use of org.odpi.openmetadata.repositoryservices.ffdc.exception.FunctionNotSupportedException in project egeria-connector-sas-viya by odpi.
the class MetadataCollection method getRelationshipsForEntity.
public List<Relationship> getRelationshipsForEntity(String userId, String entityGUID, String relationshipTypeGUID, int fromRelationshipElement, List<InstanceStatus> limitResultsByStatus, Date asOfTime, String sequencingProperty, SequencingOrder sequencingOrder, int pageSize) throws InvalidParameterException, TypeErrorException, RepositoryErrorException, EntityNotKnownException, PagingErrorException, FunctionNotSupportedException, UserNotAuthorizedException {
final String methodName = "getRelationshipsForEntity";
getRelationshipsForEntityParameterValidation(userId, entityGUID, relationshipTypeGUID, fromRelationshipElement, limitResultsByStatus, asOfTime, sequencingProperty, sequencingOrder, pageSize);
List<Relationship> alRelationships = null;
// Immediately throw unimplemented exception if trying to retrieve historical view or sequence by property
if (asOfTime != null) {
raiseFunctionNotSupportedException(ErrorCode.NO_HISTORY, methodName, repositoryName);
} else if (limitResultsByStatus == null || (limitResultsByStatus.size() == 1 && limitResultsByStatus.contains(InstanceStatus.ACTIVE))) {
// Otherwise, only bother searching if we are after ACTIVE (or "all") entities -- non-ACTIVE means we
// will just return an empty list
// Guid cannot be null here, as validation above ensures it is non-null
SASCatalogGuid sasCatalogGuid = SASCatalogGuid.fromGuid(entityGUID);
String prefix = sasCatalogGuid.getGeneratedPrefix();
// 1. retrieve entity from Catalog by GUID (and its relationships)
SASCatalogObject asset = null;
List<SASCatalogObject> relationships = null;
try {
asset = repositoryConnector.getEntityByGUID(sasCatalogGuid.getSASCatalogGuid());
relationships = repositoryConnector.getRelationshipsForEntity(sasCatalogGuid.getSASCatalogGuid());
} catch (Exception e) {
raiseEntityNotKnownException(ErrorCode.ENTITY_NOT_KNOWN, methodName, e, entityGUID, methodName, repositoryName);
// Ensure the entity actually exists (if not, throw error to that effect)
if (asset == null || relationships == null) {
raiseEntityNotKnownException(ErrorCode.ENTITY_NOT_KNOWN, methodName, null, entityGUID, methodName, repositoryName);
} else {
EntityMappingSASCatalog2OMRS entityMap = new EntityMappingSASCatalog2OMRS(repositoryConnector, typeDefStore, attributeTypeDefStore, asset, prefix, userId);
// 2. Apply the mapping to the object, and retrieve the resulting relationships
alRelationships = entityMap.getRelationships(relationships, relationshipTypeGUID, fromRelationshipElement, sequencingProperty, sequencingOrder, pageSize);
return alRelationships;
use of org.odpi.openmetadata.repositoryservices.ffdc.exception.FunctionNotSupportedException in project egeria-connector-sas-viya by odpi.
the class MetadataCollection method findEntitiesByPropertyValue.
public List<EntityDetail> findEntitiesByPropertyValue(String userId, String entityTypeGUID, String searchCriteria, int fromEntityElement, List<InstanceStatus> limitResultsByStatus, List<String> limitResultsByClassification, Date asOfTime, String sequencingProperty, SequencingOrder sequencingOrder, int pageSize) throws InvalidParameterException, TypeErrorException, RepositoryErrorException, PropertyErrorException, PagingErrorException, FunctionNotSupportedException, UserNotAuthorizedException {
final String methodName = "findEntitiesByPropertyValue";
findEntitiesByPropertyValueParameterValidation(userId, entityTypeGUID, searchCriteria, fromEntityElement, limitResultsByStatus, limitResultsByClassification, asOfTime, sequencingProperty, sequencingOrder, pageSize);
List<Instance> results = new ArrayList<Instance>();
// Immediately throw unimplemented exception if trying to retrieve historical view
if (asOfTime != null) {
raiseFunctionNotSupportedException(ErrorCode.NO_HISTORY, methodName, repositoryName);
// Search criteria is not allowed to be empty for this method, so cannot be null or empty string.
if (!searchCriteria.isEmpty()) {
// Otherwise we need to do an OR-based search across all string properties in Atlas, using whatever the
// regex of searchCriteria contains for each property
// Add all textual properties of the provided entity as matchProperties,
// for an OR-based search of their values
Map<String, Map<String, String>> mappingsToSearch = new HashMap<>();
if (entityTypeGUID != null) {
// We are searching for a particular entity type, get the associated mappings
mappingsToSearch = getMappingsToSearch(entityTypeGUID, userId);
} else {
// We are searching across all entity types, get all mappings
// We will need to send the request only once, so we'll only use the first mapping
mappingsToSearch = typeDefStore.getAllOmrsNameToCatalogNameMappings();
for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> entryToSearch : mappingsToSearch.entrySet()) {
InstanceProperties matchProperties = new InstanceProperties();
String omrsTypeName = entryToSearch.getKey();
String omrsTypeGUID = typeDefStore.getTypeDefByName(omrsTypeName).getGUID();
Map<String, TypeDefAttribute> typeDefAttributeMap = typeDefStore.getAllTypeDefAttributesForName(omrsTypeName);
if (typeDefAttributeMap != null) {
// This will look at all OMRS attributes, but buildAndRunDSLSearch (later) should limit to only those mapped to catalog
for (Map.Entry<String, TypeDefAttribute> attributeEntry : typeDefAttributeMap.entrySet()) {
String attributeName = attributeEntry.getKey();
// Only supporting search by name value for now
if (attributeName.equals("qualifiedName")) {
TypeDefAttribute typeDefAttribute = attributeEntry.getValue();
// Only need to retain string-based attributes for the full text search
AttributeTypeDef attributeTypeDef = typeDefAttribute.getAttributeType();
if (attributeTypeDef.getCategory().equals(AttributeTypeDefCategory.PRIMITIVE)) {
PrimitiveDefCategory primitiveDefCategory = ((PrimitiveDef) attributeTypeDef).getPrimitiveDefCategory();
if (primitiveDefCategory.equals(PrimitiveDefCategory.OM_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_STRING) || primitiveDefCategory.equals(PrimitiveDefCategory.OM_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_BYTE) || primitiveDefCategory.equals(PrimitiveDefCategory.OM_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_CHAR)) {
matchProperties = repositoryHelper.addStringPropertyToInstance(repositoryName, matchProperties, attributeName, searchCriteria, methodName);
} else {
log.debug("Skipping inclusion of non-string attribute: {}", attributeName);
} else {
log.debug("Skipping inclusion of non-string attribute: {}", attributeName);
List<Instance> innerResults = new ArrayList<Instance>();
try {
innerResults = buildAndRunDSLSearch(methodName, entityTypeGUID, omrsTypeGUID, limitResultsByClassification, matchProperties, MatchCriteria.ANY, fromEntityElement, limitResultsByStatus, sequencingProperty, sequencingOrder, pageSize, userId);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Exception from findEntitiesByPropertyValue inner search for omrsTypeName {}: {}", omrsTypeName, e.getMessage());
if (innerResults != null) {
// so can break out of the loop
if (entityTypeGUID == null) {
List<EntityDetail> entityDetails = null;
if (results != null) {
entityDetails = sortAndLimitFinalResults(results, entityTypeGUID, fromEntityElement, sequencingProperty, sequencingOrder, pageSize, userId);
return (entityDetails == null || entityDetails.isEmpty()) ? null : entityDetails;
use of org.odpi.openmetadata.repositoryservices.ffdc.exception.FunctionNotSupportedException in project egeria-connector-sas-viya by odpi.
the class MetadataCollection method buildAndRunDSLSearch.
* Build an Atlas domain-specific language (DSL) query based on the provided parameters, and return its results.
* @param methodName the name of the calling method
* @param entityTypeGUID unique identifier for the type of entity requested. Null means any type of entity
* (but could be slow so not recommended.
* @param limitResultsByClassification list of classifications by which to limit the results.
* @param matchProperties Optional list of entity properties to match (contains wildcards).
* @param matchCriteria Enum defining how the match properties should be matched to the classifications in the repository.
* @param fromEntityElement the starting element number of the entities to return.
* This is used when retrieving elements
* beyond the first page of results. Zero means start from the first element.
* @param limitResultsByStatus By default, entities in all statuses are returned. However, it is possible
* to specify a list of statuses (eg ACTIVE) to restrict the results to. Null means all
* status values.
* @param sequencingProperty String name of the entity property that is to be used to sequence the results.
* Null means do not sequence on a property name (see SequencingOrder).
* @param sequencingOrder Enum defining how the results should be ordered.
* @param pageSize the maximum number of result entities that can be returned on this request. Zero means
* unrestricted return results size.
* @param userId the user through which to run the search
* @return {@code List<AtlasEntityHeader>}
* @throws FunctionNotSupportedException when trying to search using a status that is not supported in Atlas
* @throws RepositoryErrorException when there is some error running the search against Atlas
private List<Instance> buildAndRunDSLSearch(String methodName, String incomingEntityTypeGUID, String entityTypeGUID, List<String> limitResultsByClassification, InstanceProperties matchProperties, MatchCriteria matchCriteria, int fromEntityElement, List<InstanceStatus> limitResultsByStatus, String sequencingProperty, SequencingOrder sequencingOrder, int pageSize, String userId) throws FunctionNotSupportedException, RepositoryErrorException {
List<Instance> results = null;
Map<String, String> queryParams = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, String> attributeFilter = new HashMap<>();
String catalogTypeName = "";
String propertyMatchDelim = "and";
if (matchCriteria != null && matchCriteria.equals(MatchCriteria.ANY)) {
propertyMatchDelim = "or";
// Run multiple searches, if there are multiple types mapped to the OMRS type...
Map<String, Map<String, String>> mappingsToSearch = getMappingsToSearch(entityTypeGUID, userId);
for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> entryToSearch : mappingsToSearch.entrySet()) {
String filter = "";
String typeFilter = "";
String propertyFilter = "";
String omrsTypeName = entryToSearch.getKey();
Map<String, String> catalogTypeNamesByPrefix = entryToSearch.getValue();
int typeCount = catalogTypeNamesByPrefix.size();
Map<String, InstancePropertyValue> properties = matchProperties.getInstanceProperties();
Map<String, TypeDefAttribute> omrsAttrTypeDefs = typeDefStore.getAllTypeDefAttributesForName(omrsTypeName);
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : catalogTypeNamesByPrefix.entrySet()) {
propertyFilter = "";
String prefix = entry.getKey();
catalogTypeName = entry.getValue();
Map<String, String> omrsPropertyMap = typeDefStore.getPropertyMappingsForOMRSTypeDef(omrsTypeName, prefix);
// Add match properties, if requested
if (matchProperties != null) {
// across ALL entity types)//
if (properties != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, InstancePropertyValue> property : properties.entrySet()) {
String omrsPropertyName = property.getKey();
String catalogName = omrsPropertyMap.get(omrsPropertyName);
String catalogPropertyName = catalogName.substring(catalogName.indexOf(".") + 1);
InstancePropertyValue value = property.getValue();
if (catalogName.startsWith("attribute.")) {
attributeFilter.put(catalogPropertyName, value.valueAsString());
} else {
if (propertyFilter.isEmpty()) {
propertyFilter = String.format("contains(%s,\"%s\")", catalogPropertyName, value.valueAsString());
} else {
propertyFilter = String.format("%s(%s,contains(%s,\"%s\"))", propertyMatchDelim, propertyFilter, catalogPropertyName, value.valueAsString());
String typeFilterStr = String.format("eq(type,\"%s\")", catalogTypeName);
// Handle reference types differently since they all have a type of "reference"
if (catalogTypeName.startsWith("reference.")) {
// Extract reference name after "reference."
String refName = catalogTypeName.substring(catalogTypeName.indexOf(".") + 1);
typeFilterStr = "eq(type,\"reference\")";
attributeFilter.put("referencedType", refName);
if (typeFilter.isEmpty() && propertyFilter.isEmpty()) {
typeFilter = typeFilterStr;
} else if (typeFilter.isEmpty() && !propertyFilter.isEmpty()) {
typeFilter = String.format("and(%s,%s)", typeFilterStr, propertyFilter);
} else if (!typeFilter.isEmpty() && propertyFilter.isEmpty()) {
typeFilter = String.format("and(%s,%s)", typeFilter, typeFilter);
} else {
typeFilter = String.format("or(and(%s,%s), %s)", typeFilterStr, propertyFilter, typeFilter);
// If searching by property value across all entity types, we'll only need property filter
if (incomingEntityTypeGUID == null && methodName.equals("findEntitiesByPropertyValue")) {
queryParams.put("filter", propertyFilter);
} else {
queryParams.put("filter", typeFilter);
// Add paging criteria, if requested
if (pageSize > 0) {
queryParams.put("limit", pageSize + "");
if (fromEntityElement > 0) {
queryParams.put("offset", fromEntityElement + "");
try {
results = repositoryConnector.getInstancesWithParams(queryParams, attributeFilter);
} catch (Exception e) {
raiseRepositoryErrorException(ErrorCode.INVALID_SEARCH, methodName, e, filter);
log.error("Repository error exception for method {} and filter {} : {}", methodName, filter, e);
return results;