use of in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class NeighborStateCliUtils method printAfiSafiState.
private static void printAfiSafiState(final AfiSafi afiSafi, final ShellTable table) {
final NeighborAfiSafiStateAugmentation state = afiSafi.getState().getAugmentation(NeighborAfiSafiStateAugmentation.class);
addHeader(table, "AFI state");
table.addRow().addContent("Family", afiSafi.getAfiSafiName().getSimpleName());
table.addRow().addContent("Active", state.isActive());
final Prefixes prefixes = state.getPrefixes();
if (prefixes == null) {
table.addRow().addContent("Prefixes", "");
table.addRow().addContent("Installed", prefixes.getInstalled());
table.addRow().addContent("Sent", prefixes.getSent());
table.addRow().addContent("Received", prefixes.getReceived());
use of in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class BGPPeer method prefixesToMpReach.
* Creates MPReach for the prefixes to be handled in the same way as linkstate routes.
* @param message Update message containing prefixes in NLRI
* @return MpReachNlri with prefixes from the nlri field
private static MpReachNlri prefixesToMpReach(final Update message) {
final List<Ipv4Prefixes> prefixes = message.getNlri().stream().map(n -> new Ipv4PrefixesBuilder().setPrefix(n.getPrefix()).setPathId(n.getPathId()).build()).collect(Collectors.toList());
final MpReachNlriBuilder b = new MpReachNlriBuilder().setAfi(Ipv4AddressFamily.class).setSafi(UnicastSubsequentAddressFamily.class).setAdvertizedRoutes(new AdvertizedRoutesBuilder().setDestinationType(new DestinationIpv4CaseBuilder().setDestinationIpv4(new DestinationIpv4Builder().setIpv4Prefixes(prefixes).build()).build()).build());
if (message.getAttributes() != null) {
use of in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class Ipv6NlriParser method prefixes.
private static DestinationIpv6 prefixes(final ByteBuf nlri, final PeerSpecificParserConstraint constraint, final Class<? extends AddressFamily> afi, final Class<? extends SubsequentAddressFamily> safi) {
final List<Ipv6Prefixes> prefixes = new ArrayList<>();
final boolean supported = MultiPathSupportUtil.isTableTypeSupported(constraint, new BgpTableTypeImpl(afi, safi));
while (nlri.isReadable()) {
final Ipv6PrefixesBuilder prefixesBuilder = new Ipv6PrefixesBuilder();
if (supported) {
return new DestinationIpv6Builder().setIpv6Prefixes(prefixes).build();
use of in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class LinkstateNlriParser method parseNlri.
* Parses common parts for Link State Nodes, Links and Prefixes, that includes protocol ID and identifier tlv.
* @param nlri as byte array
* @return {@link CLinkstateDestination}
private List<CLinkstateDestination> parseNlri(final ByteBuf nlri) {
final List<CLinkstateDestination> dests = new ArrayList<>();
while (nlri.isReadable()) {
final CLinkstateDestination destination = this.nlriTypeReg.parseNlriType(nlri);
if (destination == null) {
return dests;
use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class VpnInterfaceManager method processVpnInterfaceUp.
// "Unconditional wait" and "Wait not in loop" wrt the VpnNotifyTask below - suppressing the FB violation -
// see comments below.
@SuppressFBWarnings({ "UW_UNCOND_WAIT", "WA_NOT_IN_LOOP" })
protected void processVpnInterfaceUp(final BigInteger dpId, VpnInterface vpnInterface, final String primaryRd, final int lportTag, boolean isInterfaceUp, WriteTransaction writeConfigTxn, WriteTransaction writeOperTxn, WriteTransaction writeInvTxn, Interface interfaceState, final String vpnName) {
final String interfaceName = vpnInterface.getName();
Optional<VpnInterfaceOpDataEntry> optOpVpnInterface = VpnUtil.getVpnInterfaceOpDataEntry(dataBroker, interfaceName, vpnName);
VpnInterfaceOpDataEntry opVpnInterface = optOpVpnInterface.isPresent() ? optOpVpnInterface.get() : null;
boolean isBgpVpnInternetVpn = VpnUtil.isBgpVpnInternet(dataBroker, vpnName);
if (!isInterfaceUp) {"processVpnInterfaceUp: Binding vpn service to interface {} onto dpn {} for vpn {}", interfaceName, dpId, vpnName);
long vpnId = VpnUtil.getVpnId(dataBroker, vpnName);
if (vpnId == VpnConstants.INVALID_ID) {
LOG.warn("processVpnInterfaceUp: VpnInstance to VPNId mapping not available for VpnName {}" + " processing vpninterface {} on dpn {}, bailing out now.", vpnName, interfaceName, dpId);
boolean waitForVpnInterfaceOpRemoval = false;
if (opVpnInterface != null && !opVpnInterface.isScheduledForRemove()) {
String opVpnName = opVpnInterface.getVpnInstanceName();
String primaryInterfaceIp = null;
if (opVpnName.equals(vpnName)) {
// Please check if the primary VRF Entry does not exist for VPNInterface
// If so, we have to process ADD, as this might be a DPN Restart with Remove and Add triggered
// back to back
// However, if the primary VRF Entry for this VPNInterface exists, please continue bailing out !
List<Adjacency> adjs = VpnUtil.getAdjacenciesForVpnInterfaceFromConfig(dataBroker, interfaceName);
if (adjs == null) {
LOG.error("processVpnInterfaceUp: VPN Interface {} on dpn {} for vpn {} failed as adjacencies" + " for this vpn interface could not be obtained", interfaceName, dpId, vpnName);
for (Adjacency adj : adjs) {
if (adj.getAdjacencyType() == AdjacencyType.PrimaryAdjacency) {
primaryInterfaceIp = adj.getIpAddress();
if (primaryInterfaceIp == null) {
LOG.error("processVpnInterfaceUp: VPN Interface {} addition on dpn {} for vpn {} failed" + " as primary adjacency for this vpn interface could not be obtained", interfaceName, dpId, vpnName);
// Get the rd of the vpn instance
VrfEntry vrf = VpnUtil.getVrfEntry(dataBroker, primaryRd, primaryInterfaceIp);
if (vrf != null) {
LOG.error("processVpnInterfaceUp: VPN Interface {} on dpn {} for vpn {} already provisioned ," + " bailing out from here.", interfaceName, dpId, vpnName);
waitForVpnInterfaceOpRemoval = true;
} else {
LOG.error("processVpnInterfaceUp: vpn interface {} to go to configured vpn {} on dpn {}," + " but in operational vpn {}", interfaceName, vpnName, dpId, opVpnName);
if (!waitForVpnInterfaceOpRemoval) {
// Add the VPNInterface and quit
vpnFootprintService.updateVpnToDpnMapping(dpId, vpnName, primaryRd, interfaceName, null, /*ipAddressSourceValuePair*/
processVpnInterfaceAdjacencies(dpId, lportTag, vpnName, primaryRd, interfaceName, vpnId, writeConfigTxn, writeOperTxn, writeInvTxn, interfaceState);
if (!isBgpVpnInternetVpn) {
VpnUtil.bindService(vpnName, interfaceName, dataBroker, false, /*isTunnelInterface*/
}"processVpnInterfaceUp: Plumbed vpn interface {} onto dpn {} for vpn {}", interfaceName, dpId, vpnName);
if (interfaceManager.isExternalInterface(interfaceName)) {
processExternalVpnInterface(interfaceName, vpnName, vpnId, dpId, lportTag, writeInvTxn, NwConstants.ADD_FLOW);
// FIB didn't get a chance yet to clean up this VPNInterface
// Let us give it a chance here !"processVpnInterfaceUp: Trying to add VPN Interface {} on dpn {} for vpn {}," + " but waiting for FIB to clean up! ", interfaceName, dpId, vpnName);
try {
Runnable notifyTask = new VpnNotifyTask();
synchronized (notifyTask) {
// Per FB's "Unconditional wait" violation, the code should really verify that the condition it
// intends to wait for is not already satisfied before calling wait. However the VpnNotifyTask is
// published here while holding the lock on it so this path will hit the wait before notify can be
// invoked.
vpnIntfMap.put(interfaceName, notifyTask);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Ignored
} finally {
if (opVpnInterface != null) {
LOG.warn("processVpnInterfaceUp: VPN Interface {} removal on dpn {} for vpn {}" + " by FIB did not complete on time," + " bailing addition ...", interfaceName, dpId, vpnName);
VpnUtil.unsetScheduledToRemoveForVpnInterface(txRunner, interfaceName);
// VPNInterface got removed, proceed with Add"processVpnInterfaceUp: Continuing to plumb vpn interface {} onto dpn {} for vpn {}", interfaceName, dpId, vpnName);
vpnFootprintService.updateVpnToDpnMapping(dpId, vpnName, primaryRd, interfaceName, null, /*ipAddressSourceValuePair*/
processVpnInterfaceAdjacencies(dpId, lportTag, vpnName, primaryRd, interfaceName, vpnId, writeConfigTxn, writeOperTxn, writeInvTxn, interfaceState);
if (!isBgpVpnInternetVpn) {
VpnUtil.bindService(vpnName, interfaceName, dataBroker, false, /*isTunnelInterface*/
}"processVpnInterfaceUp: Plumbed vpn interface {} onto dpn {} for vpn {} after waiting for" + " FIB to clean up", interfaceName, dpId, vpnName);
if (interfaceManager.isExternalInterface(interfaceName)) {
processExternalVpnInterface(interfaceName, vpnName, vpnId, dpId, lportTag, writeInvTxn, NwConstants.ADD_FLOW);
} else {
// Interface is retained in the DPN, but its Link Up.
// Advertise prefixes again for this interface to BGP
InstanceIdentifier<VpnInterface> identifier = VpnUtil.getVpnInterfaceIdentifier(vpnInterface.getName());
InstanceIdentifier<VpnInterfaceOpDataEntry> vpnInterfaceOpIdentifier = VpnUtil.getVpnInterfaceOpDataEntryIdentifier(interfaceName, vpnName);
advertiseAdjacenciesForVpnToBgp(primaryRd, dpId, vpnInterfaceOpIdentifier, vpnName, interfaceName);
// Perform similar operation as interface add event for extraroutes.
InstanceIdentifier<Adjacencies> path = identifier.augmentation(Adjacencies.class);
Optional<Adjacencies> optAdjacencies =, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, path);
if (!optAdjacencies.isPresent()) {
LOG.trace("No config adjacencies present for vpninterface {}", vpnInterface);
List<Adjacency> adjacencies = optAdjacencies.get().getAdjacency();
for (Adjacency adjacency : adjacencies) {
if (adjacency.getAdjacencyType() == AdjacencyType.PrimaryAdjacency) {
// if BGPVPN Internet, filter only IPv6 Adjacencies
if (isBgpVpnInternetVpn && !VpnUtil.isAdjacencyEligibleToVpnInternet(dataBroker, adjacency)) {
addNewAdjToVpnInterface(vpnInterfaceOpIdentifier, primaryRd, adjacency, dpId, writeOperTxn, writeConfigTxn);