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Example 86 with User

use of in project opencast by opencast.

the class GroupsEndpoint method membersToJSON.

 * Generate a JSON array based on the given set of members
 * @param members
 *          the members source
 * @return a JSON array ({@link JValue}) with the given members
private JValue membersToJSON(Set<String> members) {
    List<JValue> membersJSON = new ArrayList<>();
    for (String username : members) {
        User user = userDirectoryService.loadUser(username);
        String name = username;
        if (user != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(user.getName())) {
            name = user.getName();
        membersJSON.add(obj(f("username", v(username)), f("name", v(name))));
    return arr(membersJSON);
Also used : User( JValue( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 87 with User

use of in project opencast by opencast.

the class ThemesEndpoint method createTheme.

@RestQuery(name = "createTheme", description = "Add a theme", returnDescription = "Return the created theme", restParameters = { @RestParameter(name = "default", description = "Whether the theme is default", isRequired = true, type = Type.BOOLEAN), @RestParameter(name = "name", description = "The theme name", isRequired = true, type = Type.STRING), @RestParameter(name = "description", description = "The theme description", isRequired = false, type = Type.TEXT), @RestParameter(name = "bumperActive", description = "Whether the theme bumper is active", isRequired = false, type = Type.BOOLEAN), @RestParameter(name = "trailerActive", description = "Whether the theme trailer is active", isRequired = false, type = Type.BOOLEAN), @RestParameter(name = "titleSlideActive", description = "Whether the theme title slide is active", isRequired = false, type = Type.BOOLEAN), @RestParameter(name = "licenseSlideActive", description = "Whether the theme license slide is active", isRequired = false, type = Type.BOOLEAN), @RestParameter(name = "watermarkActive", description = "Whether the theme watermark is active", isRequired = false, type = Type.BOOLEAN), @RestParameter(name = "bumperFile", description = "The theme bumper file", isRequired = false, type = Type.STRING), @RestParameter(name = "trailerFile", description = "The theme trailer file", isRequired = false, type = Type.STRING), @RestParameter(name = "watermarkFile", description = "The theme watermark file", isRequired = false, type = Type.STRING), @RestParameter(name = "titleSlideBackground", description = "The theme title slide background file", isRequired = false, type = Type.STRING), @RestParameter(name = "licenseSlideBackground", description = "The theme license slide background file", isRequired = false, type = Type.STRING), @RestParameter(name = "titleSlideMetadata", description = "The theme title slide metadata", isRequired = false, type = Type.STRING), @RestParameter(name = "licenseSlideDescription", description = "The theme license slide description", isRequired = false, type = Type.STRING), @RestParameter(name = "watermarkPosition", description = "The theme watermark position", isRequired = false, type = Type.STRING) }, reponses = { @RestResponse(responseCode = SC_OK, description = "Theme created"), @RestResponse(responseCode = SC_BAD_REQUEST, description = "The theme references a non-existing file") })
public Response createTheme(@FormParam("default") boolean isDefault, @FormParam("name") String name, @FormParam("description") String description, @FormParam("bumperActive") Boolean bumperActive, @FormParam("trailerActive") Boolean trailerActive, @FormParam("titleSlideActive") Boolean titleSlideActive, @FormParam("licenseSlideActive") Boolean licenseSlideActive, @FormParam("watermarkActive") Boolean watermarkActive, @FormParam("bumperFile") String bumperFile, @FormParam("trailerFile") String trailerFile, @FormParam("watermarkFile") String watermarkFile, @FormParam("titleSlideBackground") String titleSlideBackground, @FormParam("licenseSlideBackground") String licenseSlideBackground, @FormParam("titleSlideMetadata") String titleSlideMetadata, @FormParam("licenseSlideDescription") String licenseSlideDescription, @FormParam("watermarkPosition") String watermarkPosition) {
    User creator = securityService.getUser();
    Theme theme = new Theme(Option.<Long>none(), new Date(), isDefault, creator, name, StringUtils.trimToNull(description), BooleanUtils.toBoolean(bumperActive), StringUtils.trimToNull(bumperFile), BooleanUtils.toBoolean(trailerActive), StringUtils.trimToNull(trailerFile), BooleanUtils.toBoolean(titleSlideActive), StringUtils.trimToNull(titleSlideMetadata), StringUtils.trimToNull(titleSlideBackground), BooleanUtils.toBoolean(licenseSlideActive), StringUtils.trimToNull(licenseSlideBackground), StringUtils.trimToNull(licenseSlideDescription), BooleanUtils.toBoolean(watermarkActive), StringUtils.trimToNull(watermarkFile), StringUtils.trimToNull(watermarkPosition));
    try {
    } catch (NotFoundException e) {
        logger.warn("A file that is referenced in theme '{}' was not found: {}", theme, e.getMessage());
        return R.badRequest("Referenced non-existing file");
    } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.warn("Error while persisting file: {}", e.getMessage());
        return R.serverError();
    try {
        Theme createdTheme = themesServiceDatabase.updateTheme(theme);
        return RestUtils.okJson(themeToJSON(createdTheme));
    } catch (ThemesServiceDatabaseException e) {
        logger.error("Unable to create a theme");
        return RestUtil.R.serverError();
Also used : User( Theme(org.opencastproject.themes.Theme) NotFoundException(org.opencastproject.util.NotFoundException) IOException( Date(java.util.Date) ThemesServiceDatabaseException(org.opencastproject.themes.persistence.ThemesServiceDatabaseException) Path( POST( RestQuery(

Example 88 with User

use of in project opencast by opencast.

the class UsersEndpoint method createUser.

@RestQuery(name = "createUser", description = "Create a new  user", returnDescription = "The location of the new ressource", restParameters = { @RestParameter(description = "The username.", isRequired = true, name = "username", type = STRING), @RestParameter(description = "The password.", isRequired = true, name = "password", type = STRING), @RestParameter(description = "The name.", isRequired = false, name = "name", type = STRING), @RestParameter(description = "The email.", isRequired = false, name = "email", type = STRING), @RestParameter(name = "roles", type = STRING, isRequired = false, description = "The user roles as a json array") }, reponses = { @RestResponse(responseCode = SC_CREATED, description = "User has been created."), @RestResponse(responseCode = SC_FORBIDDEN, description = "Not enough permissions to create a user with a admin role."), @RestResponse(responseCode = SC_CONFLICT, description = "An user with this username already exist.") })
public Response createUser(@FormParam("username") String username, @FormParam("password") String password, @FormParam("name") String name, @FormParam("email") String email, @FormParam("roles") String roles) throws NotFoundException {
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(username))
        return RestUtil.R.badRequest("No username set");
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(password))
        return RestUtil.R.badRequest("No password set");
    User existingUser = jpaUserAndRoleProvider.loadUser(username);
    if (existingUser != null) {
        return Response.status(SC_CONFLICT).build();
    JpaOrganization organization = (JpaOrganization) securityService.getOrganization();
    Option<JSONArray> rolesArray = Option.none();
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(roles)) {
        rolesArray = Option.option((JSONArray) JSONValue.parse(roles));
    Set<JpaRole> rolesSet = new HashSet<>();
    // Add the roles given
    if (rolesArray.isSome()) {
        // Add the roles given
        for (Object role : rolesArray.get()) {
            JSONObject roleAsJson = (JSONObject) role;
            Role.Type roletype = Role.Type.valueOf((String) roleAsJson.get("type"));
            rolesSet.add(new JpaRole(roleAsJson.get("id").toString(), organization, null, roletype));
    } else {
        rolesSet.add(new JpaRole(organization.getAnonymousRole(), organization));
    JpaUser user = new JpaUser(username, password, organization, name, email, jpaUserAndRoleProvider.getName(), true, rolesSet);
    try {
        return Response.created(uri(endpointBaseUrl, user.getUsername() + ".json")).build();
    } catch (UnauthorizedException e) {
        return Response.status(Response.Status.FORBIDDEN).build();
Also used : JpaUser( User( JpaOrganization( JSONArray(org.json.simple.JSONArray) JpaUser( Role( JpaRole( JSONObject(org.json.simple.JSONObject) JpaRole( UnauthorizedException( JSONObject(org.json.simple.JSONObject) JObject( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Path( POST( RestQuery(

Example 89 with User

use of in project opencast by opencast.

the class EventCommentParser method replyFromManifest.

private static EventCommentReply replyFromManifest(Node commentReplyNode, UserDirectoryService userDirectoryService) throws UnsupportedElementException {
    try {
        // id
        Long id = null;
        Double idAsDouble = ((Number) xpath.evaluate("@id", commentReplyNode, XPathConstants.NUMBER)).doubleValue();
        if (!idAsDouble.isNaN())
            id = idAsDouble.longValue();
        // text
        String text = (String) xpath.evaluate("text/text()", commentReplyNode, XPathConstants.STRING);
        // Author
        Node authorNode = (Node) xpath.evaluate("author", commentReplyNode, XPathConstants.NODE);
        User author = userFromManifest(authorNode, userDirectoryService);
        // CreationDate
        String creationDateString = (String) xpath.evaluate("creationDate/text()", commentReplyNode, XPathConstants.STRING);
        Date creationDate = new Date(DateTimeSupport.fromUTC(creationDateString));
        // ModificationDate
        String modificationDateString = (String) xpath.evaluate("modificationDate/text()", commentReplyNode, XPathConstants.STRING);
        Date modificationDate = new Date(DateTimeSupport.fromUTC(modificationDateString));
        // Create reply
        return EventCommentReply.create(Option.option(id), text.trim(), author, creationDate, modificationDate);
    } catch (XPathExpressionException e) {
        throw new UnsupportedElementException("Error while reading comment reply information from manifest", e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (e instanceof UnsupportedElementException)
            throw (UnsupportedElementException) e;
        throw new UnsupportedElementException("Error while reading comment reply creation or modification date information from manifest", e);
Also used : User( UnsupportedElementException(org.opencastproject.mediapackage.UnsupportedElementException) XPathExpressionException(javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException) Node(org.w3c.dom.Node) Date(java.util.Date) XPathExpressionException(javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException) UnsupportedElementException(org.opencastproject.mediapackage.UnsupportedElementException) ParserConfigurationException(javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException)

Example 90 with User

use of in project opencast by opencast.

the class OaiPmhPersistenceTest method setUp.

 * @throws java.lang.Exception
public void setUp() throws Exception {
    // Mock up a security service
    SecurityService securityService = EasyMock.createNiceMock(SecurityService.class);
    User user = SecurityUtil.createSystemUser("admin", new DefaultOrganization());
    EasyMock.expect(securityService.getOrganization()).andReturn(new DefaultOrganization()).anyTimes();
    mp1 = MediaPackageSupport.loadFromClassPath("/mp1.xml");
    mp2 = MediaPackageSupport.loadFromClassPath("/mp2.xml");
    Workspace workspace = EasyMock.createNiceMock(Workspace.class);
    EasyMock.expect("series-dublincore.xml"))).andAnswer(() -> getClass().getResourceAsStream("/series-dublincore.xml")).anyTimes();
    EasyMock.expect("episode-dublincore.xml"))).andAnswer(() -> getClass().getResourceAsStream("/episode-dublincore.xml")).anyTimes();
    EasyMock.expect("mpeg7.xml"))).andAnswer(() -> getClass().getResourceAsStream("/mpeg7.xml")).anyTimes();
    EasyMock.expect("series-xacml.xml"))).andAnswer(() -> getClass().getResourceAsStream("/series-xacml.xml")).anyTimes();
    oaiPmhDatabase = new OaiPmhDatabaseImpl();
Also used : User( SecurityService( DefaultOrganization( Workspace(org.opencastproject.workspace.api.Workspace) Before(org.junit.Before)


User ( Organization ( JaxbUser ( JaxbRole ( DefaultOrganization ( SecurityService ( NotFoundException (org.opencastproject.util.NotFoundException)32 Before (org.junit.Before)31 Test (org.junit.Test)27 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)26 UnauthorizedException ( JaxbOrganization ( AccessControlList ( Role ( UserDirectoryService ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)20 OrganizationDirectoryService ( JpaUser ( IOException ( MediaPackage (org.opencastproject.mediapackage.MediaPackage)16