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Example 1 with ConstrainedPathBuilder

use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.path.computation.rev200120.ConstrainedPathBuilder in project bgpcep by opendaylight.

the class ConstrainedShortestPathFirst method computeP2pPath.

public ConstrainedPath computeP2pPath(final VertexKey src, final VertexKey dst, final PathConstraints cts) {"Start CSPF Path Computation from {} to {} with constraints {}", src, dst, cts);
    /* Initialize algorithm */
    this.constraints = cts;
    ConstrainedPathBuilder cpathBuilder = initializePathComputation(src, dst);
    if (cpathBuilder.getStatus() == ComputationStatus.Failed) {
    /* Process all Connected Vertex until priority queue becomes empty. Connected Vertices are added into the
         * priority queue when processing the next Connected Vertex: see relaxMC() method */
    int currentCost = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    while (priorityQueue.size() != 0) {
        CspfPath currentPath = priorityQueue.poll();
        visitedVertices.put(currentPath.getVertexKey(), currentPath);
        LOG.debug("Got path to Vertex {} from Priority Queue", currentPath.getVertex());
        List<ConnectedEdge> edges = currentPath.getVertex().getOutputConnectedEdges();
        for (ConnectedEdge edge : edges) {
            /* Skip Connected Edges that must be prune i.e. Edges that not satisfy the given constraints,
                 * in particular the Bandwidth, TE Metric and Delay. */
            if (pruneEdge(edge, currentPath)) {
                LOG.trace("  Prune Edge {}", edge);
            if (relaxMultiConstraints(edge, currentPath) && pathDestination.getCost() < currentCost) {
                currentCost = pathDestination.getCost();
                LOG.debug("  Found a valid path up to destination {}", cpathBuilder.getPathDescription());
    /* The priority queue is empty => all the possible (vertex, path) elements have been explored
         * The "ConstrainedPathBuilder" object contains the optimal path if it exists
         * Otherwise an empty path with status failed is returned
    if (cpathBuilder.getStatus() == ComputationStatus.InProgress || cpathBuilder.getPathDescription().size() == 0) {
    } else {
Also used : ConstrainedPathBuilder(org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.path.computation.rev200120.ConstrainedPathBuilder) ConnectedEdge(org.opendaylight.graph.ConnectedEdge)

Example 2 with ConstrainedPathBuilder

use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.path.computation.rev200120.ConstrainedPathBuilder in project bgpcep by opendaylight.

the class Samcra method computeP2pPath.

/* Samcra Algo:
     * To limit the modification outside the Samcra method the same set of parameters as
     * the CSPF method is used (related to pseudo code, the path length is computed inside
     * the method based on the individual constraint parameters).
     * On contrast to a simple CSPF algo, with Samcra a connected vertex might be associated to several
     * metric vectors from which different path lengths are computed. However a connected vertex is only
     * present once in the priority queue, associated to the minimal path weight, which is used as key
     * to address the priority queue.
     * For a given metric the path weight is an integer value computed as the entire part of
     * the quantity:
     *      100 * (vector_path_metric/target_metric)
     * The path weight correspond to the maximum length computed from either the delay or TE metric.
     * To maintain the priority queue behavior unchanged, a "SamcraPath" classes is created to manage
     * the set of possible paths associated to a given vertex (see above).
public ConstrainedPath computeP2pPath(final VertexKey src, final VertexKey dst, final PathConstraints cts) {
    ConstrainedPathBuilder cpathBuilder;
    List<ConnectedEdge> edges;
    CspfPath currentPath;"Start SAMCRA Path Computation from {} to {} with constraints {}", src, dst, cts);
    /* Initialize SAMCRA variables */
    this.constraints = cts;
    cpathBuilder = initializePathComputation(src, dst);
    if (cpathBuilder.getStatus() == ComputationStatus.Failed) {
    samcraPaths.put(pathSource.getVertexKey(), new SamcraPath(pathSource.getVertex()));
    samcraPaths.put(pathDestination.getVertexKey(), new SamcraPath(pathDestination.getVertex()));
    /* Exploration of the priority queue:
         * Each connected vertex is represented only once in the priority queue associated to the path
         * with the minimal length (other path are stored in the SamcraPath object).
         * The top of the queue, i.e. the element with the minimal key( path weight), is processed at each loop
    while (priorityQueue.size() != 0) {
        currentPath = priorityQueue.poll();
        LOG.debug(" - Process path up to Vertex {} from Priority Queue", currentPath.getVertex());
        /* Prepare Samcra Path from current CSP Path except for the source */
        if (!currentPath.equals(pathSource)) {
            SamcraPath currentSamcraPath = samcraPaths.get(currentPath.getVertexKey());
            CspfPath currentCspfPath = currentSamcraPath.getCurrentPath();
            float queuePathLength = currentCspfPath.getPathLength();
            LOG.trace(" - Priority Queue output SamcraPaths {} CurrentPath {} with PathLength {}", currentSamcraPath.currentPath, currentCspfPath, queuePathLength);
        edges = currentPath.getVertex().getOutputConnectedEdges();
        float currentPathLength = 1.0F;
        for (ConnectedEdge edge : edges) {
            /* Connected Vertex's edges processing:
                 * Prune the connected edges that do not satisfy the constraints (Bandwidth, TE Metric, Delay, Loss)
                 * For each remaining edge process the path to the remote vertex using the "relaxSamcra" procedure
                 * If the return path length is positive, the destination is reached and the
                 * obtained route satisfies the requested constraints.
                 * The path length is checked to record only the optimal route (i.e. the route with
                 * the minimal path length) info obtained from the destination vertex
            if (pruneEdge(edge, currentPath)) {
                LOG.trace(" - Prune Edge {}", edge);
            float pathLength = relaxSamcra(edge, currentPath, pathSource);
            /* Check if we found a valid and better path */
            if (pathLength > 0F && pathLength <= currentPathLength) {
                final SamcraPath finalPath = samcraPaths.get(pathDestination.getVertexKey());
                cpathBuilder.setPathDescription(getPathDescription(finalPath.getCurrentPath().getPath())).setMetric(Uint32.valueOf(finalPath.getCurrentPath().getCost())).setDelay(new Delay(Uint32.valueOf(finalPath.getCurrentPath().getDelay()))).setStatus(ComputationStatus.Active);
                LOG.debug(" - Path to destination found and registered {}", cpathBuilder.getPathDescription());
                currentPathLength = pathLength;
        /* The connected vertex that has been removed from the priority queue may have to be re-inserted with
             * the minimal length non-dominated path associated to the connected vertex if it exists (to be done
             * except for the source). Otherwise, the current path associated to the connected vertex is reset to
             * null to allow the connected vertex addition to the priority queue later on with a new path
             * (refer to "relaxSamcra" for addition of a connected vertex to the priority queue).
        float previousLength = 1.0F;
        CspfPath selectedPath = null;
        if (!currentPath.equals(pathSource)) {
            LOG.debug(" - Processing current path {} up to {} from Priority Queue", currentPath, currentPath.getVertex());
            SamcraPath currentSamcraPath = samcraPaths.get(currentPath.getVertexKey());
                 * The list of paths associated to the connected vertex is retrieved
                 * The path used to represent the connected vertex in the Priority Queue is marked from "selected"
                 * to "processed". The list of paths is analyzed to check if other "active" path(s) exist(s).
                 * If it is the case the shortest length is used to re-inject the connected vertex in the Priority Queue
            for (CspfPath testedPath : currentSamcraPath.getPathList()) {
                LOG.debug(" - Testing path {} with status {} ", testedPath, testedPath.getPathStatus());
                if (testedPath.getPathStatus() == CspfPath.SELECTED) {
                } else if (testedPath.getPathStatus() == CspfPath.ACTIVE && testedPath.getPathLength() < previousLength) {
                    selectedPath = testedPath;
                    previousLength = testedPath.getPathLength();
            /* If a path is found it is marked as "selected", used as "current path" for the connected vertex
                 * and added to the priority queue
            if (selectedPath != null) {
                LOG.debug(" - Add path {} to Priority Queue. New path count {} ", selectedPath, currentSamcraPath.getPathCount());
            } else {
    /* The priority queue is empty => all the possible (vertex, path) elements have been explored
         * The "ConstrainedPathBuilder" object contains the optimal path if it exists
         * Otherwise an empty path with status failed is returned
    if (cpathBuilder.getStatus() == ComputationStatus.InProgress || cpathBuilder.getPathDescription().size() == 0) {
    } else {
Also used : ConstrainedPathBuilder(org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.path.computation.rev200120.ConstrainedPathBuilder) ConnectedEdge(org.opendaylight.graph.ConnectedEdge) Delay(org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.graph.rev191125.Delay)

Example 3 with ConstrainedPathBuilder

use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.path.computation.rev200120.ConstrainedPathBuilder in project bgpcep by opendaylight.

the class AbstractPathComputation method initializePathComputation.

 * Initialize the various parameters for Path Computation, in particular the
 * Source and Destination CspfPath.
 * @param src
 *            Source Vertex Identifier in the Connected Graph
 * @param dst
 *            Destination Vertex Identifier in the Connected Graph
 * @return Constrained Path Builder with status set to 'OnGoing' if
 *         initialization success, 'Failed' otherwise
protected ConstrainedPathBuilder initializePathComputation(final VertexKey src, final VertexKey dst) {
    ConstrainedPathBuilder cpathBuilder = new ConstrainedPathBuilder().setStatus(ComputationStatus.InProgress);
    /* Check that source and destination vertexKey are not identical */
    if (src.equals(dst)) {
        LOG.warn("Source and Destination are equal: Abort!");
        return cpathBuilder;
         * Get the Connected Vertex from the Graph to initialize the source of
         * the Cspf Path
    ConnectedVertex vertex = graph.getConnectedVertex(src.getVertexId().longValue());
    if (vertex == null) {
        LOG.warn("Found no source for Vertex Key {}", src);
        return cpathBuilder;
    LOG.debug("Create Path Source with Vertex {}", vertex);
    pathSource = new CspfPath(vertex).setCost(0).setDelay(0);
         * Get the Connected Vertex from the Graph to initialize the destination
         * of the Cspf Path
    vertex = graph.getConnectedVertex(dst.getVertexId().longValue());
    if (vertex == null) {
        LOG.warn("Found no destination for Vertex Key {}", src);
        return cpathBuilder;
    LOG.debug("Create Path Destination with Vertex {}", vertex);
    pathDestination = new CspfPath(vertex);
    /* Initialize the Priority Queue, HashMap */
    processedPath.put(pathSource.getVertexKey(), pathSource);
    processedPath.put(pathDestination.getVertexKey(), pathDestination);
    return cpathBuilder;
Also used : ConstrainedPathBuilder(org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.path.computation.rev200120.ConstrainedPathBuilder) ConnectedVertex(org.opendaylight.graph.ConnectedVertex)

Example 4 with ConstrainedPathBuilder

use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.path.computation.rev200120.ConstrainedPathBuilder in project bgpcep by opendaylight.

the class ShortestPathFirst method computeP2pPath.

public ConstrainedPath computeP2pPath(final VertexKey src, final VertexKey dst, final PathConstraints cts) {
    ConstrainedPathBuilder cpathBuilder;
    List<ConnectedEdge> edges;
    CspfPath currentPath;
    int currentCost = Integer.MAX_VALUE;"Start SPF Path Computation from {} to {} with constraints {}", src, dst, cts);
    /* Initialize algorithm */
    this.constraints = cts;
    cpathBuilder = initializePathComputation(src, dst);
    if (cpathBuilder.getStatus() == ComputationStatus.Failed) {
        LOG.warn("Initial configurations are not met. Abort!");
    while (priorityQueue.size() != 0) {
        currentPath = priorityQueue.poll();
        visitedVertices.put(currentPath.getVertexKey(), currentPath);
        LOG.debug("Process path to Vertex {} from Priority Queue", currentPath.getVertex());
        edges = currentPath.getVertex().getOutputConnectedEdges();
        for (ConnectedEdge edge : edges) {
            /* Check that Edge point to a valid Vertex and is suitable for the Constraint Address Family */
            if (pruneEdge(edge, currentPath)) {
                LOG.trace("  Prune Edge {}", edge);
            if (relax(edge, currentPath) && pathDestination.getCost() < currentCost) {
                currentCost = pathDestination.getCost();
                LOG.debug("  Found a valid path up to destination {}", cpathBuilder.getPathDescription());
    /* The priority queue is empty => all the possible (vertex, path) elements have been explored
         * The "ConstrainedPathBuilder" object contains the optimal path if it exists
         * Otherwise an empty path with status failed is returned
    if (cpathBuilder.getStatus() == ComputationStatus.InProgress || cpathBuilder.getPathDescription().size() == 0) {
    } else {
Also used : ConstrainedPathBuilder(org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.path.computation.rev200120.ConstrainedPathBuilder) ConnectedEdge(org.opendaylight.graph.ConnectedEdge)


ConstrainedPathBuilder (org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.path.computation.rev200120.ConstrainedPathBuilder)4 ConnectedEdge (org.opendaylight.graph.ConnectedEdge)3 ConnectedVertex (org.opendaylight.graph.ConnectedVertex)1 Delay (org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.graph.rev191125.Delay)1