use of org.opencastproject.assetmanager.impl.persistence.QSnapshotDto in project opencast by opencast.
the class AbstractAssetManagerBasicTest method testQuerydslEquality.
public void testQuerydslEquality() {
final QSnapshotDto dto1 = QSnapshotDto.snapshotDto;
final QSnapshotDto dto2 = new QSnapshotDto("s");
final QSnapshotDto dto3 = new QSnapshotDto("s");
assertFalse("Entity paths with different names must not be equal", dto1.equals(dto2));
assertTrue("Two entity paths are equals if they have the same alias", dto2.equals(dto3));
assertFalse("Descendant paths of entities with different names must not be equal", dto1.mediaPackageId.equals(dto2.mediaPackageId));
use of org.opencastproject.assetmanager.impl.persistence.QSnapshotDto in project opencast by opencast.
the class AbstractADeleteQuery method runQueries.
* Run this in a transaction.
private DeletionResult runQueries(JPAQueryFactory jpa, DeleteQueryContribution c) {
// # create Querydsl delete clause
// # from
// put into a set to remove duplicates
final EntityPath<?> from;
final Set<EntityPath<?>> f = c.from.toSet(SetB.MH);
if (f.size() == 1) {
from = $(f).head2();
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Only one entity is allowed in the from clause");
if (from instanceof QSnapshotDto) {
// from Snapshot
final BooleanExpression where = Expressions.allOf(c.targetPredicate.orNull(), c.where.apply(Q_SNAPSHOT));
// get snapshots to delete
// TODO ATTENTION: this query has the potential to yield a massive amount of elements
// return the list of snapshots to delete them outside the transaction since
// it may take a while.
final List<Tuple> deletedSnapshots = jpa.query().from(Q_SNAPSHOT).where(where).list(Q_SNAPSHOT.organizationId, Q_SNAPSHOT.mediaPackageId, Q_SNAPSHOT.version);
// <BLOCK>
// TODO database only approach to determine deleted episodes
// TODO does not run with H2 so unit tests break
count(*) AS v
FROM oc_assets_snapshot e
GROUP BY e.mediapackage_id
HAVING v = (SELECT count(*)
FROM oc_assets_snapshot e2
WHERE e.mediapackage_id = e2.mediapackage_id
-- delete where clause
(e2.version = 2 OR e2.mediapackage_id = '24ec925e-ea57-43a5-a7bb-58dc5aae54dd')
GROUP BY mediapackage_id);
// final QSnapshotDto e2 = new QSnapshotDto("eee");
// final List<String> deletedSnapshots = jpa.query()
// .from(e2)
// .groupBy(e2.mediaPackageId)
// .having(e2.count().eq(
// jpa.subQuery()
// .from(Q_SNAPSHOT)
// .where(Q_SNAPSHOT.mediaPackageId.eq(e2.mediaPackageId).and(where))
// .groupBy(Q_SNAPSHOT.mediaPackageId)
// .count()))
// .list(e2.mediaPackageId);
// </BLOCK>
// delete assets from database
final JPADeleteClause qAssets = jpa.delete(Q_ASSET).where( JPASubQuery().from(Q_SNAPSHOT).where(where).list(;
am.getDb().logDelete(formatQueryName(, "delete assets"), qAssets);
// main delete query
final JPADeleteClause qMain = jpa.delete(Q_SNAPSHOT).where(where);
am.getDb().logDelete(formatQueryName(, "main"), qMain);
final long deletedItems = qMain.execute();
// delete orphaned properties
// <BLOCK>
// TODO Bad solution. Yields all media package IDs which can easily be thousands
// TODO The above SQL solution does not work with H2 so I suspect the query is not 100% clean
// TODO Rework the query and replace this code.
// calculate deleted episodes, i.e. where all snapshots have been deleted
final Set<String> deletedEpisodes;
final List<String> remainingSnapshots = jpa.query().from(Q_SNAPSHOT).distinct().list(Q_SNAPSHOT.mediaPackageId);
final Set<String> d = $(deletedSnapshots).map(new Fn<Tuple, String>() {
public String apply(Tuple tuple) {
return tuple.get(Q_SNAPSHOT.mediaPackageId);
deletedEpisodes = Collections.unmodifiableSet(d);
// </BLOCK>
return new DeletionResult(deletedItems, deletedSnapshots, deletedEpisodes);
} else if (from instanceof QPropertyDto) {
// from Property
final BooleanExpression where;
final BooleanExpression w = c.where.apply(Q_PROPERTY);
if (w != null) {
/* The original sub query used an "ON" clause to filter the join by mediapackage id [1].
Unfortunately Eclipse link drops this clause completely when transforming the query
into SQL. It creates a cross join instead of the inner join, which is perfectly legal
if the "ON" clause would be moved to the "WHERE" clause.
The example [2] shows that neither an "ON" clause nor an additional "WHERE" predicate is generated.
new JPASubQuery()
.join(Q_SNAPSHOT) <- inner join
.on(Q_PROPERTY.mediaPackageId.eq(Q_SNAPSHOT.mediaPackageId)) <- dropped by Eclipse link
SELECT DISTINCT t1.mediapackage_id FROM oc_assets_snapshot t2, oc_assets_properties t1 WHERE (t2.organization_id = ?)
where = JPASubQuery().from(Q_PROPERTY).join(Q_SNAPSHOT).where(Q_PROPERTY.mediaPackageId.eq(Q_SNAPSHOT.mediaPackageId).and(w)).distinct().list(Q_PROPERTY.mediaPackageId));
} else {
where = null;
final JPADeleteClause qProperties = jpa.delete(from).where(Expressions.allOf(c.targetPredicate.orNull(), where));
am.getDb().logDelete(formatQueryName(, "main"), qProperties);
final long deletedItems = qProperties.execute();
return new DeletionResult(deletedItems, Collections.<Tuple>emptyList(), Collections.<String>emptySet());
} else {
// from contains an unsupported entity
throw new RuntimeException("[Bug]");
use of org.opencastproject.assetmanager.impl.persistence.QSnapshotDto in project opencast by opencast.
the class PropertyPredicates method mkWhereDelete.
public static Where mkWhereDelete(final Opt<String> namespace, final Opt<String> propertyName, final Fn<QPropertyDto, Opt<BooleanExpression>> mkValueExpression) {
final Opt<BooleanExpression> valueExpression = mkValueExpression.apply(Q_PROPERTY);
final BooleanExpression propertyPredicate = (namespace.isSome() ? Q_PROPERTY.namespace.eq(namespace.get()) : // The isNotNull predicate prevents this.
Q_PROPERTY.namespace.isNotNull()).and(propertyName.isSome() ? Q_PROPERTY.propertyName.eq(propertyName.get()) : null).and(valueExpression.isSome() ? valueExpression.get() : null);
return new Where() {
public BooleanExpression fromSnapshot(QSnapshotDto e) {
return new JPASubQuery().from(Q_PROPERTY).where(e.mediaPackageId.eq(Q_PROPERTY.mediaPackageId).and(propertyPredicate)).exists();
public BooleanExpression fromProperty(QPropertyDto p) {
return JPASubQuery().from(p).where(propertyPredicate).distinct().list(p.mediaPackageId));