use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.bgp.linkstate.rev171207.linkstate.routes.linkstate.routes.LinkstateRoute in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class LinkstateRIBSupportTest method testPutRoutes.
public void testPutRoutes() {
RIB_SUPPORT.putRoutes(this.tx, getTablePath(), createNlriAdvertiseRoute(REACH_NLRI), createAttributes());
final LinkstateRoute route = (LinkstateRoute) this.insertedRoutes.get(0).getValue();
assertEquals(ROUTE, route);
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.bgp.linkstate.rev171207.linkstate.routes.linkstate.routes.LinkstateRoute in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class LinkstateTopologyBuilder method createLink.
private void createLink(final WriteTransaction trans, final UriBuilder base, final LinkstateRoute value, final LinkCase linkCase, final Attributes attributes) {
// defensive lookup
final LinkAttributes la;
final Attributes1 attr = attributes.getAugmentation(Attributes1.class);
if (attr != null) {
final LinkStateAttribute attrType = attr.getLinkStateAttribute();
if (attrType != null) {
la = ((LinkAttributesCase) attrType).getLinkAttributes();
} else {
LOG.debug("Missing attribute type in link {} route {}, skipping it", linkCase, value);
la = null;
} else {
LOG.debug("Missing attributes in link {} route {}, skipping it", linkCase, value);
la = null;
final IgpLinkAttributesBuilder ilab = new IgpLinkAttributesBuilder();
if (la != null) {
if (la.getMetric() != null) {
ProtocolUtil.augmentProtocolId(value, ilab, la, linkCase.getLinkDescriptors());
final LinkBuilder lb = new LinkBuilder();
lb.setLinkId(buildLinkId(base, linkCase));
lb.addAugmentation(Link1.class, new Link1Builder().setIgpLinkAttributes(;
final NodeId srcNode = buildNodeId(base, linkCase.getLocalNodeDescriptors());
LOG.trace("Link {} implies source node {}", linkCase, srcNode);
final NodeId dstNode = buildNodeId(base, linkCase.getRemoteNodeDescriptors());
LOG.trace("Link {} implies destination node {}", linkCase, dstNode);
final TerminationPoint srcTp = buildLocalTp(base, linkCase.getLinkDescriptors());
LOG.trace("Link {} implies source TP {}", linkCase, srcTp);
final TerminationPoint dstTp = buildRemoteTp(base, linkCase.getLinkDescriptors());
LOG.trace("Link {} implies destination TP {}", linkCase, dstTp);
lb.setSource(new SourceBuilder().setSourceNode(srcNode).setSourceTp(srcTp.getTpId()).build());
lb.setDestination(new DestinationBuilder().setDestNode(dstNode).setDestTp(dstTp.getTpId()).build());
LOG.trace("Created TP {} as link source", srcTp);
NodeHolder snh = this.nodes.get(srcNode);
if (snh == null) {
snh = getNode(srcNode);
snh.addTp(srcTp, lb.getLinkId(), false);
putNode(trans, snh);
} else {
snh.addTp(srcTp, lb.getLinkId(), false);
final InstanceIdentifier<Node> nid = getNodeInstanceIdentifier(new NodeKey(snh.getNodeId()));
trans.put(LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, nid.child(TerminationPoint.class, srcTp.getKey()), srcTp);
LOG.debug("Created TP {} as link destination", dstTp);
NodeHolder dnh = this.nodes.get(dstNode);
if (dnh == null) {
dnh = getNode(dstNode);
dnh.addTp(dstTp, lb.getLinkId(), true);
putNode(trans, dnh);
} else {
dnh.addTp(dstTp, lb.getLinkId(), true);
final InstanceIdentifier<Node> nid = getInstanceIdentifier().child(, new NodeKey(dnh.getNodeId()));
trans.put(LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, nid.child(TerminationPoint.class, dstTp.getKey()), dstTp);
final InstanceIdentifier<Link> lid = buildLinkIdentifier(lb.getLinkId());
final Link link =;
trans.put(LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, lid, link);
LOG.debug("Created link {} at {} for {}", link, lid, linkCase);
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.bgp.linkstate.rev171207.linkstate.routes.linkstate.routes.LinkstateRoute in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class LinkstateTopologyBuilder method createNode.
private void createNode(final WriteTransaction trans, final UriBuilder base, final LinkstateRoute value, final NodeCase nodeCase, final Attributes attributes) {
final NodeAttributes na;
// defensive lookup
final Attributes1 attr = attributes.getAugmentation(Attributes1.class);
if (attr != null) {
final LinkStateAttribute attrType = attr.getLinkStateAttribute();
if (attrType != null) {
na = ((NodeAttributesCase) attrType).getNodeAttributes();
} else {
LOG.debug("Missing attribute type in node {} route {}, skipping it", nodeCase, value);
na = null;
} else {
LOG.debug("Missing attributes in node {} route {}, skipping it", nodeCase, value);
na = null;
final IgpNodeAttributesBuilder inab = new IgpNodeAttributesBuilder();
final List<IpAddress> ids = new ArrayList<>();
if (na != null) {
if (na.getIpv4RouterId() != null) {
ids.add(new IpAddress(na.getIpv4RouterId()));
if (na.getIpv6RouterId() != null) {
ids.add(new IpAddress(na.getIpv6RouterId()));
if (na.getDynamicHostname() != null) {
inab.setName(new DomainName(na.getDynamicHostname()));
if (!ids.isEmpty()) {
ProtocolUtil.augmentProtocolId(value, inab, na, nodeCase.getNodeDescriptors());
final NodeId nid = buildNodeId(base, nodeCase.getNodeDescriptors());
final NodeHolder nh = getNode(nid);
* Eventhough the the holder creates a dummy structure, we need to duplicate it here,
* as that is the API requirement. The reason for it is the possible presence of supporting
* node -- something which the holder does not track.
final NodeBuilder nb = new NodeBuilder();
nb.setKey(new NodeKey(nb.getNodeId()));
nh.advertized(nb, inab);
putNode(trans, nh);
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.bgp.linkstate.rev171207.linkstate.routes.linkstate.routes.LinkstateRoute in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class LinkstateTopologyBuilder method createPrefix.
private void createPrefix(final WriteTransaction trans, final UriBuilder base, final LinkstateRoute value, final PrefixCase prefixCase, final Attributes attributes) {
final IpPrefix ippfx = prefixCase.getPrefixDescriptors().getIpReachabilityInformation();
if (ippfx == null) {
LOG.warn("IP reachability not present in prefix {} route {}, skipping it", prefixCase, value);
final PrefixBuilder pb = new PrefixBuilder();
final PrefixKey pk = new PrefixKey(ippfx);
final PrefixAttributes pa;
// Very defensive lookup
final Attributes1 attr = attributes.getAugmentation(Attributes1.class);
if (attr != null) {
final LinkStateAttribute attrType = attr.getLinkStateAttribute();
if (attrType != null) {
pa = ((PrefixAttributesCase) attrType).getPrefixAttributes();
} else {
LOG.debug("Missing attribute type in IP {} prefix {} route {}, skipping it", ippfx, prefixCase, value);
pa = null;
} else {
LOG.debug("Missing attributes in IP {} prefix {} route {}, skipping it", ippfx, prefixCase, value);
pa = null;
if (pa != null) {
ProtocolUtil.augmentProtocolId(value, pa, pb);
final Prefix pfx =;
LOG.debug("Created prefix {} for {}", pfx, prefixCase);
* All set, but... the hosting node may not exist, we may need to fake it.
final NodeId node = buildNodeId(base, prefixCase.getAdvertisingNodeDescriptors());
NodeHolder nh = this.nodes.get(node);
if (nh == null) {
nh = getNode(node);
putNode(trans, nh);
} else {
final InstanceIdentifier<Node> nid = getNodeInstanceIdentifier(new NodeKey(nh.getNodeId()));
final InstanceIdentifier<IgpNodeAttributes> inaId = nid.builder().augmentation(Node1.class).child(IgpNodeAttributes.class).build();
trans.put(LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, inaId.child(Prefix.class, pk), pfx);
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.bgp.linkstate.rev171207.linkstate.routes.linkstate.routes.LinkstateRoute in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class LinkstateTopologyBuilder method removeObject.
protected void removeObject(final ReadWriteTransaction trans, final InstanceIdentifier<LinkstateRoute> id, final LinkstateRoute value) {
if (value == null) {
LOG.error("Empty before-data received in delete data change notification for instance id {}", id);
final UriBuilder base = new UriBuilder(value);
final ObjectType t = value.getObjectType();
if (t instanceof LinkCase) {
removeLink(trans, base, (LinkCase) t);
} else if (t instanceof NodeCase) {
removeNode(trans, base, (NodeCase) t);
} else if (t instanceof PrefixCase) {
removePrefix(trans, base, (PrefixCase) t);
} else {
LOG.debug(UNHANDLED_OBJECT_CLASS, t.getImplementedInterface());