use of org.opendatakit.briefcase.reused.Triple in project briefcase by opendatakit.
the class PushToCentral method push.
* Pushes a form completely, sending the form file, form attachments,
* submission files and their attachments to the Aggregate server.
* <p>
* It won't push a form and form attachments if it's already
* present in the server.
public Job<Void> push(FormStatus form) {
PushToCentralTracker tracker = new PushToCentralTracker(form, onEventCallback);
Job<Void> startTrackingJob = -> tracker.trackStart());
// Verify that the form is not encrypted
Path formFile = form.getFormFile(briefcaseDir);
try {
if (FormDefinition.from(formFile).isFileEncryptedForm())
return startTrackingJob.thenRun(rs -> {
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
return startTrackingJob.thenRun(rs -> {
FormMetadataPort formMetadataPort =;
return startTrackingJob.thenSupply(rs -> getMissingFormVersions(form, rs, tracker, formMetadataPort)).thenAccept(((rs, missingFormVersions) -> {
String localFormVersion = form.getVersion().orElse("");
boolean sendLocal = missingFormVersions.remove(localFormVersion);
// First send a request to create the form. It doesn't matter what version is sent because it will be replaced
// below. Will fail if a published form already exists with this id but then missing versions can still be added.
createForm(form.getFormFile(briefcaseDir), rs, tracker);
// Send all of the obsolete versions first so that we can send corresponding submissions. Skip attachments
// because those versions won't be used by clients. -> {
pushFormDraft(form.getFormFile(briefcaseDir), form.getFormId(), version, rs, tracker);
publishDraft(form.getFormId(), version, rs, tracker);
if (sendLocal) {
boolean formSent = pushFormDraft(formFile, form.getFormId(), localFormVersion, rs, tracker);
if (formSent) {
List<Path> formAttachments = getFormAttachments(form);
AtomicInteger attachmentSeq = new AtomicInteger(1);
int totalAttachments = formAttachments.size();
formAttachments.forEach(attachment -> pushFormAttachment(form.getFormId(), attachment, rs, tracker, attachmentSeq.getAndIncrement(), totalAttachments));
publishDraft(form.getFormId(), localFormVersion, rs, tracker);
})).thenSupply(__ -> getSubmissions(form)).thenAccept((rs, submissions) -> {
AtomicInteger submissionNumber = new AtomicInteger(1);
int totalSubmissions = submissions.size();
if (submissions.isEmpty())
// We might not have had access to submission versions because e.g. submissions were manually added to the
// Briefcase folder or were imported in <=v1.17 when submission versions weren't saved.
Set<String> seenVersions = new HashSet<>();
submissions.parallelStream().map(submission -> {
XmlElement root = XmlElement.from(new String(readAllBytes(submission)));
SubmissionMetaData metaData = new SubmissionMetaData(root);
return Triple.of(submission, submissionNumber.getAndIncrement(), metaData.getInstanceId());
}).peek(triple -> {
if (!triple.get3().isPresent())
tracker.trackNoInstanceId(triple.get2(), totalSubmissions);
}).filter(triple -> triple.get3().isPresent()).forEach(triple -> {
Path submission = triple.get1();
int currentSubmissionNumber = triple.get2();
String instanceId = triple.get3().get();
boolean submissionSent = pushSubmission(form.getFormId(), submission, rs, tracker, currentSubmissionNumber, totalSubmissions);
if (submissionSent) {
List<Path> submissionAttachments = getSubmissionAttachments(submission);
AtomicInteger attachmentSeq = new AtomicInteger(1);
int totalAttachments = submissionAttachments.size();
submissionAttachments.parallelStream().forEach(attachment -> pushSubmissionAttachment(form.getFormId(), instanceId, attachment, rs, tracker, currentSubmissionNumber, totalSubmissions, attachmentSeq.getAndIncrement(), totalAttachments));
formMetadataPort.execute(updateSubmissionVersions(FormKey.from(form), briefcaseDir, form.getFormDir(briefcaseDir), seenVersions));
}).thenRun(rs -> EventBus.publish(new PushEvent.Success(form)));
use of org.opendatakit.briefcase.reused.Triple in project briefcase by opendatakit.
the class PullFromAggregate method pull.
* Pulls a form completely, writing the form file, form attachments,
* submission files and their attachments to the local filesystem
* under the Briefcase Storage directory.
* <p>
* A {@link Cursor} can be provided to define the starting point to
* download the form's submissions.
* <p>
* Returns a Job that will produce a pull operation result.
public Job<Void> pull(FormStatus form, Optional<Cursor> lastCursor) {
FormKey key = FormKey.from(form);
PullFromAggregateTracker tracker = new PullFromAggregateTracker(form, onEventCallback);
// Download the form and attachments, and get the submissions list
return run(rs -> tracker.trackStart()).thenSupply(rs -> downloadForm(form, rs, tracker)).thenAccept((rs, formXml) -> {
if (formXml == null)
List<AggregateAttachment> attachments = getFormAttachments(form, rs, tracker);
int totalAttachments = attachments.size();
AtomicInteger attachmentNumber = new AtomicInteger(1);
attachments.parallelStream().forEach(attachment -> downloadFormAttachment(form, attachment, rs, tracker, attachmentNumber.getAndIncrement(), totalAttachments));
List<InstanceIdBatch> instanceIdBatches = getSubmissionIds(form, lastCursor.orElse(Cursor.empty()), rs, tracker);
// Build the submission key generator with the form's XML contents
SubmissionKeyGenerator subKeyGen = SubmissionKeyGenerator.from(formXml);
// Extract all the instance IDs from all the batches and download each instance
List<String> ids = -> batch.getInstanceIds().stream()).collect(toList());
int totalSubmissions = ids.size();
AtomicInteger submissionNumber = new AtomicInteger(1);
Set<String> submissionVersions = new HashSet<>();
if (ids.isEmpty())
withDb(form.getFormDir(briefcaseDir), db -> {
// We need to collect to be able to create a parallel stream again
ids.parallelStream().map(instanceId -> Triple.of(submissionNumber.getAndIncrement(), instanceId, db.hasRecordedInstance(instanceId) == null)).peek(triple -> {
if (!triple.get3())
tracker.trackSubmissionAlreadyDownloaded(triple.get1(), totalSubmissions);
}).filter(Triple::get3).map(triple -> Pair.of(triple.get1(), downloadSubmission(form, triple.get2(), subKeyGen, rs, tracker, triple.get1(), totalSubmissions))).filter(p -> p.getRight() != null).forEach(pair -> {
int currentSubmissionNumber = pair.getLeft();
DownloadedSubmission submission = pair.getRight();
List<AggregateAttachment> submissionAttachments = submission.getAttachments();
AtomicInteger submissionAttachmentNumber = new AtomicInteger(1);
int totalSubmissionAttachments = submissionAttachments.size();
submissionAttachments.parallelStream().forEach(attachment -> downloadSubmissionAttachment(form, submission, attachment, rs, tracker, currentSubmissionNumber, totalSubmissions, submissionAttachmentNumber.getAndIncrement(), totalSubmissionAttachments));
if (!rs.isCancelled()) {
db.putRecordedInstanceDirectory(submission.getInstanceId(), form.getSubmissionDir(briefcaseDir, submission.getInstanceId()).toFile());
Cursor newCursor = getLastCursor(instanceIdBatches).orElse(Cursor.empty());
formMetadataPort.execute(updateAsPulled(key, newCursor, briefcaseDir, form.getFormDir(briefcaseDir), submissionVersions));
EventBus.publish(PullEvent.Success.of(form, server));