use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.pcep.ietf.stateful.rev171025.pcrpt.message.pcrpt.message.reports.Path in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class NeutronTrunkChangeListener method deleteSubPortInterface.
private void deleteSubPortInterface(SubPorts subPort) {
String portName = subPort.getPortId().getValue();
InstanceIdentifier<Interface> interfaceIdentifier = NeutronvpnUtils.buildVlanInterfaceIdentifier(subPort.getPortId().getValue());
jobCoordinator.enqueueJob("PORT- " + portName, () -> {
Interface iface = ifMgr.getInterfaceInfoFromConfigDataStore(portName);
List<ListenableFuture<Void>> futures = new ArrayList<>();
if (iface == null) {
LOG.warn("Interface not present for SubPort {}", subPort);
return futures;
* We'll reset interface back to way it was? Can IFM handle parentRef delete?
InterfaceBuilder interfaceBuilder = new InterfaceBuilder(iface);
// Reset augmentations
IfL2vlan ifL2vlan = new IfL2vlanBuilder().setL2vlanMode(IfL2vlan.L2vlanMode.Trunk).build();
interfaceBuilder.addAugmentation(IfL2vlan.class, ifL2vlan);
iface =;
* There is no means to do an update to remove elements from a node.
* Our solution is to get existing iface, remove parentRef and VlanId,
* and do a put to replace existing entry. This works out better as put
* has better performance than merge.
* Only drawback is any in-flight changes might be lost, but that is a corner case
* and this being subport delete path, don't expect any significant changes to
* corresponding Neutron Port. Deletion of NeutronPort should follow soon enough.
WriteTransaction txn = dataBroker.newWriteOnlyTransaction();
txn.put(LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, interfaceIdentifier, iface);
LOG.trace("Resetting trunk member interface {}", iface);
return futures;
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.pcep.ietf.stateful.rev171025.pcrpt.message.pcrpt.message.reports.Path in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class NeutronFloatingToFixedIpMappingChangeListener method remove.
protected void remove(InstanceIdentifier<Floatingip> identifier, Floatingip input) {
LOG.trace("Neutron Floating IP deleted : key: {}, value={}", identifier, input);
IpAddress fixedIp = input.getFixedIpAddress();
if (fixedIp != null) {
// update FloatingIpPortInfo to set isFloatingIpDeleted as true to enable deletion of FloatingIpPortInfo
// map once it is used for processing in the NAT removal path
updateFloatingIpPortInfo(input.getUuid(), input.getPortId());
clearFromFloatingIpInfo(input.getRouterId().getValue(), input.getPortId().getValue(), fixedIp.getIpv4Address().getValue());
} else {
// delete FloatingIpPortInfo mapping since floating IP is deleted and no fixed IP is associated to it
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.pcep.ietf.stateful.rev171025.pcrpt.message.pcrpt.message.reports.Path in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class OpenflowRenderer method renderPath.
// FindBugs reports "Useless object stored in variable flows" however it doesn't recognize the usage of forEach.
public void renderPath(NodeId nodeId, Long nsp, short nsi, short nsl, String firstHopIp) {
List<Flow> flows = new ArrayList<>();
if (firstHopIp != null) {
Long port = geniusProvider.getEgressVxlanPortForNode(OpenFlow13Provider.getDpnIdFromNodeId(nodeId)).orElse(null);
if (port == null) {
LOG.error("OpenflowRenderer: cant get egressPort for nodeId [{}]", nodeId.getValue());
Flow flow;
flow = openFlow13Provider.createEgressClassifierTransportEgressRemoteFlow(nodeId, nsp, port, firstHopIp);
} else {
Flow flow;
flow = openFlow13Provider.createEgressClassifierTransportEgressLocalFlow(nodeId, nsp);
short egressNsi = (short) (nsi - nsl);
flows.add(openFlow13Provider.createIngressClassifierFilterChainEgressFlow(nodeId, nsp, egressNsi));
ListenableFutures.addErrorLogging(txRunner.callWithNewWriteOnlyTransactionAndSubmit(tx -> flows.forEach(flow -> this.openFlow13Provider.appendFlowForCreate(nodeId, flow, tx))), LOG, "Error rendering a path");
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.pcep.ietf.stateful.rev171025.pcrpt.message.pcrpt.message.reports.Path in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class BGPParserTest method testGetUpdateMessage5.
* Tests withdrawn routes.
* ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff <- marker
* 00 1c <- length (28) - including header
* 02 <- message type
* 00 05 <- withdrawn routes length (5)
* 1e ac 10 00 04 <- route (
* 00 00 <- total path attribute length
public void testGetUpdateMessage5() throws Exception {
final byte[] body = ByteArray.cutBytes(inputBytes.get(4), MessageUtil.COMMON_HEADER_LENGTH);
final int messageLength = ByteArray.bytesToInt(ByteArray.subByte(inputBytes.get(4), MessageUtil.MARKER_LENGTH, LENGTH_FIELD_LENGTH));
final Update message = BGPParserTest.updateParser.parseMessageBody(Unpooled.copiedBuffer(body), messageLength);
// attributes
final List<WithdrawnRoutes> withdrawnRoutes = Lists.newArrayList(new WithdrawnRoutesBuilder().setPrefix(new Ipv4Prefix("")).build());
// check API message
final Update expectedMessage = new UpdateBuilder().setWithdrawnRoutes(withdrawnRoutes).build();
assertEquals(expectedMessage.getWithdrawnRoutes(), message.getWithdrawnRoutes());
final ByteBuf buffer = Unpooled.buffer();
BGPParserTest.updateParser.serializeMessage(message, buffer);
assertArrayEquals(inputBytes.get(4), ByteArray.readAllBytes(buffer));
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.pcep.ietf.stateful.rev171025.pcrpt.message.pcrpt.message.reports.Path in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class BGPParserTest method testEORIpv6.
* End of Rib for Ipv6 consists of empty MP_UNREACH_NLRI, with AFI 2 and SAFI 1
* ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff <- marker
* 00 1d <- length (29) - including header
* 02 <- message type
* 00 00 <- withdrawn routes length
* 00 06 <- total path attribute length
* 80 <- attribute flags
* 0f <- attribute type (15 - MP_UNREACH_NLRI)
* 03 <- attribute length
* 00 02 <- value (AFI 2: IPv6)
* 01 <- value (SAFI 1)
public void testEORIpv6() throws Exception {
final byte[] body = ByteArray.cutBytes(inputBytes.get(6), MessageUtil.COMMON_HEADER_LENGTH);
final int messageLength = ByteArray.bytesToInt(ByteArray.subByte(inputBytes.get(6), MessageUtil.MARKER_LENGTH, LENGTH_FIELD_LENGTH));
final Update message = BGPParserTest.updateParser.parseMessageBody(Unpooled.copiedBuffer(body), messageLength);
final Class<? extends AddressFamily> afi = message.getAttributes().getAugmentation(Attributes2.class).getMpUnreachNlri().getAfi();
final Class<? extends SubsequentAddressFamily> safi = message.getAttributes().getAugmentation(Attributes2.class).getMpUnreachNlri().getSafi();
assertEquals(Ipv6AddressFamily.class, afi);
assertEquals(UnicastSubsequentAddressFamily.class, safi);
final ByteBuf buffer = Unpooled.buffer();
BGPParserTest.updateParser.serializeMessage(message, buffer);
assertArrayEquals(inputBytes.get(6), ByteArray.readAllBytes(buffer));