use of org.omg.CosNotification.UnsupportedAdmin in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class Helper method createNotifyChannel_internal.
* Broken out from {@link #createNotificationChannel(String, String, String)}
* to give tests better control about the timing when this call to the event factory is made.
* @throws NameAlreadyUsed if the call to NotifyFactory#create_named_channel fails with this exception.
* @throws AcsJCORBAProblemEx if the TAO extension throws a NameMapError or if the QoS attributes cause a UnsupportedAdmin.
protected EventChannel createNotifyChannel_internal(Property[] initial_qos, Property[] initial_admin, IntHolder channelIdHolder) throws NameAlreadyUsed, UnsupportedQoS, AcsJNarrowFailedEx, AcsJCORBAProblemEx {
EventChannel ret = null;
StopWatch stopwatch = new StopWatch();
try {
// The TAO extension of the notify factory that we use declares only the plain EventChannel type,
// even though it creates the TAO-extension subtype.
org.omg.CosNotifyChannelAdmin.EventChannel eventChannelBaseType = notifyFactory.create_named_channel(initial_qos, initial_admin, channelIdHolder, channelName);
LOG_NC_ChannelCreatedRaw_OK.log(m_logger, channelName, channelIdHolder.value, stopwatch.getLapTimeMillis());
// re-create the client side corba stub, to get the extension subtype
ret = gov.sandia.NotifyMonitoringExt.EventChannelHelper.narrow(eventChannelBaseType);
} catch (BAD_PARAM ex) {
LOG_NC_TaoExtensionsSubtypeMissing.log(m_logger, channelName, EventChannel.class.getName(),;
AcsJNarrowFailedEx ex2 = new AcsJNarrowFailedEx(ex);
throw ex2;
} catch (NameMapError ex) {
String msg = "Got a TAO extension-specific NameMapError exception that means the TAO NC extension is not usable. Bailing out since we need the extension.";
m_logger.log(AcsLogLevel.ERROR, msg, ex);
AcsJCORBAProblemEx ex2 = new AcsJCORBAProblemEx(ex);
throw ex2;
} catch (UnsupportedAdmin ex) {
AcsJCORBAProblemEx ex2 = new AcsJCORBAProblemEx(ex);
throw ex2;
return ret;