use of org.neo4j.codegen.ClassGenerator in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class ProcedureCompilation method compileFunction.
* Generates code for a user-defined function.
* <p>
* Given a user-defined function defined by
* <pre>
* class MyClass {
* {@literal @}Context
* public Log log;
* {@literal @}UserFunction
* public double addPi(long value) {
* return value + Math.PI;
* }
* }
* </pre>
* <p>
* we will generate something like
* <pre>
* class GeneratedAddPi implements CallableUserFunction {
* public static UserFunctionSignature SIGNATURE;
* public static FieldSetter SETTER_0;
* public AnyValue apply(Context ctx, AnyValue[] input) {
* try {
* MyClass userClass = new MyClass();
* userClass.log = (Log) SETTER_0.get(ctx);
* return Values.doubleValue(userClass.addPi( ((NumberValue) input[0]).longValue() );
* } catch (Throwable T) {
* throw new ProcedureException([appropriate error msg], T);
* }
* }
* public UserFunctionSignature signature() {return SIGNATURE;}
* }
* </pre>
* <p>
* where the static fields are set once during loading via reflection.
* @param signature the signature of the user-defined function
* @param fieldSetters the fields to set before each call.
* @param methodToCall the method to call
* @return a CallableUserFunction delegating to the underlying user-defined function.
* @throws ProcedureException if something went wrong when compiling the user-defined function.
static CallableUserFunction compileFunction(UserFunctionSignature signature, List<FieldSetter> fieldSetters, Method methodToCall) throws ProcedureException {
ClassHandle handle;
try {
CodeGenerator codeGenerator = codeGenerator();
try (ClassGenerator generator = codeGenerator.generateClass(PACKAGE, className(signature), CallableUserFunction.class)) {
// static fields
FieldReference signatureField = generator.publicStaticField(typeReference(UserFunctionSignature.class), SIGNATURE_NAME);
List<FieldReference> fieldsToSet = createContextSetters(fieldSetters, generator);
// CallableUserFunction::apply
try (CodeBlock method = generator.generate(USER_FUNCTION)) {
method.tryCatch(body -> functionBody(body, fieldSetters, fieldsToSet, methodToCall), onError -> onError(onError, format("function `%s`",, param(Throwable.class, "T"));
// CallableUserFunction::signature
try (CodeBlock method = generator.generateMethod(UserFunctionSignature.class, "signature")) {
handle = generator.handle();
Class<?> clazz = handle.loadClass();
// set all static fields
setAllStaticFields(signature, fieldSetters, methodToCall, clazz);
return (CallableUserFunction) clazz.getConstructor().newInstance();
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new ProcedureException(Status.Procedure.ProcedureRegistrationFailed, e, "Failed to compile function defined in `%s`: %s", methodToCall.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName(), e.getMessage());
use of org.neo4j.codegen.ClassGenerator in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class ProcedureCompilation method generateIterator.
* Generates a tailored iterator mapping from the user-stream to the internal RawIterator
* The generated iterator extends {@link BaseStreamIterator} and generates a tailored
* {@link BaseStreamIterator#map(Object)} method based on the signature of the user procedure.
* @param codeGenerator the current generator
* @param outputType the output type of the user procedure
* @return a tailored iterator with appropriate code mappings
private static Class<?> generateIterator(CodeGenerator codeGenerator, Class<?> outputType) {
if (outputType.equals(void.class)) {
return VOID_ITERATOR.getClass();
ClassHandle handle;
try (ClassGenerator generator = codeGenerator.generateClass(BaseStreamIterator.class, PACKAGE, iteratorName(outputType))) {
FieldReference context = generator.field(Context.class, "ctx");
try (CodeBlock constructor = generator.generateConstructor(param(Stream.class, "stream"), param(ResourceTracker.class, "tracker"), param(ProcedureSignature.class, "signature"), param(Context.class, "ctx"))) {
constructor.expression(invokeSuper(typeReference(BaseStreamIterator.class), constructor.load("stream"), constructor.load("tracker"), constructor.load("signature")));
constructor.put(constructor.self(), context, constructor.load("ctx"));
try (CodeBlock method = generator.generate(method(AnyValue[].class, "map", param(Object.class, "in")))) {
method.assign(outputType, "casted", cast(outputType, method.load("in")));
// we know all fields are properly typed
List<Field> fields = ProcedureOutputSignatureCompiler.instanceFields(outputType);
Expression[] mapped = new Expression[fields.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
Field f = fields.get(i);
mapped[i] = toAnyValue(get(method.load("casted"), field(f)), f.getType(), get(method.self(), context));
method.returns(Expression.newInitializedArray(typeReference(AnyValue.class), mapped));
handle = generator.handle();
try {
return handle.loadClass();
} catch (CompilationFailureException e) {
// We are being called from a lambda so it'll have to do with runtime exceptions here
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to generate iterator", e);
use of org.neo4j.codegen.ClassGenerator in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class ProcedureCompilation method compileProcedure.
* Generates code for a user-defined procedure.
* <p>
* Given a user-defined function defined by
* <pre>
* class MyClass {
* {@literal @}Context
* public Log log;
* {@literal @}Procedure
* public Stream<MyOut> myStream(long value) {
* ...
* }
* }
* </pre>
* <p>
* we will generate something like
* <pre>
* class GeneratedMyStream implements CallableProcedure {
* public static ProcedureSignature SIGNATURE;
* public static FieldSetter SETTER_0;
* RawIterator<AnyValue[], ProcedureException> apply( Context ctx, AnyValue[] in, ResourceTracker tracker ) throws ProcedureException {
* try {
* MyClass userClass = new MyClass();
* userClass.log = (Log) SETTER_0.get(ctx);
* Stream<MyOut> fromUser = userClass.myStream(((NumberValue) input[0]).longValue() );
* return new GeneratedIterator(fromUser, tracker, SIGNATURE);
* } catch (Throwable T) {
* throw new ProcedureException([appropriate error msg], T);
* }
* }
* public ProcedureSignature signature() {return SIGNATURE;}
* }
* </pre>
* <p>
* where the static fields are set once during loading via reflection and where the <tt>GeneratedIterator</tt>
* implements the appropriate mapping from user-types Object[] to AnyValue[].
* @param signature the signature of the procedure
* @param fieldSetters the fields to set before each call.
* @param methodToCall the method to call
* @return a CallableProcedure delegating to the underlying procedure method.
* @throws ProcedureException if something went wrong when compiling the user-defined function.
static CallableProcedure compileProcedure(ProcedureSignature signature, List<FieldSetter> fieldSetters, Method methodToCall) throws ProcedureException {
ClassHandle handle;
try {
CodeGenerator codeGenerator = codeGenerator();
Class<?> iterator = generateIterator(codeGenerator, procedureType(methodToCall));
try (ClassGenerator generator = codeGenerator.generateClass(PACKAGE, className(signature), CallableProcedure.class)) {
// static fields
FieldReference signatureField = generator.publicStaticField(typeReference(ProcedureSignature.class), SIGNATURE_NAME);
List<FieldReference> fieldsToSet = createContextSetters(fieldSetters, generator);
// CallableProcedure::apply
try (CodeBlock method = generator.generate(USER_PROCEDURE)) {
method.tryCatch(body -> procedureBody(body, fieldSetters, fieldsToSet, signatureField, methodToCall, iterator), onError -> onError(onError, format("procedure `%s`",, param(Throwable.class, "T"));
// CallableUserFunction::signature
try (CodeBlock method = generator.generateMethod(ProcedureSignature.class, "signature")) {
handle = generator.handle();
Class<?> clazz = handle.loadClass();
// set all static fields
setAllStaticFields(signature, fieldSetters, methodToCall, clazz);
return (CallableProcedure) clazz.getConstructor().newInstance();
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new ProcedureException(Status.Procedure.ProcedureRegistrationFailed, e, "Failed to compile procedure defined in `%s`: %s", methodToCall.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName(), e.getMessage());
use of org.neo4j.codegen.ClassGenerator in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class ByteCodeVerifierTest method shouldVerifyBytecode.
void shouldVerifyBytecode() throws Throwable {
// given
CodeGenerator generator = generateCode(BYTECODE, VERIFY_GENERATED_BYTECODE);
ClassHandle handle;
try (ClassGenerator clazz = generator.generateClass(PACKAGE, "SimpleClass");
CodeBlock code = clazz.generateMethod(Integer.class, "box", param(int.class, "value"))) {
handle = clazz.handle();
CompilationFailureException exception = assertThrows(CompilationFailureException.class, handle::loadClass);
use of org.neo4j.codegen.ClassGenerator in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class ProcedureCompilation method compileAggregation.
* Generates code for a user-defined aggregation function.
* <p>
* Given a user-defined aggregation function defined by
* <pre>
* class MyClass {
* {@literal @}Context
* public Log log;
* {@literal @}UserAggregationFunction
* public Adder create() {
* return new Adder;
* }
* }
* class Adder {
* private long sum;
* {@literal @}UserAggregationUpdate
* public void update(long in) {
* sum += in;
* }
* {@literal @}UserAggregationResult
* public long result() {
* return sum;
* }
* }
* }
* </pre>
* <p>
* we will generate two classe looking something like
* <pre>
* class Generated implements CallableUserAggregationFunction {
* public static UserFunctionSignature SIGNATURE;
* public static FieldSetter SETTER_0;
* public UserAggregator create(Context ctx) {
* try {
* MyClass userClass = new MyClass();
* userClass.log = (Log) SETTER_0.get(ctx);
* return new GeneratedAdder(userClass.create());
* } catch (Throwable T) {
* throw new ProcedureException([appropriate error msg], T);
* }
* }
* public UserFunctionSignature signature() {return SIGNATURE;}
* }
* class GeneratedAdder implements UserAggregator {
* private Adder adder;
* GeneratedAdder(Adder adder) {
* this.adder = adder;
* }
* void update(AnyValue[] in) {
* adder.update(((NumberValue) in).longValue());
* }
* AnyValue result() {
* return adder.result(Values.longValue(adder.result());
* }
* }
* </pre>
* <p>
* where the static fields are set once during loading via reflection.
* @param signature the signature of the user-defined function
* @param fieldSetters the fields to set before each call.
* @param create the method that creates the aggregator
* @param update the update method of the aggregator
* @param result the result method of the aggregator
* @return a CallableUserFunction delegating to the underlying user-defined function.
* @throws ProcedureException if something went wrong when compiling the user-defined function.
static CallableUserAggregationFunction compileAggregation(UserFunctionSignature signature, List<FieldSetter> fieldSetters, Method create, Method update, Method result) throws ProcedureException {
ClassHandle handle;
try {
CodeGenerator codeGenerator = codeGenerator();
Class<?> aggregator = generateAggregator(codeGenerator, update, result, signature);
try (ClassGenerator generator = codeGenerator.generateClass(PACKAGE, className(signature), CallableUserAggregationFunction.class)) {
// static fields
FieldReference signatureField = generator.publicStaticField(typeReference(UserFunctionSignature.class), SIGNATURE_NAME);
List<FieldReference> fieldsToSet = createContextSetters(fieldSetters, generator);
// CallableUserAggregationFunction::create
try (CodeBlock method = generator.generate(AGGREGATION_CREATE)) {
method.tryCatch(body -> createAggregationBody(body, fieldSetters, fieldsToSet, create, aggregator), onError -> onError(onError, format("function `%s`",, param(Throwable.class, "T"));
// CallableUserFunction::signature
try (CodeBlock method = generator.generateMethod(UserFunctionSignature.class, "signature")) {
handle = generator.handle();
Class<?> clazz = handle.loadClass();
// set all static fields
setAllStaticFields(signature, fieldSetters, create, clazz);
return (CallableUserAggregationFunction) clazz.getConstructor().newInstance();
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new ProcedureException(Status.Procedure.ProcedureRegistrationFailed, e, "Failed to compile function defined in `%s`: %s", create.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName(), e.getMessage());