Search in sources :

Example 1 with RenderResult

use of org.olat.core.gui.render.RenderResult in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class ExportBinderAsCPResource method renderVelocityContainer.

private String renderVelocityContainer(VelocityContainer mainVC) {
    StringOutput sb = new StringOutput(32000);
    URLBuilder ubu = new URLBuilder("auth", "1", "0");
    Renderer renderer = Renderer.getInstance(mainVC, translator, ubu, new RenderResult(), new EmptyGlobalSettings());
    VelocityRenderDecorator vrdec = new VelocityRenderDecorator(renderer, mainVC, sb);
    mainVC.contextPut("r", vrdec);
    renderer.render(sb, mainVC, null);
    return sb.toString();
Also used : Renderer(org.olat.core.gui.render.Renderer) RenderResult(org.olat.core.gui.render.RenderResult) StringOutput(org.olat.core.gui.render.StringOutput) URLBuilder(org.olat.core.gui.render.URLBuilder) VelocityRenderDecorator(org.olat.core.gui.render.velocity.VelocityRenderDecorator)

Example 2 with RenderResult

use of org.olat.core.gui.render.RenderResult in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class ExportBinderAsPDFResource method createResultHTML.

private String createResultHTML(Component content) {
    String pagePath = Util.getPackageVelocityRoot(this.getClass()) + "/export.html";
    VelocityContainer mainVC = new VelocityContainer("html", pagePath, translator, null);
    mainVC.put("cmp", content);
    mainVC.contextPut("bodyCssClass", "o_portfolio_export");
    StringOutput sb = new StringOutput(32000);
    URLBuilder ubu = new URLBuilder("auth", "1", "0");
    Renderer renderer = Renderer.getInstance(mainVC, translator, ubu, new RenderResult(), new EmptyGlobalSettings());
    VelocityRenderDecorator vrdec = new VelocityRenderDecorator(renderer, mainVC, sb);
    mainVC.contextPut("r", vrdec);
    renderer.render(sb, mainVC, null);
    return sb.toString();
Also used : Renderer(org.olat.core.gui.render.Renderer) RenderResult(org.olat.core.gui.render.RenderResult) StringOutput(org.olat.core.gui.render.StringOutput) VelocityContainer(org.olat.core.gui.components.velocity.VelocityContainer) URLBuilder(org.olat.core.gui.render.URLBuilder) VelocityRenderDecorator(org.olat.core.gui.render.velocity.VelocityRenderDecorator)

Example 3 with RenderResult

use of org.olat.core.gui.render.RenderResult in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class AssessmentTestComponentRenderer method renderTestItem.

private void renderTestItem(AssessmentRenderer renderer, StringOutput sb, AssessmentTestComponent component, TestPlanNodeKey itemRefKey, URLBuilder ubu, Translator translator, RenderingRequest options) {
    final TestSessionController testSessionController = component.getTestSessionController();
    final TestSessionState testSessionState = testSessionController.getTestSessionState();
    String key = itemRefKey.toString();
    /* We finally do the transform on the _item_ (NB!) */
    sb.append("<div class='qtiworks o_assessmentitem o_assessmenttest'>");
    // test part feedback 'during'
    // test feedback 'during'
    TestPlanNode itemRefNode = testSessionState.getTestPlan().getNode(itemRefKey);
    final EffectiveItemSessionControl effectiveItemSessionControl = itemRefNode.getEffectiveItemSessionControl();
    final boolean allowComments = effectiveItemSessionControl.isAllowComment() && component.isPersonalNotes();
    // write section rubric
    renderSectionRubrics(renderer, sb, component, itemRefNode, ubu, translator);
    // test part -> section -> item
    renderTestItemBody(renderer, sb, component, itemRefNode, ubu, translator, options);
    // controls
    sb.append("<div class='o_button_group o_assessmentitem_controls'>");
    // submit button
    final ItemSessionState itemSessionState = component.getItemSessionState(itemRefNode.getKey());
    if (component.isItemSessionOpen(itemSessionState, options.isSolutionMode())) {
        Component submit = component.getQtiItem().getSubmitButton().getComponent();
        submit.getHTMLRendererSingleton().render(renderer.getRenderer(), sb, submit, ubu, translator, new RenderResult(), null);
    // advanceTestItemAllowed /* && testSessionState.getCurrentItemKey() != null && testSessionController.mayAdvanceItemLinear() */
    if (options.isAdvanceTestItemAllowed()) {
        // TODO need to find if there is a next question
        String title = translator.translate("assessment.test.nextQuestion");
        renderControl(sb, component, title, false, "o_sel_next_question", new NameValuePair("cid",;
    // nextItem
    if (options.isNextItemAllowed() && testSessionController.hasFollowingNonLinearItem()) {
        String title = translator.translate("assessment.test.nextQuestion");
        renderControl(sb, component, title, false, "o_sel_next_question", new NameValuePair("cid",;
    // testPartNavigationAllowed"
    if (options.isTestPartNavigationAllowed() && component.isRenderNavigation()) {
        String title = translator.translate("assessment.test.questionMenu");
        renderControl(sb, component, title, false, "o_sel_question_menu", new NameValuePair("cid",;
    // endTestPartAllowed
    if (options.isEndTestPartAllowed()) {
        String title = component.hasMultipleTestParts() ? translator.translate("assessment.test.end.testPart") : translator.translate("assessment.test.end.test");
        renderControl(sb, component, title, false, "o_sel_end_testpart", new NameValuePair("cid",;
    // reviewMode
    if (options.isReviewMode()) {
        String title = translator.translate("assessment.test.backToTestFeedback");
        renderControl(sb, component, title, false, "o_sel_back_test_feedback", new NameValuePair("cid",;
    // <xsl:variable name="provideItemSolutionButton" as="xs:boolean" select="$reviewMode and $showSolution and not($solutionMode)"/>
    if (options.isReviewMode() && effectiveItemSessionControl.isShowSolution() && !options.isSolutionMode()) {
        String title = translator.translate("");
        renderControl(sb, component, title, false, "o_sel_show_solution", new NameValuePair("cid",, new NameValuePair("item", key));
    if (options.isReviewMode() && options.isSolutionMode()) {
        String title = translator.translate("assessment.solution.hide");
        renderControl(sb, component, title, false, "o_sel_solution_hide", new NameValuePair("cid",, new NameValuePair("item", key));
    // end controls
    // end assessmentItem
Also used : TestPlanNode( NameValuePair(org.olat.core.gui.components.form.flexible.impl.NameValuePair) TestSessionState( ItemSessionState( RenderResult(org.olat.core.gui.render.RenderResult) TestSessionController( AssessmentRenderFunctions.contentAsString(org.olat.ims.qti21.ui.components.AssessmentRenderFunctions.contentAsString) Component(org.olat.core.gui.components.Component) EffectiveItemSessionControl(

Example 4 with RenderResult

use of org.olat.core.gui.render.RenderResult in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class ValidatingVisitor method dispatchRequest.

 * @param ureq
 * @param renderOnly
public void dispatchRequest(UserRequest ureq, boolean renderOnly) {
    final HttpServletRequest request = ureq.getHttpReq();
    final HttpServletResponse response = ureq.getHttpResp();
    final String timestampID = ureq.getTimestampID() == null ? "1" : ureq.getTimestampID();
    final String componentID = ureq.getComponentID();
    // case windowId timestamp componentId
    // --------------------------------------------
    // 1 null     null null -> if (!renderOnly)-> error else doRenderOnly<br>
    // 2 invalid n/a n/a -> not handled here, but in Windows
    // 3 valid valid valid -> dispatch and further handling (check for new
    // window and res. media resource
    // 4 valid valid invalid -> no dispatch (silently) -> rerender (no res.
    // media res and no new window check needed)
    // 5 valid invalid n/a -> asyncRes == null? "doNotUseReload" :
    // getAsyncRes==null? renderInline : serve resource
    // 6 valid null n/a -> no timestamp -> just rerender inline
    // defs:
    // rerender: component validation and inline rendering
    // case 1:
    // simply rerender, no dispatching
    // case 3:
    // dispatch, check for new Window
    // case 5:
    // check newWindow, serve resource/renderInline
    // order:
    // 1. check for timestamp: valid: case 3,4 ; invalid -> case 5, or -1 ->
    // indicator of just rendering and no revalidating needed
    // 2. dispatch to component, unless flag renderOnly in method sig., or
    // inlineRerender set (timestamps indicates)
    boolean inline = false;
    boolean validate = false;
    boolean checkNewWindow = false;
    boolean dispatch = false;
    // increase the timestamp, but not if we are in loadperformancemode: then all url's have
    // to work independant of previous ones -> when no increase: timestamp is always the same here
    // !GUIInterna.isLoadPerformanceMode();
    boolean incTimestamp = false;
    MediaResource mr = null;
    final boolean isDebugLog = log.isDebug();
    StringBuilder debugMsg = null;
    long debug_start = 0;
    if (isDebugLog) {
        debug_start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        debugMsg = new StringBuilder("::winst:");
    synchronized (this) {
        // o_clusterOK by:fj
        // sync dispatching per window to avoid rendering problems
        // when user repeateadly presses reload, and also to distribute bandwidth more
        // evenly.
        // postcondition: each controller's events are called by one gui-thread at a time only.
        GlobalSettings gsettings = wbackofficeImpl.getGlobalSettings();
        boolean bgEnab = gsettings.getAjaxFlags().isIframePostEnabled();
        // -------------------------
        if (bgEnab && (ureq.getMode() & 1) == 1) {
            // first check on "ajax-command-was-not-in-hidden-iframe hint" -> if so, rerender the current window
            if (ureq.getParameter("o_win_jsontop") != null) {
                renderOnly = true;
            } else {
                try {
                    // if target in background (m = mode , 0.bit set)
                    // 1.) do dispatch to component if component timestamp ok
                    // REVIEW:PB: this will be the code allowing back forward navigation
                    // --> boolean inlineAfterBackForward = false;
                    // FIXME:fj:b avoid double traversal to find component again below
                    String s_compID = ureq.getComponentID();
                    if (s_compID == null) {
                        throw new AssertException("no component id found in req:" + ureq.toString());
                    // throws NumberFormatException if not a number
                    // long compID = Long.parseLong(s_compID);
                    List<Component> foundPath = new ArrayList<Component>(10);
                    Component target = ComponentHelper.findDescendantOrSelfByID(getContentPane(), s_compID, foundPath);
                    final boolean validForDispatching;
                    if (target != null) {
                        // the target was found
                        String cTimest = target.getTimestamp();
                        String urlCTimest = ureq.getComponentTimestamp();
                        validForDispatching = cTimest.equals(urlCTimest);
                        if (!validForDispatching && isDebugLog) {
                            log.debug("Invalid timestamp: ureq.compid:" + ureq.getComponentID() + "" + ureq.getTimestampID() + " ureq.comp-ts:" + ureq.getComponentTimestamp() + " target.timestamp:" + cTimest + " target=" + target);
                    } else {
                        // this can happen e.g. on quick double-clicks, so that the dom-replacement-command never reaches the client.
                        if (isDebugLog)
                            log.debug("no ajax dispatch: component not found (target=null)");
                        validForDispatching = false;
                        // check no response call
                        String noResponseMarker = ureq.getParameter("no-response");
                        if ("oo-no-response".equals(noResponseMarker)) {
                    // 2.) collect dirty components (top-down, return from sub-path when first dirty node met)
                    // 3.) return to sender...
                    boolean didDispatch = false;
                    boolean forceReload = false;
                    if (validForDispatching) {
                        DispatchResult dispatchResult = doDispatchToComponent(ureq, null);
                        didDispatch = dispatchResult.isDispatch();
                        incTimestamp = dispatchResult.isIncTimestamp();
                        forceReload = dispatchResult.isForceReload();
                        if (isDebugLog) {
                            long durationAfterDoDispatchToComponent = System.currentTimeMillis() - debug_start;
                            log.debug("Perf-Test: Window durationAfterDoDispatchToComponent=" + durationAfterDoDispatchToComponent);
                    MediaResource mmr = null;
                    // -----> if (didDispatch || inlineAfterBackForward) {
                    if (forceReload) {
                        // force RELOAD with a redirect to itself
                        String reRenderUri = buildURIFor(this, timestampID, null);
                        Command rmrcom = CommandFactory.createParentRedirectTo(reRenderUri);
                    } else if (didDispatch || !validForDispatching) {
                        if (validForDispatching) {
                            Window ww = ureq.getDispatchResult().getResultingWindow();
                            if (ww != null) {
                                // FIXME:fj:c think about bodyOnLoad -> window url)
                                throw new AssertException("a link in ajax mode should never result in a new window");
                            mmr = ureq.getDispatchResult().getResultingMediaResource();
                            if (mmr == null) {
                                inline = true;
                            } else {
                                inline = false;
                        // -----> if (inline) {
                        if (inline || !validForDispatching) {
                            if (!validForDispatching) {
                                // not valid: fire oldtimestamp event and later rerender
                                fireEvent(ureq, OLDTIMESTAMPCALL);
                            ComponentCollection top = getContentPane();
                            // always validate here, since we are never in the case of just rerendering (we are in the bg iframe)
                            ValidatingVisitor vv = new ValidatingVisitor(gsettings, jsAndCssAdder);
                            ComponentTraverser ct = new ComponentTraverser(vv, top, false);
                            if (isDebugLog) {
                                long durationBeforeVisitAll = System.currentTimeMillis() - debug_start;
                                log.debug("Perf-Test: Window durationBeforeVisitAll=" + durationBeforeVisitAll);
                            if (isDebugLog) {
                                long durationAfterVisitAll = System.currentTimeMillis() - debug_start;
                                log.debug("Perf-Test: Window durationAfterVisitAll=" + durationAfterVisitAll);
                            ValidationResult vr = vv.getValidationResult();
                            boolean newJsCssAdded = vr.getJsAndCSSAdder().finishAndCheckChange();
                            String newModUri = vr.getNewModuleURI();
                            // !validForDispatching ||
                            if (newJsCssAdded || newModUri != null) {
                                // send 302 redirect so the ajax-iframe's parent window gets reloaded to either include new js/css or to prepare the address bar
                                // url for asynchronous requests when delivering inline-contentpackaging.
                                // set window id to cur id, timestamp to current timestamp,
                                // component id to -1 -> indicates rerender
                                // newModUri == null in case "just" new css or js libs have been added
                                String uri = buildURIForRedirect(newModUri);
                                // set this only for the first request (the .html request), but clear it afterwards for asyncmedia
                                validatingCausedRerendering = true;
                                Command rmrcom = CommandFactory.createParentRedirectTo(uri);
                                // OLAT-4563: so the timestamp is not incremented, we do only a redirect
                            } else {
                                // inline rendering by selectively replacing the dirty components in the dom tree of the browser
                                // wich might be set by later commands
                                if (!this.isDirty()) {
                                // Add the js and css files and related pre init commands
                                Command jscsscom = jsAndCssAdder.extractJSCSSCommand();
                                // dependencies to previously loaded js libs
                                if (this.isDirty()) {
                                    // special case: when the window itself is dirty we require
                                    // a full page refresh in any case
                                    String reRenderUri = buildURIFor(this, timestampID, null);
                                    Command rmrcom = CommandFactory.createParentRedirectTo(reRenderUri);
                                } else {
                                    // check for dirty child components in the component tree
                                    if (isDebugLog) {
                                        long durationBeforeHandleDirties = System.currentTimeMillis() - debug_start;
                                        log.debug("Perf-Test: Window durationBeforeHandleDirties=" + durationBeforeHandleDirties);
                                    Command co;
                                    try {
                                        co = handleDirties();
                                    } catch (CannotReplaceDOMFragmentException e) {
                                        String reRenderUri = buildURIFor(this, timestampID, null);
                                        co = CommandFactory.createParentRedirectTo(reRenderUri);
                                    // update the business path
                                    Command co2 = handleBusinessPath(ureq);
                                    if (isDebugLog) {
                                        long durationAfterHandleDirties = System.currentTimeMillis() - debug_start;
                                        log.debug("Perf-Test: Window durationAfterHandleDirties=" + durationAfterHandleDirties);
                                    if (co != null) {
                                        // see method handleDirties for the rare case of co == null even if there are dirty components;
                                    if (co2 != null) {
                                        // see method handleDirties for the rare case of co == null even if there are dirty components;
                        } else {
                            // not inline
                            if (!validForDispatching) {
                                // not valid: fire oldtimestamp event
                                fireEvent(ureq, OLDTIMESTAMPCALL);
                                throw new AssertException("unreachable code reached");
                            if (isDebugLog) {
                                long durationBeforeCreateMediaResourceMapper = System.currentTimeMillis() - debug_start;
                                log.debug("Perf-Test: Window durationBeforeCreateMediaResourceMapper=" + durationBeforeCreateMediaResourceMapper);
                            // not inline, new mediaresource
                            // send it to the parent window (e.g. an excel download, but could also be a 302 redirect)
                            // if the browser has e.g. pdf configured to be displayed inline, we want it to fill the whole area (self window), not the hidden iframe.
                            // the same for 302.
                            // -> send a command which offers a new location for the main window.
                            // create a mapper which maps this mediaresource, and serves it once only
                            MediaResourceMapper extMRM = new MediaResourceMapper();
                            MapperKey mapperKey = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(MapperService.class).register(ureq.getUserSession(), extMRM);
                            String resUrl = mapperKey.getUrl() + "/";
                            // e.g. res = /olat/m/10001/
                            Command rmrcom = CommandFactory.createParentRedirectForExternalResource(resUrl);
                            if (isDebugLog) {
                                long durationAfterCreateMediaResourceMapper = System.currentTimeMillis() - debug_start;
                                log.debug("Perf-Test: Window durationAfterCreateMediaResourceMapper=" + durationAfterCreateMediaResourceMapper);
                    } else {
                        // not dispatched
                        if (isDebugLog) {
                            long durationBeforeBuildURIFor = System.currentTimeMillis() - debug_start;
                            log.debug("Perf-Test: Window durationBeforeBuildURIFor=" + durationBeforeBuildURIFor);
                            log.debug("Found a valid timestamp but could not dispatch to component: ureq.compid:" + ureq.getComponentID() + "" + ureq.getTimestampID() + " ureq.comp-ts:" + ureq.getComponentTimestamp() + " target.timestamp:" + target.getTimestamp() + " target=" + target);
                        String reRenderUri = buildURIFor(this, timestampID, null);
                        Command rmrcom = CommandFactory.createParentRedirectTo(reRenderUri);
                    if (isDebugLog) {
                        long durationBeforeServeResource = System.currentTimeMillis() - debug_start;
                        log.debug("Perf-Test: Window durationBeforeServeResource=" + durationBeforeServeResource);
                    wbackofficeImpl.pushCommands(ureq, request, response);
                } catch (InvalidRequestParameterException e) {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e1) {
                        log.error("An exception occured while handling the invalid request parameter exception...", e1);
                } catch (Throwable th) {
                    // create the error window
                    try {
                        log.debug("Error in Window, rollback");
                        ChiefController msgcc = MsgFactory.createMessageChiefController(ureq, th);
                        Window errWindow = msgcc.getWindow();
                        // register window
                        // redirect to the error window
                        String newWinUri = buildRenderOnlyURIFor(errWindow);
                        Command rmrcom = CommandFactory.createParentRedirectTo(newWinUri);
                        MediaResource jsonmr = wbackofficeImpl.extractCommands(request);
                        ServletUtil.serveResource(request, response, jsonmr);
                    } catch (Throwable anotherTh) {
                        log.error("Exception while handling exception!!!!", anotherTh);
                if (isDebugLog) {
                    long durationDispatchRequest = System.currentTimeMillis() - debug_start;
                    log.debug("Perf-Test: Window return from 1 durationDispatchRequest=" + durationDispatchRequest);
        // -------------------------
        if (renderOnly || timestampID == null) {
            inline = true;
            validate = true;
        } else if (validatingCausedRerendering && timestampID.equals("-1")) {
            // the first request after the 302 redirect cause by a component validation
            // -> just rerender, but clear the flag for further async media requests
            validatingCausedRerendering = false;
            inline = true;
            // no need to revalidate right now
            validate = false;
            checkNewWindow = false;
            dispatch = false;
        } else {
            // set), then check for an old timestamp
            if (latestTimestamp != null && !timestampID.equals(latestTimestamp)) {
                // asynchronous media
                if (asyncMediaResponsible == null) {
                    // "open in new window/tab" in the browser).
                    if ((componentID != null && componentID.equals("-1")) || (ureq.getParameter("o_winrndo") != null)) {
                    // just rerender
                    } else {
                        // fxdiff BAKS-7: resume controller
                        if (isDebugLog)
                            log.debug("Removed old timestamp event");
                    // fireEvent(ureq, OLDTIMESTAMPCALL);
                    // just rerender current window
                    inline = true;
                    // do not increment timestamp so that e.g. url in a iframe remain valid
                    incTimestamp = false;
                } else {
                    // some component will take care of it for the moment, so be it
                    mr = asyncMediaResponsible.getAsyncMediaResource(ureq);
                    if (mr == null) {
                        // indicates inline rendering
                        inline = true;
                        // an inline rendered async link should be
                        checkNewWindow = true;
                        // able to produce a new window
                        validate = true;
                    } else {
                    // serve the resource.
                    // all flags remain at their default value
            } else {
                // latestTimestamp == null || timestampID.equals(latestTimestamp)
                dispatch = true;
                checkNewWindow = true;
                validate = true;
        // end of simple flagging.
        long dstart = 0;
        if (isDebugLog) {
            dstart = System.currentTimeMillis();
            long syncIntroDiff = dstart - debug_start;
        boolean forceReload = false;
        if (dispatch) {
            DispatchResult dispatchResult = doDispatchToComponent(ureq, debugMsg);
            boolean didDispatch = dispatchResult.isDispatch();
            forceReload = dispatchResult.isForceReload();
            incTimestamp = dispatchResult.isIncTimestamp();
            if (isDebugLog) {
                long dstop = System.currentTimeMillis();
                long diff = dstop - dstart;
            if (didDispatch) {
                // the component with the given id was found
                mr = ureq.getDispatchResult().getResultingMediaResource();
                if (mr == null) {
                    inline = true;
                } else {
                    inline = false;
            } else {
                // component with id was not found -> probably asynchronous thread changed flow ->
                // just rerender
                inline = true;
                dispatch = false;
                checkNewWindow = false;
                validate = true;
        if (checkNewWindow) {
            Window resWindow = ureq.getDispatchResult().getResultingWindow();
            if (resWindow != null) {
                // register it first, if not done before
                Windows ws = Windows.getWindows(ureq);
                if (!ws.isRegistered(resWindow)) {
                // render initial state of new window by redirecting (302) to the new
                // window id. needed for asyncronous data like images loaded
                // todo maybe better delegate window registry to the windowbackoffice?
                URLBuilder ubu = new URLBuilder(uriPrefix, resWindow.getInstanceId(), String.valueOf(resWindow.timestamp));
                StringOutput sout = new StringOutput(30);
                ubu.buildURI(sout, null, null);
                mr = new RedirectMediaResource(sout.toString());
                ServletUtil.serveResource(request, response, mr);
                if (isDebugLog) {
                    long diff = System.currentTimeMillis() - debug_start;
                    long durationDispatchRequest = System.currentTimeMillis() - debug_start;
                    log.debug("Perf-Test: Window return from 2 durationDispatchRequest=" + durationDispatchRequest);
        if (forceReload) {
            // force RELOAD with a redirect to itself (http redirect because we are in non-Ajax mode)
            String reRenderUri = buildURIFor(this, timestampID, null);
            String url = reRenderUri;
            DispatcherModule.redirectTo(response, url);
        } else if (inline) {
            // do inline rendering.
            ComponentCollection top = getContentPane();
            // the component just got dispatched
            if (validate) {
                // do not validate if a previous validate lead to a
                // redirect; validating makes no sense here
                // long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
                ValidatingVisitor vv = new ValidatingVisitor(gsettings, jsAndCssAdder);
                ComponentTraverser ct = new ComponentTraverser(vv, top, false);
                ValidationResult vr = vv.getValidationResult();
                String newModUri = vr.getNewModuleURI();
                // ignore the return value since we are just about rendering anyway
                if (newModUri != null) {
                    // send 302 redirect without dispatching, but just rerender
                    // inline.
                    // set window id to cur id, timestamp to current timestamp,
                    // component id to -1 -> indicates rerender
                    String uri = buildURIForRedirect(newModUri);
                    MediaResource mrr = new RedirectMediaResource(uri);
                    // set this only for the first request (the .html request), but clear it afterwards for asyncmedia
                    validatingCausedRerendering = true;
                    ServletUtil.serveResource(request, response, mrr);
                    if (isDebugLog) {
                        long diff = System.currentTimeMillis() - debug_start;
                        long durationDispatchRequest = System.currentTimeMillis() - debug_start;
                        log.debug("Perf-Test: Window return form 3 durationDispatchRequest=" + durationDispatchRequest);
            StringOutput result;
            synchronized (render_mutex) {
                // TODO state-less
                if (incTimestamp) {
                final String newTimestamp = String.valueOf(timestamp);
                // add the businesscontrol path for bookmarking:
                // each url has a part in it (the so called business path), which, in case of an invalid url or invalidated
                // session, can be used as a bookmark. that is, urls from our framework are bookmarkable, but require some little
                // coding effort: setting an appropriate business path and launching for each controller.
                // note: the businesspath may also be used as a easy (but of course not perfect) back-button-solution:
                // if the timestamp of a request is outdated, simply jump to its bookmarked business control path.
                URLBuilder ubu = new URLBuilder(uriPrefix, getInstanceId(), newTimestamp);
                RenderResult renderResult = new RenderResult();
                // if we have an around-component-interception
                // set the handler for this render cycle
                InterceptHandler interceptHandler = wbackofficeImpl.getInterceptHandler();
                if (interceptHandler != null) {
                    InterceptHandlerInstance dhri = interceptHandler.createInterceptHandlerInstance();
                Renderer fr = Renderer.getInstance(top, top.getTranslator(), ubu, renderResult, gsettings);
                long rstart = 0;
                if (isDebugLog) {
                    rstart = System.currentTimeMillis();
                result = StringOutputPool.allocStringBuilder(100000);
                fr.render(top, result, null);
                if (isDebugLog) {
                    long rstop = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    long diff = rstop - rstart;
                if (renderResult.getRenderException() != null) {
                    throw new OLATRuntimeException(Window.class, renderResult.getLogMsg(), renderResult.getRenderException());
                // to check HTML by reload
                // System.out.println();
                // System.out.println(result.toString());
                // System.out.println();
                // after rendering we know if some component awaits further async
                // calls
                // like images, so get a handler
                AsyncMediaResponsible amr = renderResult.getAsyncMediaResponsible();
                // if amr == null -> we are not
                // excepting
                // any async calls in the near future...
                latestTimestamp = newTimestamp;
            if (isDebugLog) {
                long diff = System.currentTimeMillis() - debug_start;
            ServletUtil.serveStringResource(response, result);
            if (isDebugLog) {
                long diff = System.currentTimeMillis() - debug_start;
    // else serve mediaresource, but postpone serving to when lock has been released,
    // otherwise e.g. a large download blocks the window, so that the user cannot click until the download is finished
    if (!inline) {
        // it can be an async media resource, or a resulting mediaresource (image, an excel download, a 302 redirect, and so on.)
        if (isDebugLog) {
            long diff = System.currentTimeMillis() - debug_start;
        ServletUtil.serveResource(request, response, mr);
        if (isDebugLog) {
            long diff = System.currentTimeMillis() - debug_start;
    if (isDebugLog) {
        // log the collected data now;
        long durationDispatchRequest = System.currentTimeMillis() - debug_start;
        log.debug("Perf-Test: Window durationDispatchRequest=" + durationDispatchRequest);
Also used : ComponentTraverser(org.olat.core.util.component.ComponentTraverser) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) RenderResult(org.olat.core.gui.render.RenderResult) StringOutput(org.olat.core.gui.render.StringOutput) Windows(org.olat.core.gui.Windows) ValidationResult(org.olat.core.gui.render.ValidationResult) InterceptHandlerInstance(org.olat.core.gui.render.intercept.InterceptHandlerInstance) HttpServletRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest) InvalidRequestParameterException(org.olat.core.gui.components.form.flexible.impl.InvalidRequestParameterException) RedirectMediaResource( MediaResource( RedirectMediaResource( InterceptHandler(org.olat.core.gui.render.intercept.InterceptHandler) AssertException(org.olat.core.logging.AssertException) MediaResourceMapper(org.olat.core.gui.control.winmgr.MediaResourceMapper) HttpServletResponse(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse) GlobalSettings(org.olat.core.gui.GlobalSettings) IOException( ChiefController(org.olat.core.gui.control.ChiefController) URLBuilder(org.olat.core.gui.render.URLBuilder) AsyncMediaResponsible( JSCommand(org.olat.core.gui.control.winmgr.JSCommand) Command(org.olat.core.gui.control.winmgr.Command) OLATRuntimeException(org.olat.core.logging.OLATRuntimeException) Renderer(org.olat.core.gui.render.Renderer) MapperKey(org.olat.core.dispatcher.mapper.manager.MapperKey)

Example 5 with RenderResult

use of org.olat.core.gui.render.RenderResult in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class ValidatingVisitor method renderComponent.

public String renderComponent(Component cmp) {
    RenderResult renderResult = new RenderResult();
    URLBuilder ubu = new URLBuilder(getUriPrefix(), getInstanceId(), getTimestamp());
    Renderer fr = Renderer.getInstance(cmp.getParent(), cmp.getTranslator(), ubu, renderResult, wbackofficeImpl.getGlobalSettings());
    StringOutput sb = StringOutputPool.allocStringBuilder(2048);
    fr.render(cmp, sb, null);
    return StringOutputPool.freePop(sb);
Also used : RenderResult(org.olat.core.gui.render.RenderResult) Renderer(org.olat.core.gui.render.Renderer) StringOutput(org.olat.core.gui.render.StringOutput) URLBuilder(org.olat.core.gui.render.URLBuilder)


RenderResult (org.olat.core.gui.render.RenderResult)32 Renderer (org.olat.core.gui.render.Renderer)22 URLBuilder (org.olat.core.gui.render.URLBuilder)22 StringOutput (org.olat.core.gui.render.StringOutput)20 IOException ( Component (org.olat.core.gui.components.Component)10 VelocityRenderDecorator (org.olat.core.gui.render.velocity.VelocityRenderDecorator)8 GlobalSettings (org.olat.core.gui.GlobalSettings)6 ComponentRenderer (org.olat.core.gui.components.ComponentRenderer)6 VelocityContainer (org.olat.core.gui.components.velocity.VelocityContainer)6 RenderingState (org.olat.core.gui.render.RenderingState)6 Translator (org.olat.core.gui.translator.Translator)6 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 DelegatingComponent (org.olat.core.gui.components.delegating.DelegatingComponent)4 InvalidRequestParameterException (org.olat.core.gui.components.form.flexible.impl.InvalidRequestParameterException)4 Link ( Command (org.olat.core.gui.control.winmgr.Command)4 JSCommand (org.olat.core.gui.control.winmgr.JSCommand)4 AsyncMediaResponsible ( InterceptHandler (org.olat.core.gui.render.intercept.InterceptHandler)4