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Example 1 with KeyStoreFactory

use of in project neo4j by neo4j.

the class BoltKernelExtension method createKeyStore.

private KeyStoreInformation createKeyStore(Configuration config, Log log, AdvertisedSocketAddress address) throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException, OperatorCreationException {
    File privateKeyPath = config.get(Settings.tls_key_file).getAbsoluteFile();
    File certificatePath = config.get(Settings.tls_certificate_file).getAbsoluteFile();
    if (!certificatePath.exists() && !privateKeyPath.exists()) {"No SSL certificate found, generating a self-signed certificate..");
        Certificates certFactory = new Certificates();
        certFactory.createSelfSignedCertificate(certificatePath, privateKeyPath, address.getHostname());
    if (!certificatePath.exists()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(format("TLS private key found, but missing certificate at '%s'. Cannot start server without " + "certificate.", certificatePath));
    if (!privateKeyPath.exists()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(format("TLS certificate found, but missing key at '%s'. Cannot start server without key.", privateKeyPath));
    return new KeyStoreFactory().createKeyStore(privateKeyPath, certificatePath);
Also used : KeyStoreFactory( Certificates( File(

Example 2 with KeyStoreFactory

use of in project neo4j by neo4j.

the class AbstractNeoServer method createKeyStore.

protected Optional<KeyStoreInformation> createKeyStore() {
    if (httpsIsEnabled()) {
        File privateKeyPath = config.get(ServerSettings.tls_key_file).getAbsoluteFile();
        File certificatePath = config.get(ServerSettings.tls_certificate_file).getAbsoluteFile();
        try {
            // If neither file is specified
            if (!certificatePath.exists() && !privateKeyPath.exists()) {
                //noinspection deprecation
      "No SSL certificate found, generating a self-signed certificate..");
                Certificates certFactory = new Certificates();
                certFactory.createSelfSignedCertificate(certificatePath, privateKeyPath, httpListenAddress.getHostname());
            // Make sure both files were there, or were generated
            if (!certificatePath.exists()) {
                throw new ServerStartupException(String.format("TLS private key found, but missing certificate at '%s'. Cannot start server " + "without certificate.", certificatePath));
            if (!privateKeyPath.exists()) {
                throw new ServerStartupException(String.format("TLS certificate found, but missing key at '%s'. Cannot start server without key.", privateKeyPath));
            return Optional.of(new KeyStoreFactory().createKeyStore(privateKeyPath, certificatePath));
        } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
            throw new ServerStartupException("TLS certificate error occurred, unable to start server: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (IOException | OperatorCreationException e) {
            throw new ServerStartupException("IO problem while loading or creating TLS certificates: " + e.getMessage(), e);
    } else {
        return Optional.empty();
Also used : KeyStoreFactory( GeneralSecurityException( Certificates( IOException( OperatorCreationException(org.bouncycastle.operator.OperatorCreationException) File(


File ( Certificates ( KeyStoreFactory ( IOException ( GeneralSecurityException ( OperatorCreationException (org.bouncycastle.operator.OperatorCreationException)1