use of org.olat.core.util.vfs.NamedContainerImpl in project openolat by klemens.
the class DocumentPoolWebDAVMergeSource method addTemplates.
private VFSContainer addTemplates(TaxonomyTreeNode taxonomyNode, Taxonomy taxonomy) {
VFSContainer documents = taxonomyService.getDocumentsLibrary(taxonomy);
SubscriptionContext subscriptionCtx = notificationsHandler.getTaxonomyDocumentsLibrarySubscriptionContext();
TaxonomyVFSSecurityCallback secCallback = new TaxonomyVFSSecurityCallback(taxonomyNode, subscriptionCtx);
return new NamedContainerImpl(taxonomyNode.getTitle(), documents);
use of org.olat.core.util.vfs.NamedContainerImpl in project openolat by klemens.
the class CourseRuntimeController method doCourseFolder.
private FolderRunController doCourseFolder(UserRequest ureq) {
if (delayedClose == Delayed.courseFolder || requestForClose(ureq)) {
// Folder for course with custom link model to jump to course nodes
ICourse course = CourseFactory.loadCourse(getRepositoryEntry());
VFSContainer courseContainer;
if (overrideReadOnly) {
courseContainer = course.getCourseFolderContainer(overrideReadOnly);
} else {
courseContainer = course.getCourseFolderContainer();
VFSContainer namedCourseFolder = new NamedContainerImpl(translate("command.coursefolder"), courseContainer);
CustomLinkTreeModel customLinkTreeModel = new CourseInternalLinkTreeModel(course.getEditorTreeModel());
FolderRunController ctrl = new FolderRunController(namedCourseFolder, true, true, true, true, ureq, getWindowControl(), null, customLinkTreeModel, null);
courseFolderCtrl = pushController(ureq, translate("command.coursefolder"), ctrl);
currentToolCtr = courseFolderCtrl;
} else {
delayedClose = Delayed.courseFolder;
return courseFolderCtrl;
use of org.olat.core.util.vfs.NamedContainerImpl in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class PFManager method provideCoachContainer.
* Provide coach view in webdav.
* @param pfNode
* @param courseEnv
* @param identity
* @return the VFSContainer
private VFSContainer provideCoachContainer(PFCourseNode pfNode, CourseEnvironment courseEnv, Identity identity, boolean admin) {
Locale locale = I18nManager.getInstance().getLocaleOrDefault(identity.getUser().getPreferences().getLanguage());
Translator translator = Util.createPackageTranslator(PFRunController.class, locale);
SubscriptionContext nodefolderSubContext = CourseModule.createSubscriptionContext(courseEnv, pfNode);
List<Identity> participants = getParticipants(identity, courseEnv, admin);
String path = courseEnv.getCourseBaseContainer().getRelPath() + "/" + FILENAME_PARTICIPANTFOLDER;
VFSContainer courseElementBaseContainer = new OlatRootFolderImpl(path, null);
VirtualContainer namedCourseFolder = new VirtualContainer(translator.translate("participant.folder"));
for (Identity participant : participants) {
Path relPath = Paths.get(pfNode.getIdent(), getIdFolderName(participant));
VFSContainer userBaseContainer = VFSManager.resolveOrCreateContainerFromPath(courseElementBaseContainer, relPath.toString());
String participantfoldername = userManager.getUserDisplayName(participant);
VirtualContainer participantFolder = new VirtualContainer(participantfoldername);
if (pfNode.hasParticipantBoxConfigured()) {
VFSContainer dropContainer = new NamedContainerImpl(translator.translate(""), VFSManager.resolveOrCreateContainerFromPath(userBaseContainer, FILENAME_DROPBOX));
// if coach is also participant, can user his/her webdav folder with participant rights
if (identity.equals(participant)) {
VFSContainer dropbox = resolveOrCreateDropFolder(courseEnv, pfNode, identity);
VFSSecurityCallback callback = calculateCallback(courseEnv, pfNode, dropbox, true);
} else {
dropContainer.setLocalSecurityCallback(new ReadOnlyCallback(nodefolderSubContext));
if (pfNode.hasCoachBoxConfigured()) {
VFSContainer returnContainer = new NamedContainerImpl(translator.translate(""), VFSManager.resolveOrCreateContainerFromPath(userBaseContainer, FILENAME_RETURNBOX));
returnContainer.setLocalSecurityCallback(new ReadWriteDeleteCallback(nodefolderSubContext));
return namedCourseFolder;
use of org.olat.core.util.vfs.NamedContainerImpl in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class MergedCourseContainer method addFolders.
private void addFolders(PersistingCourseImpl course, MergeSource nodesContainer, TreeNode courseNode) {
if (courseNode == null)
for (int i = 0; i < courseNode.getChildCount(); i++) {
TreeNode child = (TreeNode) courseNode.getChildAt(i);
NodeEvaluation nodeEval;
if (child.getUserObject() instanceof NodeEvaluation) {
nodeEval = (NodeEvaluation) child.getUserObject();
} else {
if (nodeEval != null && nodeEval.getCourseNode() != null) {
CourseNode courseNodeChild = nodeEval.getCourseNode();
String folderName = RequestUtil.normalizeFilename(courseNodeChild.getShortTitle());
if (courseNodeChild instanceof BCCourseNode) {
final BCCourseNode bcNode = (BCCourseNode) courseNodeChild;
// add folder not to merge source. Use name and node id to have unique name
VFSContainer rootFolder = getBCContainer(course, bcNode, nodeEval, false);
boolean canDownload = nodeEval.isCapabilityAccessible("download");
if (canDownload && rootFolder != null) {
if (courseReadOnly) {
rootFolder.setLocalSecurityCallback(new ReadOnlyCallback());
} else if (nodeEval.isCapabilityAccessible("upload")) {
// inherit the security callback from the course as for author
} else {
rootFolder.setLocalSecurityCallback(new ReadOnlyCallback());
folderName = getFolderName(nodesContainer, bcNode, folderName);
// Create a container for this node content and wrap it with a merge source which is attached to tree
VFSContainer nodeContentContainer = new NamedContainerImpl(folderName, rootFolder);
MergeSource courseNodeContainer = new MergeSource(nodesContainer, folderName);
courseNodeContainer.addContainersChildren(nodeContentContainer, true);
// Do recursion for all children
addFolders(course, courseNodeContainer, child);
} else {
// For non-folder course nodes, add merge source (no files to show) ...
MergeSource courseNodeContainer = new MergeSource(null, folderName);
// , then do recursion for all children ...
addFolders(course, courseNodeContainer, child);
// ... but only add this container if it contains any children with at least one BC course node
if (courseNodeContainer.getItems().size() > 0) {
} else if (courseNodeChild instanceof PFCourseNode) {
final PFCourseNode pfNode = (PFCourseNode) courseNodeChild;
// add folder not to merge source. Use name and node id to have unique name
PFManager pfManager = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(PFManager.class);
folderName = getFolderName(nodesContainer, pfNode, folderName);
MergeSource courseNodeContainer = new MergeSource(nodesContainer, folderName);
UserCourseEnvironment userCourseEnv = new UserCourseEnvironmentImpl(identityEnv, course.getCourseEnvironment());
VFSContainer rootFolder = pfManager.provideCoachOrParticipantContainer(pfNode, userCourseEnv, identityEnv.getIdentity(), courseReadOnly);
VFSContainer nodeContentContainer = new NamedContainerImpl(folderName, rootFolder);
courseNodeContainer.addContainersChildren(nodeContentContainer, true);
addFolders(course, courseNodeContainer, child);
} else {
// For non-folder course nodes, add merge source (no files to show) ...
MergeSource courseNodeContainer = new MergeSource(null, folderName);
// , then do recursion for all children ...
addFolders(course, courseNodeContainer, child);
// ... but only add this container if it contains any children with at least one BC course node
if (courseNodeContainer.getItems().size() > 0) {
use of org.olat.core.util.vfs.NamedContainerImpl in project openolat by klemens.
the class MergedCourseContainer method addFoldersForAdmin.
* Internal method to recursively add all course building blocks of type
* BC to a given VFS container. This should only be used for an author view,
* it does not test for security.
* @param course
* @param nodesContainer
* @param courseNode
* @return container for the current course node
private void addFoldersForAdmin(PersistingCourseImpl course, MergeSource nodesContainer, CourseNode courseNode) {
for (int i = 0; i < courseNode.getChildCount(); i++) {
CourseNode child = (CourseNode) courseNode.getChildAt(i);
String folderName = RequestUtil.normalizeFilename(child.getShortTitle());
if (child instanceof BCCourseNode) {
final BCCourseNode bcNode = (BCCourseNode) child;
// add folder not to merge source. Use name and node id to have unique name
VFSContainer rootFolder = getBCContainer(course, bcNode, null, true);
if (courseReadOnly) {
rootFolder.setLocalSecurityCallback(new ReadOnlyCallback());
folderName = getFolderName(nodesContainer, bcNode, folderName);
if (rootFolder != null) {
// Create a container for this node content and wrap it with a merge source which is attached to tree
VFSContainer nodeContentContainer = new NamedContainerImpl(folderName, rootFolder);
MergeSource courseNodeContainer = new MergeSource(nodesContainer, folderName);
courseNodeContainer.addContainersChildren(nodeContentContainer, true);
// Do recursion for all children
addFoldersForAdmin(course, courseNodeContainer, child);
} else if (child instanceof PFCourseNode) {
final PFCourseNode pfNode = (PFCourseNode) child;
// add folder not to merge source. Use name and node id to have unique name
PFManager pfManager = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(PFManager.class);
folderName = getFolderName(nodesContainer, pfNode, folderName);
MergeSource courseNodeContainer = new MergeSource(nodesContainer, folderName);
VFSContainer rootFolder = pfManager.provideAdminContainer(pfNode, course.getCourseEnvironment());
VFSContainer nodeContentContainer = new NamedContainerImpl(folderName, rootFolder);
courseNodeContainer.addContainersChildren(nodeContentContainer, true);
// Do recursion for all children
addFoldersForAdmin(course, courseNodeContainer, child);
} else {
// For non-folder course nodes, add merge source (no files to show) ...
MergeSource courseNodeContainer = new MergeSource(null, folderName);
// , then do recursion for all children ...
addFoldersForAdmin(course, courseNodeContainer, child);
// ... but only add this container if it contains any children with at least one BC course node
if (!courseNodeContainer.getItems().isEmpty()) {