use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.
the class P4InfoParser method parse.
* Parse the given URL pointing to a P4Info file (in text format) to a PI pipeline model.
* @param p4InfoUrl URL to P4Info in text form
* @return PI pipeline model
* @throws P4InfoParserException if the P4Info file cannot be parsed (see message)
public static PiPipelineModel parse(URL p4InfoUrl) throws P4InfoParserException {
final P4Info p4info;
try {
p4info = getP4InfoMessage(p4InfoUrl);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new P4InfoParserException("Unable to parse protobuf " + p4InfoUrl.toString(), e);
// Generate fingerprint of the pipeline by hashing p4info file
final int fingerprint;
try {
HashingInputStream hin = new HashingInputStream(Hashing.crc32(), p4InfoUrl.openStream());
// noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody
while ( != -1) {
// Do nothing. Reading all input stream to update hash.
fingerprint = hin.hash().asInt();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new P4InfoParserException("Unable to generate fingerprint " + p4InfoUrl.toString(), e);
// Start by parsing and mapping instances to to their integer P4Info IDs.
// Convenient to build the table model at the end.
final String architecture = parseArchitecture(p4info);
// Counters.
final Map<Integer, PiCounterModel> counterMap = Maps.newHashMap();
// Meters.
final Map<Integer, PiMeterModel> meterMap = Maps.newHashMap();
// Registers.
final Map<Integer, PiRegisterModel> registerMap = Maps.newHashMap();
// Action profiles.
final Map<Integer, PiActionProfileModel> actProfileMap = parseActionProfiles(p4info);
// Actions.
final Map<Integer, PiActionModel> actionMap = parseActions(p4info);
// Controller packet metadatas.
final Map<PiPacketOperationType, PiPacketOperationModel> pktOpMap = parseCtrlPktMetadatas(p4info);
// Finally, parse tables.
final ImmutableMap.Builder<PiTableId, PiTableModel> tableImmMapBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (Table tableMsg : p4info.getTablesList()) {
final PiTableId tableId = PiTableId.of(tableMsg.getPreamble().getName());
// Parse match fields.
final ImmutableMap.Builder<PiMatchFieldId, PiMatchFieldModel> tableFieldMapBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (MatchField fieldMsg : tableMsg.getMatchFieldsList()) {
final PiMatchFieldId fieldId = PiMatchFieldId.of(fieldMsg.getName());
tableFieldMapBuilder.put(fieldId, new P4MatchFieldModel(fieldId, isFieldString(p4info, fieldMsg.getTypeName().getName()) ? P4MatchFieldModel.BIT_WIDTH_UNDEFINED : fieldMsg.getBitwidth(), mapMatchFieldType(fieldMsg.getMatchType())));
// Retrieve action models by inter IDs.
final ImmutableMap.Builder<PiActionId, PiActionModel> tableActionMapBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();
tableMsg.getActionRefsList().stream().map(ActionRef::getId).map(actionMap::get).forEach(actionModel -> tableActionMapBuilder.put(, actionModel));
// Retrieve direct meters by integer IDs.
final ImmutableMap.Builder<PiMeterId, PiMeterModel> tableMeterMapBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();
tableMsg.getDirectResourceIdsList().stream().map(meterMap::get).filter(Objects::nonNull).forEach(meterModel -> tableMeterMapBuilder.put(, meterModel));
// Retrieve direct counters by integer IDs.
final ImmutableMap.Builder<PiCounterId, PiCounterModel> tableCounterMapBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();
tableMsg.getDirectResourceIdsList().stream().map(counterMap::get).filter(Objects::nonNull).forEach(counterModel -> tableCounterMapBuilder.put(, counterModel));
// Check if table supports one-shot only
boolean oneShotOnly = isAnnotationPresent(ONE_SHOT_ONLY_ANNOTATION, tableMsg.getPreamble());
tableImmMapBuilder.put(tableId, new P4TableModel(PiTableId.of(tableMsg.getPreamble().getName()), tableMsg.getImplementationId() == 0 ? PiTableType.DIRECT : PiTableType.INDIRECT, actProfileMap.get(tableMsg.getImplementationId()), tableMsg.getSize(),,, !tableMsg.getIdleTimeoutBehavior().equals(Table.IdleTimeoutBehavior.NO_TIMEOUT),,, actionMap.get(tableMsg.getConstDefaultActionId()), tableMsg.getIsConstTable(), oneShotOnly));
// Get a map with proper PI IDs for some of those maps we created at the beginning.
ImmutableMap<PiCounterId, PiCounterModel> counterImmMap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(counterMap.values().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(PiCounterModel::id, c -> c)));
ImmutableMap<PiMeterId, PiMeterModel> meterImmMap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(meterMap.values().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(PiMeterModel::id, m -> m)));
ImmutableMap<PiRegisterId, PiRegisterModel> registerImmMap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(registerMap.values().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(PiRegisterModel::id, r -> r)));
ImmutableMap<PiActionProfileId, PiActionProfileModel> actProfileImmMap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(actProfileMap.values().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(PiActionProfileModel::id, a -> a)));
return new P4PipelineModel(, counterImmMap, meterImmMap, registerImmMap, actProfileImmMap, ImmutableMap.copyOf(pktOpMap), architecture, fingerprint);
use of in project up4 by omec-project.
the class Up4NorthComponent method readCountersAndTranslate.
* Read the all p4 counter cell requested by the message, and translate them to p4runtime
* entities for crafting a p4runtime read response.
* @param message a p4runtime CounterEntry message from a read request
* @return the requested counter cells' contents, as a list of p4runtime entities
* @throws StatusException if the counter index is out of range
private List<P4RuntimeOuterClass.Entity> readCountersAndTranslate(P4RuntimeOuterClass.CounterEntry message) throws StatusException {
ArrayList<PiCounterCell> responseCells = new ArrayList<>();
Integer index = null;
// FYI a counter read message with no index corresponds to a wildcard read of all indices
if (message.hasIndex()) {
index = (int) message.getIndex().getIndex();
String counterName = null;
PiCounterId piCounterId = null;
int counterId = message.getCounterId();
// FYI a counterId of 0 corresponds to a wildcard read of all counters
if (counterId != 0) {
try {
counterName = PipeconfHelper.getP4InfoBrowser(pipeconf).counters().getById(message.getCounterId()).getPreamble().getName();
piCounterId = PiCounterId.of(counterName);
} catch (P4InfoBrowser.NotFoundException e) {
log.warn("Unable to find UP4 counter with ID {}", counterId);
throw INVALID_ARGUMENT.withDescription("Invalid UP4 counter identifier.").asException();
// cell was requested.
if (counterName != null && index != null) {
// A single counter cell was requested
UpfCounter ctrValues;
try {
ctrValues = up4Service.readCounter(index);
} catch (UpfProgrammableException e) {
throw INVALID_ARGUMENT.withDescription(e.getMessage()).asException();
long pkts;
long bytes;
if (piCounterId.equals(PRE_QOS_PIPE_PRE_QOS_COUNTER)) {
pkts = ctrValues.getIngressPkts();
bytes = ctrValues.getIngressBytes();
} else if (piCounterId.equals(POST_QOS_PIPE_POST_QOS_COUNTER)) {
pkts = ctrValues.getEgressPkts();
bytes = ctrValues.getEgressBytes();
} else {
log.warn("Received read request for unknown counter {}", piCounterId);
throw INVALID_ARGUMENT.withDescription("Invalid UP4 counter identifier.").asException();
responseCells.add(new PiCounterCell(PiCounterCellId.ofIndirect(piCounterId, index), pkts, bytes));
} else {
// All cells were requested, either for a specific counter or all counters
// FIXME: only read the counter that was requested, instead of both ingress and egress unconditionally
Collection<UpfCounter> allStats;
try {
allStats = up4Service.readCounters(-1);
} catch (UpfProgrammableException e) {
throw io.grpc.Status.UNKNOWN.withDescription(e.getMessage()).asException();
for (UpfCounter stat : allStats) {
if (piCounterId == null || piCounterId.equals(PRE_QOS_PIPE_PRE_QOS_COUNTER)) {
// If all counters were requested, or just the ingress one
responseCells.add(new PiCounterCell(PiCounterCellId.ofIndirect(PRE_QOS_PIPE_PRE_QOS_COUNTER, stat.getCellId()), stat.getIngressPkts(), stat.getIngressBytes()));
if (piCounterId == null || piCounterId.equals(POST_QOS_PIPE_POST_QOS_COUNTER)) {
// If all counters were requested, or just the egress one
responseCells.add(new PiCounterCell(PiCounterCellId.ofIndirect(POST_QOS_PIPE_POST_QOS_COUNTER, stat.getCellId()), stat.getEgressPkts(), stat.getEgressBytes()));
List<P4RuntimeOuterClass.Entity> responseEntities = new ArrayList<>();
for (PiCounterCell cell : responseCells) {
try {
responseEntities.add(Codecs.CODECS.entity().encode(cell, null, pipeconf));
log.trace("Encoded response to counter read request for counter {} and index {}", cell.cellId().counterId(), cell.cellId().index());
} catch (CodecException e) {
log.error("Unable to encode counter cell into a p4runtime entity: {}", e.getMessage());
throw io.grpc.Status.INTERNAL.withDescription("Unable to encode counter cell into a p4runtime entity.").asException();
log.debug("Encoded response to counter read request for {} cells", responseEntities.size());
return responseEntities;