use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class AclLiveStatisticsHelper method getAclPortStats.
* Gets the acl port stats.
* @param direction the direction
* @param interfaceNames the interface names
* @param odlDirectStatsService the odl direct stats service
* @param dataBroker the data broker
* @return the acl port stats
public static List<AclPortStats> getAclPortStats(Direction direction, List<String> interfaceNames, OpendaylightDirectStatisticsService odlDirectStatsService, DataBroker dataBroker) {
LOG.trace("Get ACL port stats for direction {} and interfaces {}", direction, interfaceNames);
List<AclPortStats> lstAclPortStats = new ArrayList<>();
Short tableId = getTableId(direction);
FlowCookie aclDropFlowCookie = new FlowCookie(AclConstants.COOKIE_ACL_DROP_FLOW);
FlowCookie aclDropFlowCookieMask = new FlowCookie(COOKIE_ACL_DROP_FLOW_MASK);
for (String interfaceName : interfaceNames) {
AclPortStatsBuilder aclStatsBuilder = new AclPortStatsBuilder().setInterfaceName(interfaceName);
Interface interfaceState = AclServiceUtils.getInterfaceStateFromOperDS(dataBroker, interfaceName);
if (interfaceState == null) {
String errMsg = "Interface not found in datastore.";
addError(lstAclPortStats, aclStatsBuilder, errMsg);
BigInteger dpId = AclServiceUtils.getDpIdFromIterfaceState(interfaceState);
if (dpId == null) {
String errMsg = "Failed to find device for the interface.";
addError(lstAclPortStats, aclStatsBuilder, errMsg);
NodeRef nodeRef = buildNodeRef(dpId);
Integer lportTag = interfaceState.getIfIndex();
Match metadataMatch = buildMetadataMatch(lportTag);
GetFlowStatisticsInputBuilder input = new GetFlowStatisticsInputBuilder().setNode(nodeRef).setCookie(aclDropFlowCookie).setCookieMask(aclDropFlowCookieMask).setMatch(metadataMatch).setStoreStats(false);
if (direction != Direction.Both) {
Future<RpcResult<GetFlowStatisticsOutput>> rpcResultFuture = odlDirectStatsService.getFlowStatistics(;
RpcResult<GetFlowStatisticsOutput> rpcResult = null;
try {
rpcResult = rpcResultFuture.get();
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
String errMsg = "Unable to retrieve drop counts due to error: " + e.getMessage();
addError(lstAclPortStats, aclStatsBuilder, errMsg);
LOG.error("Exception occurred during get flow statistics for interface {}", interfaceName, e);
if (rpcResult != null && rpcResult.isSuccessful() && rpcResult.getResult() != null) {
GetFlowStatisticsOutput flowStatsOutput = rpcResult.getResult();
getAclDropStats(direction, aclStatsBuilder, flowStatsOutput);
} else {
handleRpcErrors(lstAclPortStats, aclStatsBuilder, rpcResult);
return lstAclPortStats;
use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class CounterRetriever method getSwitchFlowCountersDirect.
public CounterResultDataStructure getSwitchFlowCountersDirect(BigInteger dpId, Match match) {
NodeRef nodeRef = new NodeRef(InstanceIdentifier.builder(Nodes.class).child(Node.class, new NodeKey(new NodeId(CountersUtils.getNodeId(dpId)))).toInstance());
GetFlowStatisticsInputBuilder gfsib = new GetFlowStatisticsInputBuilder();
Future<RpcResult<GetFlowStatisticsOutput>> rpcResultFuture = odlDirectStatsService.getFlowStatistics(;
RpcResult<GetFlowStatisticsOutput> rpcResult = null;
try {
rpcResult = rpcResultFuture.get();
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {;
LOG.warn("Unable to retrieve flow counters for match {}", match);
return null;
if (rpcResult != null && rpcResult.isSuccessful() && rpcResult.getResult() != null) {
GetFlowStatisticsOutput flowStatsOutput = rpcResult.getResult();
return createSwitchFlowResultMapDirect(flowStatsOutput);
} else {;
LOG.warn("Unable to retrieve flow counters for match {}", match);
return null;