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Example 1 with PortfolioV2HomePage

use of in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class PortfolioV2Test method binderInvitation.

 * A user create a binder with some sections and pages.
 * It invites a second person on the last page it creates.
 * This page is not published for the moment. The invitee
 * follow the invitation URL and see an empty binder.<br>
 *  The author publish the last entry. The invitee come back
 *  to the list of entries, find the page and open it.
 * @param loginPage
 * @param inviteeBrowser
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws URISyntaxException
public void binderInvitation(@InitialPage LoginPage loginPage, @Drone @User WebDriver inviteeBrowser) throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
    UserVO author = new UserRestClient(deploymentUrl).createRandomUser("rei");
    loginPage.loginAs(author.getLogin(), author.getPassword()).resume();
    UserToolsPage userTools = new UserToolsPage(browser);
    PortfolioV2HomePage portfolio = userTools.openUserToolsMenu().openPortfolioV2();
    String binderTitle = "Binder on invitation " + UUID.randomUUID();
    BinderPage binder = portfolio.openMyBinders().createBinder(binderTitle, "A brand new binder");
    // create 2 sections and 3 entries
    binder.selectEntries().createSection("1. Section").assertOnSectionTitleInEntries("1. Section").createEntry("1. Page").assertOnPage("1. Page").selectEntries().createSection("2. Section").createEntry("2. Page").assertOnPage("2. Page").selectEntries().createEntry("3. Page", 1).assertOnPage("3. Page");
    BinderPublicationPage binderPublish = binder.selectPublish().openAccessMenu().addInvitation("").fillInvitation("Clara", "Vigne").fillAccessRights("3. Page", Boolean.TRUE);
    String url = binderPublish.getInvitationURL();;
    // invitee come to see the bidner
    BinderPage invitee = new BinderPage(inviteeBrowser);
    // author publish an entry
    binder.selectTableOfContent().selectEntryInToc("3. Page").publishEntry();
    // return in entries to check the changes
    invitee.selectTableOfContent().selectEntries().assertOnPageInEntries("3. Page").selectEntryInEntries("3. Page").assertOnPage("3. Page");
Also used : UserToolsPage( UserVO(org.olat.user.restapi.UserVO) PortfolioV2HomePage( BinderPublicationPage( UserRestClient( BinderPage( RunAsClient(org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.RunAsClient) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 2 with PortfolioV2HomePage

use of in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class PortfolioV2Test method editPage.

 * A user create a page / entry, it edit it
 * and add a title, an image, a document
 * and a citation. It toggles between the editor
 * mode and the view mode to check if the parts it
 * add in the page are really there.
 * @param loginPage
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws URISyntaxException
public void editPage(@InitialPage LoginPage loginPage) throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
    UserVO user = new UserRestClient(deploymentUrl).createRandomUser("rei");
    loginPage.loginAs(user.getLogin(), user.getPassword()).resume();
    UserToolsPage userTools = new UserToolsPage(browser);
    PortfolioV2HomePage portfolio = userTools.openUserToolsMenu().openPortfolioV2();
    String pageTitle = "My page " + UUID.randomUUID();
    EntryPage entry = portfolio.openMyEntries().newPage(pageTitle).assertOnPage(pageTitle);
    // add a title
    String title = "My long title " + UUID.randomUUID();
    entry.addTitle(title).setTitleSize(4).closeEditFragment().assertOnTitle(title, 4);
    // add an image
    URL imageUrl = JunitTestHelper.class.getResource("file_resources/IMG_1484.jpg");
    File imageFile = new File(imageUrl.toURI());
    entry.addImage("Blue is the new black", imageFile).assertOnImage(imageFile);
    // close the editor and check
    entry.toggleEditor().assertOnTitle(title, 4).assertOnImage(imageFile);
    // reopen the editor and add a document
    URL pdfUrl = JunitTestHelper.class.getResource("file_resources/handInTopic1.pdf");
    File pdfFile = new File(pdfUrl.toURI());
    entry.toggleEditor().addDocument("Anything about", pdfFile).assertOnDocument(pdfFile);
    // and a citation
    String citation = "Close the world, open the next.";
    entry.addCitation("Serial experiment", citation).assertOnCitation(citation);
    // close the editor and check all parts
    entry.toggleEditor().assertOnTitle(title, 4).assertOnImage(imageFile).assertOnDocument(pdfFile).assertOnCitation(citation);
Also used : UserToolsPage( UserVO(org.olat.user.restapi.UserVO) PortfolioV2HomePage( EntryPage( File( URL( UserRestClient( RunAsClient(org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.RunAsClient) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with PortfolioV2HomePage

use of in project openolat by klemens.

the class PortfolioV2Test method deletePage.

 * A user create a binder with a section and two pages. It deletes
 * one, go to the trash, find the delete page, restore it and go
 * again in the binder. It move a second time the page to the trash
 * and delete it definitively.
 * @param loginPage
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws URISyntaxException
public void deletePage(@InitialPage LoginPage loginPage) throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
    UserVO author = new UserRestClient(deploymentUrl).createRandomUser("rei");
    loginPage.loginAs(author.getLogin(), author.getPassword()).resume();
    UserToolsPage userTools = new UserToolsPage(browser);
    PortfolioV2HomePage portfolio = userTools.openUserToolsMenu().openPortfolioV2();
    String binderTitle = "Binder del " + UUID.randomUUID();
    BinderPage binder = portfolio.openMyBinders().createBinder(binderTitle, "A binder where I want to delete some pages");
    String sectionTitle = "Section one " + UUID.randomUUID();
    String pageTitle = "Page two " + UUID.randomUUID();
    String pageToDelete = "Page del " + UUID.randomUUID();
    EntriesPage trash = portfolio.clickToolbarBack().clickToolbarBack().openDeletedEntries();
    trash.assertOnPage(pageToDelete).switchTableView().restore(pageToDelete, binderTitle, sectionTitle);
    trash = portfolio.clickToolbarBack().clickToolbarBack().openDeletedEntries();
Also used : UserToolsPage( EntriesPage( UserVO(org.olat.user.restapi.UserVO) PortfolioV2HomePage( UserRestClient( BinderPage( RunAsClient(org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.RunAsClient) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with PortfolioV2HomePage

use of in project openolat by klemens.

the class PortfolioV2Test method editPage.

 * A user create a page / entry, it edit it
 * and add a title, an image, a document
 * and a citation. It toggles between the editor
 * mode and the view mode to check if the parts it
 * add in the page are really there.
 * @param loginPage
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws URISyntaxException
public void editPage(@InitialPage LoginPage loginPage) throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
    UserVO user = new UserRestClient(deploymentUrl).createRandomUser("rei");
    loginPage.loginAs(user.getLogin(), user.getPassword()).resume();
    UserToolsPage userTools = new UserToolsPage(browser);
    PortfolioV2HomePage portfolio = userTools.openUserToolsMenu().openPortfolioV2();
    String pageTitle = "My page " + UUID.randomUUID();
    EntryPage entry = portfolio.openMyEntries().newPage(pageTitle).assertOnPage(pageTitle);
    // add a title
    String title = "My long title " + UUID.randomUUID();
    entry.addTitle(title).setTitleSize(4).closeEditFragment().assertOnTitle(title, 4);
    // add an image
    URL imageUrl = JunitTestHelper.class.getResource("file_resources/IMG_1484.jpg");
    File imageFile = new File(imageUrl.toURI());
    entry.addImage("Blue is the new black", imageFile).assertOnImage(imageFile);
    // close the editor and check
    entry.toggleEditor().assertOnTitle(title, 4).assertOnImage(imageFile);
    // reopen the editor and add a document
    URL pdfUrl = JunitTestHelper.class.getResource("file_resources/handInTopic1.pdf");
    File pdfFile = new File(pdfUrl.toURI());
    entry.toggleEditor().addDocument("Anything about", pdfFile).assertOnDocument(pdfFile);
    // and a citation
    String citation = "Close the world, open the next.";
    entry.addCitation("Serial experiment", citation).assertOnCitation(citation);
    // close the editor and check all parts
    entry.toggleEditor().assertOnTitle(title, 4).assertOnImage(imageFile).assertOnDocument(pdfFile).assertOnCitation(citation);
Also used : UserToolsPage( UserVO(org.olat.user.restapi.UserVO) PortfolioV2HomePage( EntryPage( File( URL( UserRestClient( RunAsClient(org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.RunAsClient) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with PortfolioV2HomePage

use of in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class PortfolioV2Test method binderAssessment.

 * This is a long test. It's test the whole process to assess a binder from
 * the template create by the author, to the assessment value saved in the
 * assessment tool of the course.<br>
 * The author creates a portfolio template with 2 sections and 2 assignments,
 * it creates a course with a portfolio element and bind the template to it. It
 * add a user as participant.<br>
 * The participant starts the course, pick the binder and do every assignment.
 * It edits the sharing settings to add the author as a coach.<br>
 * The author assesses the sections and set the binder as done. Than it goes
 * to the course, opens the assessment tool and check the participant passed
 * the binder.
 * @param loginPage
 * @param reiBrowser
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws URISyntaxException
public void binderAssessment(@InitialPage LoginPage loginPage, @Drone @User WebDriver reiBrowser) throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
    UserVO author = new UserRestClient(deploymentUrl).createAuthor();
    UserVO rei = new UserRestClient(deploymentUrl).createRandomUser("rei");
    loginPage.loginAs(author.getLogin(), author.getPassword()).resume();
    String binderTitle = "Binder to assess " + UUID.randomUUID();
    // create a binder template with 2 sections and
    // an assignment in each
    String section1Title = "Section 1 " + UUID.randomUUID();
    String assignment1Title = "Assignment 1 " + UUID.randomUUID();
    String section2Title = "Section 2 " + UUID.randomUUID();
    String assignment2Title = "Assignment 2 " + UUID.randomUUID();
    BinderPage binderTemplate = new BinderPage(browser);
    binderTemplate.assertOnBinder().selectTableOfContent().deleteSection().selectEntries().createSectionInEntries(section1Title).createAssignmentForSection(section1Title, assignment1Title, "Write a small summary", "Your task is...").assertOnAssignmentInEntries(assignment1Title).createSection(section2Title).createAssignmentForSection(section2Title, assignment2Title, "Second part to do", "you have to work").assertOnAssignmentInEntries(assignment2Title);
    // create a course
    String courseTitle = "ASPF Course " + UUID.randomUUID();
    String portfolioNodeTitle = "Template-ASPF-v2";
    // create a course element of type portfolio and choose the one we created above
    CourseEditorPageFragment courseEditor = CoursePageFragment.getCourse(browser).edit();
    // configure the assessment
    AssessmentCEConfigurationPage assessmentConfig = new AssessmentCEConfigurationPage(browser);
    assessmentConfig.selectConfiguration().setScoreAuto(0.0f, 10.0f, 5.0f);
    MembersPage membersPage = courseEditor.clickToolbarBack().members();
    // Participant log in
    LoginPage reiLoginPage = LoginPage.getLoginPage(reiBrowser, deploymentUrl);
    // open the course
    NavigationPage reiNavBar = new NavigationPage(reiBrowser);
    // go to the portfolio course element
    CoursePageFragment reiTestCourse = new CoursePageFragment(reiBrowser);
    PortfolioElementPage portfolioCourseEl = new PortfolioElementPage(reiBrowser);
    BinderPage reiBinder = portfolioCourseEl.pickPortfolio().goToPortfolioV2();
    // add the author as coach
    reiBinder.selectPublish().openAccessMenu().addMember().searchMember(author, false).nextUsers().nextOverview().fillAccessRights(binderTitle, Boolean.TRUE).nextPermissions().deSelectEmail().finish();
    // the author come to see the binder
    UserToolsPage userTools = new UserToolsPage(browser);
    PortfolioV2HomePage portfolio = userTools.openUserToolsMenu().openPortfolioV2();
    // than go to the course and check the results in the assessment tool
    // author take the lead and check the assessment tool
    // open the assessment tool
    AssessmentToolPage assessmentTool = new CoursePageFragment(browser).assessmentTool();
    // check that rei has passed the test
Also used : AssessmentCEConfigurationPage( CoursePageFragment( LoginPage( UserRestClient( BinderPage( PortfolioElementPage( CourseEditorPageFragment( UserToolsPage( UserVO(org.olat.user.restapi.UserVO) NavigationPage( MembersPage( PortfolioV2HomePage( AssessmentToolPage( RunAsClient(org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.RunAsClient) Test(org.junit.Test)


PortfolioV2HomePage ( RunAsClient (org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.RunAsClient)12 Test (org.junit.Test)12 UserToolsPage ( UserRestClient ( UserVO (org.olat.user.restapi.UserVO)12 BinderPage ( File ( URL ( LoginPage ( NavigationPage ( AssessmentCEConfigurationPage ( AssessmentToolPage ( CourseEditorPageFragment ( CoursePageFragment ( MembersPage ( PortfolioElementPage ( BinderPublicationPage ( BindersPage ( EntriesPage (