Search in sources :

Example 1 with IntHolder

use of org.omg.CORBA.IntHolder in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class ManagerImpl method internalRequestDynamicComponent.

	 * Internal method for requesting dynamic components.
	 * Resolution:
	 * <code>component_name</code> and <code>component_type</code> can be considered as "determinator" fields,
	 * they play important role in search algorithm.
	 * <code>component_code</code> and <code>container_name</code> can be considered as "override" fields,
	 * they only help to find closest match.
	 * Rule: unspecified <code>component_name</code> case implies that a new component will be activated.
	 * Search points (8,4,2,1): <code>component_name</code>, <code>component_type</code>, <code>component_code</code>, <code>container_name</code>.
	 * <pre>
	 *  name | type | search criteria
	 * -----------------------------
	 *    *  |   *  | throw IncompleteComponentSpecException
	 *    X  |   *  | (equals, wildcard)
	 *    *  |   X  | (equals, equals) w/ name generation
	 *    X  |   X  | (wildcard, equals) - overriding type is not allowed
	 * </pre>
	 * 'name' can be also something like "ANT1/*" (ends with) and is threated just like "*".
	 * @param	requestor	requestor of the component.
	 * @param	componentSpec	requested component <code>ComponentSpec</code>
	 * @return	componentInfo	<code>ComponentInfo</code> of requested dynamic component.
private ComponentInfo internalRequestDynamicComponent(int requestor, ComponentSpec componentSpec) throws AcsJCannotGetComponentEx, AcsJSyncLockFailedEx, AcsJNoPermissionEx, AcsJIncompleteComponentSpecEx, AcsJInvalidComponentSpecEx, AcsJComponentSpecIncompatibleWithActiveComponentEx {
    boolean unspecifiedName = componentSpec.getName().endsWith(ComponentSpec.COMPSPEC_ANY);
    boolean unspecifiedType = componentSpec.getType().equals(ComponentSpec.COMPSPEC_ANY);
    //   *  |   *  | throw IncompleteComponentSpecException
    if (unspecifiedName && unspecifiedType) {
        AcsJInvalidComponentSpecEx ex = new AcsJInvalidComponentSpecEx();
        ex.setReason("'name' and 'type' cannot be both '" + ComponentSpec.COMPSPEC_ANY + "'.");
        throw ex;
    } else // all fields are fully specified, no search needed
    if (!unspecifiedName && !unspecifiedType && !componentSpec.getCode().equals(ComponentSpec.COMPSPEC_ANY) && !componentSpec.getContainer().equals(ComponentSpec.COMPSPEC_ANY)) {
        StatusHolder statusHolder = new StatusHolder();
        // We let exceptions occurring here fly up
        return internalRequestComponent(requestor, componentSpec.getName(), componentSpec.getType(), componentSpec.getCode(), componentSpec.getContainer(), RELEASE_TIME_UNDEFINED, statusHolder, true);
    // prepare search conditions
    final String[] fieldNames = new String[] { "Name", "Type", "Code", "Container" };
    final String[] requiredValues = new String[] { componentSpec.getName(), componentSpec.getType(), componentSpec.getCode(), componentSpec.getContainer() };
    final int[] equalityPoints = new int[] { 8, 4, /* never used */
    2, 1 };
    boolean[] equalityRequired = null;
    boolean allowNameGeneration = false;
    boolean prohibitSearch = false;
    //   X  |   X  | (wildcard, equals)
    if (!unspecifiedName && !unspecifiedType) {
        equalityRequired = new boolean[] { false, true, false, false };
        allowNameGeneration = true;
    } else //   X  |   *  | (equals, wildcard)
    if (!unspecifiedName && unspecifiedType) {
        equalityRequired = new boolean[] { true, false, false, false };
    } else //  prefix* |   X  | (equals, equals) w/ name generation
    if (unspecifiedName && !unspecifiedType) {
        equalityRequired = new boolean[] { true, true, false, false };
        // no search needed case...
        if (!componentSpec.getCode().equals(ComponentSpec.COMPSPEC_ANY) && !componentSpec.getContainer().equals(ComponentSpec.COMPSPEC_ANY))
            prohibitSearch = true;
        allowNameGeneration = true;
    // search
    IntHolder keepAliveTimeHolder = new IntHolder(RELEASE_TIME_UNDEFINED);
    String[] result = prohibitSearch ? null : searchDynamicComponent(fieldNames, requiredValues, equalityRequired, equalityPoints, keepAliveTimeHolder);
    // none found
    if (result == null) {
        boolean failed = true;
        // only name or container not speficied...
        if ((allowNameGeneration || !unspecifiedName) && !unspecifiedType && !componentSpec.getCode().equals(ComponentSpec.COMPSPEC_ANY)) {
            // container name already specified, i.e. name is *, which is OK
            if (!componentSpec.getContainer().equals(ComponentSpec.COMPSPEC_ANY)) {
                result = new String[] { componentSpec.getName(), componentSpec.getType(), componentSpec.getCode(), componentSpec.getContainer() };
                failed = false;
            } else // container name is *, use load balancing if available
            if (loadBalancingStrategy != null) {
                String containerName = loadBalancingStrategy.selectContainer(getClientInfo(requestor), getContainersInfo());
                if (containerName != null) {
                    result = new String[] { componentSpec.getName(), componentSpec.getType(), componentSpec.getCode(), containerName };
                    failed = false;
        if (failed) {
            AcsJInvalidComponentSpecEx ex = new AcsJInvalidComponentSpecEx();
            ex.setReason("Requested ComponentSpec does not match any entry in the CDB.");
            throw ex;
    // override...
    for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) if (!requiredValues[i].equals(ComponentSpec.COMPSPEC_ANY))
        result[i] = requiredValues[i];
    // check completeness
    int i = 0;
    if (allowNameGeneration)
    for (; i < result.length; i++) if (result[i].equals(ComponentSpec.COMPSPEC_ANY)) {
        // if load balancing strategy is registered, use it to determine container name
        if (fieldNames[i].equals("Container") && loadBalancingStrategy != null) {
            String containerName = loadBalancingStrategy.selectContainer(getClientInfo(requestor), getContainersInfo());
            if (containerName != null) {
                result[i] = containerName;
        AcsJIncompleteComponentSpecEx ex = new AcsJIncompleteComponentSpecEx();
        ex.setReason("'" + fieldNames[i] + "' equals '" + ComponentSpec.COMPSPEC_ANY + "'.");
        throw ex;
    // generate name if necessary
    if (allowNameGeneration && result[0].endsWith(ComponentSpec.COMPSPEC_ANY)) {
        synchronized (this) {
            /// @todo not perfect
            if (result[0].equals(ComponentSpec.COMPSPEC_ANY))
                result[0] = result[1] + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis();
                // ends with case
                result[0] = result[0].substring(0, result[0].length() - 1) + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis();
            // flatten hierarchical name (remove IDL separators)
            if (result[0].indexOf('/') >= 0)
                result[0] = result[0].replaceAll("/", "_");
    StatusHolder statusHolder = new StatusHolder();
    // Same exceptions are let flying up
    return internalRequestComponent(requestor, result[0], result[1], result[2], result[3], keepAliveTimeHolder.value, statusHolder, true);
Also used : AcsJInvalidComponentSpecEx(alma.maciErrType.wrappers.AcsJInvalidComponentSpecEx) IntHolder(org.omg.CORBA.IntHolder) StatusHolder(com.cosylab.acs.maci.StatusHolder) AcsJIncompleteComponentSpecEx(alma.maciErrType.wrappers.AcsJIncompleteComponentSpecEx)

Example 2 with IntHolder

use of org.omg.CORBA.IntHolder in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class Helper method createNotificationChannel.

	 * Tries to create a notification channel (using quality of service and administrative properties 
	 * specified by configQofS() and configAdminProps() respectively).
	 * If this succeeds, then registers this channel with the naming service.
	 * <p>
	 * Should only be invoked when the channel that this supplier or consumer is attempting to connect to
	 * does not exist.
	 * However even with prior check for the existence of this channel, a race condition with other suppliers or consumers
	 * can lead to multiple attempts to create the same channel, which will result in <code>NameAlreadyUsed</code> exception.
	 * <p>
	 * Design note: Currently the TAO notification extensions are used to synch channel creation with other clients
	 * by supplying the channel name to the factory.
	 * If we want to use only standard NC factories then we'd have to implement our own locking mechanisms in all 
	 * ACS consumer and supplier classes, see
	 * @return Reference to the newly created channel.
	 * @param channelKind
	 *           Kind of the channel as registered with the CORBA naming service.
	 * @param notifyFactoryName
	 *           Name of the notification service as registered with the CORBA naming service.
	 * @throws AcsJException
	 *            Standard ACS Java exception.
	 * @throws NameAlreadyUsed thrown if the channel of this name already exists.
protected EventChannel createNotificationChannel(String channelKind, String notifyFactoryName) throws AcsJException, NameAlreadyUsed {
    LOG_NC_ChannelCreated_ATTEMPT.log(m_logger, channelName, notifyFactoryName);
    // return value
    EventChannel retValue = null;
    // to be assigned by factory
    channelId = -1;
    StopWatch stopwatch = new StopWatch();
    try {
        // create the channel
        // here we use the channel properties taken directly from our channel properties helper object. 
        // presumably these values come from the ACS configuration database.
        IntHolder channelIdHolder = new IntHolder();
        retValue = createNotifyChannel_internal(m_channelProperties.configQofS(channelName), m_channelProperties.configAdminProps(channelName), channelIdHolder);
        // sanity check
        if (retValue == null) {
            // a null reference implies we cannot go any further
            Throwable cause = new Throwable("Null reference obtained for the '" + channelName + "' channel!");
            // TODO: more specific ex type
            throw new alma.ACSErrTypeJavaNative.wrappers.AcsJJavaLangEx(cause);
        channelId = channelIdHolder.value;
        // register our new channel with the naming service
        try {
            NameComponent[] t_NameChannel = { new NameComponent(combineChannelAndDomainName(channelName, domainName), channelKind) };
            getNamingService().rebind(t_NameChannel, retValue);
            // Create an entry into the Naming Service to store the timestamp of the channel in order to allow
            // subscribers to reconnect to the channel (ICT-4730)
            int maxNumAttempts = 10;
            int nAttempts = maxNumAttempts;
            boolean timestampCreated = setChannelTimestamp(retValue);
            while (false == timestampCreated && nAttempts > 0) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException ex1) {
                // too bad
                timestampCreated = setChannelTimestamp(retValue);
            if (false == timestampCreated) {
                Throwable cause = new Throwable("Failed to register the timestamp of the channel '" + channelName + "' into the Naming Service after " + String.valueOf(maxNumAttempts) + " attempts");
                // TODO: more specific ex type
                throw new alma.ACSErrTypeJavaNative.wrappers.AcsJJavaLangEx(cause);
        } catch (org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.NotFound ex) {
            // Corba spec: "If already bound, the previous binding must be of type nobject; 
            //              otherwise, a NotFound exception with a why reason of not_object is raised."
            String reason = "Failed to register the new channel '" + channelName + "' with the Naming Service: " + ex.why.toString();
            AcsJCORBAProblemEx ex2 = new AcsJCORBAProblemEx(ex);
            throw ex2;
    } catch (org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.CannotProceed e) {
        // Think there is virtually no chance of this every happening but...
        Throwable cause = new Throwable(e.getMessage());
        throw new alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.wrappers.AcsJCORBAProblemEx(cause);
    } catch (org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.InvalidName e) {
        // Think there is virtually no chance of this every happening but...
        Throwable cause = new Throwable(e.getMessage());
        throw new alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.wrappers.AcsJCORBAProblemEx(cause);
    } catch (org.omg.CosNotification.UnsupportedQoS e) {
        Throwable cause = new Throwable("The quality of service properties specified for the '" + channelName + "' channel are unsupported: " + e.getMessage());
        throw new alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.wrappers.AcsJCORBAProblemEx(cause);
    LOG_NC_ChannelCreated_OK.log(m_logger, channelName, channelId, notifyFactoryName, stopwatch.getLapTimeMillis());
    return retValue;
Also used : AcsJCORBAProblemEx(alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.wrappers.AcsJCORBAProblemEx) NameComponent(org.omg.CosNaming.NameComponent) UnsupportedQoS(org.omg.CosNotification.UnsupportedQoS) StopWatch(alma.acs.util.StopWatch) EventChannel(gov.sandia.NotifyMonitoringExt.EventChannel) IntHolder(org.omg.CORBA.IntHolder) AcsJCORBAProblemEx(alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.wrappers.AcsJCORBAProblemEx)

Example 3 with IntHolder

use of org.omg.CORBA.IntHolder in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class NCSubscriber method createProxySupplier.

	 * Creates the proxy supplier (push-style, for structured events) 
	 * that lives in the Notify server process, managed by the consumer admin object, and
	 * will later be connected to this client-side subscriber object.
	 * @throws AcsJCORBAProblemEx If creation of the proxy supplier failed.
private StructuredProxyPushSupplier createProxySupplier() throws AcsJCORBAProblemEx {
    StructuredProxyPushSupplier ret = null;
    String errMsg = null;
    // will get assigned "a numeric identifier [...] that is unique among all proxy suppliers [the admin object] has created"
    IntHolder proxyIdHolder = new IntHolder();
    String randomizedClientName = null;
    try {
        ProxySupplier proxy = null;
        while (proxy == null) {
            // See the comments on Consumer#createConsumer() for a nice explanation of why this randomness is happening here
            randomizedClientName = Helper.createRandomizedClientName(clientName);
            try {
                proxy = sharedConsumerAdmin.obtain_named_notification_push_supplier(ClientType.STRUCTURED_EVENT, proxyIdHolder, randomizedClientName);
            } catch (NameAlreadyUsed e) {
            // Hopefully we won't run into this situation. Still, try to go on in the loop,
            // with a different client name next time.
            } catch (NameMapError e) {
                // Default to the unnamed version
                proxy = sharedConsumerAdmin.obtain_notification_push_supplier(ClientType.STRUCTURED_EVENT, proxyIdHolder);
        ret = StructuredProxyPushSupplierHelper.narrow(proxy);
    } catch (AdminLimitExceeded ex) {
        // See NC spec
        // If the number of consumers currently connected to the channel with which the target ConsumerAdmin object is associated 
        // exceeds the value of the MaxConsumers administrative property, the AdminLimitExceeded exception is raised.
        String limit = ex.admin_property_err.value.extract_string();
        errMsg = "NC '" + channelName + "' is configured for a maximum of " + limit + " subscribers, which does not allow this client to subscribe.";
    if (ret != null) {
        LOG_NC_SupplierProxyCreation_OK.log(logger, proxyIdHolder.value, clientName, randomizedClientName, channelName, getNotificationFactoryName());
    } else {
        LOG_NC_SupplierProxyCreation_FAIL.log(logger, clientName, channelName, getNotificationFactoryName(), errMsg);
        AcsJCORBAProblemEx ex2 = new AcsJCORBAProblemEx();
        ex2.setInfo("Failed to create proxy supplier on NC '" + channelName + "' for client '" + clientName + "': " + errMsg);
        throw ex2;
    return ret;
Also used : AcsJCORBAProblemEx(alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.wrappers.AcsJCORBAProblemEx) NameMapError(gov.sandia.NotifyMonitoringExt.NameMapError) AdminLimitExceeded(org.omg.CosNotifyChannelAdmin.AdminLimitExceeded) IntHolder(org.omg.CORBA.IntHolder) ProxySupplier(org.omg.CosNotifyChannelAdmin.ProxySupplier) NameAlreadyUsed(gov.sandia.NotifyMonitoringExt.NameAlreadyUsed) StructuredProxyPushSupplier(org.omg.CosNotifyChannelAdmin.StructuredProxyPushSupplier)

Example 4 with IntHolder

use of org.omg.CORBA.IntHolder in project alliance by codice.

the class SampleNsiliClient method getHitCount.

public int getHitCount() throws Exception {
    if (catalogMgr != null) {"Getting Hit Count From Query...");
        HitCountRequest hitCountRequest = catalogMgr.hit_count(QUERY, new NameValue[0]);
        IntHolder intHolder = new IntHolder();
        hitCountRequest.complete(intHolder);"Server responded with {} hit(s). ", intHolder.value);
        return intHolder.value;
    } else {
        LOGGER.warn("CatalogMgr was not initialized, unable to find hit count");
        return -1;
Also used : IntHolder(org.omg.CORBA.IntHolder) HitCountRequest(org.codice.alliance.nsili.common.GIAS.HitCountRequest)

Example 5 with IntHolder

use of org.omg.CORBA.IntHolder in project alliance by codice.

the class NsiliSource method submitQuery.

 * Submits and completes a BQS Query to the STANAG 4559 server and returns the response.
 * @param queryRequest - the query request generated from the search
 * @param query - a BQS query
 * @param resultAttributes - a list of desired result attributes
 * @param sortAttributes - a list of attributes to sort by
 * @param properties - a list of properties for the query
 * @return - the server's response
private SourceResponse submitQuery(QueryRequest queryRequest, org.codice.alliance.nsili.common.GIAS.Query query, String[] resultAttributes, SortAttribute[] sortAttributes, NameValue[] properties) {
    DAGListHolder dagListHolder = new DAGListHolder();
    SourceResponseImpl sourceResponse = null;
    long numHits = 0;
    try {
        synchronized (queryLockObj) {
            LOGGER.debug("{} : Submit query: {}", sourceId, query.bqs_query);
            LOGGER.debug("{} : Requesting result attributes: {}", sourceId, resultAttributes);
            LOGGER.debug("{} : Sort Attributes: {}", sourceId, sortAttributes);
            LOGGER.debug("{} : Properties: {}", sourceId, properties);
            HitCountRequest hitCountRequest = catalogMgr.hit_count(query, properties);
            IntHolder hitHolder = new IntHolder();
            numHits = hitHolder.value;
            SubmitQueryRequest submitQueryRequest;
            if (hitHolder.value > 1) {
                submitQueryRequest = catalogMgr.submit_query(query, resultAttributes, sortAttributes, properties);
            } else {
                submitQueryRequest = catalogMgr.submit_query(query, resultAttributes, new SortAttribute[0], new NameValue[0]);
    } catch (ProcessingFault | SystemFault | InvalidInputParameter e) {
        LOGGER.debug("{} : Unable to query source. {}", sourceId, NsilCorbaExceptionUtil.getExceptionDetails(e), e);
    if (dagListHolder.value != null) {
        List<Result> results = new ArrayList<>();
        String id = getId();
        List<Future> futures = new ArrayList<>(dagListHolder.value.length);
        for (DAG dag : dagListHolder.value) {
            Callable<Result> convertRunner = () -> {
                DAGConverter dagConverter = new DAGConverter(resourceReader);
                Metacard card = dagConverter.convertDAG(dag, swapCoordinates, id);
                if (card != null) {
                    if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
                        DAGConverter.logMetacard(card, getId());
                    return new ResultImpl(card);
                } else {
                    LOGGER.debug("{} : Unable to convert DAG to metacard, returned card is null", getId());
                return null;
        Future<Result> completedFuture;
        while (!futures.isEmpty()) {
            try {
                completedFuture = completionService.take();
            } catch (ExecutionException e) {
                LOGGER.debug("Unable to create result.", e);
            } catch (InterruptedException ignore) {
            // ignore
        sourceResponse = new SourceResponseImpl(queryRequest, results, numHits);
    } else {
        LOGGER.debug("{} : Source returned empty DAG list", getId());
    return sourceResponse;
Also used : SourceResponseImpl(ddf.catalog.operation.impl.SourceResponseImpl) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ResultImpl( ProcessingFault(org.codice.alliance.nsili.common.UCO.ProcessingFault) Result( SubmitQueryRequest(org.codice.alliance.nsili.common.GIAS.SubmitQueryRequest) SystemFault(org.codice.alliance.nsili.common.UCO.SystemFault) IntHolder(org.omg.CORBA.IntHolder) InvalidInputParameter(org.codice.alliance.nsili.common.UCO.InvalidInputParameter) ExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException) SortAttribute(org.codice.alliance.nsili.common.GIAS.SortAttribute) DAG(org.codice.alliance.nsili.common.UCO.DAG) DAGListHolder(org.codice.alliance.nsili.common.UCO.DAGListHolder) HitCountRequest(org.codice.alliance.nsili.common.GIAS.HitCountRequest) DAGConverter(org.codice.alliance.nsili.transformer.DAGConverter) NameValue(org.codice.alliance.nsili.common.UCO.NameValue) Metacard( ScheduledFuture(java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture) Future(java.util.concurrent.Future)


IntHolder (org.omg.CORBA.IntHolder)72 AtomicTransaction (com.arjuna.ats.jts.extensions.AtomicTransaction)12 Control (org.omg.CosTransactions.Control)10 ORB (com.arjuna.orbportability.ORB)6 RootOA (com.arjuna.orbportability.RootOA)6 HitCountRequest (org.codice.alliance.nsili.common.GIAS.HitCountRequest)6 Services (com.arjuna.orbportability.Services)5 ServerORB (com.hp.mwtests.ts.jts.utils.ServerORB)5 AcsJCORBAProblemEx (alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.wrappers.AcsJCORBAProblemEx)4 NameAlreadyUsed (gov.sandia.NotifyMonitoringExt.NameAlreadyUsed)3 NameMapError (gov.sandia.NotifyMonitoringExt.NameMapError)3 Test (org.junit.Test)3 BAD_PARAM (org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM)3 AdminLimitExceeded (org.omg.CosNotifyChannelAdmin.AdminLimitExceeded)3 AcsJNarrowFailedEx (alma.ACSErrTypeCORBA.wrappers.AcsJNarrowFailedEx)2 CurrentImple (com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.CurrentImple)2 SubmitQueryRequest (org.codice.alliance.nsili.common.GIAS.SubmitQueryRequest)2 DAGListHolder (org.codice.alliance.nsili.common.UCO.DAGListHolder)2 InvalidInputParameter (org.codice.alliance.nsili.common.UCO.InvalidInputParameter)2 ProcessingFault (org.codice.alliance.nsili.common.UCO.ProcessingFault)2