use of org.netxms.client.datacollection.GraphItemStyle in project netxms by netxms.
the class LineChart method applyItemStyle.
* Apply graph item style
* @param index item index
* @param series added series
private void applyItemStyle(int index, ILineSeries series) {
if ((index < 0) || (index >= itemStyles.size()))
GraphItemStyle style = itemStyles.get(index);
series.setLineColor(ColorConverter.colorFromInt(style.getColor(), colors));
series.enableArea(style.getType() == GraphItemStyle.AREA);
use of org.netxms.client.datacollection.GraphItemStyle in project netxms by netxms.
the class PerfTabGraph method addItem.
* Add another item to graph
* @param dci
* @param settings
public void addItem(PerfTabDci dci, PerfTabGraphSettings settings) {
if (settings.isExtendedLegend())
synchronized (items) {
GraphItemStyle style = new GraphItemStyle(settings.getType(), settings.getColorAsInt(), 2, settings.isInvertedValues() ? GraphItemStyle.INVERTED : 0);
List<GraphItemStyle> styles = new ArrayList<GraphItemStyle>(chart.getItemStyles());
if (styles.size() < items.size())
styles.set(items.size() - 1, style);
// $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
chart.addParameter(new GraphItem(nodeId, dci.getId(), 0, DataType.INT32, "", settings.getRuntimeName(), "%s"));
use of org.netxms.client.datacollection.GraphItemStyle in project netxms by netxms.
the class ChartConfig method parseLegacyConfig.
* Parse legacy predefined graph config
* @param settings
private void parseLegacyConfig(String settings) {
autoRefresh = false;
showLegend = false;
showGrid = false;
int dciCount = 0;
GraphItemStyle[] itemStyles = new GraphItemStyle[GraphSettings.MAX_GRAPH_ITEM_COUNT];
for (int i = 0; i < itemStyles.length; i++) itemStyles[i] = new GraphItemStyle();
String[] elements = settings.split("\u007F");
for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
int index = elements[i].indexOf(':');
if (index == -1)
final String name = elements[i].substring(0, index);
final String value = elements[i].substring(index + 1);
if (name.equals("A")) {
refreshRate = SafeParser.parseInt(value, 30);
} else if (name.equals("F")) {
int flags = SafeParser.parseInt(value, 0);
if ((flags & GraphSettings.GF_AUTO_UPDATE) != 0)
autoRefresh = true;
if ((flags & GraphSettings.GF_SHOW_GRID) != 0)
showGrid = true;
if ((flags & GraphSettings.GF_SHOW_LEGEND) != 0)
showLegend = true;
if ((flags & GraphSettings.GF_SHOW_HOST_NAMES) != 0)
showHostNames = true;
if ((flags & GraphSettings.GF_LOG_SCALE) != 0)
logScale = true;
} else if (name.equals("N")) {
dciCount = SafeParser.parseInt(value, 0);
dciList = new ChartDciConfig[dciCount];
for (int j = 0; j < dciCount; j++) dciList[j] = new ChartDciConfig();
} else if (name.equals("TFT")) {
timeFrameType = SafeParser.parseInt(value, GraphSettings.TIME_FRAME_BACK_FROM_NOW);
} else if (name.equals("TU")) {
timeUnits = SafeParser.parseInt(value, GraphSettings.TIME_UNIT_HOUR);
} else if (name.equals("NTU")) {
timeRange = SafeParser.parseInt(value, 1);
} else if (name.equals("TS")) {
timeFrom = new Date((long) SafeParser.parseInt(value, 0) * 1000L);
} else if (name.equals("TF")) {
timeTo = new Date((long) SafeParser.parseInt(value, 0) * 1000L);
} else if (name.equals("T")) {
title = value;
} else if (name.equals("S")) {
// autoscale flag
} else if (name.equals("G")) {
showGrid = (SafeParser.parseInt(value, 1) != 0);
} else if (name.equals("L")) {
showLegend = (SafeParser.parseInt(value, 1) != 0);
} else if (name.equals("R")) {
// show ruler flag
} else if (name.equals("H")) {
showHostNames = (SafeParser.parseInt(value, 0) != 0);
} else if (name.equals("O")) {
logScale = (SafeParser.parseInt(value, 0) != 0);
} else if (name.equals("CA")) {
// axis color
} else if (name.equals("CB")) {
// background color
} else if (name.equals("CG")) {
// grid color
} else if (name.equals("CLF")) {
// legend text color
} else if (name.equals("CLB")) {
// legend background color
} else if (name.equals("CP")) {
// plot area color
} else if (name.equals("CR")) {
// ruler color
} else if (name.equals("CS")) {
// selection color
} else if (name.equals("CT")) {
// text color
} else if (// Item color
name.charAt(0) == 'C') {
int item = SafeParser.parseInt(name.substring(1), -1);
if ((item >= 0) && (item < itemStyles.length))
itemStyles[item].setColor(SafeParser.parseInt(value, 0));
} else if (// Item type
name.charAt(0) == 'T') {
int item = SafeParser.parseInt(name.substring(1), -1);
if ((item >= 0) && (item < itemStyles.length))
itemStyles[item].setType(SafeParser.parseInt(value, 0));
} else if (// Item line width
name.charAt(0) == 'W') {
int item = SafeParser.parseInt(name.substring(1), -1);
if ((item >= 0) && (item < itemStyles.length))
itemStyles[item].setLineWidth(SafeParser.parseInt(value, 0));
} else if (// Item flags
(name.charAt(0) == 'F') && (name.charAt(1) == 'L')) {
int item = SafeParser.parseInt(name.substring(2), -1);
if ((item >= 0) && (item < itemStyles.length))
itemStyles[item].setFlags(SafeParser.parseInt(value, 0));
} else if (// Node ID
name.charAt(0) == 'N') {
int item = SafeParser.parseInt(name.substring(1), -1);
if ((item >= 0) && (item < dciCount))
dciList[item].nodeId = SafeParser.parseLong(value, 0);
} else if (// DCI information
name.charAt(0) == 'I') {
if (// description
name.charAt(1) == 'D') {
int item = SafeParser.parseInt(name.substring(2), -1);
if ((item >= 0) && (item < dciCount))
dciList[item].name = value;
} else if (// name
name.charAt(1) == 'N') {
} else if (// source
name.charAt(1) == 'S') {
} else if (// data type
name.charAt(1) == 'T') {
} else // assume DCI ID - Ixxx
int item = SafeParser.parseInt(name.substring(1), -1);
if ((item >= 0) && (item < dciCount))
dciList[item].dciId = SafeParser.parseLong(value, 0);
// Apply item styles
for (int i = 0; (i < dciList.length) && (i < itemStyles.length); i++) {
dciList[i].color = "0x" + Integer.toHexString(itemStyles[i].getColor());
dciList[i].lineWidth = itemStyles[i].getLineWidth();
use of org.netxms.client.datacollection.GraphItemStyle in project netxms by netxms.
the class DrawGraph method onCreateStep2.
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
protected void onCreateStep2(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
sp = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
dialog = new ProgressDialog(this);
// boolean showLegend = getIntent().getBooleanExtra("showLegend", true);
numGraphs = getIntent().getIntExtra("numGraphs", 0);
if (numGraphs > 0) {
items = new GraphItem[numGraphs];
itemStyles = new GraphItemStyle[numGraphs];
ArrayList<Integer> nodeIdList = getIntent().getIntegerArrayListExtra("nodeIdList");
ArrayList<Integer> dciIdList = getIntent().getIntegerArrayListExtra("dciIdList");
ArrayList<Integer> colorList = getIntent().getIntegerArrayListExtra("colorList");
ArrayList<Integer> lineWidthList = getIntent().getIntegerArrayListExtra("lineWidthList");
ArrayList<String> nameList = getIntent().getStringArrayListExtra("nameList");
for (int i = 0; i < numGraphs; i++) {
items[i] = new GraphItem();
itemStyles[i] = new GraphItemStyle();
itemStyles[i].setColor(colorList.get(i) | 0xFF000000);
timeFrom = getIntent().getLongExtra("timeFrom", 0);
timeTo = getIntent().getLongExtra("timeTo", 0);
graphTitle = getIntent().getStringExtra("graphTitle");
graphView = new LineGraphView(this, "");
graphView.getGraphViewStyle().setTextSize(Integer.parseInt(sp.getString("global.graph.textsize", "10")));
graphView.setCustomLabelFormatter(new CustomLabel(Integer.parseInt(sp.getString("global.multipliers", "1")), (timeTo - timeFrom) > 86400 * 1000));
// TOOD: 2014May25 Find a best way to handle this setting
// graphView.setShowLegend(showLegend);
graphView.setShowLegend(sp.getBoolean("global.graph.legend", true));
TextView title = (TextView) findViewById(;
use of org.netxms.client.datacollection.GraphItemStyle in project netxms by netxms.
the class LineChart method paintThresholds.
* Paint DCI thresholds
private void paintThresholds(PaintEvent e, IAxis axis) {
GC gc = e.gc;
Rectangle clientArea = getPlotArea().getClientArea();
for (GraphItemStyle style : itemStyles) {
if (style.isShowThresholds()) {
int y = axis.getPixelCoordinate(10);
gc.setForeground(ColorConverter.colorFromInt(style.getColor(), colors));
// gc.setLineStyle(SWT.LINE_DOT);
gc.drawLine(0, y, clientArea.width, y);