use of org.olat.core.gui.components.Container in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class DevelopmentController method dumpTree.
private void dumpTree(StringOutput sb, Component current, int indent, Map<Controller, List<Component>> controllerInfos) {
// add infos,
Controller lController =;
if (lController != null) {
List<Component> lcomps = controllerInfos.get(lController);
if (lcomps == null) {
// first entry
lcomps = new ArrayList<Component>();
controllerInfos.put(lController, lcomps);
int pxInd = indent * 25;
String pcid = Renderer.getComponentPrefix(current);
sb.append("<div id='dmt_").append(pcid).append("' ");
if (current.isVisible() && current.isDomReplaceable()) {
sb.append(" onMouseOver=\"jQuery(this).css('background-color','#f3feff');o_dbg_mark('").append(pcid).append("')\" onMouseOut=\"jQuery(this).css('background-color','');o_dbg_unmark('").append(pcid).append("')\"");
sb.append(" style=\"color:blue; padding-bottom:2px; font-size:10px\"><div style=\"margin-left:" + pxInd + "px\">");
String cname = current.getClass().getName();
cname = cname.substring(cname.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
sb.append("<b>" + cname + "</b> (" + current.getComponentName() + " id " + current.getDispatchID() + ") ");
if (current == mainComp) {
// suppress detail and subtree for our controller here
sb.append(" --suppressing output, since developmentcontroller --</div></div>");
} else {
sb.append((current.isVisible() ? "" : "INVISIBLE ") + (current.isEnabled() ? "" : " NOT ENABLED ") + current.getExtendedDebugInfo() + ", " + current.getListenerInfo() + "<br />");
if (current instanceof Container) {
Container co = (Container) current;
for (Component child : co.getComponents()) {
dumpTree(sb, child, indent + 1, controllerInfos);
use of org.olat.core.gui.components.Container in project openolat by klemens.
the class DevelopmentController method dumpTree.
private void dumpTree(StringOutput sb, Component current, int indent, Map<Controller, List<Component>> controllerInfos) {
// add infos,
Controller lController =;
if (lController != null) {
List<Component> lcomps = controllerInfos.get(lController);
if (lcomps == null) {
// first entry
lcomps = new ArrayList<Component>();
controllerInfos.put(lController, lcomps);
int pxInd = indent * 25;
String pcid = Renderer.getComponentPrefix(current);
sb.append("<div id='dmt_").append(pcid).append("' ");
if (current.isVisible() && current.isDomReplaceable()) {
sb.append(" onMouseOver=\"jQuery(this).css('background-color','#f3feff');o_dbg_mark('").append(pcid).append("')\" onMouseOut=\"jQuery(this).css('background-color','');o_dbg_unmark('").append(pcid).append("')\"");
sb.append(" style=\"color:blue; padding-bottom:2px; font-size:10px\"><div style=\"margin-left:" + pxInd + "px\">");
String cname = current.getClass().getName();
cname = cname.substring(cname.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
sb.append("<b>" + cname + "</b> (" + current.getComponentName() + " id " + current.getDispatchID() + ") ");
if (current == mainComp) {
// suppress detail and subtree for our controller here
sb.append(" --suppressing output, since developmentcontroller --</div></div>");
} else {
sb.append((current.isVisible() ? "" : "INVISIBLE ") + (current.isEnabled() ? "" : " NOT ENABLED ") + current.getExtendedDebugInfo() + ", " + current.getListenerInfo() + "<br />");
if (current instanceof Container) {
Container co = (Container) current;
for (Component child : co.getComponents()) {
dumpTree(sb, child, indent + 1, controllerInfos);