use of in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class RelationshipModifier method acquireMostOfTheNodeAndGroupsLocks.
private void acquireMostOfTheNodeAndGroupsLocks(RelationshipModifications modifications, RecordAccessSet recordChanges, ResourceLocker locks, LockTracer lockTracer, MutableLongObjectMap<NodeContext> contexts, MappedNodeDataLookup nodeDataLookup) {
/* Here we're going to figure out if we need to make changes to any node and/or relationship group records and lock them if we do. */
// We check modifications for each node, it might need locking. The iteration here is always sorted by node id
modifications.forEachSplit(byNode -> {
long nodeId = byNode.nodeId();
RecordProxy<NodeRecord, Void> nodeProxy = recordChanges.getNodeRecords().getOrLoad(nodeId, null, cursorContext);
// optimistic (unlocked) read
NodeRecord node = nodeProxy.forReadingLinkage();
boolean nodeIsAddedInTx = node.isCreated();
if (// we can not trust this as the node is not locked
!node.isDense()) {
if (// to avoid locking unnecessarily
!nodeIsAddedInTx) {
// lock and re-read, now we can trust it
locks.acquireExclusive(lockTracer, NODE, nodeId);
nodeProxy = recordChanges.getNodeRecords().getOrLoad(nodeId, null, cursorContext);
node = nodeProxy.forReadingLinkage();
if (node.isDense()) {
// another transaction just turned this node dense, unlock and let it be handled below
locks.releaseExclusive(NODE, nodeId);
} else if (byNode.hasCreations()) {
// Sparse node with added relationships. We might turn this node dense, at which point the group lock will be needed, so lock it
locks.acquireExclusive(lockTracer, RELATIONSHIP_GROUP, nodeId);
if (// the node is not locked but the dense node is a one-way transform so we can trust it
node.isDense()) {
// Stabilize first in chains, in case they are deleted or needed for chain degrees.
// We are preventing any changes to the group which in turn blocks any other relationship becomming the first in chain
locks.acquireShared(lockTracer, RELATIONSHIP_GROUP, nodeId);
// Creations
NodeContext nodeContext = NodeContext.createNodeContext(nodeProxy, memoryTracker);
contexts.put(nodeId, nodeContext);
if (byNode.hasCreations()) {
// We have some creations on a dense node. If the group exists we can use that, otherwise we create it
byNode.forEachCreationSplit(byType -> {
RelationshipGroupGetter.RelationshipGroupPosition groupPosition = findRelationshipGroup(recordChanges, nodeContext, byType);
nodeContext.setCurrentGroup( != null ? : groupPosition.closestPrevious());
RecordProxy<RelationshipGroupRecord, Integer> groupProxy =;
if (groupProxy == null) {
// The group did not exist
if (!nodeContext.hasExclusiveGroupLock()) {
// And we did not already have the lock, so we need to upgrade to exclusive create it
locks.releaseShared(RELATIONSHIP_GROUP, nodeId);
// Note the small window here where we dont hold any group lock, things might change so we can not trust previous group reads
locks.acquireExclusive(lockTracer, NODE, nodeId);
locks.acquireExclusive(lockTracer, RELATIONSHIP_GROUP, nodeId);
nodeContext.setNode(recordChanges.getNodeRecords().getOrLoad(nodeId, null, cursorContext));
long groupStartingId = nodeContext.node().forReadingLinkage().getNextRel();
long groupStartingPrevId = NULL_REFERENCE.longValue();
if (groupPosition.closestPrevious() != null) {
groupStartingId = groupPosition.closestPrevious().getKey();
groupStartingPrevId = groupPosition.closestPrevious().forReadingLinkage().getPrev();
// At this point the group is locked so we can create it
groupProxy = relGroupGetter.getOrCreateRelationshipGroup(nodeContext.node(), byType.type(), recordChanges.getRelGroupRecords(), groupStartingPrevId, groupStartingId);
// another transaction might beat us at this point, so we are not guaranteed to be the creator but we can trust it to exist
if (!nodeContext.hasExclusiveGroupLock()) {
} else if (groupProxy.isCreated()) {
// When a new group is created we can no longer trust the pointers of the cache
if (!nodeContext.hasExclusiveGroupLock()) {
// No other path has given us the exclusive lock yet
byNode.forEachCreationSplitInterruptible(byType -> {
// But if we are creating relationships to a chain that does not exist on the group
// or we might need to flip the external degrees flag
RelationshipGroupRecord group = nodeContext.denseContext(byType.type()).group().forReadingLinkage();
if (byType.hasOut() && (!group.hasExternalDegreesOut() || isNull(group.getFirstOut())) || byType.hasIn() && (!group.hasExternalDegreesIn() || isNull(group.getFirstIn())) || byType.hasLoop() && (!group.hasExternalDegreesLoop() || isNull(group.getFirstLoop()))) {
// Then we need the exclusive lock to change it
locks.releaseShared(RELATIONSHIP_GROUP, nodeId);
// Note the small window here where we dont hold any group lock, things might change so we can not trust previous group reads
locks.acquireExclusive(lockTracer, RELATIONSHIP_GROUP, nodeId);
// And we can abort the iteration as the group lock is protecting all relationship group records of the node
return true;
return false;
// Deletions
if (byNode.hasDeletions()) {
if (// no need to do anything if it is already locked by additions
!nodeContext.hasExclusiveGroupLock()) {
byNode.forEachDeletionSplitInterruptible(byType -> {
NodeContext.DenseContext denseContext = nodeContext.denseContext(byType.type());
RelationshipGroupRecord group = denseContext.getOrLoadGroup(relGroupGetter, nodeContext.node().forReadingLinkage(), byType.type(), recordChanges.getRelGroupRecords(), cursorContext);
// here we have the shared lock, so we can trust the read
if (byType.hasOut() && !group.hasExternalDegreesOut() || byType.hasIn() && !group.hasExternalDegreesIn() || byType.hasLoop() && !group.hasExternalDegreesLoop()) {
// We have deletions but without external degrees, we might need to flip that so we lock it
locks.releaseShared(RELATIONSHIP_GROUP, nodeId);
// Note the small window here where we dont hold any group lock, things might change so we can not trust previous group reads
locks.acquireExclusive(lockTracer, RELATIONSHIP_GROUP, nodeId);
return true;
} else {
// We have deletions and only external degrees
boolean hasAnyFirst = batchContains(byType.out(), group.getFirstOut()) || batchContains(, group.getFirstIn()) || batchContains(byType.loop(), group.getFirstLoop());
if (hasAnyFirst) {
// But we're deleting the first in the chain so the group needs to be updated
locks.releaseShared(RELATIONSHIP_GROUP, nodeId);
// Note the small window here where we dont hold any group lock, things might change so we can not trust previous group reads
locks.acquireExclusive(lockTracer, RELATIONSHIP_GROUP, nodeId);
return true;
return false;
// Look for an opportunity to delete empty groups that we noticed while looking for groups above
if (nodeContext.hasExclusiveGroupLock() && nodeContext.hasAnyEmptyGroup()) {
// There may be one or more empty groups that we can delete
if (locks.tryExclusiveLock(NODE_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_DELETE, nodeId)) {
// We got the EXCLUSIVE group lock so we can go ahead and try to remove any potentially empty groups
if (!nodeContext.hasEmptyFirstGroup() || locks.tryExclusiveLock(NODE, nodeId)) {
if (nodeContext.hasEmptyFirstGroup()) {
// It's possible that we need to delete the first group, i.e. we just now locked the node and therefore need to re-read it
nodeContext.setNode(recordChanges.getNodeRecords().getOrLoad(nodeId, null, cursorContext));
Predicate<RelationshipGroupRecord> canDeleteGroup = group -> !byNode.hasCreations(group.getType());
if (RelationshipGroupGetter.deleteEmptyGroups(nodeContext.node(), canDeleteGroup, nodeDataLookup)) {