Error while getting Image " + identifier + " from " + implStr + " with region: " + region + ", size: " + size + ", rotation: " + rotation + ", quality: " + quality + ", format: " + format, e);
return Response.status(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).entity(e.getMessage()).build();