use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.
the class OfdpaPipelineTraceable method apply.
public PipelineTraceableOutput apply(PipelineTraceableInput input) {
PipelineTraceableOutput.Builder outputBuilder = PipelineTraceableOutput.builder();
log.debug("Current packet {} - applying flow tables", input.ingressPacket());
List<FlowEntry> outputFlows = new ArrayList<>();
List<Instruction> deferredInstructions = new ArrayList<>();
PipelineTraceableHitChain currentHitChain = PipelineTraceableHitChain.emptyHitChain();
TrafficSelector currentPacket = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder(input.ingressPacket().packet()).build();
// Init step - find out the first table
int initialTableId = -1;
FlowEntry nextTableIdEntry = findNextTableIdEntry(initialTableId, input.flows());
if (nextTableIdEntry == null) {
currentHitChain.setEgressPacket(new PipelineTraceablePacket(currentPacket));
return outputBuilder.appendToLog("No flow rules for device " + deviceId + ". Aborting").noFlows().addHitChain(currentHitChain).build();
// Iterates over the flow tables until the end of the pipeline
TableId tableId = nextTableIdEntry.table();
FlowEntry flowEntry;
boolean lastTable = false;
while (!lastTable) {
log.debug("Searching a Flow Entry on table {} for packet {}", tableId, currentPacket);
// Gets the rule that matches the incoming packet
flowEntry = matchHighestPriority(currentPacket, tableId, input.flows());
log.debug("Found Flow Entry {}", flowEntry);
// If the flow entry on a table is null and we are on hardware we treat as table miss, with few exceptions
if (flowEntry == null && isHardwareSwitch()) {
log.debug("Ofdpa Hw setup, no flow rule means table miss");
if (((IndexTableId) tableId).id() == MPLS_L3_TYPE_TABLE) {
// Apparently a miss but Table 27 on OFDPA is a fixed table
currentPacket = handleOfdpa27FixedTable(input.ingressPacket().packet(), currentPacket);
// The nextTable should be ACL
tableId = IndexTableId.of(ACL_TABLE - 1);
// Finding next table to go In case of miss
nextTableIdEntry = findNextTableIdEntry(((IndexTableId) tableId).id(), input.flows());
log.debug("Next table id entry {}", nextTableIdEntry);
// (another possibility is max tableId)
if (nextTableIdEntry == null && currentHitChain.hitChain().size() == 0) {
currentHitChain.setEgressPacket(new PipelineTraceablePacket(currentPacket));
return outputBuilder.appendToLog("No flow rules for device " + deviceId + ". Aborting").noFlows().addHitChain(currentHitChain).build();
} else if (nextTableIdEntry == null) {
// Means that no more flow rules are present
lastTable = true;
} else if (((IndexTableId) tableId).id() == TMAC_TABLE) {
// If the table is 20 OFDPA skips to table 50
log.debug("A miss on Table 20 on OFDPA means that we skip directly to table 50");
tableId = IndexTableId.of(BRIDGING_TABLE);
} else if (((IndexTableId) tableId).id() == MULTICAST_ROUTING_TABLE) {
// If the table is 40 OFDPA skips to table 60
log.debug("A miss on Table 40 on OFDPA means that we skip directly to table 60");
tableId = IndexTableId.of(ACL_TABLE);
} else {
tableId = nextTableIdEntry.table();
} else if (flowEntry == null) {
currentHitChain.setEgressPacket(new PipelineTraceablePacket(currentPacket));
return outputBuilder.appendToLog("Packet has no match on table " + tableId + " in device " + deviceId + ". Dropping").noFlows().addHitChain(currentHitChain).build();
} else {
// If the table has a transition
if (flowEntry.treatment().tableTransition() != null) {
// Updates the next table we transitions to
tableId = IndexTableId.of(flowEntry.treatment().tableTransition().tableId());
log.debug("Flow Entry has transition to table Id {}", tableId);
currentHitChain.addDataPlaneEntity(new DataPlaneEntity(flowEntry));
} else {
// Table has no transition so it means that it's an output rule if on the last table
log.debug("Flow Entry has no transition to table, treating as last rule {}", flowEntry);
currentHitChain.addDataPlaneEntity(new DataPlaneEntity(flowEntry));
lastTable = true;
// Updates the packet according to the immediate actions of this flow rule.
currentPacket = updatePacket(currentPacket, flowEntry.treatment().immediate()).build();
// Saves the deferred rules for later maintaining the order
// If the flow requires to clear deferred actions we do so for all the ones we encountered.
if (flowEntry.treatment().clearedDeferred()) {
// On table 10 OFDPA needs two rules to apply the vlan if none and then to transition to the next table.
if (shouldMatchSecondVlanFlow(flowEntry)) {
// Let's get the packet vlanId instruction
VlanIdCriterion packetVlanIdCriterion = (VlanIdCriterion) currentPacket.getCriterion(Criterion.Type.VLAN_VID);
// Let's get the flow entry vlan mod instructions
ModVlanIdInstruction entryModVlanIdInstruction = (ModVlanIdInstruction) flowEntry.treatment().immediate().stream().filter(instruction -> instruction instanceof ModVlanIdInstruction).findFirst().orElse(null);
// is a flow rule that matches on same criteria and with updated vlanId
if (entryModVlanIdInstruction != null) {
FlowEntry secondVlanFlow = getSecondFlowEntryOnTable10(currentPacket, packetVlanIdCriterion, entryModVlanIdInstruction, input.flows());
// We found the flow that we expected
if (secondVlanFlow != null) {
currentHitChain.addDataPlaneEntity(new DataPlaneEntity(secondVlanFlow));
} else {
currentHitChain.setEgressPacket(new PipelineTraceablePacket(currentPacket));
return outputBuilder.appendToLog("Missing forwarding rule for tagged" + " packet on " + deviceId).noFlows().addHitChain(currentHitChain).build();
// Creating a modifiable builder for the egress packet
TrafficSelector.Builder egressPacket = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder(currentPacket);
log.debug("Current packet {} - applying output flows", currentPacket);
// Handling output flows which basically means handling output to controller.
// OVS and OFDPA have both immediate -> OUTPUT:CONTROLLER. Theoretically there is no
// need to reflect the updates performed on the packets and on the chain.
List<PortNumber> outputPorts = new ArrayList<>();
handleOutputFlows(currentPacket, outputFlows, egressPacket, outputPorts, currentHitChain, outputBuilder, input.ingressPacket().packet());
// Immediate instructions
log.debug("Current packet {} - applying immediate instructions", currentPacket);
// Handling immediate instructions which basically means handling output to controller.
// OVS has immediate -> group -> OUTPUT:CONTROLLER.
List<DataPlaneEntity> entries = ImmutableList.copyOf(currentHitChain.hitChain());
// Go to the next step - using a copy of the egress packet and of the hit chain
PipelineTraceableHitChain newHitChain = PipelineTraceableHitChain.emptyHitChain();
TrafficSelector.Builder newEgressPacket = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder(;
for (DataPlaneEntity entry : entries) {
flowEntry = entry.getFlowEntry();
if (flowEntry != null) {
getGroupsFromInstructions(input.groups(), flowEntry.treatment().immediate(), newEgressPacket, outputPorts, newHitChain, outputBuilder, input, false);
// Deferred instructions
log.debug("Current packet {} - applying deferred instructions",;
// egress packet and of the hit chain. This is the last step.
if (deferredInstructions.size() > 0) {
handleDeferredActions(, input.groups(), deferredInstructions, outputPorts, currentHitChain, outputBuilder, input);
// Let's store the partial hit chain and set a message
if (outputPorts.isEmpty()) {
currentHitChain.setEgressPacket(new PipelineTraceablePacket(;
outputBuilder.appendToLog("Packet has no output in device " + deviceId + ". Dropping").dropped().addHitChain(currentHitChain);
// Done!