use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.rev150330.vrfentries.VrfEntry in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class VPNServiceChainHandlerTest method testprogramScfToVpnPipeline.
public void testprogramScfToVpnPipeline() throws Exception {
// ///////////////////
// Basic stubbing //
// ///////////////////
stubGetRouteDistinguisher(VPN_NAME, RD);
stubGetVpnInstance(RD, "", "eth0");
VrfEntry vrfEntry = FibHelper.getVrfEntryBuilder("", 2000L, DC_GW_IP, RouteOrigin.STATIC, null).build();
stubGetVrfEntries(RD, Collections.singletonList(vrfEntry));
stubReadVpnToDpnList(RD, DPN_ID, Collections.singletonList("iface1"));
// ///////
// SUT //
// ///////
vpnsch.programScfToVpnPipeline(VPN_NAME, SCF_TAG, SERV_CHAIN_TAG, DPN_ID.longValue(), LPORT_TAG, /* lastServiceChain */
false, NwConstants.ADD_FLOW);
// //////////
// Verify //
// //////////
// Verifying installed flows
ArgumentCaptor<Flow> argumentCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Flow.class);
verify(mdsalMgr, times(1)).installFlow((BigInteger) anyObject(), argumentCaptor.capture());
List<Flow> installedFlowsCaptured = argumentCaptor.getAllValues();
assert installedFlowsCaptured.size() == 1;
Flow expectedLportDispatcherFlowEntity = VpnServiceChainUtils.buildLPortDispFromScfToL3VpnFlow(VPN_ID, DPN_ID, LPORT_TAG, NwConstants.ADD_FLOW);
assert new FlowMatcher(expectedLportDispatcherFlowEntity).matches(installedFlowsCaptured.get(0));
// Verifying VpnToDpn update
String vpnPseudoPortIfaceName = VpnServiceChainUtils.buildVpnPseudoPortIfName(DPN_ID.longValue(), SCF_TAG, SERV_CHAIN_TAG, LPORT_TAG);
verify(vpnFootprintService).updateVpnToDpnMapping(eq(DPN_ID), eq(VPN_NAME), eq(RD), eq(vpnPseudoPortIfaceName), eq(null), eq(Boolean.TRUE));
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.rev150330.vrfentries.VrfEntry in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class VPNServiceChainHandlerTest method testProgramVpnToScfWithVpnIfacesAlreadyBound.
public void testProgramVpnToScfWithVpnIfacesAlreadyBound() throws Exception {
// ///////////////////
// Basic stubbing //
// ///////////////////
String ifaceName = "eth0";
stubGetRouteDistinguisher(VPN_NAME, RD);
stubGetVpnInstance(RD, "", ifaceName);
VrfEntry vrfEntry = FibHelper.getVrfEntryBuilder("", 2000L, DC_GW_IP, RouteOrigin.STATIC, null).build();
stubGetVrfEntries(RD, Collections.singletonList(vrfEntry));
stubReadVpnToDpnList(RD, DPN_ID, Collections.singletonList(ifaceName));
stubScfIsBoundOnIface(SCF_TAG, ifaceName);
// ///////
// SUT //
// ///////
short tableId = 10;
vpnsch.programVpnToScfPipeline(VPN_NAME, tableId, SCF_TAG, LPORT_TAG, NwConstants.ADD_FLOW);
// //////////
// Verify //
// //////////
ArgumentCaptor<FlowEntity> argumentCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(FlowEntity.class);
verify(mdsalMgr, times(2)).installFlow(argumentCaptor.capture());
List<FlowEntity> installedFlowsCaptured = argumentCaptor.getAllValues();
assert installedFlowsCaptured.size() == 2;
RoutePaths routePath = vrfEntry.getRoutePaths().get(0);
FlowEntity expectedLFibFlowEntity = VpnServiceChainUtils.buildLFibVpnPseudoPortFlow(DPN_ID, routePath.getLabel(), routePath.getNexthopAddress(), LPORT_TAG);
assert new FlowEntityMatcher(expectedLFibFlowEntity).matches(installedFlowsCaptured.get(0));
FlowEntity expectedLPortDispatcher = VpnServiceChainUtils.buildLportFlowDispForVpnToScf(DPN_ID, LPORT_TAG, SCF_TAG, tableId);
assert new FlowEntityMatcher(expectedLPortDispatcher).matches(installedFlowsCaptured.get(1));
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.rev150330.vrfentries.VrfEntry in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class VPNServiceChainHandler method programScfToVpnPipeline.
* L3VPN Service chaining: It moves traffic from a ServiceChain to a L3VPN.
* @param vpnName Vpn Instance Name. Typicall the UUID
* @param scfTag ServiceChainForwarding Tag
* @param servChainTag ServiceChain Tag
* @param dpnId DpnId in which the egress pseudo logical port belongs
* @param vpnPseudoLportTag VpnPseudo Logical port tag
* @param isLastServiceChain Flag stating if there is no other ServiceChain
* using this VpnPseudoPort
* @param addOrRemove States if pipeline must be installed or removed
public void programScfToVpnPipeline(String vpnName, long scfTag, int servChainTag, long dpnId, int vpnPseudoLportTag, boolean isLastServiceChain, int addOrRemove) {
// These Flows must be installed in the DPN where the last SF in the ServiceChain is located
// + ScForwardingTable (75): (This one is created and maintained by ScHopManager)
// - Match: scfTag + servChainId + lportTagOfvVSF Instr: VpnPseudoPortTag + SI=L3VPN + GOTO LPortDisp
// And these 2 flows must be installed in all Dpns where the Vpn is present:
// + LPortDisp (17):
// - Match: VpnPseudoPortTag + SI==L3VPN Instr: setVpnTag + GOTO FIB
// + FIB (21): (one entry per VrfEntry, and it is maintained by FibManager)
// - Match: vrfTag==vpnTag + eth_type=IPv4 + dst_ip Instr: Output DC-GW
//"L3VPN: Service Chaining programScfToVpnPipeline [Started]: Parameters Vpn Name: {} ", vpnName);
String rd = VpnServiceChainUtils.getVpnRd(dataBroker, vpnName);
if (rd == null || rd.isEmpty()) {
LOG.warn("programScfToVpnPipeline: Could not find Router-distinguisher for VPN {}. No further actions", vpnName);
VpnInstanceOpDataEntry vpnInstance = getVpnInstance(rd);
LOG.debug("programScfToVpnPipeline: rd={}, lportTag={} ", rd, vpnPseudoLportTag);
// Find out the set of DPNs for the given VPN ID
if (vpnInstance != null) {
if (addOrRemove == NwConstants.ADD_FLOW || addOrRemove == NwConstants.DEL_FLOW && isLastServiceChain) {
Long vpnId = vpnInstance.getVpnId();
List<VpnToDpnList> vpnToDpnList = vpnInstance.getVpnToDpnList();
if (vpnToDpnList != null) {
List<BigInteger> dpns = new ArrayList<>();
for (VpnToDpnList dpnInVpn : vpnToDpnList) {
if (!dpns.contains(BigInteger.valueOf(dpnId))) {
LOG.debug("Dpn {} is not included in the current VPN Footprint", dpnId);
for (BigInteger dpn : dpns) {
VpnServiceChainUtils.programLPortDispatcherFlowForScfToVpn(mdsalManager, vpnId, dpn, vpnPseudoLportTag, addOrRemove);
} else {
LOG.debug("Could not find VpnToDpn list for VPN {} with rd {}", vpnName, rd);
// We need to keep a fake VpnInterface in the DPN where the last vSF (before the VpnPseudoPort) is
// located, because in case the last real VpnInterface is removed from that DPN, we still need
// the Fib table programmed there
String intfName = VpnServiceChainUtils.buildVpnPseudoPortIfName(dpnId, scfTag, servChainTag, vpnPseudoLportTag);
vpnFootprintService.updateVpnToDpnMapping(BigInteger.valueOf(dpnId), vpnName, rd, intfName, null, /*ipAddressSourceValuePair*/
addOrRemove == NwConstants.ADD_FLOW);
}"L3VPN: Service Chaining programScfToVpnPipeline [End]");
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.rev150330.vrfentries.VrfEntry in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class VpnToDpnListener method programVpnScfFlowsOnDpn.
private void programVpnScfFlowsOnDpn(BigInteger dpnId, String vpnName, String rd, int addOrRemove) {
String addedOrRemovedTxt = addOrRemove == NwConstants.ADD_FLOW ? " added " : " removed";
LOG.debug("DpnToVpn {} event received: dpn={} vpn={} rd={}", addedOrRemovedTxt, dpnId, vpnName, rd);
if (dpnId == null) {
LOG.warn("Dpn to Vpn {} event received, but no DPN specified in event", addedOrRemovedTxt);
if (vpnName == null) {
LOG.warn("Dpn to Vpn {} event received, but no VPN specified in event", addedOrRemovedTxt);
if (rd == null) {
LOG.warn("Dpn to Vpn {} event received, but no RD specified in event", addedOrRemovedTxt);
try {
Optional<VpnToPseudoPortData> optVpnToPseudoPortInfo = VpnServiceChainUtils.getVpnPseudoPortData(broker, rd);
if (!optVpnToPseudoPortInfo.isPresent()) {
LOG.debug("Dpn to Vpn {} event received: Could not find VpnPseudoLportTag for VPN name={} rd={}", addedOrRemovedTxt, vpnName, rd);
VpnToPseudoPortData vpnToPseudoPortInfo = optVpnToPseudoPortInfo.get();
// Vpn2Scf flows (LFIB + LportDispatcher)
// TODO: Should we filter out by bgp origin
List<VrfEntry> allVpnVrfEntries = VpnServiceChainUtils.getAllVrfEntries(broker, rd);
vpnScHandler.programVpnToScfPipelineOnDpn(dpnId, allVpnVrfEntries, vpnToPseudoPortInfo.getScfTableId(), vpnToPseudoPortInfo.getScfTag(), vpnToPseudoPortInfo.getVpnLportTag().intValue(), addOrRemove);
// Scf2Vpn flow (LportDispatcher)
long vpnId = addOrRemove == NwConstants.ADD_FLOW ? VpnServiceChainUtils.getVpnId(broker, vpnName) : CloudServiceChainConstants.INVALID_VPN_TAG;
VpnServiceChainUtils.programLPortDispatcherFlowForScfToVpn(mdsalMgr, vpnId, dpnId, vpnToPseudoPortInfo.getVpnLportTag().intValue(), addOrRemove);
} catch (ReadFailedException e) {
LOG.error("Error retrieving the VPN to pseudo-port data for {}", rd, e);
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.rev150330.vrfentries.VrfEntry in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class FibUtil method removeFibEntry.
public void removeFibEntry(String rd, String prefix, WriteTransaction writeConfigTxn) {
if (rd == null || rd.isEmpty()) {
LOG.error("Prefix {} not associated with vpn", prefix);
LOG.debug("removeFibEntry: Removing fib entry with destination prefix {} from vrf table for rd {}", prefix, rd);
InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder<VrfEntry> idBuilder = InstanceIdentifier.builder(FibEntries.class).child(VrfTables.class, new VrfTablesKey(rd)).child(VrfEntry.class, new VrfEntryKey(prefix));
InstanceIdentifier<VrfEntry> vrfEntryId =;
if (writeConfigTxn != null) {
writeConfigTxn.delete(LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, vrfEntryId);
} else {
MDSALUtil.syncDelete(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, vrfEntryId);
}"removeFibEntry: Removed Fib Entry rd {} prefix {}", rd, prefix);