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Example 1 with UserImpl

use of org.olat.user.UserImpl in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class BaseSecurityManager method createAndPersistIdentityAndUser.

 * @param username the username
 * @param user the unpresisted User
 * @param authusername the username used as authentication credential
 *          (=username for provider "OLAT")
 * @param provider the provider of the authentication ("OLAT" or "AAI"). If null, no
 * authentication token is generated.
 * @param credential the credentials or null if not used
 * @return Identity
public Identity createAndPersistIdentityAndUser(String username, String externalId, User user, String provider, String authusername, String credential) {
    IdentityImpl iimpl = new IdentityImpl();
    iimpl.setLastLogin(new Date());
    ((UserImpl) user).setIdentity(iimpl);
    if (provider != null) {
        createAndPersistAuthenticationIntern(iimpl, provider, authusername, credential, loginModule.getDefaultHashAlgorithm());
    return iimpl;
Also used : UserImpl(org.olat.user.UserImpl) Date(java.util.Date)

Example 2 with UserImpl

use of org.olat.user.UserImpl in project openolat by klemens.

the class UserNameReadOnlyPropertyHandler method getUserPropertyAsHTML.

public String getUserPropertyAsHTML(User user, Locale locale) {
    String val = getInternalValue(user);
    if (val != null) {
        Identity identity = ((UserImpl) user).getIdentity();
        ContextEntry ce = BusinessControlFactory.getInstance().createContextEntry(identity);
        String homepage = BusinessControlFactory.getInstance().getAsURIString(Collections.singletonList(ce), false);
        return "<a href='" + homepage + "'>" + StringHelper.escapeHtml(val) + "</a>";
    return "";
Also used : UserImpl(org.olat.user.UserImpl) Identity( ContextEntry(

Example 3 with UserImpl

use of org.olat.user.UserImpl in project openolat by klemens.

the class BaseSecurityManager method createAndPersistIdentityAndUser.

 * @param username the username
 * @param user the unpresisted User
 * @param authusername the username used as authentication credential
 *          (=username for provider "OLAT")
 * @param provider the provider of the authentication ("OLAT" or "AAI"). If null, no
 * authentication token is generated.
 * @param credential the credentials or null if not used
 * @return Identity
public Identity createAndPersistIdentityAndUser(String username, String externalId, User user, String provider, String authusername, String credential) {
    IdentityImpl iimpl = new IdentityImpl();
    iimpl.setLastLogin(new Date());
    ((UserImpl) user).setIdentity(iimpl);
    if (provider != null) {
        createAndPersistAuthenticationIntern(iimpl, provider, authusername, credential, loginModule.getDefaultHashAlgorithm());
    return iimpl;
Also used : UserImpl(org.olat.user.UserImpl) Date(java.util.Date)

Example 4 with UserImpl

use of org.olat.user.UserImpl in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class UserNameReadOnlyPropertyHandler method getUserPropertyAsHTML.

public String getUserPropertyAsHTML(User user, Locale locale) {
    String val = getInternalValue(user);
    if (val != null) {
        Identity identity = ((UserImpl) user).getIdentity();
        ContextEntry ce = BusinessControlFactory.getInstance().createContextEntry(identity);
        String homepage = BusinessControlFactory.getInstance().getAsURIString(Collections.singletonList(ce), false);
        return "<a href='" + homepage + "'>" + StringHelper.escapeHtml(val) + "</a>";
    return "";
Also used : UserImpl(org.olat.user.UserImpl) Identity( ContextEntry(

Example 5 with UserImpl

use of org.olat.user.UserImpl in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class SetupModule method createUser.

 * Method to create a user with the given configuration
 * @return Identity or null
protected Identity createUser(DefaultUser user) {
    Identity identity;
    identity = securityManager.findIdentityByName(user.getUserName());
    if (identity == null) {
        // Create new user and subject
        UserImpl newUser = new UserImpl();
        if (!StringUtils.hasText(authenticationProviderConstant)) {
            throw new OLATRuntimeException(this.getClass(), "Auth token not set! Please fix! " + authenticationProviderConstant, null);
        // Now finally create that user thing on the database with all
        // credentials, person etc. in one transation context!
        identity = securityManager.createAndPersistIdentityAndUser(user.getUserName(), null, newUser, authenticationProviderConstant, user.getUserName(), user.getPassword());
        if (identity == null) {
            throw new OLATRuntimeException(this.getClass(), "Error, could not create  user and subject with name " + user.getUserName(), null);
        } else {
            if (user.isGuest()) {
                SecurityGroup anonymousGroup = securityManager.findSecurityGroupByName(Constants.GROUP_ANONYMOUS);
                securityManager.addIdentityToSecurityGroup(identity, anonymousGroup);
      "Created anonymous user " + user.getUserName());
            } else {
                SecurityGroup olatuserGroup = securityManager.findSecurityGroupByName(Constants.GROUP_OLATUSERS);
                if (user.isAdmin()) {
                    SecurityGroup adminGroup = securityManager.findSecurityGroupByName(Constants.GROUP_ADMIN);
                    securityManager.addIdentityToSecurityGroup(identity, adminGroup);
                    securityManager.addIdentityToSecurityGroup(identity, olatuserGroup);
          "Created admin user " + user.getUserName());
                } else if (user.isAuthor()) {
                    SecurityGroup authorGroup = securityManager.findSecurityGroupByName(Constants.GROUP_AUTHORS);
                    securityManager.addIdentityToSecurityGroup(identity, authorGroup);
                    securityManager.addIdentityToSecurityGroup(identity, olatuserGroup);
          "Created author user " + user.getUserName());
                } else if (user.isUserManager()) {
                    SecurityGroup usermanagerGroup = securityManager.findSecurityGroupByName(Constants.GROUP_USERMANAGERS);
                    securityManager.addIdentityToSecurityGroup(identity, usermanagerGroup);
                    securityManager.addIdentityToSecurityGroup(identity, olatuserGroup);
          "Created userManager user " + user.getUserName());
                } else if (user.isGroupManager()) {
                    SecurityGroup groupmanagerGroup = securityManager.findSecurityGroupByName(Constants.GROUP_GROUPMANAGERS);
                    securityManager.addIdentityToSecurityGroup(identity, groupmanagerGroup);
                    securityManager.addIdentityToSecurityGroup(identity, olatuserGroup);
          "Created groupManager user " + user.getUserName());
                } else {
                    securityManager.addIdentityToSecurityGroup(identity, olatuserGroup);
          "Created user " + user.getUserName());
    return identity;
Also used : OLATRuntimeException(org.olat.core.logging.OLATRuntimeException) UserImpl(org.olat.user.UserImpl) Identity( SecurityGroup(org.olat.basesecurity.SecurityGroup)


UserImpl (org.olat.user.UserImpl)6 Identity ( Date (java.util.Date)2 SecurityGroup (org.olat.basesecurity.SecurityGroup)2 ContextEntry ( OLATRuntimeException (org.olat.core.logging.OLATRuntimeException)2