use of org.omg.CosNotification.EventType in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class NCSubscriber method addFilter.
* This method manages the filtering capabilities used to control subscriptions.
* <p>
* A constraint evaluates to true when both of the following conditions are true:
* A member of the constraint's EventTypeSeq matches the message's event type.
* The constraint expression evaluates to true.
* @return FilterID (see OMG NotificationService spec
* @throws AcsJCORBAProblemEx
protected int addFilter(String eventTypeName) throws AcsJCORBAProblemEx {
try {
// Create the filter
FilterFactory filterFactory = channel.default_filter_factory();
Filter filter = filterFactory.create_filter(getFilterLanguage());
// Information needed to construct the constraint expression object
// (any domain, THE event type)
// Note that TAO will internally convert the event type name
// to the expression "$type_name=='<our_eventTypeName>'",
// see orbsvcs/Notify/Notify_Constraint_Interpreter.cpp
// The old Consumer class used 'getChannelDomain()' instead of "*"..?
EventType[] t_info = { new EventType("*", eventTypeName) };
// Add constraint expression object to the filter
// no constraints other than the eventTypeName already given above
String constraint_expr = "";
ConstraintExp[] cexp = { new ConstraintExp(t_info, constraint_expr) };
// Add the filter to the proxy and return the filter ID
int filterId = proxySupplier.add_filter(filter);
if (logger.isLoggable(AcsLogLevel.DELOUSE)) {
NcFilterInspector insp = new NcFilterInspector(proxySupplier, channelName + "::" + clientName + "::ProxySupplier", logger);
logger.log(AcsLogLevel.DELOUSE, "Added filter for '" + eventTypeName + "'. Current " + insp.getFilterInfo());
// NcFilterInspector insp2 = new NcFilterInspector(
// sharedConsumerAdmin, channelName + "::" + clientName + "::Admin", logger);
// logger.log(AcsLogLevel.DEBUG, "Admin filters: " + insp2.getFilterInfo());
return filterId;
} catch (org.omg.CosNotifyFilter.InvalidGrammar e) {
Throwable cause = new Throwable("'" + eventTypeName + "' filter is invalid for the '" + channelName + "' channel: " + e.getMessage());
throw new alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.wrappers.AcsJCORBAProblemEx(cause);
} catch (org.omg.CosNotifyFilter.InvalidConstraint e) {
Throwable cause = new Throwable("'" + eventTypeName + "' filter is invalid for the '" + channelName + "' channel: " + e.getMessage());
throw new alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.wrappers.AcsJCORBAProblemEx(cause);
use of org.omg.CosNotification.EventType in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class NcFilterInspector method getFilterInfo.
public String getFilterInfo() {
String ret = "NC filter info for '" + serverObjectName + "' ";
int[] filterIds = serverObject.get_all_filters();
ret += "(" + filterIds.length + " filters total): ";
for (int filterId : filterIds) {
ret += "{ filterId=" + filterId + "; ";
try {
Filter f = serverObject.get_filter(filterId);
String grammarName = f.constraint_grammar();
ret += "grammar=" + grammarName + "; ";
ret += "constraints: { ";
for (ConstraintInfo ci : f.get_all_constraints()) {
String cExp = ci.constraint_expression.constraint_expr;
ret += "expr=" + cExp + "; ";
for (EventType eT : ci.constraint_expression.event_types) {
String typeName = eT.type_name;
ret += "type=" + typeName + "; ";
String domainName = eT.domain_name;
ret += "domain=" + domainName + "; ";
ret += "}; ";
} catch (FilterNotFound ex) {
ret += "FilterNotFound!";
ret += "}; ";
return ret;
use of org.omg.CosNotification.EventType in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class StructuredEventCreator method getCORBAEvent.
* Method used to create a pre-filled CORBA event.
* @param typeName
* The structured event's type_name.
* @param eventName
* Name of the event.
* @return A pre-filled CORBA event.
private StructuredEvent getCORBAEvent(String typeName, String eventName) {
// return value
StructuredEvent event = new StructuredEvent();
// event.header.fixed_header.event_type
String channelDomain = alma.acscommon.ALMADOMAIN.value;
EventType event_type = new EventType(channelDomain, typeName);
FixedEventHeader fixed_header = new FixedEventHeader(event_type, eventName);
// event.header.variable_header
Property[] variable_header = new Property[0];
// event.header
event.header = new EventHeader(fixed_header, variable_header);
return event;
use of org.omg.CosNotification.EventType in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class NCPublisher method getCORBAEvent.
* Method used to create a pre-filled CORBA event.
* @param typeName
* The structured event's type_name.
* @param eventName
* Name of the event.
* @return A pre-filled CORBA event.
protected StructuredEvent getCORBAEvent(String typeName, String eventName) {
// return value
StructuredEvent event = new StructuredEvent();
// event.header.fixed_header.event_type
String channelDomain = alma.acscommon.ALMADOMAIN.value;
EventType event_type = new EventType(channelDomain, typeName);
FixedEventHeader fixed_header = new FixedEventHeader(event_type, eventName);
// event.header.variable_header
Property[] variable_header = new Property[0];
// event.header
event.header = new EventHeader(fixed_header, variable_header);
return event;
use of org.omg.CosNotification.EventType in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class Consumer method addSubscription.
* Add a subscription to a given (IDL struct) Java class. Use this method
* only when Consumer has been subclassed and processEvent overridden.
* @param structClass
* Type of event to subscribe to (i.e., alma.CORR.DataStruct.class).
* If <code>null</code> then all events are subscribed.
* @throws AcsJEventSubscriptionFailureEx
* Thrown if the subscription failed.
public void addSubscription(Class<? extends IDLEntity> structClass) throws AcsJEventSubscriptionFailureEx {
String type = "*";
String domain = "*";
if (structClass != null) {
type = structClass.getSimpleName();
// "ALMA"
domain = getChannelDomain();
try {
// Subscribe to events
EventType[] added = { new EventType(domain, type) };
EventType[] removed = {};
// really subscribe to the events
m_consumerAdmin.subscription_change(added, removed);
} catch (Throwable thr) {
// org.omg.CosNotifyComm.InvalidEventType or other
AcsJEventSubscriptionFailureEx ex = new AcsJEventSubscriptionFailureEx(thr);
throw ex;