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Example 1 with SchemaRule

use of org.neo4j.storageengine.api.schema.SchemaRule in project neo4j by neo4j.

the class Commands method createIndexRule.

public static SchemaRuleCommand createIndexRule(SchemaIndexProvider.Descriptor provider, long id, NodePropertyDescriptor descriptor) {
    SchemaRule rule = IndexRule.indexRule(id, NewIndexDescriptorFactory.forSchema(, provider);
    DynamicRecord record = new DynamicRecord(id);
    return new SchemaRuleCommand(Collections.<DynamicRecord>emptyList(), singletonList(record), rule);
Also used : DynamicRecord( SchemaRuleCommand(org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.command.Command.SchemaRuleCommand) SchemaRule(org.neo4j.storageengine.api.schema.SchemaRule)

Example 2 with SchemaRule

use of org.neo4j.storageengine.api.schema.SchemaRule in project neo4j by neo4j.

the class TransactionRecordState method extractCommands.

public void extractCommands(Collection<StorageCommand> commands) throws TransactionFailureException {
    assert !prepared : "Transaction has already been prepared";
    int noOfCommands = recordChangeSet.changeSize() + (neoStoreRecord != null ? neoStoreRecord.changeSize() : 0);
    for (RecordProxy<Integer, LabelTokenRecord, Void> record : recordChangeSet.getLabelTokenChanges().changes()) {
        commands.add(new Command.LabelTokenCommand(record.getBefore(), record.forReadingLinkage()));
    for (RecordProxy<Integer, RelationshipTypeTokenRecord, Void> record : recordChangeSet.getRelationshipTypeTokenChanges().changes()) {
        commands.add(new Command.RelationshipTypeTokenCommand(record.getBefore(), record.forReadingLinkage()));
    for (RecordProxy<Integer, PropertyKeyTokenRecord, Void> record : recordChangeSet.getPropertyKeyTokenChanges().changes()) {
        commands.add(new Command.PropertyKeyTokenCommand(record.getBefore(), record.forReadingLinkage()));
    // Collect nodes, relationships, properties
    Command[] nodeCommands = EMPTY_COMMANDS;
    int skippedCommands = 0;
    if (recordChangeSet.getNodeRecords().changeSize() > 0) {
        nodeCommands = new Command[recordChangeSet.getNodeRecords().changeSize()];
        int i = 0;
        for (RecordProxy<Long, NodeRecord, Void> change : recordChangeSet.getNodeRecords().changes()) {
            NodeRecord record = prepared(change, nodeStore);
            nodeCommands[i++] = new Command.NodeCommand(change.getBefore(), record);
        Arrays.sort(nodeCommands, COMMAND_SORTER);
    Command[] relCommands = EMPTY_COMMANDS;
    if (recordChangeSet.getRelRecords().changeSize() > 0) {
        relCommands = new Command[recordChangeSet.getRelRecords().changeSize()];
        int i = 0;
        for (RecordProxy<Long, RelationshipRecord, Void> change : recordChangeSet.getRelRecords().changes()) {
            relCommands[i++] = new Command.RelationshipCommand(change.getBefore(), prepared(change, relationshipStore));
        Arrays.sort(relCommands, COMMAND_SORTER);
    Command[] propCommands = EMPTY_COMMANDS;
    if (recordChangeSet.getPropertyRecords().changeSize() > 0) {
        propCommands = new Command[recordChangeSet.getPropertyRecords().changeSize()];
        int i = 0;
        for (RecordProxy<Long, PropertyRecord, PrimitiveRecord> change : recordChangeSet.getPropertyRecords().changes()) {
            propCommands[i++] = new Command.PropertyCommand(change.getBefore(), prepared(change, propertyStore));
        Arrays.sort(propCommands, COMMAND_SORTER);
    Command[] relGroupCommands = EMPTY_COMMANDS;
    if (recordChangeSet.getRelGroupRecords().changeSize() > 0) {
        relGroupCommands = new Command[recordChangeSet.getRelGroupRecords().changeSize()];
        int i = 0;
        for (RecordProxy<Long, RelationshipGroupRecord, Integer> change : recordChangeSet.getRelGroupRecords().changes()) {
            if (change.isCreated() && !change.forReadingLinkage().inUse()) {
                     * This is an edge case that may come up and which we must handle properly. Relationship groups are
                     * not managed by the tx state, since they are created as side effects rather than through
                     * direct calls. However, they differ from say, dynamic records, in that their management can happen
                     * through separate code paths. What we are interested in here is the following scenario.
                     * 0. A node has one less relationship that is required to transition to dense node. The relationships
                     *    it has belong to at least two different types
                     * 1. In the same tx, a relationship is added making the node dense and all the relationships of a type
                     *    are removed from that node. Regardless of the order these operations happen, the creation of the
                     *    relationship (and the transition of the node to dense) will happen first.
                     * 2. A relationship group will be created because of the transition to dense and then deleted because
                     *    all the relationships it would hold are no longer there. This results in a relationship group
                     *    command that appears in the tx as not in use. Depending on the final order of operations, this
                     *    can end up using an id that is higher than the highest id seen so far. This may not be a problem
                     *    for a single instance, but it can result in errors in cases where transactions are applied
                     *    externally, such as backup or HA.
                     * The way we deal with this issue here is by not issuing a command for that offending record. This is
                     * safe, since the record is not in use and never was, so the high id is not necessary to change and
                     * the store remains consistent.
            relGroupCommands[i++] = new Command.RelationshipGroupCommand(change.getBefore(), prepared(change, relationshipGroupStore));
        relGroupCommands = i < relGroupCommands.length ? Arrays.copyOf(relGroupCommands, i) : relGroupCommands;
        Arrays.sort(relGroupCommands, COMMAND_SORTER);
    addFiltered(commands, Mode.CREATE, propCommands, relCommands, relGroupCommands, nodeCommands);
    addFiltered(commands, Mode.UPDATE, propCommands, relCommands, relGroupCommands, nodeCommands);
    addFiltered(commands, Mode.DELETE, propCommands, relCommands, relGroupCommands, nodeCommands);
    if (neoStoreRecord != null) {
        for (RecordProxy<Long, NeoStoreRecord, Void> change : neoStoreRecord.changes()) {
            commands.add(new Command.NeoStoreCommand(change.getBefore(), change.forReadingData()));
    for (RecordProxy<Long, SchemaRecord, SchemaRule> change : recordChangeSet.getSchemaRuleChanges().changes()) {
        commands.add(new Command.SchemaRuleCommand(change.getBefore(), change.forChangingData(), change.getAdditionalData()));
    assert commands.size() == noOfCommands - skippedCommands : format("Expected %d final commands, got %d " + "instead, with %d skipped", noOfCommands, commands.size(), skippedCommands);
    prepared = true;
Also used : RelationshipTypeTokenRecord( RelationshipRecord( SchemaRule(org.neo4j.storageengine.api.schema.SchemaRule) PropertyKeyTokenRecord( NodeRecord( NeoStoreRecord( PropertyRecord( SchemaRecord( LabelTokenRecord( PrimitiveRecord( RelationshipGroupRecord( StorageCommand(org.neo4j.storageengine.api.StorageCommand) Command(org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.command.Command)

Example 3 with SchemaRule

use of org.neo4j.storageengine.api.schema.SchemaRule in project neo4j by neo4j.

the class TransactionRecordState method setConstraintIndexOwner.

public void setConstraintIndexOwner(IndexRule indexRule, long constraintId) {
    RecordProxy<Long, SchemaRecord, SchemaRule> change = recordChangeSet.getSchemaRuleChanges().getOrLoad(indexRule.getId(), indexRule);
    SchemaRecord records = change.forChangingData();
    indexRule = indexRule.withOwningConstraint(constraintId);
Also used : SchemaRecord( SchemaRule(org.neo4j.storageengine.api.schema.SchemaRule)

Example 4 with SchemaRule

use of org.neo4j.storageengine.api.schema.SchemaRule in project neo4j by neo4j.

the class PhysicalLogCommandReaderV3_0_2 method visitSchemaRuleCommand.

private Command visitSchemaRuleCommand(ReadableChannel channel) throws IOException {
    Collection<DynamicRecord> recordsBefore = new ArrayList<>();
    readDynamicRecords(channel, recordsBefore, COLLECTION_DYNAMIC_RECORD_ADDER);
    Collection<DynamicRecord> recordsAfter = new ArrayList<>();
    readDynamicRecords(channel, recordsAfter, COLLECTION_DYNAMIC_RECORD_ADDER);
    byte isCreated = channel.get();
    if (1 == isCreated) {
        for (DynamicRecord record : recordsAfter) {
    SchemaRule rule = Iterables.first(recordsAfter).inUse() ? readSchemaRule(recordsAfter) : readSchemaRule(recordsBefore);
    return new Command.SchemaRuleCommand(recordsBefore, recordsAfter, rule);
Also used : DynamicRecord( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) SchemaRule(org.neo4j.storageengine.api.schema.SchemaRule)

Example 5 with SchemaRule

use of org.neo4j.storageengine.api.schema.SchemaRule in project neo4j by neo4j.

the class PhysicalLogCommandReaderV2_2_4 method visitSchemaRuleCommand.

private Command visitSchemaRuleCommand(ReadableChannel channel) throws IOException {
    Collection<DynamicRecord> recordsBefore = new ArrayList<>();
    readDynamicRecords(channel, recordsBefore, COLLECTION_DYNAMIC_RECORD_ADDER);
    Collection<DynamicRecord> recordsAfter = new ArrayList<>();
    readDynamicRecords(channel, recordsAfter, COLLECTION_DYNAMIC_RECORD_ADDER);
    byte isCreated = channel.get();
    if (1 == isCreated) {
        for (DynamicRecord record : recordsAfter) {
    SchemaRule rule = Iterables.first(recordsAfter).inUse() ? readSchemaRule(recordsAfter) : readSchemaRule(recordsBefore);
    return new Command.SchemaRuleCommand(recordsBefore, recordsAfter, rule);
Also used : DynamicRecord( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) SchemaRule(org.neo4j.storageengine.api.schema.SchemaRule)


SchemaRule (org.neo4j.storageengine.api.schema.SchemaRule)27 DynamicRecord ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 MalformedSchemaRuleException (org.neo4j.kernel.api.exceptions.schema.MalformedSchemaRuleException)8 ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)7 Test (org.junit.Test)4 SchemaRecord ( NeoStores ( LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)2 IndexRule ( LabelTokenRecord ( NodeRecord ( PrimitiveRecord ( PropertyKeyTokenRecord ( PropertyRecord ( RelationshipGroupRecord ( RelationshipRecord ( RelationshipTypeTokenRecord ( List (java.util.List)1 Matchers.anyLong (org.mockito.Matchers.anyLong)1