use of org.nutz.ioc.IocContext in project nutz by nutzam.
the class DefaultValueTypes method test_el.
public void test_el() {
IocContext context = new ScopeContext("abc");
String json = "{obj:{type:'org.nutz.ioc.val.DefaultValueTypes', fields:{name:{el:'sys[\"os.arch\"]'}}}}";
Ioc2 ioc = new NutIoc(new MapLoader(json), context, "abc");
DefaultValueTypes self = ioc.get(DefaultValueTypes.class, "obj");
use of org.nutz.ioc.IocContext in project nutz by nutzam.
the class ModuleProcessor method process.
public void process(ActionContext ac) throws Throwable {
RequestIocContext reqContext = null;
try {
if (null != moduleObj) {
} else {
Ioc ioc = ac.getIoc();
Object obj;
* 如果 Ioc 容器实现了高级接口,那么会为当前请求设置上下文对象
if (NutSessionListener.isSessionScopeEnable && ioc instanceof Ioc2) {
reqContext = new RequestIocContext(ac.getRequest());
HttpSession sess = Mvcs.getHttpSession(false);
IocContext myContext = null;
// 如果容器可以创建 Session ...
if (null != sess) {
SessionIocContext sessionContext = new SessionIocContext(sess);
myContext = new ComboContext(reqContext, sessionContext);
} else // 如果容器禁止了 Session ...
myContext = reqContext;
obj = ((Ioc2) ioc).get(moduleType, injectName, myContext);
} else
* 否则,则仅仅简单的从容器获取
obj = ioc.get(moduleType, injectName);
// if (log.isDebugEnabled()) //打印实际执行的Method信息
// log.debugf("Handle URL[%s] by Method[%s]",ac.getPath(),method);
} finally {
if (reqContext != null)
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("ReqContext depose fail?!", e);
use of org.nutz.ioc.IocContext in project nutz by nutzam.
the class ReferTypeValue method get.
public Object get(IocMaking ing) {
Ioc ioc = ing.getIoc();
IocContext ctx = ing.getContext();
if (typeFirst) {
String[] names;
if (ioc instanceof Ioc2) {
names = ((Ioc2) ioc).getNamesByType(type, ctx);
if (names != null && names.length == 1) {
return ((Ioc2) ioc).get(type, names[0], ctx);
} else {
names = ioc.getNamesByType(type);
if (names != null && names.length == 1) {
return ioc.get(type, names[0]);
if (ioc.has(name)) {
if (ioc instanceof Ioc2)
return ((Ioc2) ioc).get(type, name, ctx);
return ioc.get(type, name);
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debugf("name=%s not found, search for type=%s", name, type.getName());
if (ioc instanceof Ioc2)
return ((Ioc2) ioc).getByType(type, ctx);
return ioc.getByType(type);
use of org.nutz.ioc.IocContext in project nutz by nutzam.
the class DefaultValueTypes method test_refer_context.
public void test_refer_context() {
IocContext context = new ScopeContext("abc");
String json = "{obj:{singleton:false,fields:{ic:{refer:'$conText'}}}}";
Ioc2 ioc = new NutIoc(new MapLoader(json), context, "abc");
TestReferContext trc = ioc.get(TestReferContext.class);
assertTrue(context == trc.ic);
IocContext context2 = new ScopeContext("rrr");
trc = ioc.get(TestReferContext.class, "obj", context2);
assertTrue(trc.ic instanceof ComboContext);
use of org.nutz.ioc.IocContext in project nutz by nutzam.
the class NutIoc method get.
public <T> T get(Class<T> type, String name, IocContext context) throws IocException {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debugf("Get '%s'<%s>", name, type == null ? "" : type);
try {
if (this.mirrors instanceof LifeCycle)
((LifeCycle) this.mirrors).init();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IocException("_mirror_factory_init", e, "Mirror Factory init fail");
// 创建对象创建时
IocMaking ing = makeIocMaking(context, name);
IocContext cntx = ing.getContext();
// 从上下文缓存中获取对象代理
ObjectProxy op = cntx.fetch(name);
// 如果未发现对象
if (null == op) {
// 线程同步
synchronized (lock_get) {
// 再次读取
op = cntx.fetch(name);
// 如果未发现对象
if (null == op) {
try {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("\t >> Load definition name=" + name);
// 读取对象定义
IocObject iobj = loader.load(createLoading(), name);
if (null == iobj) {
for (String iocBeanName : loader.getName()) {
// 感觉没必要..没有就没有呗
if (3 > LevenshteinDistance.computeLevenshteinDistance(name.toLowerCase(), iocBeanName.toLowerCase())) {
throw new IocException(name, "Undefined object '%s' but found similar name '%s'", name, iocBeanName);
throw new IocException(name, "Undefined object '%s'", name);
// 修正对象类型
if (null == iobj.getType())
if (null == type && Strings.isBlank(iobj.getFactory()))
throw new IocException(name, "NULL TYPE object '%s'", name);
// 检查对象级别
if (Strings.isBlank(iobj.getScope()))
// 根据对象定义,创建对象,maker 会自动的缓存对象到 context 中
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debugf("\t >> Make...'%s'<%s>", name, type == null ? "" : type);
op = maker.make(ing, iobj);
}// 处理异常
catch (IocException e) {
((IocException) e).addBeanNames(name);
throw e;
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new IocException(name, e, "For object [%s] - type:[%s]", name, type == null ? "" : type);
synchronized (lock_get) {
T re = op.get(type, ing);
if (!name.startsWith("$") && re instanceof IocLoader) {
loader.addLoader((IocLoader) re);
return re;