use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class NeutronPortChangeListener method handleRouterInterfaceRemoved.
private void handleRouterInterfaceRemoved(Port routerPort) {
if (routerPort.getDeviceId() != null) {
Uuid routerId = new Uuid(routerPort.getDeviceId());
Uuid infNetworkId = routerPort.getNetworkId();
elanService.removeKnownL3DmacAddress(routerPort.getMacAddress().getValue(), infNetworkId.getValue());
Uuid vpnId = neutronvpnUtils.getVpnForRouter(routerId, true);
if (vpnId == null) {
vpnId = routerId;
List<FixedIps> portIps = routerPort.getFixedIps();
boolean vpnInstanceInternetIpVersionRemoved = false;
Uuid vpnInstanceInternetUuid = null;
for (FixedIps portIP : portIps) {
// Internet VPN : flush InternetVPN first
Uuid subnetId = portIP.getSubnetId();
Subnetmap sn = neutronvpnUtils.getSubnetmap(subnetId);
if (sn != null && sn.getInternetVpnId() != null) {
if (neutronvpnUtils.shouldVpnHandleIpVersionChangeToRemove(sn, sn.getInternetVpnId())) {
vpnInstanceInternetIpVersionRemoved = true;
vpnInstanceInternetUuid = sn.getInternetVpnId();
nvpnManager.updateVpnInternetForSubnet(sn, sn.getInternetVpnId(), false);
/* Remove ping responder for router interfaces
* A router interface reference in a VPN will have to be removed before the host interface references
* for that subnet in the VPN are removed. This is to ensure that the FIB Entry of the router interface
* is not the last entry to be removed for that subnet in the VPN.
* If router interface FIB entry is the last to be removed for a subnet in a VPN , then all the host
* interface references in the vpn will already have been cleared, which will cause failures in
* cleanup of router interface flows*/
nvpnManager.deleteVpnInterface(routerPort.getUuid().getValue(), null, /* vpn-id */
// update RouterInterfaces map
WriteTransaction wrtConfigTxn = dataBroker.newWriteOnlyTransaction();
boolean vpnInstanceIpVersionRemoved = false;
IpVersionChoice vpnInstanceIpVersionToRemove = IpVersionChoice.UNDEFINED;
for (FixedIps portIP : portIps) {
Subnetmap sn = neutronvpnUtils.getSubnetmap(portIP.getSubnetId());
// router Port have either IPv4 or IPv6, never both
if (neutronvpnUtils.shouldVpnHandleIpVersionChangeToRemove(sn, vpnId)) {
vpnInstanceIpVersionRemoved = true;
vpnInstanceIpVersionToRemove = neutronvpnUtils.getIpVersionFromString(sn.getSubnetIp());
String ipValue = String.valueOf(portIP.getIpAddress().getValue());
neutronvpnUtils.removeVpnPortFixedIpToPort(vpnId.getValue(), ipValue, wrtConfigTxn);
// NOTE: Please donot change the order of calls to removeSubnetFromVpn and
// and updateSubnetNodeWithFixedIP
nvpnManager.removeSubnetFromVpn(vpnId, portIP.getSubnetId(), sn != null ? sn.getInternetVpnId() : null);
nvpnManager.updateSubnetNodeWithFixedIp(portIP.getSubnetId(), null, null, null, null, null);
nvpnManager.removeFromNeutronRouterInterfacesMap(routerId, routerPort.getUuid().getValue());
deleteElanInterface(routerPort.getUuid().getValue(), wrtConfigTxn);
deleteOfPortInterface(routerPort, wrtConfigTxn);
if (vpnInstanceIpVersionRemoved) {
neutronvpnUtils.updateVpnInstanceWithIpFamily(vpnId.getValue(), vpnInstanceIpVersionToRemove, false);
if (vpnInstanceInternetIpVersionRemoved) {
neutronvpnUtils.updateVpnInstanceWithIpFamily(vpnInstanceInternetUuid.getValue(), IpVersionChoice.IPV6, false);
neutronvpnUtils.updateVpnInstanceWithFallback(vpnInstanceInternetUuid.getValue(), false);
use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class QosNeutronUtils method getBridgeRefEntryFromOperDS.
private OvsdbBridgeRef getBridgeRefEntryFromOperDS(BigInteger dpId) {
BridgeRefEntryKey bridgeRefEntryKey = new BridgeRefEntryKey(dpId);
InstanceIdentifier<BridgeRefEntry> bridgeRefEntryIid = getBridgeRefEntryIdentifier(bridgeRefEntryKey);
BridgeRefEntry bridgeRefEntry = getBridgeRefEntryFromOperDS(bridgeRefEntryIid);
if (bridgeRefEntry == null) {
// bridge ref entry will be null if the bridge is disconnected from controller.
// In that case, fetch bridge reference from bridge interface entry config DS
BridgeEntry bridgeEntry = getBridgeEntryFromConfigDS(dpId);
if (bridgeEntry == null) {
return null;
return bridgeEntry.getBridgeReference();
return bridgeRefEntry.getBridgeReference();
use of in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class CommunityUtil method valueOf.
* Creates a Community from its String representation.
* @param refCache reference cache to use
* @param string String representation of a community
* @return new Community
public static Community valueOf(final ReferenceCache refCache, final String string) {
final String[] parts = string.split(":", 2);
final CommunitiesBuilder builder = new CommunitiesBuilder();
builder.setAsNumber(refCache.getSharedReference(new AsNumber(Long.valueOf(parts[0]))));
return refCache.getSharedReference(;
use of in project controller by opendaylight.
the class RoutedServiceIT method createNodeRef.
* Returns node reference from string which represents path
* @param string
* string with key(path)
* @return instance identifier to {@link UnorderedList}
private static InstanceIdentifier<UnorderedList> createNodeRef(final String string) {
final UnorderedListKey key = new UnorderedListKey(string);
final InstanceIdentifier<UnorderedList> path = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Lists.class).child(UnorderedContainer.class).child(UnorderedList.class, key).build();
return path;
use of in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class SetCommunityHandler method setComm.
private Attributes setComm(final Attributes attributes, final SetCommunityMethod setCommunityMethod, final BgpSetCommunityOptionType options) {
if (setCommunityMethod instanceof Inline) {
final Inline inline = (Inline) setCommunityMethod;
final List<Communities> list = inline.getCommunities().stream().map(ge -> new CommunitiesBuilder().setAsNumber(ge.getAsNumber()).setSemantics(ge.getSemantics()).build()).collect(Collectors.toList());
return inlineSetComm(attributes, list, options);
return referenceSetComm(attributes, ((Reference) setCommunityMethod).getCommunitySetRef(), options);