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Example 1 with PFManager

use of in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class MergedCourseContainer method addFoldersForAdmin.

 * Internal method to recursively add all course building blocks of type
 * BC to a given VFS container. This should only be used for an author view,
 * it does not test for security.
 * @param course
 * @param nodesContainer
 * @param courseNode
 * @return container for the current course node
private void addFoldersForAdmin(PersistingCourseImpl course, MergeSource nodesContainer, CourseNode courseNode) {
    for (int i = 0; i < courseNode.getChildCount(); i++) {
        CourseNode child = (CourseNode) courseNode.getChildAt(i);
        String folderName = RequestUtil.normalizeFilename(child.getShortTitle());
        if (child instanceof BCCourseNode) {
            final BCCourseNode bcNode = (BCCourseNode) child;
            // add folder not to merge source. Use name and node id to have unique name
            VFSContainer rootFolder = getBCContainer(course, bcNode, null, true);
            if (courseReadOnly) {
                rootFolder.setLocalSecurityCallback(new ReadOnlyCallback());
            folderName = getFolderName(nodesContainer, bcNode, folderName);
            if (rootFolder != null) {
                // Create a container for this node content and wrap it with a merge source which is attached to tree
                VFSContainer nodeContentContainer = new NamedContainerImpl(folderName, rootFolder);
                MergeSource courseNodeContainer = new MergeSource(nodesContainer, folderName);
                courseNodeContainer.addContainersChildren(nodeContentContainer, true);
                // Do recursion for all children
                addFoldersForAdmin(course, courseNodeContainer, child);
        } else if (child instanceof PFCourseNode) {
            final PFCourseNode pfNode = (PFCourseNode) child;
            // add folder not to merge source. Use name and node id to have unique name
            PFManager pfManager = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(PFManager.class);
            folderName = getFolderName(nodesContainer, pfNode, folderName);
            MergeSource courseNodeContainer = new MergeSource(nodesContainer, folderName);
            VFSContainer rootFolder = pfManager.provideAdminContainer(pfNode, course.getCourseEnvironment());
            VFSContainer nodeContentContainer = new NamedContainerImpl(folderName, rootFolder);
            courseNodeContainer.addContainersChildren(nodeContentContainer, true);
            // Do recursion for all children
            addFoldersForAdmin(course, courseNodeContainer, child);
        } else {
            // For non-folder course nodes, add merge source (no files to show) ...
            MergeSource courseNodeContainer = new MergeSource(null, folderName);
            // , then do recursion for all children ...
            addFoldersForAdmin(course, courseNodeContainer, child);
            // ... but only add this container if it contains any children with at least one BC course node
            if (!courseNodeContainer.getItems().isEmpty()) {
Also used : PFCourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.PFCourseNode) PFManager( BCCourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.BCCourseNode) MergeSource(org.olat.core.util.vfs.MergeSource) ReadOnlyCallback(org.olat.core.util.vfs.callbacks.ReadOnlyCallback) VFSContainer(org.olat.core.util.vfs.VFSContainer) PFCourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.PFCourseNode) CourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.CourseNode) BCCourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.BCCourseNode) NamedContainerImpl(org.olat.core.util.vfs.NamedContainerImpl)

Example 2 with PFManager

use of in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class PFCourseNode method createPeekViewRunController.

public Controller createPeekViewRunController(UserRequest ureq, WindowControl wControl, UserCourseEnvironment userCourseEnv, NodeEvaluation ne) {
    VFSContainer rootFolder = null;
    CourseEnvironment courseEnv = userCourseEnv.getCourseEnvironment();
    Identity identity = userCourseEnv.getIdentityEnvironment().getIdentity();
    Path folderRelPath = null;
    OlatRootFolderImpl baseContainer = courseEnv.getCourseBaseContainer();
    PFManager pfManager = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(PFManager.class);
    if (userCourseEnv.isCoach() || userCourseEnv.isAdmin()) {
        folderRelPath = Paths.get(baseContainer.getBasefile().toPath().toString(), PFManager.FILENAME_PARTICIPANTFOLDER, getIdent());
        rootFolder = new LocalFolderImpl(folderRelPath.toFile());
    } else if (userCourseEnv.isParticipant()) {
        folderRelPath = Paths.get(baseContainer.getBasefile().toPath().toString(), PFManager.FILENAME_PARTICIPANTFOLDER, getIdent(), pfManager.getIdFolderName(identity));
        rootFolder = new LocalFolderImpl(folderRelPath.toFile());
    if (rootFolder == null) {
        return super.createPeekViewRunController(ureq, wControl, userCourseEnv, ne);
    } else {
        return new PFPeekviewController(ureq, wControl, rootFolder, getIdent(), 4);
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) PFManager( OlatRootFolderImpl(org.olat.core.commons.modules.bc.vfs.OlatRootFolderImpl) CourseEnvironment( UserCourseEnvironment( VFSContainer(org.olat.core.util.vfs.VFSContainer) PFPeekviewController( Identity( LocalFolderImpl(org.olat.core.util.vfs.LocalFolderImpl)

Example 3 with PFManager

use of in project openolat by klemens.

the class MergedCourseContainer method addFolders.

private void addFolders(PersistingCourseImpl course, MergeSource nodesContainer, TreeNode courseNode) {
    if (courseNode == null)
    for (int i = 0; i < courseNode.getChildCount(); i++) {
        TreeNode child = (TreeNode) courseNode.getChildAt(i);
        NodeEvaluation nodeEval;
        if (child.getUserObject() instanceof NodeEvaluation) {
            nodeEval = (NodeEvaluation) child.getUserObject();
        } else {
        if (nodeEval != null && nodeEval.getCourseNode() != null) {
            CourseNode courseNodeChild = nodeEval.getCourseNode();
            String folderName = RequestUtil.normalizeFilename(courseNodeChild.getShortTitle());
            if (courseNodeChild instanceof BCCourseNode) {
                final BCCourseNode bcNode = (BCCourseNode) courseNodeChild;
                // add folder not to merge source. Use name and node id to have unique name
                VFSContainer rootFolder = getBCContainer(course, bcNode, nodeEval, false);
                boolean canDownload = nodeEval.isCapabilityAccessible("download");
                if (canDownload && rootFolder != null) {
                    if (courseReadOnly) {
                        rootFolder.setLocalSecurityCallback(new ReadOnlyCallback());
                    } else if (nodeEval.isCapabilityAccessible("upload")) {
                    // inherit the security callback from the course as for author
                    } else {
                        rootFolder.setLocalSecurityCallback(new ReadOnlyCallback());
                    folderName = getFolderName(nodesContainer, bcNode, folderName);
                    // Create a container for this node content and wrap it with a merge source which is attached to tree
                    VFSContainer nodeContentContainer = new NamedContainerImpl(folderName, rootFolder);
                    MergeSource courseNodeContainer = new MergeSource(nodesContainer, folderName);
                    courseNodeContainer.addContainersChildren(nodeContentContainer, true);
                    // Do recursion for all children
                    addFolders(course, courseNodeContainer, child);
                } else {
                    // For non-folder course nodes, add merge source (no files to show) ...
                    MergeSource courseNodeContainer = new MergeSource(null, folderName);
                    // , then do recursion for all children ...
                    addFolders(course, courseNodeContainer, child);
                    // ... but only add this container if it contains any children with at least one BC course node
                    if (courseNodeContainer.getItems().size() > 0) {
            } else if (courseNodeChild instanceof PFCourseNode) {
                final PFCourseNode pfNode = (PFCourseNode) courseNodeChild;
                // add folder not to merge source. Use name and node id to have unique name
                PFManager pfManager = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(PFManager.class);
                folderName = getFolderName(nodesContainer, pfNode, folderName);
                MergeSource courseNodeContainer = new MergeSource(nodesContainer, folderName);
                UserCourseEnvironment userCourseEnv = new UserCourseEnvironmentImpl(identityEnv, course.getCourseEnvironment());
                VFSContainer rootFolder = pfManager.provideCoachOrParticipantContainer(pfNode, userCourseEnv, identityEnv.getIdentity(), courseReadOnly);
                VFSContainer nodeContentContainer = new NamedContainerImpl(folderName, rootFolder);
                courseNodeContainer.addContainersChildren(nodeContentContainer, true);
                addFolders(course, courseNodeContainer, child);
            } else {
                // For non-folder course nodes, add merge source (no files to show) ...
                MergeSource courseNodeContainer = new MergeSource(null, folderName);
                // , then do recursion for all children ...
                addFolders(course, courseNodeContainer, child);
                // ... but only add this container if it contains any children with at least one BC course node
                if (courseNodeContainer.getItems().size() > 0) {
Also used : PFCourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.PFCourseNode) PFManager( ReadOnlyCallback(org.olat.core.util.vfs.callbacks.ReadOnlyCallback) UserCourseEnvironment( VFSContainer(org.olat.core.util.vfs.VFSContainer) BCCourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.BCCourseNode) MergeSource(org.olat.core.util.vfs.MergeSource) UserCourseEnvironmentImpl( TreeNode(org.olat.core.gui.components.tree.TreeNode) PFCourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.PFCourseNode) CourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.CourseNode) BCCourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.BCCourseNode) NodeEvaluation( NamedContainerImpl(org.olat.core.util.vfs.NamedContainerImpl)

Example 4 with PFManager

use of in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class MergedCourseContainer method addFolders.

private void addFolders(PersistingCourseImpl course, MergeSource nodesContainer, TreeNode courseNode) {
    if (courseNode == null)
    for (int i = 0; i < courseNode.getChildCount(); i++) {
        TreeNode child = (TreeNode) courseNode.getChildAt(i);
        NodeEvaluation nodeEval;
        if (child.getUserObject() instanceof NodeEvaluation) {
            nodeEval = (NodeEvaluation) child.getUserObject();
        } else {
        if (nodeEval != null && nodeEval.getCourseNode() != null) {
            CourseNode courseNodeChild = nodeEval.getCourseNode();
            String folderName = RequestUtil.normalizeFilename(courseNodeChild.getShortTitle());
            if (courseNodeChild instanceof BCCourseNode) {
                final BCCourseNode bcNode = (BCCourseNode) courseNodeChild;
                // add folder not to merge source. Use name and node id to have unique name
                VFSContainer rootFolder = getBCContainer(course, bcNode, nodeEval, false);
                boolean canDownload = nodeEval.isCapabilityAccessible("download");
                if (canDownload && rootFolder != null) {
                    if (courseReadOnly) {
                        rootFolder.setLocalSecurityCallback(new ReadOnlyCallback());
                    } else if (nodeEval.isCapabilityAccessible("upload")) {
                    // inherit the security callback from the course as for author
                    } else {
                        rootFolder.setLocalSecurityCallback(new ReadOnlyCallback());
                    folderName = getFolderName(nodesContainer, bcNode, folderName);
                    // Create a container for this node content and wrap it with a merge source which is attached to tree
                    VFSContainer nodeContentContainer = new NamedContainerImpl(folderName, rootFolder);
                    MergeSource courseNodeContainer = new MergeSource(nodesContainer, folderName);
                    courseNodeContainer.addContainersChildren(nodeContentContainer, true);
                    // Do recursion for all children
                    addFolders(course, courseNodeContainer, child);
                } else {
                    // For non-folder course nodes, add merge source (no files to show) ...
                    MergeSource courseNodeContainer = new MergeSource(null, folderName);
                    // , then do recursion for all children ...
                    addFolders(course, courseNodeContainer, child);
                    // ... but only add this container if it contains any children with at least one BC course node
                    if (courseNodeContainer.getItems().size() > 0) {
            } else if (courseNodeChild instanceof PFCourseNode) {
                final PFCourseNode pfNode = (PFCourseNode) courseNodeChild;
                // add folder not to merge source. Use name and node id to have unique name
                PFManager pfManager = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(PFManager.class);
                folderName = getFolderName(nodesContainer, pfNode, folderName);
                MergeSource courseNodeContainer = new MergeSource(nodesContainer, folderName);
                UserCourseEnvironment userCourseEnv = new UserCourseEnvironmentImpl(identityEnv, course.getCourseEnvironment());
                VFSContainer rootFolder = pfManager.provideCoachOrParticipantContainer(pfNode, userCourseEnv, identityEnv.getIdentity(), courseReadOnly);
                VFSContainer nodeContentContainer = new NamedContainerImpl(folderName, rootFolder);
                courseNodeContainer.addContainersChildren(nodeContentContainer, true);
                addFolders(course, courseNodeContainer, child);
            } else {
                // For non-folder course nodes, add merge source (no files to show) ...
                MergeSource courseNodeContainer = new MergeSource(null, folderName);
                // , then do recursion for all children ...
                addFolders(course, courseNodeContainer, child);
                // ... but only add this container if it contains any children with at least one BC course node
                if (courseNodeContainer.getItems().size() > 0) {
Also used : PFCourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.PFCourseNode) PFManager( ReadOnlyCallback(org.olat.core.util.vfs.callbacks.ReadOnlyCallback) UserCourseEnvironment( VFSContainer(org.olat.core.util.vfs.VFSContainer) BCCourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.BCCourseNode) MergeSource(org.olat.core.util.vfs.MergeSource) UserCourseEnvironmentImpl( TreeNode(org.olat.core.gui.components.tree.TreeNode) PFCourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.PFCourseNode) CourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.CourseNode) BCCourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.BCCourseNode) NodeEvaluation( NamedContainerImpl(org.olat.core.util.vfs.NamedContainerImpl)

Example 5 with PFManager

use of in project openolat by klemens.

the class MergedCourseContainer method addFoldersForAdmin.

 * Internal method to recursively add all course building blocks of type
 * BC to a given VFS container. This should only be used for an author view,
 * it does not test for security.
 * @param course
 * @param nodesContainer
 * @param courseNode
 * @return container for the current course node
private void addFoldersForAdmin(PersistingCourseImpl course, MergeSource nodesContainer, CourseNode courseNode) {
    for (int i = 0; i < courseNode.getChildCount(); i++) {
        CourseNode child = (CourseNode) courseNode.getChildAt(i);
        String folderName = RequestUtil.normalizeFilename(child.getShortTitle());
        if (child instanceof BCCourseNode) {
            final BCCourseNode bcNode = (BCCourseNode) child;
            // add folder not to merge source. Use name and node id to have unique name
            VFSContainer rootFolder = getBCContainer(course, bcNode, null, true);
            if (courseReadOnly) {
                rootFolder.setLocalSecurityCallback(new ReadOnlyCallback());
            folderName = getFolderName(nodesContainer, bcNode, folderName);
            if (rootFolder != null) {
                // Create a container for this node content and wrap it with a merge source which is attached to tree
                VFSContainer nodeContentContainer = new NamedContainerImpl(folderName, rootFolder);
                MergeSource courseNodeContainer = new MergeSource(nodesContainer, folderName);
                courseNodeContainer.addContainersChildren(nodeContentContainer, true);
                // Do recursion for all children
                addFoldersForAdmin(course, courseNodeContainer, child);
        } else if (child instanceof PFCourseNode) {
            final PFCourseNode pfNode = (PFCourseNode) child;
            // add folder not to merge source. Use name and node id to have unique name
            PFManager pfManager = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(PFManager.class);
            folderName = getFolderName(nodesContainer, pfNode, folderName);
            MergeSource courseNodeContainer = new MergeSource(nodesContainer, folderName);
            VFSContainer rootFolder = pfManager.provideAdminContainer(pfNode, course.getCourseEnvironment());
            VFSContainer nodeContentContainer = new NamedContainerImpl(folderName, rootFolder);
            courseNodeContainer.addContainersChildren(nodeContentContainer, true);
            // Do recursion for all children
            addFoldersForAdmin(course, courseNodeContainer, child);
        } else {
            // For non-folder course nodes, add merge source (no files to show) ...
            MergeSource courseNodeContainer = new MergeSource(null, folderName);
            // , then do recursion for all children ...
            addFoldersForAdmin(course, courseNodeContainer, child);
            // ... but only add this container if it contains any children with at least one BC course node
            if (!courseNodeContainer.getItems().isEmpty()) {
Also used : PFCourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.PFCourseNode) PFManager( BCCourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.BCCourseNode) MergeSource(org.olat.core.util.vfs.MergeSource) ReadOnlyCallback(org.olat.core.util.vfs.callbacks.ReadOnlyCallback) VFSContainer(org.olat.core.util.vfs.VFSContainer) PFCourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.PFCourseNode) CourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.CourseNode) BCCourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.BCCourseNode) NamedContainerImpl(org.olat.core.util.vfs.NamedContainerImpl)


VFSContainer (org.olat.core.util.vfs.VFSContainer)6 PFManager ( MergeSource (org.olat.core.util.vfs.MergeSource)4 NamedContainerImpl (org.olat.core.util.vfs.NamedContainerImpl)4 ReadOnlyCallback (org.olat.core.util.vfs.callbacks.ReadOnlyCallback)4 BCCourseNode (org.olat.course.nodes.BCCourseNode)4 CourseNode (org.olat.course.nodes.CourseNode)4 PFCourseNode (org.olat.course.nodes.PFCourseNode)4 UserCourseEnvironment ( Path (java.nio.file.Path)2 OlatRootFolderImpl (org.olat.core.commons.modules.bc.vfs.OlatRootFolderImpl)2 TreeNode (org.olat.core.gui.components.tree.TreeNode)2 Identity ( LocalFolderImpl (org.olat.core.util.vfs.LocalFolderImpl)2 PFPeekviewController ( CourseEnvironment ( NodeEvaluation ( UserCourseEnvironmentImpl (