use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.
the class FlowStatisticManager method toFlowEntryWithLoad.
private List<TypedFlowEntryWithLoad> toFlowEntryWithLoad(List<FlowEntryWithLoad> loadList) {
// convert FlowEntryWithLoad list to TypedFlowEntryWithLoad list
List<TypedFlowEntryWithLoad> tfelList = new ArrayList<>();
loadList.forEach(fel -> {
StoredFlowEntry sfe = fel.storedFlowEntry();
TypedStoredFlowEntry.FlowLiveType liveType = toTypedStoredFlowEntryLiveType(sfe.liveType());
TypedStoredFlowEntry tfe = new DefaultTypedFlowEntry(sfe, liveType);
TypedFlowEntryWithLoad tfel = new TypedFlowEntryWithLoad(fel.connectPoint(), tfe, fel.load());
return tfelList;
use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.
the class TypedFlowEntryWithLoad method newTypedStoredFlowEntry.
* Creates a new typed flow entry with the given flow entry fe.
* @param fe flow entry
* @return new typed flow entry
public static TypedStoredFlowEntry newTypedStoredFlowEntry(FlowEntry fe) {
if (fe == null) {
return null;
long life =;
PollInterval pollIntervalInstance = PollInterval.getInstance();
if (life < 0) {
return new DefaultTypedFlowEntry(fe, TypedStoredFlowEntry.FlowLiveType.UNKNOWN_FLOW);
} else if (life < pollIntervalInstance.getPollInterval()) {
return new DefaultTypedFlowEntry(fe, TypedStoredFlowEntry.FlowLiveType.IMMEDIATE_FLOW);
} else if (life < pollIntervalInstance.getMidPollInterval()) {
return new DefaultTypedFlowEntry(fe, TypedStoredFlowEntry.FlowLiveType.SHORT_FLOW);
} else if (life < pollIntervalInstance.getLongPollInterval()) {
return new DefaultTypedFlowEntry(fe, TypedStoredFlowEntry.FlowLiveType.MID_FLOW);
} else {
// >= longPollInterval
return new DefaultTypedFlowEntry(fe, TypedStoredFlowEntry.FlowLiveType.LONG_FLOW);