use of org.odk.collect.forms.instances.InstancesRepository in project collect by opendatakit.
the class InstanceUploaderTask method onPostExecute.
protected void onPostExecute(Outcome outcome) {
synchronized (this) {
if (outcome != null && stateListener != null) {
if (outcome.authRequestingServer != null) {
stateListener.authRequest(outcome.authRequestingServer, outcome.messagesByInstanceId);
} else {
// Delete instances that were successfully sent and that need to be deleted
// either because app-level auto-delete is enabled or because the form
// specifies it.
Set<String> instanceIds = outcome.messagesByInstanceId.keySet();
boolean isFormAutoDeleteOptionEnabled;
// the app preferences set for delete after submission
if (deleteInstanceAfterSubmission != null) {
isFormAutoDeleteOptionEnabled = deleteInstanceAfterSubmission;
} else {
isFormAutoDeleteOptionEnabled = settingsProvider.getUnprotectedSettings().getBoolean(ProjectKeys.KEY_DELETE_AFTER_SEND);
Stream<Instance> instancesToDelete = -> new InstancesRepositoryProvider(Collect.getInstance()).get().get(Long.parseLong(id))).filter(instance -> instance.getStatus().equals(Instance.STATUS_SUBMITTED)).filter(instance -> shouldFormBeDeleted(formsRepository, instance.getFormId(), instance.getFormVersion(), isFormAutoDeleteOptionEnabled));
DeleteInstancesTask dit = new DeleteInstancesTask(instancesRepository, formsRepository);
use of org.odk.collect.forms.instances.InstancesRepository in project collect by opendatakit.
the class SaveFormToDisk method exportData.
* Write's the data to the sdcard, and updates the instances content provider.
* In theory we don't have to write to disk, and this is where you'd add
* other methods.
private void exportData(boolean markCompleted, FormSaver.ProgressListener progressListener) throws IOException, EncryptionException {
FormController formController = Collect.getInstance().getFormController();
progressListener.onProgressUpdate(getLocalizedString(Collect.getInstance(), R.string.survey_saving_collecting_message));
ByteArrayPayload payload = formController.getFilledInFormXml();
// write out xml
String instancePath = formController.getInstanceFile().getAbsolutePath();
for (String fileName : tempFiles) {
progressListener.onProgressUpdate(getLocalizedString(Collect.getInstance(), R.string.survey_saving_saving_message));
writeFile(payload, instancePath);
// Write last-saved instance
String lastSavedPath = formController.getLastSavedPath();
writeFile(payload, lastSavedPath);
// update the uri. We have exported the reloadable instance, so update status...
// Since we saved a reloadable instance, it is flagged as re-openable so that if any error
// occurs during the packaging of the data for the server fails (e.g., encryption),
// we can still reopen the filled-out form and re-save it at a later time.
updateInstanceDatabase(true, true);
if (markCompleted) {
// now see if the packaging of the data for the server would make it
// non-reopenable (e.g., encryption or other fraction of the form).
boolean canEditAfterCompleted = formController.isSubmissionEntireForm();
boolean isEncrypted = false;
// build a submission.xml to hold the data being submitted
// and (if appropriate) encrypt the files on the side
// pay attention to the ref attribute of the submission profile...
File instanceXml = formController.getInstanceFile();
File submissionXml = new File(instanceXml.getParentFile(), "submission.xml");
payload = formController.getSubmissionXml();
// write out submission.xml -- the data to actually submit to aggregate
progressListener.onProgressUpdate(getLocalizedString(Collect.getInstance(), R.string.survey_saving_finalizing_message));
writeFile(payload, submissionXml.getAbsolutePath());
// see if the form is encrypted and we can encrypt it...
EncryptedFormInformation formInfo = EncryptionUtils.getEncryptedFormInformation(uri, formController.getSubmissionMetadata());
if (formInfo != null) {
// if we are encrypting, the form cannot be reopened afterward
canEditAfterCompleted = false;
// and encrypt the submission (this is a one-way operation)...
progressListener.onProgressUpdate(getLocalizedString(Collect.getInstance(), R.string.survey_saving_encrypting_message));
EncryptionUtils.generateEncryptedSubmission(instanceXml, submissionXml, formInfo);
isEncrypted = true;
analytics.logEvent(ENCRYPT_SUBMISSION, AnalyticsUtils.getFormHash(Collect.getInstance().getFormController()), "");
// At this point, we have:
// 1. the saved original instanceXml,
// 2. all the plaintext attachments
// 2. the submission.xml that is the completed xml (whether encrypting or not)
// 3. all the encrypted attachments if encrypting (isEncrypted = true).
// NEXT:
// 1. Update the instance database (with status complete).
// 2. Overwrite the instanceXml with the submission.xml
// and remove the plaintext attachments if encrypting
updateInstanceDatabase(false, canEditAfterCompleted);
if (!canEditAfterCompleted) {
manageFilesAfterSavingEncryptedForm(instanceXml, submissionXml);
} else {
// (we don't need to delete and rename anything).
if (!submissionXml.delete()) {
String msg = "Error deleting " + submissionXml.getAbsolutePath() + " (instance is re-openable)";
// (anything not named instanceXml or anything not ending in .enc)
if (isEncrypted) {
InstancesRepository instancesRepository = new InstancesRepositoryProvider(Collect.getInstance()).get();
Instance instance = instancesRepository.get(ContentUriHelper.getIdFromUri(uri));
// Clear the geometry. Done outside of updateInstanceDatabase to avoid multiple
// branches and because it has no knowledge of encryption status. Instance.Builder(instance).geometry(null).geometryType(null).build());
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put(DatabaseInstanceColumns.GEOMETRY, (String) null);
values.put(DatabaseInstanceColumns.GEOMETRY_TYPE, (String) null);
if (!EncryptionUtils.deletePlaintextFiles(instanceXml, new File(lastSavedPath))) {
Timber.e("Error deleting plaintext files for %s", instanceXml.getAbsolutePath());
use of org.odk.collect.forms.instances.InstancesRepository in project collect by opendatakit.
the class InstanceUploader method submissionComplete.
public void submissionComplete(Instance instance, boolean successful) {
InstancesRepository instancesRepository = instancesRepositoryProvider.get();
if (successful) { Instance.Builder(instance).status(Instance.STATUS_SUBMITTED).build());
} else { Instance.Builder(instance).status(Instance.STATUS_SUBMISSION_FAILED).build());
use of org.odk.collect.forms.instances.InstancesRepository in project collect by opendatakit.
the class InstancesRepositoryTest method save_whenInstanceHasDeletedDate_doesNotUpdateLastChangesStatusDate.
public void save_whenInstanceHasDeletedDate_doesNotUpdateLastChangesStatusDate() {
Supplier<Long> clock = mock(Supplier.class);
InstancesRepository instancesRepository = buildSubject(clock);
Instance originalInstance ="formid", "1", getInstancesDir()).build());
Long originalInstanceDbId = originalInstance.getDbId();
assertThat(instancesRepository.get(originalInstanceDbId).getLastStatusChangeDate(), is(123L));
use of org.odk.collect.forms.instances.InstancesRepository in project collect by opendatakit.
the class InstancesRepositoryTest method save_addsUniqueId.
public void save_addsUniqueId() {
InstancesRepository instancesRepository = buildSubject();"formid", "1", getInstancesDir()).build());"formid", "1", getInstancesDir()).build());
Long id1 = instancesRepository.getAll().get(0).getDbId();
Long id2 = instancesRepository.getAll().get(1).getDbId();
assertThat(id1, notNullValue());
assertThat(id2, notNullValue());
assertThat(id1, not(equalTo(id2)));