use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.bgp.linkstate.rev200120.Ipv4InterfaceIdentifier in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class LinkNlriParser method parseLinkDescriptor.
private static LinkDescriptors parseLinkDescriptor(final ByteBuf buffer) {
final Map<QName, Object> tlvs = SimpleNlriTypeRegistry.getInstance().parseSubTlvs(buffer);
final LinkDescriptorsBuilder builder = new LinkDescriptorsBuilder();
final LinkLrIdentifiers linkIdentifiers = (LinkLrIdentifiers) tlvs.get(LinkLrIdentifiers.QNAME);
if (linkIdentifiers != null) {
builder.setIpv4InterfaceAddress((Ipv4InterfaceIdentifier) tlvs.get(Ipv4InterfaceTlvParser.IPV4_IFACE_ADDRESS_QNAME));
builder.setIpv4NeighborAddress((Ipv4InterfaceIdentifier) tlvs.get(Ipv4NeighborTlvParser.IPV4_NEIGHBOR_ADDRESS_QNAME));
builder.setIpv6InterfaceAddress((Ipv6InterfaceIdentifier) tlvs.get(Ipv6InterfaceTlvParser.IPV6_IFACE_ADDRESS_QNAME));
builder.setIpv6NeighborAddress((Ipv6InterfaceIdentifier) tlvs.get(Ipv6NeighborTlvParser.IPV6_NEIGHBOR_ADDRESS_QNAME));
builder.setMultiTopologyId((TopologyIdentifier) tlvs.get(MultiTopoIdTlvParser.MULTI_TOPOLOGY_ID_QNAME));
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.bgp.linkstate.rev200120.Ipv4InterfaceIdentifier in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class LinkNlriParser method serializeLinkDescriptors.
static LinkDescriptors serializeLinkDescriptors(final ContainerNode descriptors) {
final LinkDescriptorsBuilder linkDescBuilder = new LinkDescriptorsBuilder();
if (descriptors.childByArg(LINK_LOCAL_NID) != null && descriptors.childByArg(LINK_REMOTE_NID) != null) {
linkDescBuilder.setLinkLocalIdentifier((Uint32) descriptors.findChildByArg(LINK_LOCAL_NID).get().body());
linkDescBuilder.setLinkRemoteIdentifier((Uint32) descriptors.findChildByArg(LINK_REMOTE_NID).get().body());
ifPresentApply(descriptors, IPV4_IFACE_NID, value -> linkDescBuilder.setIpv4InterfaceAddress(new Ipv4InterfaceIdentifier((String) value)));
ifPresentApply(descriptors, IPV6_IFACE_NID, value -> linkDescBuilder.setIpv6InterfaceAddress(new Ipv6InterfaceIdentifier((String) value)));
ifPresentApply(descriptors, IPV4_NEIGHBOR_NID, value -> linkDescBuilder.setIpv4NeighborAddress(new Ipv4InterfaceIdentifier((String) value)));
ifPresentApply(descriptors, IPV6_NEIGHBOR_NID, value -> linkDescBuilder.setIpv6NeighborAddress(new Ipv6InterfaceIdentifier((String) value)));
ifPresentApply(descriptors, TlvUtil.MULTI_TOPOLOGY_NID, value -> linkDescBuilder.setMultiTopologyId(new TopologyIdentifier((Uint16) value)));
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.bgp.linkstate.rev200120.Ipv4InterfaceIdentifier in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class ParserTest method testBGPLink.
* Tests BGP Link Ipv4
* 00 00 <- withdrawn routes length
* 01 48 <- total path attribute length (328)
* 90 <- attribute flags
0e <- attribute type code (MP reach)
01 2c <- attribute extended length (300)
40 04 <- AFI (16388 - Linkstate)
47 <- SAFI (71 - Linkstate)
04 <- next hop length
19 19 19 01 <- nexthop (
00 <- reserved
00 02 <- NLRI type (2 - linkNLRI)
00 5d <- NLRI length (93)
03 <- ProtocolID - OSPF
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 <- identifier
01 00 <- local node descriptor type (256)
00 24 <- length (36)
02 00 <- node descriptor type (member AS - 512)
00 04 <- length
00 00 00 64 <- value (100)
02 01 <- node descriptor type (bgpId - 513)
00 04 <- length
19 19 19 01 <- bgpId (
02 02 <- node descriptor type (areaId - 514)
00 04 <- length
00 00 00 00 <- value
02 03 <- node descriptor type (routeId - 515)
00 08 <- length
03 03 03 04 0b 0b 0b 03 <- OSPF Router Id
01 01 <- remote node descriptor type (257)
00 20 <- length (32)
02 00 <- node descriptor type (member AS - 512)
00 04 <- length
00 00 00 64 <- value (100)
02 01 <- node descriptor type (bgpId - 513)
00 04 <- length
19 19 19 01 <- bgpId (
02 02 <- node descriptor type (areaId - 514)
00 04 <- length
00 00 00 00 <- value
02 03 <- node descriptor type (routeId - 515)
00 04 <- length
03 03 03 04 <- OSPF Router Id
01 03 <- link descriptor type (IPv4 interface address - 259)
00 04 <- length (4)
0b 0b 0b 03 <- value (
00 02 <- NLRI type (2 - linkNLRI)
00 5d <- NLRI length (93)
03 <- ProtocolID - OSPF
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 <- identifier
01 00 <- local node descriptor type (256)
00 24 <- length (36)
02 00 <- node descriptor type (member AS - 512)
00 04 <- length
00 00 00 64 <- value (100)
02 01 <- node descriptor type (bgpId - 513)
00 04 <- length
19 19 19 01 <- bgpId (
02 02 <- node descriptor type (areaId - 514)
00 04 <- length
00 00 00 00 <- value
02 03 <- node descriptor type (routeId - 515)
00 08 <- length
03 03 03 04 0b 0b 0b 03 <- OSPF Router Id
01 01 <- remote node descriptor type (257)
00 20 <- length (32)
02 00 <- node descriptor type (member AS - 512)
00 04 <- length
00 00 00 64 <- value (100)
02 01 <- node descriptor type (bgpId - 513)
00 04 <- length
19 19 19 01 <- bgpId (
02 02 <- node descriptor type (areaId - 514)
00 04 <- length
00 00 00 00 <- value
02 03 <- node descriptor type (routeId - 515)
00 04 <- length
01 01 01 02 <- OSPF Router Id
01 03 <- link descriptor type (IPv4 interface address - 259)
00 04 <- length
0b 0b 0b 01 <- value (
00 02 <- NLRI type (2 - linkNLRI)
00 5d <- NLRI length (93)
03 <- ProtocolID - OSPF
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 <- identifier
01 00 <- local node descriptor type (256)
00 20 <- length (32)
02 00 <- node descriptor type (member AS - 512)
00 04 <- length
00 00 00 64 <- value (100)
02 01 <- node descriptor type (bgpId - 513)
00 04 <- length
19 19 19 01 <- bgpId (
02 02 <- node descriptor type (areaId - 514)
00 04 <- length
00 00 00 00 <- value
02 03 <- node descriptor type (routeId - 515)
00 04 <- length
01 01 01 02 <- OSPF Router Id
01 01 <- remote node descriptor type (257)
00 24 <- length (36)
02 00 <- node descriptor type (member AS - 512)
00 04 <- length
00 00 00 64 <- value (100)
02 01 <- node descriptor type (bgpId - 513)
00 04 <- length
19 19 19 01 <- bgpId (
02 02 <- node descriptor type (areaId - 514)
00 04 <- length
00 00 00 00 <- value
02 03 <- node descriptor type (routeId - 515)
00 08 <- length
03 03 03 04 0b 0b 0b 03 <- OSPF Router Id
01 03 <- link descriptor type (IPv4 interface address - 259)
00 04 <- length
0b 0b 0b 01 <- value (
40 <- attribute flags
01 <- attribute type (Origin)
01 <- attribute length
00 <- value (IGP)
40 <- attribute flags
02 <- attribute type (AS Path)
00 <- length
40 <- attribute flags
05 <- attribute type (local pref)
04 <- length
00 00 00 64 <- value
c0 <- attribute flags
1D <- attribute type (Link STATE - 29)
07 <- length
04 47 <- link attribute (1095 - Metric)
00 03 <- length
00 00 01 <- value
public void testBGPLink() throws Exception {
final byte[] body = ByteArray.cutBytes(INPUT_BYTES.get(1), MessageUtil.COMMON_HEADER_LENGTH);
final int messageLength = ByteArray.bytesToInt(ByteArray.subByte(INPUT_BYTES.get(1), MessageUtil.MARKER_LENGTH, LENGTH_FIELD_LENGTH));
final Update message = ParserTest.updateParser.parseMessageBody(Unpooled.copiedBuffer(body), messageLength, null);
final UpdateBuilder builder = new UpdateBuilder();
// check fields
final Ipv4NextHopCase nextHop = new Ipv4NextHopCaseBuilder().setIpv4NextHop(new Ipv4NextHopBuilder().setGlobal(new Ipv4AddressNoZone("")).build()).build();
final LocalNodeDescriptorsBuilder ndBuilder = new LocalNodeDescriptorsBuilder().setAsNumber(new AsNumber(Uint32.valueOf(100))).setDomainId(new DomainIdentifier(Uint32.valueOf(0x19191901L))).setAreaId(new AreaIdentifier(Uint32.ZERO));
final RemoteNodeDescriptorsBuilder rdBuilder = new RemoteNodeDescriptorsBuilder().setAsNumber(new AsNumber(Uint32.valueOf(100))).setDomainId(new DomainIdentifier(Uint32.valueOf(0x19191901L))).setAreaId(new AreaIdentifier(Uint32.ZERO));
final CLinkstateDestinationBuilder clBuilder = new CLinkstateDestinationBuilder();
clBuilder.setIdentifier(new Identifier(Uint64.ONE));
final AttributesReachBuilder lsBuilder = new AttributesReachBuilder();
final MpReachNlriBuilder mpBuilder = new MpReachNlriBuilder();
final List<CLinkstateDestination> linkstates = new ArrayList<>();
final LinkCaseBuilder lCase = new LinkCaseBuilder().setLocalNodeDescriptors(ndBuilder.setCRouterIdentifier(new OspfPseudonodeCaseBuilder().setOspfPseudonode(new OspfPseudonodeBuilder().setOspfRouterId(Uint32.valueOf(0x03030304L)).setLanInterface(new OspfInterfaceIdentifier(Uint32.valueOf(0x0b0b0b03L))).build()).build()).build());
lCase.setRemoteNodeDescriptors(rdBuilder.setCRouterIdentifier(new OspfNodeCaseBuilder().setOspfNode(new OspfNodeBuilder().setOspfRouterId(Uint32.valueOf(0x03030304L)).build()).build()).build());
lCase.setLinkDescriptors(new LinkDescriptorsBuilder().setIpv4InterfaceAddress(new Ipv4InterfaceIdentifier(new Ipv4AddressNoZone(""))).build());
lCase.setRemoteNodeDescriptors(rdBuilder.setCRouterIdentifier(new OspfNodeCaseBuilder().setOspfNode(new OspfNodeBuilder().setOspfRouterId(Uint32.valueOf(0x01010102L)).build()).build()).build());
lCase.setLinkDescriptors(new LinkDescriptorsBuilder().setIpv4InterfaceAddress(new Ipv4InterfaceIdentifier(new Ipv4AddressNoZone(""))).build());
lCase.setLocalNodeDescriptors(ndBuilder.setCRouterIdentifier(new OspfNodeCaseBuilder().setOspfNode(new OspfNodeBuilder().setOspfRouterId(Uint32.valueOf(0x01010102L)).build()).build()).build());
lCase.setRemoteNodeDescriptors(rdBuilder.setCRouterIdentifier(new OspfPseudonodeCaseBuilder().setOspfPseudonode(new OspfPseudonodeBuilder().setOspfRouterId(Uint32.valueOf(0x03030304L)).setLanInterface(new OspfInterfaceIdentifier(Uint32.valueOf(0x0b0b0b03L))).build()).build()).build());
// check path attributes
final Attributes attrs = message.getAttributes();
final AttributesBuilder paBuilder = new AttributesBuilder();
paBuilder.setOrigin(new OriginBuilder().setValue(BgpOrigin.Igp).build());
assertEquals(paBuilder.getOrigin(), attrs.getOrigin());
paBuilder.setAsPath(new AsPathBuilder().setSegments(Collections.emptyList()).build());
assertEquals(paBuilder.getAsPath(), attrs.getAsPath());
paBuilder.setLocalPref(new LocalPrefBuilder().setPref(Uint32.valueOf(100)).build());
assertEquals(paBuilder.getLocalPref(), attrs.getLocalPref());
final MpReachNlri mp = attrs.augmentation(AttributesReach.class).getMpReachNlri();
assertEquals(mpBuilder.getAfi(), mp.getAfi());
assertEquals(mpBuilder.getSafi(), mp.getSafi());
assertEquals(mpBuilder.getCNextHop(), mp.getCNextHop());
final DestinationLinkstateBuilder dBuilder = new DestinationLinkstateBuilder();
mpBuilder.setAdvertizedRoutes(new AdvertizedRoutesBuilder().setDestinationType(new DestinationLinkstateCaseBuilder().setDestinationLinkstate(;
final org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.bgp.linkstate.rev200120.Attributes1Builder lsAttrBuilder = new org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.bgp.linkstate.rev200120.Attributes1Builder();
lsAttrBuilder.setLinkStateAttribute(new LinkAttributesCaseBuilder().setLinkAttributes(new LinkAttributesBuilder().setMetric(new Metric(Uint32.ONE)).build()).build());
assertEquals(, attrs.augmentation(org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.bgp.linkstate.rev200120.Attributes1.class));
final List<CLinkstateDestination> dests = ((DestinationLinkstateCase) mp.getAdvertizedRoutes().getDestinationType()).getDestinationLinkstate().getCLinkstateDestination();
assertEquals(linkstates.size(), dests.size());
assertEquals(linkstates, dests);
// check API message
assertEquals(, message);
final ByteBuf buffer = Unpooled.buffer();
ParserTest.updateParser.serializeMessage(message, buffer);
assertArrayEquals(INPUT_BYTES.get(1), ByteArray.readAllBytes(buffer));
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.bgp.linkstate.rev200120.Ipv4InterfaceIdentifier in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class UriBuilderTest method test.
public void test() {
final LinkstateRouteBuilder routeB = new LinkstateRouteBuilder().setProtocolId(ProtocolId.Direct).setIdentifier(new Identifier(Uint64.TEN)).setPathId(new PathId(Uint32.ZERO)).setRouteKey("key");
final UriBuilder a = new UriBuilder(;
assertEquals("bgpls://Direct:10/", a.toString());
final UriBuilder b = new UriBuilder(;
assertEquals("bgpls://", b.toString());
final UriBuilder c = new UriBuilder(b, "foo");
assertEquals("bgpls://", c.toString());
a.add("foo", 25L);
assertEquals("bgpls://Direct:10/&foo=25", a.toString());
final LinkCaseBuilder linkB = new LinkCaseBuilder();
linkB.setLinkDescriptors(new LinkDescriptorsBuilder().setIpv4InterfaceAddress(new Ipv4InterfaceIdentifier("")).setIpv4NeighborAddress(new Ipv4InterfaceIdentifier("")).setMultiTopologyId(new TopologyIdentifier(Uint16.valueOf(55))).setLinkLocalIdentifier(Uint32.ONE).setLinkRemoteIdentifier(Uint32.TWO).build());
final LocalNodeDescriptorsBuilder nodeB = new LocalNodeDescriptorsBuilder();
nodeB.setAsNumber(new AsNumber(Uint32.valueOf(12))).setDomainId(new DomainIdentifier(Uint32.valueOf(15))).setAreaId(new AreaIdentifier(Uint32.valueOf(17)));
nodeB.setCRouterIdentifier(new OspfNodeCaseBuilder().setOspfNode(new OspfNodeBuilder().setOspfRouterId(Uint32.valueOf(22)).build()).build());
final RemoteNodeDescriptorsBuilder nodeR = new RemoteNodeDescriptorsBuilder();
nodeR.setCRouterIdentifier(new IsisPseudonodeCaseBuilder().setIsisPseudonode(new IsisPseudonodeBuilder().setIsIsRouterIdentifier(new IsIsRouterIdentifierBuilder().setIsoSystemId(new IsoSystemIdentifier(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 })).build()).setPsn(Uint8.TWO).build()).build());
assertEquals("bgpls://" + "local-router=22&remote-router=0102.0304.0506.02&ipv4-iface=" + "t=55&local-id=1&remote-id=2", c.toString());