use of in project opencast by opencast.
the class AuthenticationSuccessHandler method onAuthenticationSuccess.
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see,
* javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse,
public void onAuthenticationSuccess(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Authentication authentication) throws IOException, ServletException {
/* If the user originally attempted to access a specific URI other than /, but was forwarded to the login page,
* redirect the user back to that initial URI. But only if the request target was a user interface any not some kind
* of data. */
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
String initialRequestUri = (String) session.getAttribute(INITIAL_REQUEST_PATH);
if (initialRequestUri != null && initialRequestUri.toLowerCase().contains(".htm")) {
// If there are no configured welcome pages, send the user to /
if (welcomePages == null || welcomePages.isEmpty()) {
// Look for a welcome page for one of this user's roles
User currentUser = securityService.getUser();
for (Role role : currentUser.getRoles()) {
if (welcomePages.containsKey(role.getName())) {
// None of the user's roles are in the welcome pages map, so try the wildcard. If that's not present, redirect to /
response.sendRedirect(welcomePages.getOrDefault(WILDCARD, ROOT));
use of in project opencast by opencast.
the class SecurityServiceSpringImpl method getUser.
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see
public User getUser() throws IllegalStateException {
Organization org = getOrganization();
if (org == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("No organization is set in security context");
User delegatedUser = delegatedUserHolder.get();
if (delegatedUser != null) {
return delegatedUser;
Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
JaxbOrganization jaxbOrganization = JaxbOrganization.fromOrganization(org);
if (auth != null) {
Object principal = auth.getPrincipal();
if ((principal != null) && (principal instanceof UserDetails)) {
UserDetails userDetails = (UserDetails) principal;
User user = null;
// If user exists, fetch it from the userDirectory
if (userDirectory != null) {
user = userDirectory.loadUser(userDetails.getUsername());
if (user == null) {
logger.debug("Authenticated user '{}' could not be found in any of the current UserProviders. Continuing anyway...", userDetails.getUsername());
} else {
logger.debug("No UserDirectory was found when trying to search for user '{}'", userDetails.getUsername());
// Add the roles (authorities) in the security context
Set<JaxbRole> roles = new HashSet<JaxbRole>();
Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorities = auth.getAuthorities();
if (authorities != null) {
for (GrantedAuthority ga : authorities) {
roles.add(new JaxbRole(ga.getAuthority(), jaxbOrganization));
if (user == null) {
// No user was found. Create one to hold the auth information from the security context
user = new JaxbUser(userDetails.getUsername(), null, jaxbOrganization, roles);
} else {
// Combine the existing user with the roles in the security context
user = JaxbUser.fromUser(user, roles);
// Save the user to retrieve it quicker the next time(s) this method is called (by this thread)
return user;
// Return the anonymous user by default
return SecurityUtil.createAnonymousUser(jaxbOrganization);
use of in project opencast by opencast.
the class IndexServiceImplTest method setupSecurityService.
private SecurityService setupSecurityService(String username, String org) {
// Setup Security Service, Organization and User
Organization organization = EasyMock.createNiceMock(Organization.class);
User user = EasyMock.createMock(User.class);
SecurityService securityService = EasyMock.createMock(SecurityService.class);
return securityService;
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the class AbstractEventEndpoint method createEventCommentReply.
@RestQuery(name = "createeventcommentreply", description = "Creates an event comment reply", returnDescription = "The updated comment as JSON.", pathParameters = { @RestParameter(name = "eventId", description = "The event id", isRequired = true, type = RestParameter.Type.STRING), @RestParameter(name = "commentId", isRequired = true, description = "The comment identifier", type = STRING) }, restParameters = { @RestParameter(name = "text", isRequired = true, description = "The comment reply text", type = TEXT), @RestParameter(name = "resolved", isRequired = false, description = "Flag defining if this reply solve or not the comment.", type = BOOLEAN) }, reponses = { @RestResponse(responseCode = SC_NOT_FOUND, description = "The event or comment to extend with a reply has not been found."), @RestResponse(responseCode = HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, description = "If no text is set."), @RestResponse(responseCode = SC_OK, description = "The updated comment as JSON.") })
public Response createEventCommentReply(@PathParam("eventId") String eventId, @PathParam("commentId") long commentId, @FormParam("text") String text, @FormParam("resolved") Boolean resolved) throws Exception {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(text))
return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).build();
Opt<Event> optEvent = getIndexService().getEvent(eventId, getIndex());
if (optEvent.isNone())
return notFound("Cannot find an event with id '%s'.", eventId);
EventComment comment = null;
try {
comment = getEventCommentService().getComment(commentId);
EventComment updatedComment;
if (resolved != null && resolved) {
// If the resolve flag is set to true, change to comment to resolved
updatedComment = EventComment.create(comment.getId(), comment.getEventId(), comment.getOrganization(), comment.getText(), comment.getAuthor(), comment.getReason(), true, comment.getCreationDate(), new Date(), comment.getReplies());
} else {
updatedComment = comment;
User author = getSecurityService().getUser();
EventCommentReply reply = EventCommentReply.create(Option.<Long>none(), text, author);
updatedComment = getEventCommentService().updateComment(updatedComment);
List<EventComment> comments = getEventCommentService().getComments(eventId);
getIndexService().updateCommentCatalog(optEvent.get(), comments);
return Response.ok(updatedComment.toJson().toJson()).build();
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.warn("Could not create event comment reply on comment {}: {}", comment, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e));
throw new WebApplicationException(e);
use of in project opencast by opencast.
the class AbstractEventEndpoint method createEventComment.
@RestQuery(name = "createeventcomment", description = "Creates a comment related to the event given by the identifier", returnDescription = "The comment related to the event as JSON", pathParameters = { @RestParameter(name = "eventId", description = "The event id", isRequired = true, type = RestParameter.Type.STRING) }, restParameters = { @RestParameter(name = "text", isRequired = true, description = "The comment text", type = TEXT), @RestParameter(name = "resolved", isRequired = false, description = "The comment resolved status", type = RestParameter.Type.BOOLEAN), @RestParameter(name = "reason", isRequired = false, description = "The comment reason", type = STRING) }, reponses = { @RestResponse(description = "The comment has been created.", responseCode = HttpServletResponse.SC_CREATED), @RestResponse(description = "If no text ist set.", responseCode = HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST), @RestResponse(description = "No event with this identifier was found.", responseCode = HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND) })
public Response createEventComment(@PathParam("eventId") String eventId, @FormParam("text") String text, @FormParam("reason") String reason, @FormParam("resolved") Boolean resolved) throws Exception {
Opt<Event> optEvent = getIndexService().getEvent(eventId, getIndex());
if (optEvent.isNone())
return notFound("Cannot find an event with id '%s'.", eventId);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(text))
return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).build();
User author = getSecurityService().getUser();
try {
EventComment createdComment = EventComment.create(Option.<Long>none(), eventId, getSecurityService().getOrganization().getId(), text, author, reason, BooleanUtils.toBoolean(reason));
createdComment = getEventCommentService().updateComment(createdComment);
List<EventComment> comments = getEventCommentService().getComments(eventId);
getIndexService().updateCommentCatalog(optEvent.get(), comments);
return Response.created(getCommentUrl(eventId, createdComment.getId().get())).entity(createdComment.toJson().toJson()).build();
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Unable to create a comment on the event {}: {}", eventId, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e));
throw new WebApplicationException(e);