use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.rev150330.vrfentries.VrfEntry in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class VpnManagerImpl method addExtraRoute.
public void addExtraRoute(String vpnName, String destination, String nextHop, String rd, String routerID, Long l3vni, RouteOrigin origin, String intfName, Adjacency operationalAdj, VrfEntry.EncapType encapType, WriteTransaction writeConfigTxn) {
Boolean writeConfigTxnPresent = true;
if (writeConfigTxn == null) {
writeConfigTxnPresent = false;
writeConfigTxn = dataBroker.newWriteOnlyTransaction();
// add extra route to vpn mapping; advertise with nexthop as tunnel ip
VpnUtil.syncUpdate(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, VpnExtraRouteHelper.getVpnToExtrarouteVrfIdIdentifier(vpnName, rd != null ? rd : routerID, destination), VpnUtil.getVpnToExtraroute(destination, Collections.singletonList(nextHop)));
BigInteger dpnId = null;
if (intfName != null && !intfName.isEmpty()) {
dpnId = InterfaceUtils.getDpnForInterface(ifaceMgrRpcService, intfName);
String nextHopIp = InterfaceUtils.getEndpointIpAddressForDPN(dataBroker, dpnId);
if (nextHopIp == null || nextHopIp.isEmpty()) {
LOG.error("addExtraRoute: NextHop for interface {} is null / empty." + " Failed advertising extra route for rd {} prefix {} dpn {}", intfName, rd, destination, dpnId);
nextHop = nextHopIp;
String primaryRd = VpnUtil.getPrimaryRd(dataBroker, vpnName);
// TODO: This is a limitation to be stated in docs. When configuring static route to go to
// another VPN, there can only be one nexthop or, at least, the nexthop to the interVpnLink should be in
// first place.
Optional<InterVpnLinkDataComposite> optVpnLink = interVpnLinkCache.getInterVpnLinkByEndpoint(nextHop);
if (optVpnLink.isPresent() && optVpnLink.get().isActive()) {
InterVpnLinkDataComposite interVpnLink = optVpnLink.get();
// If the nexthop is the endpoint of Vpn2, then prefix must be advertised to Vpn1 in DC-GW, with nexthops
// pointing to the DPNs where Vpn1 is instantiated. LFIB in these DPNS must have a flow entry, with lower
// priority, where if Label matches then sets the lportTag of the Vpn2 endpoint and goes to LportDispatcher
// This is like leaking one of the Vpn2 routes towards Vpn1
String srcVpnUuid = interVpnLink.getVpnNameByIpAddress(nextHop);
String dstVpnUuid = interVpnLink.getOtherVpnNameByIpAddress(nextHop);
String dstVpnRd = VpnUtil.getVpnRd(dataBroker, dstVpnUuid);
long newLabel = VpnUtil.getUniqueId(idManager, VpnConstants.VPN_IDPOOL_NAME, VpnUtil.getNextHopLabelKey(dstVpnRd, destination));
if (newLabel == 0) {
LOG.error("addExtraRoute: Unable to fetch label from Id Manager. Bailing out of adding intervpnlink" + " route for destination {}", destination);
ivpnLinkService.leakRoute(interVpnLink, srcVpnUuid, dstVpnUuid, destination, newLabel, RouteOrigin.STATIC);
} else {
Optional<Routes> optVpnExtraRoutes = VpnExtraRouteHelper.getVpnExtraroutes(dataBroker, vpnName, rd != null ? rd : routerID, destination);
if (optVpnExtraRoutes.isPresent()) {
List<String> nhList = optVpnExtraRoutes.get().getNexthopIpList();
if (nhList != null && nhList.size() > 1) {
// If nhList is greater than one for vpnextraroute, a call to populatefib doesn't update vrfentry.
fibManager.refreshVrfEntry(primaryRd, destination);
} else {
L3vpnInput input = new L3vpnInput().setNextHop(operationalAdj).setNextHopIp(nextHop).setL3vni(l3vni).setPrimaryRd(primaryRd).setVpnName(vpnName).setDpnId(dpnId).setEncapType(encapType).setRd(rd).setRouteOrigin(origin);
L3vpnRegistry.getRegisteredPopulator(encapType).populateFib(input, writeConfigTxn);
if (!writeConfigTxnPresent) {
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.rev150330.vrfentries.VrfEntry in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class VpnUtil method getVrfEntriesByOrigin.
* Retrieves the VrfEntries that belong to a given VPN filtered out by
* Origin, searching by its Route-Distinguisher.
* @param broker dataBroker service reference
* @param rd Route-distinguisher of the VPN
* @param originsToConsider Only entries whose origin is included in this list will be considered
* @return the list of VrfEntries
public static List<VrfEntry> getVrfEntriesByOrigin(DataBroker broker, String rd, List<RouteOrigin> originsToConsider) {
List<VrfEntry> result = new ArrayList<>();
List<VrfEntry> allVpnVrfEntries = getAllVrfEntries(broker, rd);
for (VrfEntry vrfEntry : allVpnVrfEntries) {
if (originsToConsider.contains(RouteOrigin.value(vrfEntry.getOrigin()))) {
return result;
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.rev150330.vrfentries.VrfEntry in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class VpnUtil method getVrfEntry.
static VrfEntry getVrfEntry(DataBroker broker, String rd, String ipPrefix) {
VrfTables vrfTable = getVrfTable(broker, rd);
// TODO: why check VrfTables if we later go for the specific VrfEntry?
if (vrfTable != null) {
InstanceIdentifier<VrfEntry> vrfEntryId = InstanceIdentifier.builder(FibEntries.class).child(VrfTables.class, new VrfTablesKey(rd)).child(VrfEntry.class, new VrfEntryKey(ipPrefix)).build();
Optional<VrfEntry> vrfEntry = read(broker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, vrfEntryId);
if (vrfEntry.isPresent()) {
return vrfEntry.get();
return null;
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.rev150330.vrfentries.VrfEntry in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class VpnUtil method removeVrfEntriesByOrigin.
* Remove from MDSAL all those VrfEntries in a VPN that have an specific RouteOrigin.
* @param broker dataBroker service reference
* @param rd Route Distinguisher
* @param origin Origin of the Routes to be removed (see {@link RouteOrigin})
public static void removeVrfEntriesByOrigin(DataBroker broker, String rd, RouteOrigin origin) {
InstanceIdentifier<VrfTables> vpnVrfTableIid = InstanceIdentifier.builder(FibEntries.class).child(VrfTables.class, new VrfTablesKey(rd)).build();
Optional<VrfTables> vrfTablesOpc = read(broker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, vpnVrfTableIid);
if (vrfTablesOpc.isPresent()) {
VrfTables vrfTables = vrfTablesOpc.get();
WriteTransaction tx = broker.newWriteOnlyTransaction();
for (VrfEntry vrfEntry : vrfTables.getVrfEntry()) {
if (origin == RouteOrigin.value(vrfEntry.getOrigin())) {
tx.delete(LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, vpnVrfTableIid.child(VrfEntry.class, vrfEntry.getKey()));
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.rev150330.vrfentries.VrfEntry in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class IVpnLinkServiceImpl method leakRoutes.
private void leakRoutes(InterVpnLinkDataComposite vpnLink, String srcVpnUuid, String dstVpnUuid, List<RouteOrigin> originsToConsider) {
String srcVpnRd = VpnUtil.getVpnRd(dataBroker, srcVpnUuid);
String dstVpnRd = VpnUtil.getVpnRd(dataBroker, dstVpnUuid);
List<VrfEntry> srcVpnRemoteVrfEntries = VpnUtil.getVrfEntriesByOrigin(dataBroker, srcVpnRd, originsToConsider);
for (VrfEntry vrfEntry : srcVpnRemoteVrfEntries) {
long label = VpnUtil.getUniqueId(idManager, VpnConstants.VPN_IDPOOL_NAME, VpnUtil.getNextHopLabelKey(dstVpnRd, vrfEntry.getDestPrefix()));
if (label == VpnConstants.INVALID_LABEL) {
LOG.error("Unable to fetch label from Id Manager. Bailing out of leaking routes for InterVpnLink {} " + "rd {} prefix {}", vpnLink.getInterVpnLinkName(), dstVpnRd, vrfEntry.getDestPrefix());
leakRoute(vpnLink, srcVpnUuid, dstVpnUuid, vrfEntry.getDestPrefix(), label, null);