use of org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.log.LogPosition in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class VersionAwareLogEntryReader method readLogEntry.
public LogEntry readLogEntry(SOURCE channel) throws IOException {
try {
LogPositionMarker positionMarker = new LogPositionMarker();
while (true) {
LogEntryVersion version = null;
LogEntryParser<LogEntry> entryReader;
try {
* if the read type is negative than it is actually the log entry version
* so we need to read an extra byte which will contain the type
byte typeCode = channel.get();
byte versionCode = 0;
if (typeCode < 0) {
versionCode = typeCode;
typeCode = channel.get();
version = byVersion(versionCode);
entryReader = version.entryParser(typeCode);
} catch (ReadPastEndException e) {
// Make these exceptions slip by straight out to the outer handler
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
// Tag all other exceptions with log position and other useful information
LogPosition position = positionMarker.newPosition();
e = withMessage(e, e.getMessage() + ". At position " + position + " and entry version " + version);
throw launderedException(IOException.class, e);
LogEntry entry = entryReader.parse(version, channel, positionMarker, commandReaderFactory);
if (!entryReader.skip()) {
return entry;
} catch (ReadPastEndException e) {
return null;
use of org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.log.LogPosition in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class KernelRecoveryTest method shouldHandleWritesProperlyAfterRecovery.
public void shouldHandleWritesProperlyAfterRecovery() throws Exception {
// Given
EphemeralFileSystemAbstraction fs = fsRule.get();
GraphDatabaseService db = newDB(fs);
long node1 = createNode(db);
// And given the power goes out
EphemeralFileSystemAbstraction crashedFs = fs.snapshot();
try {
db = newDB(crashedFs);
long node2 = createNode(db);
// Then the logical log should be in sync
File logFile = new File(storeDir, PhysicalLogFile.DEFAULT_NAME + PhysicalLogFile.DEFAULT_VERSION_SUFFIX + "0");
assertThat(logEntries(crashedFs, logFile), containsExactly(// Tx before recovery
startEntry(-1, -1), commandEntry(node1, NodeCommand.class), commandEntry(ReadOperations.ANY_LABEL, NodeCountsCommand.class), commitEntry(2), // Tx after recovery
startEntry(-1, -1), commandEntry(node2, NodeCommand.class), commandEntry(ReadOperations.ANY_LABEL, NodeCountsCommand.class), commitEntry(3), // checkpoint
checkPoint(new LogPosition(0, 250))));
} finally {
use of org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.log.LogPosition in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class StoreMigrator method migrate.
public void migrate(File storeDir, File migrationDir, MigrationProgressMonitor.Section progressMonitor, String versionToMigrateFrom, String versionToMigrateTo) throws IOException {
if (versionToMigrateFrom.equals(StandardV2_0.STORE_VERSION) || versionToMigrateFrom.equals(StandardV2_1.STORE_VERSION) || versionToMigrateFrom.equals(StandardV2_2.STORE_VERSION)) {
// These versions are not supported for block devices.
CustomIOConfigValidator.assertCustomIOConfigNotUsed(config, CUSTOM_IO_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
// Extract information about the last transaction from legacy neostore
File neoStore = new File(storeDir, MetaDataStore.DEFAULT_NAME);
long lastTxId = MetaDataStore.getRecord(pageCache, neoStore, Position.LAST_TRANSACTION_ID);
TransactionId lastTxInfo = extractTransactionIdInformation(neoStore, storeDir, lastTxId);
LogPosition lastTxLogPosition = extractTransactionLogPosition(neoStore, storeDir, lastTxId);
// Write the tx checksum to file in migrationDir, because we need it later when moving files into storeDir
writeLastTxInformation(migrationDir, lastTxInfo);
writeLastTxLogPosition(migrationDir, lastTxLogPosition);
if (versionToMigrateFrom.equals("vE.H.0")) {
// NOTE for 3.0 here is a special case for vE.H.0 "from" record format.
// Legend has it that 3.0.5 enterprise changed store format without changing store version.
// This was done to cheat the migrator to avoid doing store migration since the
// format itself was backwards compatible. Immediately a problem was detected:
// if a user uses 3.0.5 for a while and then goes back to a previous 3.0.x patch release
// the db wouldn't recognize it was an incompatible downgrade and start up normally,
// but read records with scrambled values and pointers, sort of.
// This condition has two functions:
// 1. preventing actual store migration between vE.H.0 --> vE.H.0b
// 2. making vE.H.0b used in any migration where either vE.H.0 or vE.H.0b is the existing format,
// this because vE.H.0b is a superset of vE.H.0 and sometimes (for 3.0.5) vE.H.0
// actually means vE.H.0b (in later version).
// In later versions of neo4j there are better mechanics in place so that a non-migration like this
// can be performed w/o special casing. To not require backporting that functionality
// this condition is here and should be removed in 3.1.
versionToMigrateFrom = "vE.H.0b";
RecordFormats oldFormat = selectForVersion(versionToMigrateFrom);
RecordFormats newFormat = selectForVersion(versionToMigrateTo);
if (FormatFamily.isHigherFamilyFormat(newFormat, oldFormat) || (FormatFamily.isSameFamily(oldFormat, newFormat) && isDifferentCapabilities(oldFormat, newFormat))) {
// TODO if this store has relationship indexes then warn user about that they will be incorrect
// after migration, because now we're rewriting the relationship ids.
// Some form of migration is required (a fallback/catch-all option)
migrateWithBatchImporter(storeDir, migrationDir, lastTxId, lastTxInfo.checksum(), lastTxLogPosition.getLogVersion(), lastTxLogPosition.getByteOffset(), progressMonitor, oldFormat, newFormat);
if (versionToMigrateFrom.equals(StandardV2_1.STORE_VERSION)) {
removeDuplicateEntityProperties(storeDir, migrationDir, pageCache, schemaIndexProvider, oldFormat);
// DO NOT migrate logs. LegacyLogs is able to migrate logs, but only changes its format, not any
// contents of it, and since the record format has changed there would be a mismatch between the
// commands in the log and the contents in the store. If log migration is to be performed there
// must be a proper translation happening while doing so.
use of org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.log.LogPosition in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class StoreMigratorCheckPointer method checkPoint.
* Write a check point in the log file with the given version
* <p>
* It will create the file with header containing the log version and lastCommittedTx given as arguments
* @param logVersion the log version to open
* @param lastCommittedTx the last committed tx id
public void checkPoint(long logVersion, long lastCommittedTx) throws IOException {
PhysicalLogFiles logFiles = new PhysicalLogFiles(storeDir, fileSystem);
File logFileForVersion = logFiles.getLogFileForVersion(logVersion);
if (!fileSystem.fileExists(logFileForVersion)) {
try (StoreChannel channel = fileSystem.create(logFileForVersion)) {
writeLogHeader(channel, logVersion, lastCommittedTx);
try (LogVersionedStoreChannel storeChannel = PhysicalLogFile.openForVersion(logFiles, fileSystem, logVersion, true)) {
long offset = storeChannel.size();
try (PositionAwarePhysicalFlushableChannel channel = new PositionAwarePhysicalFlushableChannel(storeChannel)) {
TransactionLogWriter writer = new TransactionLogWriter(new LogEntryWriter(channel));
writer.checkPoint(new LogPosition(logVersion, offset));
use of org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.log.LogPosition in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class NeoStoreDataSource method buildTransactionLogs.
private NeoStoreTransactionLogModule buildTransactionLogs(File storeDir, Config config, LogProvider logProvider, JobScheduler scheduler, FileSystemAbstraction fileSystemAbstraction, StorageEngine storageEngine, LogEntryReader<ReadableClosablePositionAwareChannel> logEntryReader, SynchronizedArrayIdOrderingQueue legacyIndexTransactionOrdering, TransactionIdStore transactionIdStore, LogVersionRepository logVersionRepository) {
TransactionMetadataCache transactionMetadataCache = new TransactionMetadataCache(100_000);
LogHeaderCache logHeaderCache = new LogHeaderCache(1000);
final PhysicalLogFiles logFiles = new PhysicalLogFiles(storeDir, PhysicalLogFile.DEFAULT_NAME, fileSystemAbstraction);
final PhysicalLogFile logFile = life.add(new PhysicalLogFile(fileSystemAbstraction, logFiles, config.get(GraphDatabaseSettings.logical_log_rotation_threshold), transactionIdStore::getLastCommittedTransactionId, logVersionRepository, physicalLogMonitor, logHeaderCache));
final PhysicalLogFileInformation.LogVersionToTimestamp logInformation = version -> {
LogPosition position = LogPosition.start(version);
try (ReadableLogChannel channel = logFile.getReader(position)) {
LogEntry entry;
while ((entry = logEntryReader.readLogEntry(channel)) != null) {
if (entry instanceof LogEntryStart) {
return entry.<LogEntryStart>as().getTimeWritten();
return -1;
final LogFileInformation logFileInformation = new PhysicalLogFileInformation(logFiles, logHeaderCache, transactionIdStore::getLastCommittedTransactionId, logInformation);
if (config.get(GraphDatabaseFacadeFactory.Configuration.ephemeral)) {
config = config.withDefaults(stringMap(, "1 files"));
String pruningConf = config.get(GraphDatabaseSettings.keep_logical_logs);
LogPruneStrategy logPruneStrategy = fromConfigValue(fs, logFileInformation, logFiles, pruningConf);
final LogPruning logPruning = new LogPruningImpl(logPruneStrategy, logProvider);
final LogRotation logRotation = new LogRotationImpl(monitors.newMonitor(LogRotation.Monitor.class), logFile, databaseHealth);
final TransactionAppender appender = life.add(new BatchingTransactionAppender(logFile, logRotation, transactionMetadataCache, transactionIdStore, legacyIndexTransactionOrdering, databaseHealth));
final LogicalTransactionStore logicalTransactionStore = new PhysicalLogicalTransactionStore(logFile, transactionMetadataCache, logEntryReader);
int txThreshold = config.get(GraphDatabaseSettings.check_point_interval_tx);
final CountCommittedTransactionThreshold countCommittedTransactionThreshold = new CountCommittedTransactionThreshold(txThreshold);
long timeMillisThreshold = config.get(GraphDatabaseSettings.check_point_interval_time);
TimeCheckPointThreshold timeCheckPointThreshold = new TimeCheckPointThreshold(timeMillisThreshold, clock);
CheckPointThreshold threshold = CheckPointThresholds.or(countCommittedTransactionThreshold, timeCheckPointThreshold);
final CheckPointerImpl checkPointer = new CheckPointerImpl(transactionIdStore, threshold, storageEngine, logPruning, appender, databaseHealth, logProvider, tracers.checkPointTracer, ioLimiter, storeCopyCheckPointMutex);
long recurringPeriod = Math.min(timeMillisThreshold, TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(10));
CheckPointScheduler checkPointScheduler = new CheckPointScheduler(checkPointer, scheduler, recurringPeriod, databaseHealth);
return new NeoStoreTransactionLogModule(logicalTransactionStore, logFileInformation, logFiles, logFile, logRotation, checkPointer, appender, legacyIndexTransactionOrdering);