Search in sources :

Example 1 with Min

use of org.onebusaway.collections.Min in project onebusaway-application-modules by camsys.

the class BlockGeospatialServiceImpl method getBestScheduledBlockLocationForLocation.

public ScheduledBlockLocation getBestScheduledBlockLocationForLocation(BlockInstance blockInstance, CoordinatePoint location, long timestamp, double blockDistanceFrom, double blockDistanceTo) {
    BlockConfigurationEntry block = blockInstance.getBlock();
    ProjectedPoint targetPoint = ProjectedPointFactory.forward(location);
    List<AgencyAndId> shapePointIds =, "trip.shapeId");
    T2<List<XYPoint>, double[]> tuple = _projectedShapePointService.getProjectedShapePoints(shapePointIds, targetPoint.getSrid());
    if (tuple == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("block had no shape points: " + block.getBlock().getId());
    List<XYPoint> projectedShapePoints = tuple.getFirst();
    double[] distances = tuple.getSecond();
    int fromIndex = 0;
    int toIndex = distances.length;
    if (blockDistanceFrom > 0) {
        fromIndex = Arrays.binarySearch(distances, blockDistanceFrom);
        if (fromIndex < 0) {
            fromIndex = -(fromIndex + 1);
            // Include the previous point if we didn't get an exact match
            if (fromIndex > 0)
    if (blockDistanceTo < distances[distances.length - 1]) {
        toIndex = Arrays.binarySearch(distances, blockDistanceTo);
        if (toIndex < 0) {
            toIndex = -(toIndex + 1);
            // Include the previous point if we didn't get an exact match
            if (toIndex < distances.length)
    XYPoint xyPoint = new XYPoint(targetPoint.getX(), targetPoint.getY());
    List<PointAndIndex> assignments = _shapePointsLibrary.computePotentialAssignments(projectedShapePoints, distances, xyPoint, fromIndex, toIndex);
    Min<ScheduledBlockLocation> best = new Min<ScheduledBlockLocation>();
    for (PointAndIndex index : assignments) {
        double distanceAlongBlock = index.distanceAlongShape;
        if (distanceAlongBlock > block.getTotalBlockDistance())
            distanceAlongBlock = block.getTotalBlockDistance();
        ScheduledBlockLocation blockLocation = _scheduledBlockLocationService.getScheduledBlockLocationFromDistanceAlongBlock(block, distanceAlongBlock);
        if (blockLocation != null) {
            int scheduledTime = blockLocation.getScheduledTime();
            long scheduleTimestamp = blockInstance.getServiceDate() + scheduledTime * 1000;
            double delta = Math.abs(scheduleTimestamp - timestamp);
            best.add(delta, blockLocation);
    return best.getMinElement();
Also used : AgencyAndId(org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.AgencyAndId) PointAndIndex(org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.impl.shapes.PointAndIndex) ProjectedPoint(org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.model.ProjectedPoint) XYPoint(org.onebusaway.geospatial.model.XYPoint) CoordinatePoint(org.onebusaway.geospatial.model.CoordinatePoint) XYPoint(org.onebusaway.geospatial.model.XYPoint) ScheduledBlockLocation( Min(org.onebusaway.collections.Min) ProjectedPoint(org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.model.ProjectedPoint) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BlockConfigurationEntry(

Example 2 with Min

use of org.onebusaway.collections.Min in project onebusaway-application-modules by camsys.

the class LocationShapePointIndex method getIndex.

public int getIndex(ShapePoints points) {
    Min<Integer> m = new Min<Integer>();
    int n = points.getSize();
    double[] lats = points.getLats();
    double[] lons = points.getLons();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        double d = distance(_lat, _lon, lats[i], lons[i]);
        m.add(d, i);
    return m.getMinElement();
Also used : Min(org.onebusaway.collections.Min) CoordinatePoint(org.onebusaway.geospatial.model.CoordinatePoint)

Example 3 with Min

use of org.onebusaway.collections.Min in project onebusaway-application-modules by camsys.

the class ArrivalAndDepartureServiceImpl method getBlockStopTime.

private BlockStopTimeEntry getBlockStopTime(BlockTripInstance blockTripInstance, AgencyAndId stopId, int stopSequence, int timeOfServiceDate) {
     * We don't iterate over block stop times directly because there is
     * performance penalty with instantiating each. Also note that this will
     * currently miss the case where a stop is visited twice in the same trip.
    BlockTripEntry blockTrip = blockTripInstance.getBlockTrip();
    TripEntry trip = blockTrip.getTrip();
    List<StopTimeEntry> stopTimes = trip.getStopTimes();
    if (stopSequence > -1) {
         * If a stop sequence has been specified, we start our search at the
         * specified index, expanding our search until we find the target stop. We
         * allow this flexibility in the case of a bookmarked arrival-departure
         * where the stop sequence has changed slightly due to the addition or
         * subtraction of a previous stop.
        int offset = 0;
        while (true) {
            int before = stopSequence - offset;
            if (isMatch(stopTimes, stopId, before)) {
                return blockTrip.getStopTimes().get(before);
            int after = stopSequence + offset;
            if (isMatch(stopTimes, stopId, after)) {
                return blockTrip.getStopTimes().get(after);
            if (before < 0 && after >= stopTimes.size())
                return null;
    } else {
        Min<BlockStopTimeEntry> m = new Min<BlockStopTimeEntry>();
        int index = 0;
        for (StopTimeEntry stopTime : stopTimes) {
            if (stopTime.getStop().getId().equals(stopId)) {
                int a = Math.abs(timeOfServiceDate - stopTime.getArrivalTime());
                int b = Math.abs(timeOfServiceDate - stopTime.getDepartureTime());
                int delta = Math.min(a, b);
                m.add(delta, blockTrip.getStopTimes().get(index));
        if (m.isEmpty())
            return null;
        return m.getMinElement();
Also used : Min(org.onebusaway.collections.Min) BlockTripEntry( StopTimeEntry( BlockStopTimeEntry( TripEntry( BlockTripEntry( BlockStopTimeEntry(

Example 4 with Min

use of org.onebusaway.collections.Min in project onebusaway-application-modules by camsys.

the class DistanceAlongShapeLibrary method assignmentSanityCheck.

private void assignmentSanityCheck(ShapePoints shapePoints, List<StopTimeEntryImpl> stopTimes, List<List<PointAndIndex>> possibleAssignments) throws DistanceAlongShapeException {
    int stIndex = 0;
    for (List<PointAndIndex> assignments : possibleAssignments) {
        if (assignments.isEmpty()) {
            StopTimeEntry stopTime = stopTimes.get(stIndex);
            throw new InvalidStopToShapeMappingException(stopTime.getTrip());
        Min<PointAndIndex> m = new Min<PointAndIndex>();
        for (PointAndIndex pindex : assignments) m.add(pindex.distanceFromTarget, pindex);
        if (m.getMinValue() > _maxDistanceFromStopToShapePoint) {
            StopTimeEntry stopTime = stopTimes.get(stIndex);
            PointAndIndex pindex = m.getMinElement();
            CoordinatePoint point = shapePoints.getPointForIndex(pindex.index);
            throw new StopIsTooFarFromShapeException(stopTime, pindex, point);
Also used : CoordinatePoint(org.onebusaway.geospatial.model.CoordinatePoint) Min(org.onebusaway.collections.Min) PointAndIndex(org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.impl.shapes.PointAndIndex) StopTimeEntry( CoordinatePoint(org.onebusaway.geospatial.model.CoordinatePoint) XYPoint(org.onebusaway.geospatial.model.XYPoint)

Example 5 with Min

use of org.onebusaway.collections.Min in project onebusaway-application-modules by camsys.

the class ShapePointsLibrary method computePotentialAssignments.

 * Here is the idea:
 * Given a shape as an array of XY Points, a range over those points, and a
 * target point, find the closest location(s) along the shape for the target
 * point.
 * The trick is that there may be multiple good assignments, especially for a
 * shape that loops back on itself. In this case, we look for assignments
 * within our {@link #_localMinimumThreshold} distance. There will typically
 * be ranges of assignments that apply and we take the local min within each
 * range. We then return each of these local mins as a potential assignment.
 * There is an additional wrinkle when the section of the shape that loops
 * back occurs where all the shape points are within
 * {@link #_localMinimumThreshold} of the target point. In this case, we no
 * longer consider the local min for the section, but the individual local
 * mins within the section. That is to say, if we find a local min and then
 * the shape moves away and comes back, we'll consider the second local min as
 * a new potential assignment.
 * If no assignments are found within the {@link #_localMinimumThreshold}
 * distance, we just return the global min.
 * @param projectedShapePoints
 * @param shapePointDistance
 * @param targetPoint
 * @param fromIndex
 * @param toIndex
 * @return
public List<PointAndIndex> computePotentialAssignments(List<XYPoint> projectedShapePoints, double[] shapePointDistance, XYPoint targetPoint, int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
     * The absolute closest assignment
    Min<PointAndIndex> min = new Min<PointAndIndex>();
    Min<PointAndIndex> localMin = new Min<PointAndIndex>();
    List<PointAndIndex> localMins = new ArrayList<PointAndIndex>();
     * For our multi-local min within the _localMinimumThreshold detection, we
     * keep track of whether the endpoint of the previous segment was further
     * away from the target point than the snapped point, indicating the shape
     * is moving away from the target point. We also keep track of the distance
     * of the target point from the endpoint of the previous segment. If the
     * snapped point of the next section is closer to the target point than the
     * previous endpoint AND the shape was moving away from the target point in
     * the previous section, we establish a new local min.
    boolean previousEndpointDistanceGreaterThanSnappedDistance = false;
    double previousEndpointDistance = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex - 1; i++) {
        XYPoint from = projectedShapePoints.get(i);
        XYPoint to = projectedShapePoints.get(i + 1);
        XYPoint location = GeometryLibrary.projectPointToSegment(targetPoint, from, to);
        double d = location.getDistance(targetPoint);
        double distanceAlongShape = shapePointDistance[i] + location.getDistance(from);
        PointAndIndex pindex = new PointAndIndex(location, i, d, distanceAlongShape);
        min.add(d, pindex);
        if (d <= _localMinimumThreshold) {
            if (previousEndpointDistanceGreaterThanSnappedDistance && d < previousEndpointDistance && !localMin.isEmpty()) {
                localMin = new Min<PointAndIndex>();
            localMin.add(d, pindex);
        } else if (!localMin.isEmpty()) {
            localMin = new Min<PointAndIndex>();
        previousEndpointDistance = to.getDistance(targetPoint);
        previousEndpointDistanceGreaterThanSnappedDistance = previousEndpointDistance > d;
     * If don't have ANY potential assignments, return an empty list
    if (min.isEmpty())
        return Collections.emptyList();
     * Check to see if we have a localMin element that needs to be added to our
     * collection of local mins
    if (!localMin.isEmpty())
     * If we don't have ANY local mins (aka assignments that were within our
     * _localMinimumThreshold), we just use the best assigment(s) from the
     * global min
    if (localMins.isEmpty())
    return localMins;
Also used : XYPoint(org.onebusaway.geospatial.model.XYPoint) Min(org.onebusaway.collections.Min) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) XYPoint(org.onebusaway.geospatial.model.XYPoint) CoordinatePoint(org.onebusaway.geospatial.model.CoordinatePoint)


Min (org.onebusaway.collections.Min)10 CoordinatePoint (org.onebusaway.geospatial.model.CoordinatePoint)7 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 XYPoint (org.onebusaway.geospatial.model.XYPoint)4 PointAndIndex (org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.impl.shapes.PointAndIndex)3 StopTimeEntry ( AgencyAndId (org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.AgencyAndId)2 BlockInstance ( BlockConfigurationEntry ( BlockStopTimeEntry ( IOException ( Date (java.util.Date)1 List (java.util.List)1 ParseException (org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException)1 InvalidArgumentServiceException (org.onebusaway.exceptions.InvalidArgumentServiceException)1 NoSuchAgencyServiceException (org.onebusaway.exceptions.NoSuchAgencyServiceException)1 ServiceException (org.onebusaway.exceptions.ServiceException)1 CoordinateBounds (org.onebusaway.geospatial.model.CoordinateBounds)1 StopBean (org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.StopBean)1 StopTimeEntryImpl (org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.impl.transit_graph.StopTimeEntryImpl)1