use of in project controller by opendaylight.
the class DomInmemoryDataBrokerModule method createInstance.
public java.lang.AutoCloseable createInstance() {
// Initializing Operational DOM DataStore defaulting to InMemoryDOMDataStore if one is not configured
DOMStore operStore = getOperationalDataStoreDependency();
if (operStore == null) {
// we will default to InMemoryDOMDataStore creation
operStore = InMemoryDOMDataStoreFactory.create("DOM-OPER", getSchemaServiceDependency());
DOMStore configStore = getConfigDataStoreDependency();
if (configStore == null) {
// we will default to InMemoryDOMDataStore creation
configStore = InMemoryDOMDataStoreFactory.create("DOM-CFG", getSchemaServiceDependency());
final Map<LogicalDatastoreType, DOMStore> datastores = new EnumMap<>(LogicalDatastoreType.class);
datastores.put(LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, operStore);
datastores.put(LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, configStore);
* We use an executor for commit ListenableFuture callbacks that favors reusing available
* threads over creating new threads at the expense of execution time. The assumption is
* that most ListenableFuture callbacks won't execute a lot of business logic where we want
* it to run quicker - many callbacks will likely just handle error conditions and do
* nothing on success. The executor queue capacity is bounded and, if the capacity is
* reached, subsequent submitted tasks will block the caller.
ExecutorService listenableFutureExecutor = SpecialExecutors.newBlockingBoundedCachedThreadPool(getMaxDataBrokerFutureCallbackPoolSize(), getMaxDataBrokerFutureCallbackQueueSize(), "CommitFutures", SerializedDOMDataBroker.class);
final List<AbstractMXBean> mBeans = Lists.newArrayList();
final DurationStatisticsTracker commitStatsTracker;
* We use a single-threaded executor for commits with a bounded queue capacity. If the
* queue capacity is reached, subsequent commit tasks will be rejected and the commits will
* fail. This is done to relieve back pressure. This should be an extreme scenario - either
* there's deadlock(s) somewhere and the controller is unstable or some rogue component is
* continuously hammering commits too fast or the controller is just over-capacity for the
* system it's running on.
ExecutorService commitExecutor = SpecialExecutors.newBoundedSingleThreadExecutor(getMaxDataBrokerCommitQueueSize(), "WriteTxCommit", SerializedDOMDataBroker.class);
SerializedDOMDataBroker sdb = new SerializedDOMDataBroker(datastores, new DeadlockDetectingListeningExecutorService(commitExecutor, TransactionCommitDeadlockException.DEADLOCK_EXCEPTION_SUPPLIER, listenableFutureExecutor));
commitStatsTracker = sdb.getCommitStatsTracker();
final AbstractMXBean commitExecutorStatsMXBean = ThreadExecutorStatsMXBeanImpl.create(commitExecutor, "CommitExecutorStats", JMX_BEAN_TYPE, null);
if (commitExecutorStatsMXBean != null) {
if (commitStatsTracker != null) {
final CommitStatsMXBeanImpl commitStatsMXBean = new CommitStatsMXBeanImpl(commitStatsTracker, JMX_BEAN_TYPE);
final AbstractMXBean commitFutureStatsMXBean = ThreadExecutorStatsMXBeanImpl.create(listenableFutureExecutor, "CommitFutureExecutorStats", JMX_BEAN_TYPE, null);
if (commitFutureStatsMXBean != null) {
sdb.setCloseable(() -> mBeans.forEach(AbstractMXBean::unregisterMBean));
return sdb;