use of org.neo4j.driver.v1.AccessMode in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class BoltCausalClusteringIT method shouldReadAndWriteToANewSessionCreatedAfterALeaderSwitch.
Create a session with empty arg list (no AccessMode arg), in a driver that was initialized with a bolt+routing
URI, and ensure that it
a) works against the Leader for reads and writes before a leader switch, and
b) receives a SESSION EXPIRED after a leader switch, and
c) keeps working if a new session is created after that exception, again with no access mode specified.
public void shouldReadAndWriteToANewSessionCreatedAfterALeaderSwitch() throws Exception {
// given
cluster = clusterRule.withNumberOfReadReplicas(1).startCluster();
CoreClusterMember leader = cluster.awaitLeader();
try (Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver(leader.routingURI(), AuthTokens.basic("neo4j", "neo4j"))) {
inExpirableSession(driver, Driver::session, (session) -> {
// execute a write/read query"CREATE (p:Person {name: {name} })", Values.parameters("name", "Jim"));
Record record ="MATCH (n:Person) RETURN COUNT(*) AS count").next();
assertEquals(1, record.get("count").asInt());
try {
switchLeader(leader);"CREATE (p:Person {name: {name} })").consume();
fail("Should have thrown an exception as the leader went away mid session");
} catch (SessionExpiredException sep) {
// then
assertEquals(String.format("Server at %s no longer accepts writes", leader.boltAdvertisedAddress()), sep.getMessage());
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// ignored
return null;
inExpirableSession(driver, Driver::session, (session) -> {
// execute a write/read query"CREATE (p:Person {name: {name} })", Values.parameters("name", "Jim"));
Record record ="MATCH (n:Person) RETURN COUNT(*) AS count").next();
assertEquals(2, record.get("count").asInt());
return null;