use of org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.StopLocation in project onebusaway-gtfs-modules by OneBusAway.
the class RouteStopsInCommonDuplicateScoringStrategy method getAllStopsForRoute.
private Set<StopLocation> getAllStopsForRoute(GtfsRelationalDao dao, Route route) {
Set<StopLocation> stops = new HashSet<>();
List<Trip> tripsForRoute = new ArrayList<Trip>();
// make this thread safe
for (Trip trip : tripsForRoute) {
List<StopTime> stopTimesForTrip = new ArrayList<StopTime>();
for (StopTime stopTime : stopTimesForTrip) {
return stops;
use of org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.StopLocation in project onebusaway-gtfs-modules by OneBusAway.
the class TrimTripTransformStrategy method updateShape.
private void updateShape(GtfsMutableRelationalDao dao, Trip trip, List<StopTime> stopTimes, Set<AgencyAndId> newShapeIds) {
if (stopTimes.size() < 2) {
AgencyAndId shapeId = trip.getShapeId();
if (shapeId == null || !shapeId.hasValues()) {
List<ShapePoint> points = dao.getShapePointsForShapeId(shapeId);
if (points.isEmpty()) {
StopLocation firstStop = stopTimes.get(0).getStop();
StopLocation lastStop = stopTimes.get(stopTimes.size() - 1).getStop();
String id = shapeId.getId() + "-" + firstStop.getId().getId() + "-" + lastStop.getId().getId();
AgencyAndId newShapeId = new AgencyAndId(shapeId.getAgencyId(), id);
if (!(firstStop instanceof Stop)) {
// TODO Correct error type
throw new Error(firstStop + " must be stop");
if (!(lastStop instanceof Stop)) {
// TODO Correct error type
throw new Error(firstStop + " must be stop");
if (!newShapeIds.add(newShapeId)) {
int shapePointFrom = getClosestShapePointToStop(points, (Stop) firstStop);
int shapePointTo = getClosestShapePointToStop(points, (Stop) lastStop);
for (int index = shapePointFrom; index <= shapePointTo; ++index) {
ShapePoint point = new ShapePoint(points.get(index));
use of org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.StopLocation in project onebusaway-gtfs-modules by OneBusAway.
the class InterpolateStopTimesFromTimePointsStrategy method interpolateArrivalAndDepartureTimes.
private void interpolateArrivalAndDepartureTimes(GtfsMutableRelationalDao dao, List<StopTime> stopTimes, double[] distanceTraveled, int[] arrivalTimes, int[] departureTimes) {
SortedMap<Double, Integer> scheduleTimesByDistanceTraveled = new TreeMap<Double, Integer>();
populateArrivalAndDepartureTimesByDistanceTravelledForStopTimes(stopTimes, distanceTraveled, scheduleTimesByDistanceTraveled);
for (int i = 0; i < stopTimes.size(); i++) {
StopTime stopTime = stopTimes.get(i);
double d = distanceTraveled[i];
boolean hasDeparture = stopTime.isDepartureTimeSet();
boolean hasArrival = stopTime.isArrivalTimeSet();
int departureTime = stopTime.getDepartureTime();
int arrivalTime = stopTime.getArrivalTime();
if (hasDeparture && !hasArrival) {
arrivalTime = departureTime;
} else if (hasArrival && !hasDeparture) {
departureTime = arrivalTime;
} else if (!hasArrival && !hasDeparture) {
int t = departureTimes[i] = (int) InterpolationLibrary.interpolate(scheduleTimesByDistanceTraveled, d);
arrivalTime = t;
departureTime = t;
departureTimes[i] = departureTime;
arrivalTimes[i] = arrivalTime;
if (departureTimes[i] < arrivalTimes[i])
throw new IllegalStateException("departure time is less than arrival time for stop time with trip_id=" + stopTime.getTrip().getId() + " stop_sequence=" + stopTime.getStopSequence());
if (i > 0 && arrivalTimes[i] < departureTimes[i - 1]) {
* The previous stop time's departure time comes AFTER this stop time's
* arrival time. That's bad.
StopTime prevStopTime = stopTimes.get(i - 1);
StopLocation prevStop = prevStopTime.getStop();
StopLocation stop = stopTime.getStop();
if (prevStop.equals(stop) && arrivalTimes[i] == departureTimes[i - 1] - 1) {"fixing decreasing passingTimes: stopTimeA=" + prevStopTime.getId() + " stopTimeB=" + stopTime.getId());
arrivalTimes[i] = departureTimes[i - 1];
if (departureTimes[i] < arrivalTimes[i])
departureTimes[i] = arrivalTimes[i];
} else if (isLenientMode() && i > 0 && (arrivalTimes[i] < arrivalTimes[i - 1]) && (departureTimes[i] < departureTimes[i - 1])) {
// recalculate the last two stops and hope for the best!
// we can correct small accuracy errors here
int t0 = (int) InterpolationLibrary.interpolate(scheduleTimesByDistanceTraveled, distanceTraveled[i - 1]);
int t1 = (int) InterpolationLibrary.interpolate(scheduleTimesByDistanceTraveled, distanceTraveled[i]);
if (t1 < t0) {
// sometimes even the interpolation gets it wrong
int m = t0;
t0 = t1;
t1 = m;
_log.warn("interpolation error");
_log.warn("correcting arrival time of sequence " + (stopTime.getStopSequence() - 1) + ", " + stopTime.getStopSequence() + " of trip " + stopTime.getTrip().getId() + " as it was less than last departure time. Arrival[" + (i - 1) + "] " + arrivalTimes[i - 1] + " now " + t0 + ", Arrival[" + i + "] " + arrivalTimes[i] + " now " + t1);
arrivalTimes[i - 1] = departureTimes[i - 1] = t0;
arrivalTimes[i] = departureTimes[i] = t1;
} else {
for (int x = 0; x < stopTimes.size(); x++) {
StopTime st = stopTimes.get(x);
final String msg = x + " " + st.getId() + " " + arrivalTimes[x] + " " + departureTimes[x];
final String exceptionMessage = "arrival time is less than previous departure time for stop time " + " with isLenientArrivalDepartureTimes=" + this.isLenientArrivalDepartureTimes() + " and trip_id=" + stopTime.getTrip().getId() + " stop_sequence=" + stopTime.getStopSequence() + ", arrivalTime=" + arrivalTimes[i] + ", departureTime=" + departureTimes[i] + (i > 0 ? " arrivalTimes[" + (i - 1) + "]=" + arrivalTimes[i - 1] + ", departureTimes[" + (i - 1) + "]=" + departureTimes[i - 1] : " (i<1)");
throw new IllegalStateException(exceptionMessage);
use of org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.StopLocation in project onebusaway-gtfs-modules by OneBusAway.
the class LastStopToHeadsignStrategy method run.
public void run(TransformContext context, GtfsMutableRelationalDao dao) {
for (Trip trip : dao.getAllTrips()) {
List<StopTime> stopTimes = dao.getStopTimesForTrip(trip);
StopLocation lastStop = stopTimes.get(stopTimes.size() - 1).getStop();
use of org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.StopLocation in project onebusaway-gtfs-modules by OneBusAway.
the class TripKey method getTripKeyForTrip.
public static TripKey getTripKeyForTrip(GtfsMutableRelationalDao dao, Trip trip) {
List<StopTime> stopTimes = dao.getStopTimesForTrip(trip);
StopLocation[] stops = new Stop[stopTimes.size()];
int[] arrivalTimes = new int[stopTimes.size()];
int[] departureTimes = new int[stopTimes.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < stopTimes.size(); i++) {
StopTime stopTime = stopTimes.get(i);
stops[i] = stopTime.getStop();
arrivalTimes[i] = stopTime.getArrivalTime();
departureTimes[i] = stopTime.getDepartureTime();
return new TripKey(stops, arrivalTimes, departureTimes);