use of org.olat.core.gui.render.StringOutput in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class FormDecorator method appendFlexiFormDirty.
public String appendFlexiFormDirty(String id) {
StringOutput sb = new StringOutput(256);
FormJSHelper.appendFlexiFormDirty(sb, container.getRootForm(), id);
return sb.toString();
use of org.olat.core.gui.render.StringOutput in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class RichTextElementRenderer method renderTinyMCE_4.
private void renderTinyMCE_4(StringOutput sb, String domID, RichTextElementComponent teC, URLBuilder ubu, Translator translator) {
RichTextElementImpl te = teC.getRichTextElementImpl();
RichTextConfiguration config = te.getEditorConfiguration();
List<String> onInit = config.getOnInit();
StringOutput configurations = new StringOutput();
config.appendConfigToTinyJSArray_4(configurations, translator);
if (config.getAdditionalConfiguration() != null) {
config.getAdditionalConfiguration().appendConfigToTinyJSArray_4(configurations, translator);
StringOutput baseUrl = new StringOutput();
StaticMediaDispatcher.renderStaticURI(baseUrl, "js/tinymce4/tinymce/tinymce.min.js", true);
// Read write view
renderTinyMCETextarea(sb, domID, teC);
Form form = te.getRootForm();
configurations.append("ffxhrevent: { formNam:\"").append(form.getFormName()).append("\", dispIdField:\"").append(form.getDispatchFieldId()).append("\",").append(" dispId:\"").append(teC.getFormDispatchId()).append("\", eventIdField:\"").append(form.getEventFieldId()).append("\"},\n");
if (te.getMaxLength() > 0) {
sb.append("<script type='text/javascript'>/* <![CDATA[ */\n");
// file browser url
sb.append(" BTinyHelper.editorMediaUris.put('").append(domID).append("','");
ubu.buildURI(sb, null, null);
sb.append(" jQuery('#").append(domID).append("').tinymce({\n").append(" selector: '#").append(domID).append("',\n").append(" script_url: '").append(baseUrl.toString()).append("',\n").append(" setup: function(ed){\n").append(" ed.on('init', function(e) {\n").append(" ").append(onInit.get(0).replace(".curry(", "(")).append(";\n").append(" });\n").append(" ed.on('change', function(e) {\n").append(" BTinyHelper.triggerOnChange('").append(domID).append("');\n").append(" });\n");
if (config.isSendOnBlur()) {
sb.append(" ed.on('blur', function(e) {\n").append(" o_ffXHREvent('").append(form.getFormName()).append("','").append(form.getDispatchFieldId()).append("','").append(teC.getFormDispatchId()).append("','").append(form.getEventFieldId()).append("', 2, false, false, false, 'cmd','saveinlinedtiny','").append(domID).append("',ed.getContent());\n").append(" });\n");
sb.append(" },\n").append(configurations).append(" });\n").append("/* ]]> */</script>\n");
use of org.olat.core.gui.render.StringOutput in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class LinkRenderer method render.
public void render(Renderer renderer, StringOutput sb, Component source, URLBuilder ubu, Translator translator, RenderResult renderResult, String[] args) {
Link link = (Link) source;
String command = link.getCommand();
AJAXFlags flags = renderer.getGlobalSettings().getAjaxFlags();
// a link may force a non ajax-mode and a custom targ
boolean iframePostEnabled = flags.isIframePostEnabled() && link.isAjaxEnabled() && link.getTarget() == null;
int presentation = link.getPresentation();
* START && beware! order of this if's are relevant
boolean flexiformlink = (presentation - Link.FLEXIBLEFORMLNK) >= 0;
if (flexiformlink) {
presentation = presentation - Link.FLEXIBLEFORMLNK;
boolean nontranslated = (presentation - Link.NONTRANSLATED) >= 0;
if (nontranslated) {
presentation = presentation - Link.NONTRANSLATED;
* END && beware! order of this if's are relevant
StringBuilder cssSb = new StringBuilder("");
if (!link.isEnabled()) {
cssSb.append(" o_disabled ");
if (link.isActive()) {
cssSb.append(" active ");
if (presentation == Link.BUTTON_XSMALL) {
cssSb.append("btn btn-xs ");
cssSb.append(link.isPrimary() ? "btn-primary" : "btn-default");
} else if (presentation == Link.BUTTON_SMALL) {
cssSb.append("btn btn-sm ");
cssSb.append(link.isPrimary() ? "btn-primary" : "btn-default");
} else if (presentation == Link.BUTTON) {
cssSb.append("btn ");
cssSb.append(link.isPrimary() ? "btn-primary" : "btn-default");
} else if (presentation == Link.BUTTON_LARGE) {
cssSb.append("btn btn-lg ");
cssSb.append(link.isPrimary() ? "btn-primary" : "btn-default");
} else if (presentation == Link.LINK_BACK) {
} else if (presentation == Link.TOOLENTRY_DEFAULT) {
} else if (presentation == Link.TOOLENTRY_CLOSE) {
} else if (presentation == Link.LINK_CUSTOM_CSS) {
String customCss = (link.isEnabled() ? link.getCustomEnabledLinkCSS() : link.getCustomDisabledLinkCSS());
cssSb.append(customCss == null ? "" : customCss);
if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(link.getElementCssClass())) {
cssSb.append(" ").append(link.getElementCssClass());
if (link.isEnabled()) {
// only set a target on an enabled link, target in span makes no sense
if (link.getTarget() != null) {
cssSb.append(" target=\"").append(link.getTarget()).append("\"");
String elementId = link.getElementId();
// String buffer to gather all Javascript stuff with this link
// there is a var elementId = jQuery('#elementId');
// allowing to reference the link as an Ext.Element
// Optimize initial length based on heuristic measurements of extJsSb
StringBuilder jsSb = new StringBuilder(240);
boolean inForm = isInForm(args);
String i18n = link.getI18n();
String title = link.getTitle();
String customDisplayText = link.getCustomDisplayText();
// tooltip sets its own id into the <a> tag.
if (link.isEnabled()) {
sb.append("<p class='form-control-static'>", inForm).append("<a ").append(cssSb);
// need also access to a created and id set. -> avoid "o_c"+link.getDispatchID()
if (elementId != null) {
sb.append(" id=\"").append(elementId).append("\" ");
String accessKey = link.getAccessKey();
if (accessKey != null) {
sb.append("accesskey=\"").append(accessKey).append("\" ");
if (flexiformlink) {
// no target if flexi form link! because target is set on
// post action of form
Form theForm = (Form) link.getInternalAttachedObject();
sb.append("href=\"javascript:").append(FormJSHelper.getJSFnCallFor(theForm, elementId, 1)).append(";\" ");
if (link.isForceFlexiDirtyFormWarning()) {
sb.append("onclick=\"return o2cl_dirtyCheckOnly();\" ");
} else if (link.isPopup()) {
StringOutput href = new StringOutput();
LinkPopupSettings popup = link.getPopup();
ubu.buildURI(href, new String[] { VelocityContainer.COMMAND_ID }, new String[] { command }, null, AJAXFlags.MODE_NORMAL);
sb.append("href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"o_openPopUp('").append(href).append("','").append(popup.getTarget()).append("',").append(popup.getWidth()).append(",").append(popup.getHeight()).append("); return false;\" ");
} else {
ubu.buildHrefAndOnclick(sb, null, iframePostEnabled, !link.isSuppressDirtyFormWarning(), true, new NameValuePair(VelocityContainer.COMMAND_ID, command));
// tooltips
if (title != null) {
if (!link.isHasTooltip()) {
sb.append(" title=\"");
if (nontranslated) {
} else {
// tooltips based on the extjs library, see webapp/static/js/ext*
if (link.isHasTooltip()) {
String text;
if (nontranslated) {
text = title;
} else {
text = translator.translate(title);
sb.append(" title=\"").append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(text)).append("\"");
// CSS icon
if (link.getIconLeftCSS() != null) {
sb.append("<i class='").append(link.getIconLeftCSS()).append("'");
// one space needed
sb.append("></i> ");
} else if (presentation == Link.LINK_BACK) {
// one space needed
sb.append("<i class='o_icon o_icon_back'></i> ");
// inner wrapper for layouting
if (customDisplayText != null) {
// link is nontranslated but has custom text
} else if (nontranslated) {
if (i18n != null) {
// link name is not a i18n key
} else {
} else {
// use translator
if (translator == null) {
} else {
// CSS icon
if (link.getIconRightCSS() != null) {
// one space needed
sb.append(" <i class='").append(link.getIconRightCSS()).append("'");
sb.append("></i> ");
if (link.getBadge() != null) {
renderer.render(link.getBadge(), sb, args);
sb.append("</a>").append("</p>", inForm);
// on click() is part of prototype.js
if (link.isRegisterForMousePositionEvent()) {
jsSb.append(elementId).append(".click(function(event) {").append(" jQuery('#").append(elementId).append("').each(function(index, el) {;").append(" var href = jQuery(el).attr('href');").append(" if(href.indexOf('x') == -1) jQuery(el).attr('href',href+'x'+event.pageX+'y'+event.pageY+'');").append(" });});");
* TODO:gs:b may be usefull as well
* this binds the event to the function call as argument, usefull if event is needed
* Event.observe("id", "click", functionName.bindAsEventListener(this));
if (link.getJavascriptHandlerFunction() != null) {
jsSb.append(elementId).append(".on('").append(link.getMouseEvent()).append("', ").append(link.getJavascriptHandlerFunction()).append(");");
* Focus link so that it can be invoked using the enter key using a keyboard.
if (link.isFocus()) {
} else {
String text;
if (customDisplayText != null) {
// link is nontranslated but has custom text
text = customDisplayText;
} else if (nontranslated) {
// link name is not a i18n key
text = (i18n == null ? "" : i18n);
} else {
text = translator.translate(i18n);
sb.append("<a ");
if (elementId != null)
sb.append(" id=\"").append(elementId).append("\" ");
String description = link.getTextReasonForDisabling();
// fallback to title
if (description == null)
description = link.getTitle();
if (description != null) {
Matcher msq = singleQuote.matcher(description);
description = msq.replaceAll("'");
Matcher mdq = doubleQutoe.matcher(description);
description = mdq.replaceAll("\\\\\"");
sb.append(" title=\"").append(description).append("\" ");
sb.append(cssSb).append(" href='#' onclick='return false;'>");
// CSS icon
if (link.getIconLeftCSS() != null) {
sb.append("<i class='").append(link.getIconLeftCSS()).append("'");
// one space needed
sb.append("></i> ");
// CSS icon
if (link.getIconRightCSS() != null) {
// one space needed
sb.append(" <i class='").append(link.getIconRightCSS()).append("'");
sb.append("></i> ");
if (link.getTarget() != null) {
// if the link starts a download -> the o_afterserver is not called in
// non-ajax mode if a download is started.
// on click execute the "same" javascript as in o_ainvoke(r,true) for
// case 3:
jsSb.append("if (").append(elementId).append(") ").append(elementId).append(".click(function() {setTimeout(removeBusyAfterDownload,1200)});");
// now append all gathered javascript stuff if any
if (jsSb.length() > 0) {
// Execute code within an anonymous function (closure) to not leak
// variables to global scope (OLAT-5755)
sb.append(" <script type=\"text/javascript\">\n/* <![CDATA[ */\n").append("(function(){ var ").append(elementId).append(" = jQuery('#").append(elementId).append("');").append(jsSb).append("})();").append("\n/* ]]> */\n</script>");
use of org.olat.core.gui.render.StringOutput in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class DefaultCsvTableExporter method createData.
private void createData(final Table table, final int cdcnt, final int rcnt, final StringBuilder sb) {
for (int r = 0; r < rcnt; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < cdcnt; c++) {
ColumnDescriptor cd = table.getColumnDescriptor(c);
if (cd instanceof StaticColumnDescriptor) {
// ignore static column descriptors - of no value in excel download!
StringOutput so = new StringOutput();
cd.renderValue(so, r, null);
String cellValue = so.toString();
cellValue = StringHelper.stripLineBreaks(cellValue);
cellValue = FilterFactory.getHtmlTagsFilter().filter(cellValue);
use of org.olat.core.gui.render.StringOutput in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class TableListProvider method getResult.
public void getResult(String searchValue, ListReceiver receiver) {
Filter htmlFilter = FilterFactory.getHtmlTagsFilter();
Set<String> searchEntries = new TreeSet<String>();
int entryCounter = 1;
// loop over whole data-model
TableDataModel<?> unfilteredModel = table.getUnfilteredTableDataModel();
int rowCount = unfilteredModel.getRowCount();
int colCount = table.getColumnCountFromAllCDs();
a_a: for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < colCount; colIndex++) {
ColumnDescriptor cd = table.getColumnDescriptorFromAllCDs(colIndex);
int dataColumn = cd.getDataColumn();
if (dataColumn >= 0 && table.isColumnDescriptorVisible(cd)) {
for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowCount; rowIndex++) {
Object obj = unfilteredModel.getValueAt(rowIndex, dataColumn);
// When a CustomCellRenderer exist, use this to render cell-value to String
if (cd instanceof CustomRenderColumnDescriptor) {
CustomRenderColumnDescriptor crcd = (CustomRenderColumnDescriptor) cd;
CustomCellRenderer customCellRenderer = crcd.getCustomCellRenderer();
if (customCellRenderer instanceof CustomCssCellRenderer) {
// For css renderers only use the hover
// text, not the CSS class name and other
// markup
CustomCssCellRenderer cssRenderer = (CustomCssCellRenderer) customCellRenderer;
obj = cssRenderer.getHoverText(obj);
if (!StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace((String) obj)) {
} else {
StringOutput sb = StringOutputPool.allocStringBuilder(250);
customCellRenderer.render(sb, null, obj, crcd.getLocale(), cd.getAlignment(), null);
obj = StringOutputPool.freePop(sb);
if (obj instanceof String) {
String valueString = (String) obj;
// Remove any HTML markup from the value
valueString = htmlFilter.filter(valueString);
// Finally compare with search value based on a simple lowercase match
if (valueString.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchValue.toLowerCase()) != -1) {
if (searchEntries.add(valueString)) {
// Add to receiver list same entries only once
if (searchEntries.size() == 1) {
// before first entry, add searchValue. But add only when one search match
receiver.addEntry(searchValue, searchValue);
// limit the number of entries
receiver.addEntry("...", "...");
break a_a;
receiver.addEntry(valueString, valueString);