use of org.onosproject.bgpio.protocol.linkstate.BgpNodeLSIdentifier in project onos by opennetworkinglab.
the class BgpUpdateMsgTest method bgpUpdateMessageTest31.
* This test case checks update message with MPUnreach.
public void bgpUpdateMessageTest31() throws BgpParseException {
byte[] updateMsg = new byte[] { (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, // withdrawn routes
(byte) 0xff, // withdrawn routes
(byte) 0xff, // withdrawn routes
0x00, // withdrawn routes
0x5e, // withdrawn routes
0x02, // withdrawn routes
0x00, // withdrawn routes
0x04, // withdrawn routes
0x18, // withdrawn routes
0x0a, // withdrawn routes
0x01, // withdrawn routes
0x01, // path attribute len
0x00, // path attribute len
0x43, // origin
0x04, // origin
0x01, // origin
0x01, // origin
0x00, // as_path
0x40, // as_path
0x02, // as_path
0x04, // as_path
0x02, // as_path
0x01, // as_path
(byte) 0xfd, // as_path
(byte) 0xe9, // med
(byte) 0x80, // med
0x04, // med
0x04, // med
0x00, // med
0x00, // med
0x00, // med
0x00, // mpunreach with safi = 71
(byte) 0x80, // mpunreach with safi = 71
0x0f, // mpunreach with safi = 71
0x2e, // mpunreach with safi = 71
0x40, // mpunreach with safi = 71
0x04, // mpunreach with safi = 71
0x47, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x27, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1a, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, (byte) 0xae, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x03, 0x00, 0x06, 0x19, 0x00, (byte) 0x95, 0x01, (byte) 0x90, // node nlri
0x58 };
ChannelBuffer buffer = ChannelBuffers.dynamicBuffer();
BgpMessageReader<BgpMessage> reader = BgpFactories.getGenericReader();
BgpMessage message;
BgpHeader bgpHeader = new BgpHeader();
message = reader.readFrom(buffer, bgpHeader);
assertThat(message, instanceOf(BgpUpdateMsg.class));
BgpUpdateMsg other = (BgpUpdateMsg) message;
assertThat(other.getHeader().getMarker(), is(MARKER));
assertThat(other.getHeader().getType(), is(UPDATE_MSG_TYPE));
assertThat(other.getHeader().getLength(), is((short) 94));
ListIterator<IpPrefix> listIterator1 = other.withdrawnRoutes().listIterator();
byte[] prefix = new byte[] { 0x0a, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00 };
IpPrefix testPrefixValue =;
assertThat(testPrefixValue.prefixLength(), is((int) 24));
assertThat(testPrefixValue.address().toOctets(), is(prefix));
BgpValueType testPathAttribute;
Origin origin;
AsPath asPath;
Med med;
MpUnReachNlri mpUnReach;
List<BgpValueType> pathAttributes = new LinkedList<>();
BgpPathAttributes actualpathAttribute = other.bgpPathAttributes();
pathAttributes = actualpathAttribute.pathAttributes();
ListIterator<BgpValueType> listIterator = pathAttributes.listIterator();
OriginType originValue = OriginType.IGP;
testPathAttribute =;
origin = (Origin) testPathAttribute;
assertThat(origin.origin(), is(originValue));
testPathAttribute =;
asPath = (AsPath) testPathAttribute;
ListIterator<Short> listIterator2 = asPath.asPathSeq().listIterator();
assertThat(, is((short) 65001));
testPathAttribute =;
med = (Med) testPathAttribute;
assertThat(, is(0));
testPathAttribute =;
mpUnReach = (MpUnReachNlri) testPathAttribute;
assertThat(mpUnReach.mpUnReachNlriLen(), is((int) 46));
assertThat(mpUnReach.getType(), is((short) 15));
List<BgpLSNlri> testMpUnReachNlri = new LinkedList<>();
testMpUnReachNlri = mpUnReach.mpUnReachNlri();
ListIterator<BgpLSNlri> list1 = testMpUnReachNlri.listIterator();
BgpLSNlri testnlri =;
NlriType nlriType = org.onosproject.bgpio.protocol.NlriType.NODE;
ProtocolType protocolId = org.onosproject.bgpio.protocol.linkstate.BgpNodeLSNlriVer4.ProtocolType.ISIS_LEVEL_TWO;
assertThat(testnlri.getIdentifier(), is((long) 0));
assertThat(testnlri.getNlriType(), is(nlriType));
assertThat(testnlri.getProtocolId(), is(protocolId));
BgpNodeLSNlriVer4 testNodenlri = (BgpNodeLSNlriVer4) testnlri;
BgpNodeLSIdentifier testLocalNodeDescriptors = testNodenlri.getLocalNodeDescriptors();
List<BgpValueType> testSubTlvs = new LinkedList<>();
NodeDescriptors localNodeDescriptors = testLocalNodeDescriptors.getNodedescriptors();
testSubTlvs = localNodeDescriptors.getSubTlvs();
ListIterator<BgpValueType> subtlvlist1 = testSubTlvs.listIterator();
AutonomousSystemTlv testAutonomousSystemTlv = (AutonomousSystemTlv);
assertThat(testAutonomousSystemTlv.getAsNum(), is(2222));
assertThat(testAutonomousSystemTlv.getType(), is((short) 512));
BgpLSIdentifierTlv testBgpLsIdentifierTlv = (BgpLSIdentifierTlv);
assertThat(testBgpLsIdentifierTlv.getBgpLsIdentifier(), is(33686018));
assertThat(testBgpLsIdentifierTlv.getType(), is((short) 513));
IsIsNonPseudonode testIsIsNonPseudonode = (IsIsNonPseudonode);
byte[] expIsoNodeId = new byte[] { 0x19, 0x00, (byte) 0x95, 0x01, (byte) 0x90, 0x58 };
assertThat(testIsIsNonPseudonode.getIsoNodeId(), is(expIsoNodeId));
assertThat(testIsIsNonPseudonode.getType(), is((short) 515));
use of org.onosproject.bgpio.protocol.linkstate.BgpNodeLSIdentifier in project onos by opennetworkinglab.
the class BgpLocalRibImpl method selectionProcessNode.
* Selection process for local RIB node.
* @param nlri NLRI to update
* @param isVpnRib true if VPN local RIB, otherwise false
* @throws BgpParseException throws BGP parse exception
public void selectionProcessNode(BgpLSNlri nlri, boolean isVpnRib) throws BgpParseException {
BgpPeerImpl peer;
BgpSessionInfo sessionInfo;
int decisionResult;
boolean containsKey;
BgpNodeLSIdentifier nodeLsIdentifier = ((BgpNodeLSNlriVer4) nlri).getLocalNodeDescriptors();
/* Here, we are checking if the given node is contained in the AdjacencyRib of any peer
or not. If none of the peer's AdjacencyRib has it, node can be marked for deletion.
boolean shouldDeleteNode = false;
if (nodeTree.containsKey(nodeLsIdentifier)) {
shouldDeleteNode = true;
for (BgpId bgpId : bgpController.connectedPeers().keySet()) {
peer = (BgpPeerImpl) (bgpController.getPeer(bgpId));
if (nodeTree.containsKey(nodeLsIdentifier)) {
containsKey = (!isVpnRib) ? (peer.adjacencyRib().nodeTree().containsKey(nodeLsIdentifier)) : (peer.vpnAdjacencyRib().nodeTree().containsKey(nodeLsIdentifier));
if (!containsKey) {
sessionInfo = peer.sessionInfo();
PathAttrNlriDetailsLocalRib detailsLocRib = new PathAttrNlriDetailsLocalRib(sessionInfo.remoteBgpId().ipAddress(), sessionInfo.remoteBgpIdentifier(), sessionInfo.remoteBgpASNum(), sessionInfo.isIbgpSession(), (!isVpnRib) ? (peer.adjacencyRib().nodeTree().get(nodeLsIdentifier)) : (peer.vpnAdjacencyRib().nodeTree().get(nodeLsIdentifier)));
BgpSelectionAlgo selectionAlgo = new BgpSelectionAlgo();
decisionResult =, detailsLocRib);
if (decisionResult < 0) {
nodeTree.replace(nodeLsIdentifier, detailsLocRib);
log.debug("Local RIB node updated: {}", detailsLocRib.toString());
shouldDeleteNode = false;
if (shouldDeleteNode) {
log.debug("Local RIB delete node: {}", nodeLsIdentifier.toString());
for (BgpNodeListener l : bgpController.listener()) {
l.deleteNode((BgpNodeLSNlriVer4) nlri);
use of org.onosproject.bgpio.protocol.linkstate.BgpNodeLSIdentifier in project onos by opennetworkinglab.
the class BgpControllerImplTest method testBgpUpdateMessage4.
* Peer1 has Node NLRI and Peer2 has Node NLRI with different MpReach and MpUnReach with VPN.
public void testBgpUpdateMessage4() throws InterruptedException {
// Initiate the connections
peer1.peerChannelHandler.asNumber = 200;
peer1.peerChannelHandler.version = 4;
peer1.peerChannelHandler.holdTime = 120;
short afi = 16388;
byte res = 0;
byte safi = (byte) 0x80;
BgpValueType tempTlv1 = new MultiProtocolExtnCapabilityTlv(afi, res, safi);
Channel channel = peer1.connectFrom(connectToSocket, new InetSocketAddress("", 0));
// Get peer1
IpAddress ipAddress = IpAddress.valueOf("");
BgpId bgpId = new BgpId(ipAddress);
BgpPeerImpl peer = (BgpPeerImpl) bgpControllerImpl.getPeer(bgpId);
LinkedList<BgpValueType> subTlvs1 = new LinkedList<>();
LinkedList<BgpValueType> subTlvs = new LinkedList<>();
BgpValueType tlv = AutonomousSystemTlv.of(2478);
tlv = BgpLSIdentifierTlv.of(33686018);
NodeDescriptors nodeDes = new NodeDescriptors(subTlvs, (short) 0x10, (short) 256);
BgpNodeLSIdentifier key = new BgpNodeLSIdentifier(nodeDes);
RouteDistinguisher rd = new RouteDistinguisher((long) 0x0A);
VpnAdjRibIn vpnAdj = peer.vpnAdjRib();
// In Adj-RIB, vpnNodeTree should contain rd
assertThat(vpnAdj.vpnNodeTree().containsKey(rd), is(true));
Map<BgpNodeLSIdentifier, PathAttrNlriDetails> treeValue = vpnAdj.vpnNodeTree().get(rd);
// In Adj-RIB, vpnNodeTree should contain rd key which contains specified value
assertThat(treeValue.containsKey(key), is(true));
BgpLocalRibImpl obj = (BgpLocalRibImpl) bgpControllerImpl.bgpLocalRibVpn();
// In Local-RIB, vpnNodeTree should contain rd
assertThat(obj.vpnNodeTree().containsKey(rd), is(true));
Map<BgpNodeLSIdentifier, PathAttrNlriDetailsLocalRib> value = obj.vpnNodeTree().get(rd);
// In Local-RIB, vpnNodeTree should contain rd key which contains specified value
assertThat(value.containsKey(key), is(true));
peer2.peerChannelHandler.asNumber = 200;
peer2.peerChannelHandler.version = 4;
peer2.peerChannelHandler.holdTime = 120;
tempTlv1 = new MultiProtocolExtnCapabilityTlv(afi, res, safi);
peer2.connectFrom(connectToSocket, new InetSocketAddress("", 0));
// Get peer2
bgpId = new BgpId(IpAddress.valueOf(""));
peer = (BgpPeerImpl) bgpControllerImpl.getPeer(bgpId);
tlv = AutonomousSystemTlv.of(686);
tlv = BgpLSIdentifierTlv.of(33686018);
nodeDes = new NodeDescriptors(subTlvs1, (short) 0x10, (short) 256);
key = new BgpNodeLSIdentifier(nodeDes);
vpnAdj = peer.vpnAdjRib();
// In Adj-RIB, vpnNodeTree should contain rd
assertThat(vpnAdj.vpnNodeTree().containsKey(rd), is(true));
treeValue = vpnAdj.vpnNodeTree().get(rd);
// In Adj-RIB, vpnNodeTree should contain rd key which contains specified value
assertThat(treeValue.containsKey(key), is(true));
// Disconnect peer1
obj = (BgpLocalRibImpl) bgpControllerImpl.bgpLocalRibVpn();
// In Local-RIB, vpnNodeTree should contain rd
assertThat(obj.vpnNodeTree().containsKey(rd), is(true));
value = obj.vpnNodeTree().get(rd);
// In Local-RIB, vpnNodeTree should contain rd key which contains specified value
assertThat(value.containsKey(key), is(true));
use of org.onosproject.bgpio.protocol.linkstate.BgpNodeLSIdentifier in project onos by opennetworkinglab.
the class BgpControllerImplTest method testBgpUpdateMessage6.
* Peer2 has Prefix NLRI (MpReach).
public void testBgpUpdateMessage6() throws InterruptedException {
// Initiate the connections
peer1.peerChannelHandler.asNumber = 200;
peer1.peerChannelHandler.version = 4;
peer1.peerChannelHandler.holdTime = 120;
short afi = 16388;
byte res = 0;
byte safi = 71;
BgpValueType tempTlv1 = new MultiProtocolExtnCapabilityTlv(afi, res, safi);
Channel channel = peer1.connectFrom(connectToSocket, new InetSocketAddress("", 0));
// Get peer1
BgpId bgpId = new BgpId(IpAddress.valueOf(""));
BgpPeerImpl peer = (BgpPeerImpl) bgpControllerImpl.getPeer(bgpId);
LinkedList<BgpValueType> subTlvs = new LinkedList<>();
BgpValueType tlv = AutonomousSystemTlv.of(2478);
tlv = BgpLSIdentifierTlv.of(33686018);
NodeDescriptors nodeDes = new NodeDescriptors(subTlvs, (short) 0x10, (short) 256);
BgpNodeLSIdentifier key = new BgpNodeLSIdentifier(nodeDes);
AdjRibIn adj = peer.adjRib();
// In Adj-RIB, nodeTree should contain specified key
assertThat(adj.nodeTree().containsKey(key), is(true));
BgpLocalRibImpl obj = (BgpLocalRibImpl) bgpControllerImpl.bgpLocalRib();
// In Local-RIB, nodeTree should contain specified key
assertThat(obj.nodeTree().containsKey(key), is(true));
peer2.peerChannelHandler.asNumber = 200;
peer2.peerChannelHandler.version = 4;
peer2.peerChannelHandler.holdTime = 120;
tempTlv1 = new MultiProtocolExtnCapabilityTlv(afi, res, safi);
peer2.connectFrom(connectToSocket, new InetSocketAddress("", 0));
// Get peer2
bgpId = new BgpId(IpAddress.valueOf(""));
peer = (BgpPeerImpl) bgpControllerImpl.getPeer(bgpId);
adj = peer.adjRib();
// In Adj-RIB, nodeTree should contain specified key
assertThat(adj.nodeTree().containsKey(key), is(true));
// peer1 disconnects
obj = (BgpLocalRibImpl) bgpControllerImpl.bgpLocalRib();
// In Local-RIB, nodeTree should contain specified key
assertThat(obj.nodeTree().containsKey(key), is(true));
use of org.onosproject.bgpio.protocol.linkstate.BgpNodeLSIdentifier in project onos by opennetworkinglab.
the class BgpControllerImplTest method testBgpUpdateMessage9.
* Peer1 has Node NLRI (MpReach) and Peer2 has node NLRI with different MpReach
* and MpUnReach with IsIsNonPseudonode.
public void testBgpUpdateMessage9() throws InterruptedException {
// Initiate the connections
peer1.peerChannelHandler.asNumber = 200;
peer1.peerChannelHandler.version = 4;
peer1.peerChannelHandler.holdTime = 120;
short afi = 16388;
byte res = 0;
byte safi = (byte) 0x80;
BgpValueType tempTlv1 = new MultiProtocolExtnCapabilityTlv(afi, res, safi);
Channel channel = peer1.connectFrom(connectToSocket, new InetSocketAddress("", 0));
// Get peer1
BgpId bgpId = new BgpId(IpAddress.valueOf(""));
BgpPeerImpl peer = (BgpPeerImpl) bgpControllerImpl.getPeer(bgpId);
LinkedList<BgpValueType> subTlvs = new LinkedList<>();
BgpValueType tlv = AutonomousSystemTlv.of(2478);
tlv = BgpLSIdentifierTlv.of(33686018);
NodeDescriptors nodeDes = new NodeDescriptors(subTlvs, (short) 0x10, (short) 256);
BgpNodeLSIdentifier key = new BgpNodeLSIdentifier(nodeDes);
RouteDistinguisher rd = new RouteDistinguisher((long) 0x0A);
VpnAdjRibIn vpnAdj = peer.vpnAdjRib();
// In Adj-RIB, vpnNodeTree should contain specified rd
assertThat(vpnAdj.vpnNodeTree().containsKey(rd), is(true));
Map<BgpNodeLSIdentifier, PathAttrNlriDetails> treeValue = vpnAdj.vpnNodeTree().get(rd);
// In Adj-RIB, vpnNodeTree should contain specified rd with specified value
assertThat(treeValue.containsKey(key), is(true));
BgpLocalRibImpl obj = (BgpLocalRibImpl) bgpControllerImpl.bgpLocalRibVpn();
// In Local-RIB, vpnNodeTree should contain specified rd
assertThat(obj.vpnNodeTree().containsKey(rd), is(true));
Map<BgpNodeLSIdentifier, PathAttrNlriDetailsLocalRib> value = obj.vpnNodeTree().get(rd);
// In Local-RIB, vpnNodeTree should contain specified rd with specified value
assertThat(value.containsKey(key), is(true));
peer2.peerChannelHandler.asNumber = 200;
peer2.peerChannelHandler.version = 4;
peer2.peerChannelHandler.holdTime = 120;
tempTlv1 = new MultiProtocolExtnCapabilityTlv(afi, res, safi);
peer2.connectFrom(connectToSocket, new InetSocketAddress("", 0));
// Get peer2
bgpId = new BgpId(IpAddress.valueOf(""));
peer = (BgpPeerImpl) bgpControllerImpl.getPeer(bgpId);
key = new BgpNodeLSIdentifier(nodeDes);
vpnAdj = peer.vpnAdjRib();
// In Adj-RIB, vpnNodeTree should be empty
assertThat(vpnAdj.vpnNodeTree().isEmpty(), is(true));
// peer1 disconnects
obj = (BgpLocalRibImpl) bgpControllerImpl.bgpLocalRibVpn();
// In Local-RIB, vpnNodeTree should be empty
assertThat(obj.vpnNodeTree().isEmpty(), is(true));