use of org.nextprot.api.commons.exception.EntrySetNotFoundException in project nextprot-api by calipho-sib.
the class UserProteinListUtils method parseAccessionNumbers.
* Extract the set of accession numbers from uploaded file. Only nextprot
* and uniprot accession numbers found in {@code validAccessionNumbers} are
* allowed.
* <p>
* uniprot accession numbers should be converted in nextprot (prefixed with
* "NX_")
* </p>
* @param reader the reader
* @param validAccessionNumbers a set of possible nextprot accession numbers
* @param ignoreEntryNotFoundException if true this method ignores EntryNotFoundException else throw it
* @return a set of valid accession numbers
* @throws IOException
* if input exception occurred
* @throws EntrySetNotFoundException
* if entries was not found in validAccessionNumbers
public static Set<String> parseAccessionNumbers(Reader reader, Set<String> validAccessionNumbers, boolean ignoreEntryNotFoundException) throws IOException {
NPreconditions.checkNotNull(reader, "The reader should not be null");
NPreconditions.checkNotNull(validAccessionNumbers, "The valid accession numbers should not be null");
NPreconditions.checkTrue(!validAccessionNumbers.isEmpty(), "The valid accession numbers should not be null");
Set<String> foundEntries = new HashSet<>();
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(reader);
String line;
Set<String> unknownEntries = new HashSet<>();
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
try {
checkFormatAndCollectValidAccessionNumber(line, foundEntries, validAccessionNumbers);
} catch (EntryNotFoundException e) {
if (!ignoreEntryNotFoundException && !unknownEntries.isEmpty())
throw new EntrySetNotFoundException(unknownEntries);
return foundEntries;
use of org.nextprot.api.commons.exception.EntrySetNotFoundException in project nextprot-api by calipho-sib.
the class UserProteinListUtils method checkAndFormatAccessionNumbers.
* Apply nextprot format on if needed and check for validity
* @param uncheckedAccessionNumbers set of accession numbers to check
* @param validAccessionNumbers set of all valid entries
* @return a well formatted set of accession numbers
public static Set<String> checkAndFormatAccessionNumbers(Collection<String> uncheckedAccessionNumbers, Set<String> validAccessionNumbers) {
NPreconditions.checkNotNull(uncheckedAccessionNumbers, "The collection of accessions should not be null");
NPreconditions.checkNotNull(validAccessionNumbers, "The valid accession numbers should not be null");
NPreconditions.checkTrue(!validAccessionNumbers.isEmpty(), "The valid accession numbers should not be null");
Set<String> collector = new HashSet<>(uncheckedAccessionNumbers.size());
Set<String> unknownEntries = new HashSet<>();
for (String uncheckedAccessionNumber : uncheckedAccessionNumbers) {
try {
checkFormatAndCollectValidAccessionNumber(uncheckedAccessionNumber, collector, validAccessionNumbers);
} catch (EntryNotFoundException e) {
if (!unknownEntries.isEmpty())
throw new EntrySetNotFoundException(unknownEntries);
return collector;