use of org.neo4j.kernel.api.impl.index.SearcherReference in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class FulltextIndexReader method searchLucene.
private ValuesIterator searchLucene(Query query, IndexQueryConstraints constraints, QueryContext context, CursorContext cursorContext, MemoryTracker memoryTracker) {
try {
// We are replicating the behaviour of, Collector), which starts out by re-writing the query,
// then creates a weight based on the query and index reader context, and then we finally search the leaf contexts with
// the weight we created.
// The query rewrite does not really depend on any data in the index searcher (we don't produce such queries), so it's fine
// that we only rewrite the query once with the first searcher in our partition list.
query = searchers.get(0).getIndexSearcher().rewrite(query);
boolean includeTransactionState = context.getTransactionStateOrNull() != null && !isEventuallyConsistent(index);
// If we have transaction state, then we need to make our result collector filter out all results touched by the transaction state.
// The reason we filter them out entirely, is that we will query the transaction state separately.
LongPredicate filter = includeTransactionState ? transactionState.isModifiedInTransactionPredicate() : ALWAYS_FALSE;
List<PreparedSearch> searches = new ArrayList<>(searchers.size() + 1);
for (SearcherReference searcher : searchers) {
Neo4jIndexSearcher indexSearcher = searcher.getIndexSearcher();
searches.add(new PreparedSearch(indexSearcher, filter));
if (includeTransactionState) {
SearcherReference reference = transactionState.maybeUpdate(context, cursorContext, memoryTracker);
searches.add(new PreparedSearch(reference.getIndexSearcher(), ALWAYS_FALSE));
// The StatsCollector aggregates index statistics across all our partitions.
// Weights created based on these statistics will produce scores that are comparable across partitions.
StatsCollector statsCollector = new StatsCollector(searches);
List<ValuesIterator> results = new ArrayList<>(searches.size());
for (PreparedSearch search : searches) {
// Weights are bonded with the top IndexReaderContext of the index searcher that they are created for.
// That's why we have to create a new StatsCachingIndexSearcher, and a new weight, for every index partition.
// However, the important thing is that we re-use the statsCollector.
StatsCachingIndexSearcher statsCachingIndexSearcher = new StatsCachingIndexSearcher(search, statsCollector);
Weight weight = statsCachingIndexSearcher.createWeight(query, ScoreMode.COMPLETE, 1);
results.add(, constraints));
return ScoreEntityIterator.mergeIterators(results);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
use of org.neo4j.kernel.api.impl.index.SearcherReference in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class LuceneSchemaIndex method createSimpleUniquenessVerifier.
private static UniquenessVerifier createSimpleUniquenessVerifier(List<AbstractIndexPartition> partitions) throws IOException {
AbstractIndexPartition singlePartition = getFirstPartition(partitions);
SearcherReference partitionSearcher = singlePartition.acquireSearcher();
return new SimpleUniquenessVerifier(partitionSearcher);
use of org.neo4j.kernel.api.impl.index.SearcherReference in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class FulltextIndexReader method countIndexedEntities.
* When matching entities in the fulltext index there are some special cases that makes it hard to check that entities
* actually have the expected property values. To match we use the entityId and only take entries that doesn't contain any
* unexpected properties. But we don't check that expected properties are present, see
* {@link LuceneFulltextDocumentStructure#newCountEntityEntriesQuery} for more details.
public long countIndexedEntities(long entityId, CursorContext cursorContext, int[] propertyKeyIds, Value... propertyValues) {
long count = 0;
for (SearcherReference searcher : searchers) {
try {
String[] propertyKeys = new String[propertyKeyIds.length];
for (int i = 0; i < propertyKeyIds.length; i++) {
propertyKeys[i] = getPropertyKeyName(propertyKeyIds[i]);
Query query = LuceneFulltextDocumentStructure.newCountEntityEntriesQuery(entityId, propertyKeys, propertyValues);
TotalHitCountCollector collector = new TotalHitCountCollector();
searcher.getIndexSearcher().search(query, collector);
count += collector.getTotalHits();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return count;
use of org.neo4j.kernel.api.impl.index.SearcherReference in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class IndexPartitionFactoryTest method createWritablePartition.
void createWritablePartition() throws Exception {
try (AbstractIndexPartition indexPartition = new WritableIndexPartitionFactory(() -> IndexWriterConfigs.standard(Config.defaults())).createPartition(testDirectory.homePath(), directory)) {
try (IndexWriter indexWriter = indexPartition.getIndexWriter()) {
indexWriter.addDocument(new Document());
try (SearcherReference searcher = indexPartition.acquireSearcher()) {
assertEquals(1, searcher.getIndexSearcher().getIndexReader().numDocs(), "We should be able to see newly added document ");