use of org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray in project deeplearning4j by deeplearning4j.
the class GloVe method update.
private void update(T element1, INDArray wordVector, INDArray contextVector, double gradient) {
//gradient for word vectors
INDArray grad1 = contextVector.mul(gradient);
INDArray update = weightAdaGrad.getGradient(grad1, element1.getIndex(), syn0.shape());
//update vector
double w1Bias = bias.getDouble(element1.getIndex());
double biasGradient = biasAdaGrad.getGradient(gradient, element1.getIndex(), bias.shape());
double update2 = w1Bias - biasGradient;
bias.putScalar(element1.getIndex(), update2);
use of org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray in project deeplearning4j by deeplearning4j.
the class DBOW method inferSequence.
* This method does training on previously unseen paragraph, and returns inferred vector
* @param sequence
* @param nextRandom
* @param learningRate
* @return
public INDArray inferSequence(Sequence<T> sequence, long nextRandom, double learningRate, double minLearningRate, int iterations) {
AtomicLong nr = new AtomicLong(nextRandom);
if (sequence.isEmpty())
return null;
Random random = Nd4j.getRandomFactory().getNewRandomInstance(configuration.getSeed() * sequence.hashCode(), lookupTable.layerSize() + 1);
INDArray ret = Nd4j.rand(new int[] { 1, lookupTable.layerSize() }, random).subi(0.5).divi(lookupTable.layerSize());
for (int iter = 0; iter < iterations; iter++) {
nr.set(Math.abs(nr.get() * 25214903917L + 11));
dbow(0, sequence, (int) nr.get() % window, nr, learningRate, true, ret);
learningRate = ((learningRate - minLearningRate) / (iterations - iter)) + minLearningRate;
return ret;
use of org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray in project deeplearning4j by deeplearning4j.
the class WordVectorSerializerTest method testWriteWordVectorsFromWord2Vec.
public void testWriteWordVectorsFromWord2Vec() throws IOException {
WordVectors vec = WordVectorSerializer.loadGoogleModel(binaryFile, true);
WordVectorSerializer.writeWordVectors((Word2Vec) vec, pathToWriteto);
WordVectors wordVectors = WordVectorSerializer.loadTxtVectors(new File(pathToWriteto));
INDArray wordVector1 = wordVectors.getWordVectorMatrix("Morgan_Freeman");
INDArray wordVector2 = wordVectors.getWordVectorMatrix("JA_Montalbano");
assertEquals(vec.getWordVectorMatrix("Morgan_Freeman"), wordVector1);
assertEquals(vec.getWordVectorMatrix("JA_Montalbano"), wordVector2);
assertTrue(wordVector1.length() == 300);
assertTrue(wordVector2.length() == 300);
assertEquals(wordVector1.getDouble(0), 0.044423, 1e-3);
assertEquals(wordVector2.getDouble(0), 0.051964, 1e-3);
use of org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray in project deeplearning4j by deeplearning4j.
the class Word2VecTests method testUnknown1.
public void testUnknown1() throws Exception {
// Strip white space before and after for each line
SentenceIterator iter = new BasicLineIterator(inputFile.getAbsolutePath());
// Split on white spaces in the line to get words
TokenizerFactory t = new DefaultTokenizerFactory();
t.setTokenPreProcessor(new CommonPreprocessor());
Word2Vec vec = new Word2Vec.Builder().minWordFrequency(10).useUnknown(true).unknownElement(new VocabWord(1.0, "PEWPEW")).iterations(1).layerSize(100).stopWords(new ArrayList<String>()).seed(42).learningRate(0.025).minLearningRate(0.001).sampling(0).elementsLearningAlgorithm(new CBOW<VocabWord>()).epochs(1).windowSize(5).useHierarchicSoftmax(true).allowParallelTokenization(true).modelUtils(new FlatModelUtils<VocabWord>()).iterate(iter).tokenizerFactory(t).build();;
INDArray unk = vec.getWordVectorMatrix("PEWPEW");
assertNotEquals(null, unk);
File tempFile = File.createTempFile("temp", "file");
WordVectorSerializer.writeWord2VecModel(vec, tempFile);"Original configuration: {}", vec.getConfiguration());
Word2Vec restored = WordVectorSerializer.readWord2VecModel(tempFile);
INDArray unk_restored = restored.getWordVectorMatrix("PEWPEW");
assertEquals(unk, unk_restored);
// now we're getting some junk word
INDArray random = vec.getWordVectorMatrix("hhsd7d7sdnnmxc_SDsda");
INDArray randomRestored = restored.getWordVectorMatrix("hhsd7d7sdnnmxc_SDsda");"Restored configuration: {}", restored.getConfiguration());
assertEquals(unk, random);
assertEquals(unk, randomRestored);
use of org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray in project deeplearning4j by deeplearning4j.
the class GloveWeightLookupTable method iterateSample.
* glove iteration
* @param w1 the first word
* @param w2 the second word
* @param score the weight learned for the particular co occurrences
public double iterateSample(T w1, T w2, double score) {
INDArray w1Vector = syn0.slice(w1.getIndex());
INDArray w2Vector = syn0.slice(w2.getIndex());
//prediction: input + bias
if (w1.getIndex() < 0 || w1.getIndex() >= syn0.rows())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal index for word " + w1.getLabel());
if (w2.getIndex() < 0 || w2.getIndex() >= syn0.rows())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal index for word " + w2.getLabel());
//w1 * w2 + bias
double prediction = Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().dot(w1Vector, w2Vector);
prediction += bias.getDouble(w1.getIndex()) + bias.getDouble(w2.getIndex());
double weight = Math.pow(Math.min(1.0, (score / maxCount)), xMax);
double fDiff = score > xMax ? prediction : weight * (prediction - Math.log(score));
if (Double.isNaN(fDiff))
//amount of change
double gradient = fDiff;
//note the update step here: the gradient is
//the gradient of the OPPOSITE word
//for adagrad we will use the index of the word passed in
//for the gradient calculation we will use the context vector
update(w1, w1Vector, w2Vector, gradient);
update(w2, w2Vector, w1Vector, gradient);
return fDiff;