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Example 1 with Cell

use of org.olap4j.Cell in project pentaho-kettle by pentaho.

the class CellSetFormatter method formatPage.

 * Formats a two-dimensional page.
 * @param cellSet
 *          Cell set
 * @param pw
 *          Print writer
 * @param pageCoords
 *          Coordinates of page [page, chapter, section, ...]
 * @param columnsAxis
 *          Columns axis
 * @param columnsAxisInfo
 *          Description of columns axis
 * @param rowsAxis
 *          Rows axis
 * @param rowsAxisInfo
 *          Description of rows axis
private Matrix formatPage(final CellSet cellSet, final int[] pageCoords, final CellSetAxis columnsAxis, final AxisInfo columnsAxisInfo, final CellSetAxis rowsAxis, final AxisInfo rowsAxisInfo) {
    // Figure out the dimensions of the blank rectangle in the top left
    // corner.
    final int yOffset = columnsAxisInfo.getWidth();
    final int xOffsset = rowsAxisInfo.getWidth();
    // Populate a string matrix
    final Matrix matrix = new Matrix(xOffsset + (columnsAxis == null ? 1 : columnsAxis.getPositions().size()), yOffset + (rowsAxis == null ? 1 : rowsAxis.getPositions().size()));
    // Populate corner
    for (int x = 0; x < xOffsset; x++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < yOffset; y++) {
            final MemberCell memberInfo = new MemberCell(false, x > 0);
            matrix.set(x, y, memberInfo);
    // Populate matrix with cells representing axes
    // noinspection SuspiciousNameCombination
    populateAxis(matrix, columnsAxis, columnsAxisInfo, true, xOffsset);
    populateAxis(matrix, rowsAxis, rowsAxisInfo, false, yOffset);
    // Populate cell values
    for (final Cell cell : cellIter(pageCoords, cellSet)) {
        final List<Integer> coordList = cell.getCoordinateList();
        int x = xOffsset;
        if (coordList.size() > 0) {
            x += coordList.get(0);
        int y = yOffset;
        if (coordList.size() > 1) {
            y += coordList.get(1);
        final DataCell cellInfo = new DataCell(true, false);
        for (int z = 0; z < matrix.getMatrixHeight(); z++) {
            final AbstractBaseCell headerCell = matrix.get(x, z);
            if (!(headerCell instanceof MemberCell && ((MemberCell) headerCell).getUniqueName() != null)) {
                cellInfo.setParentColMember((MemberCell) matrix.get(x, z - 1));
        for (int z = 0; z < matrix.getMatrixWidth(); z++) {
            final AbstractBaseCell headerCell = matrix.get(z, y);
            if (!(headerCell instanceof MemberCell && ((MemberCell) headerCell).getUniqueName() != null)) {
                cellInfo.setParentRowMember((MemberCell) matrix.get(z - 1, y));
        if (cell.getValue() != null) {
            if (cell.getValue() instanceof Number) {
                cellInfo.setRawNumber((Number) cell.getValue());
        // First try to get a
        String cellValue = cell.getFormattedValue();
        if (cellValue == null || cellValue.equals("null")) {
            cellValue = "";
        if (cellValue.length() < 1) {
            final Object value = cell.getValue();
            if (value == null || value.equals("null")) {
                cellValue = "";
            } else {
                try {
                    DecimalFormat myFormatter = new DecimalFormat("#,###.###");
                    String output = myFormatter.format(cell.getValue());
                    cellValue = output;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                // TODO: handle exception
        // the raw value
        matrix.set(x, y, cellInfo);
    return matrix;
Also used : DecimalFormat(java.text.DecimalFormat) Cell(org.olap4j.Cell)

Example 2 with Cell

use of org.olap4j.Cell in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class Olap4jTest method testCellProperties.

public void testCellProperties() throws SQLException {
    final OlapConnection connection = getTestContext().getOlap4jConnection();
    final CellSet cellSet = connection.createStatement().executeOlapQuery("with member [Customers].[USA].[CA WA] as\n" + " Aggregate({[Customers].[USA].[CA], [Customers].[USA].[WA]})\n" + "select [Measures].[Unit Sales] on 0,\n" + " {[Customers].[USA].[CA], [Customers].[USA].[CA WA]} on 1\n" + "from [Sales]\n" + "cell properties ACTION_TYPE, DRILLTHROUGH_COUNT");
    final CellSetMetaData metaData = cellSet.getMetaData();
    final Property actionTypeProperty = metaData.getCellProperties().get("ACTION_TYPE");
    final Property drillthroughCountProperty = metaData.getCellProperties().get("DRILLTHROUGH_COUNT");
    // Cell [0, 0] is drillable
    final Cell cell0 = cellSet.getCell(0);
    final int actionType0 = (Integer) cell0.getPropertyValue(actionTypeProperty);
    assertEquals(0x100, actionType0);
    final int drill0 = (Integer) cell0.getPropertyValue(drillthroughCountProperty);
    assertEquals(24442, drill0);
    // Cell [0, 1] is not drillable
    final Cell cell1 = cellSet.getCell(1);
    final int actionType1 = (Integer) cell1.getPropertyValue(actionTypeProperty);
    assertEquals(0x0, actionType1);
    final int drill1 = (Integer) cell1.getPropertyValue(drillthroughCountProperty);
    assertEquals(-1, drill1);
Also used : Property(org.olap4j.metadata.Property) Cell(org.olap4j.Cell)

Example 3 with Cell

use of org.olap4j.Cell in project teiid by teiid.

the class OlapQueryExecution method next.

public List<?> next() throws TranslatorException {
    if (!rowPositionIterator.hasNext()) {
        return null;
    Position rowPosition =;
    Object[] result = new Object[colWidth];
    int i = 0;
    // add in rows axis
    List<Member> members = rowPosition.getMembers();
    for (Member member : members) {
        String columnName = member.getName();
        result[i++] = columnName;
    // add col axis
    for (Position colPos : columnsAxis) {
        Cell cell = cellSet.getCell(colPos, rowPosition);
        result[i++] = cell.getValue();
    if (returnsArray) {
        ArrayList<Object[]> results = new ArrayList<Object[]>(1);
        return results;
    return Arrays.asList(result);
Also used : Position(org.olap4j.Position) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Member(org.olap4j.metadata.Member) Cell(org.olap4j.Cell)

Example 4 with Cell

use of org.olap4j.Cell in project pentaho-kettle by pentaho.

the class CellSetFormatter method cellIter.

 * Returns an iterator over cells in a result.
private static Iterable<Cell> cellIter(final int[] pageCoords, final CellSet cellSet) {
    return new Iterable<Cell>() {

        public Iterator<Cell> iterator() {
            final int[] axisDimensions = new int[cellSet.getAxes().size() - pageCoords.length];
            assert pageCoords.length <= axisDimensions.length;
            for (int i = 0; i < axisDimensions.length; i++) {
                final CellSetAxis axis = cellSet.getAxes().get(i);
                axisDimensions[i] = axis.getPositions().size();
            final CoordinateIterator coordIter = new CoordinateIterator(axisDimensions, true);
            return new Iterator<Cell>() {

                public boolean hasNext() {
                    return coordIter.hasNext();

                public Cell next() {
                    final int[] ints =;
                    final AbstractList<Integer> intList = new AbstractList<Integer>() {

                        public Integer get(final int index) {
                            return index < ints.length ? ints[index] : pageCoords[index - ints.length];

                        public int size() {
                            return pageCoords.length + ints.length;
                    return cellSet.getCell(intList);

                public void remove() {
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
Also used : AbstractList(java.util.AbstractList) CoordinateIterator(org.olap4j.impl.CoordinateIterator) CellSetAxis(org.olap4j.CellSetAxis) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) CoordinateIterator(org.olap4j.impl.CoordinateIterator) Cell(org.olap4j.Cell)


Cell (org.olap4j.Cell)4 DecimalFormat (java.text.DecimalFormat)1 AbstractList (java.util.AbstractList)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)1 CellSetAxis (org.olap4j.CellSetAxis)1 Position (org.olap4j.Position)1 CoordinateIterator (org.olap4j.impl.CoordinateIterator)1 Member (org.olap4j.metadata.Member)1 Property (org.olap4j.metadata.Property)1