use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.pcep.ietf.stateful.rev171025.pcrpt.message.pcrpt.message.reports.Path in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class ComplexRouteEntry method createRoute.
public Route createRoute(final RIBSupport ribSup, final Identifier routeKey, final long pathId, final AddPathBestPath path) {
final OffsetMap map = getOffsets();
final Route route = map.getValue(this.values, map.offsetOf(path.getRouteKey()));
return ribSup.createRoute(route, routeKey, pathId, path.getAttributes());
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.pcep.ietf.stateful.rev171025.pcrpt.message.pcrpt.message.reports.Path in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class BaseAbstractRouteEntry method removePathFromDataStore.
private void removePathFromDataStore(final RouteEntryDependenciesContainer entryDep, final Identifier routeKey, final WriteTransaction tx) {
LOG.trace("Best Path removed {}", this.removedBestPath);
final KeyedInstanceIdentifier<Tables, TablesKey> locRibTarget = entryDep.getLocRibTableTarget();
final RIBSupport ribSup = entryDep.getRibSupport();
Identifier newRouteKey = ribSup.createNewRouteKey(this.removedBestPath.getPathId(), routeKey);
if (newRouteKey == null) {
newRouteKey = routeKey;
final InstanceIdentifier routeTarget = ribSup.createRouteIdentifier(locRibTarget, newRouteKey);
LOG.debug("Delete route from LocRib {}", routeTarget);
tx.delete(LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, routeTarget);
fillAdjRibsOut(null, null, newRouteKey, this.removedBestPath.getPeerId(), entryDep, tx);
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.pcep.ietf.stateful.rev171025.pcrpt.message.pcrpt.message.reports.Path in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class BaseAbstractRouteEntry method selectBest.
public final boolean selectBest(final long localAs) {
* FIXME: optimize flaps by making sure we consider stability of currently-selected route.
final BasePathSelector selector = new BasePathSelector(localAs);
// Select the best route.
for (int i = 0; i < this.offsets.size(); ++i) {
final UnsignedInteger routerId = this.offsets.getRouterKey(i);
final Attributes attributes = this.offsets.getValue(this.values, i);
LOG.trace("Processing router id {} attributes {}", routerId, attributes);
selector.processPath(routerId, attributes);
// Get the newly-selected best path.
final BaseBestPath newBestPath = selector.result();
final boolean modified = newBestPath == null || !newBestPath.equals(this.bestPath);
if (modified) {
if (this.offsets.isEmpty()) {
this.removedBestPath = this.bestPath;
LOG.trace("Previous best {}, current best {}", this.bestPath, newBestPath);
this.bestPath = newBestPath;
return modified;
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.pcep.ietf.stateful.rev171025.pcrpt.message.pcrpt.message.reports.Path in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class AddPathAbstractRouteEntry method initializeBestPaths.
public void initializeBestPaths(final RouteEntryDependenciesContainer entryDependencies, final RouteEntryInfo entryInfo, final WriteTransaction tx) {
if (this.bestPath != null) {
final Peer toPeer = entryInfo.getToPeer();
final TablesKey localTk = entryDependencies.getLocalTablesKey();
final boolean destPeerSupAddPath = toPeer.supportsAddPathSupported(localTk);
for (final AddPathBestPath path : this.bestPath) {
if (!filterRoutes(path.getPeerId(), toPeer, localTk)) {
writeRoutePath(entryInfo, destPeerSupAddPath, path, localTk, entryDependencies, tx);
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.pcep.ietf.stateful.rev171025.pcrpt.message.pcrpt.message.reports.Path in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class AbstractBestPathSelector method isExistingPathBetter.
* Chooses best route according to BGP best path selection.
* @param state attributes of the new route
* @return true if the existing path is better, false if the new path is better
protected boolean isExistingPathBetter(@Nonnull final BestPathState state) {
* 2. prefer path with higher LOCAL_PREF
* FIXME: for eBGP cases (when the LOCAL_PREF is missing), we should assign a policy-based preference
* before we ever get here.
if (this.bestState.getLocalPref() == null && state.getLocalPref() != null) {
return true;
if (this.bestState.getLocalPref() != null && state.getLocalPref() == null) {
return false;
if (state.getLocalPref() != null && state.getLocalPref() > this.bestState.getLocalPref()) {
return false;
if (state.getLocalPref() != null && state.getLocalPref() < this.bestState.getLocalPref()) {
return true;
// 4. prefer the path with the shortest AS_PATH.
if (this.bestState.getAsPathLength() != state.getAsPathLength()) {
return this.bestState.getAsPathLength() < state.getAsPathLength();
// - IGP is lower than Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP), and EGP is lower than INCOMPLETE
if (!this.bestState.getOrigin().equals(state.getOrigin())) {
final BgpOrigin bo = this.bestState.getOrigin();
final BgpOrigin no = state.getOrigin();
// This trick relies on the order in which the values are declared in the model.
return no.ordinal() > bo.ordinal();
// FIXME: we should be able to cache the best AS
final Long bestAs = this.bestState.getPeerAs();
final Long newAs = state.getPeerAs();
* Checks 6 and 7 are mutually-exclusive, as MEDs are comparable
* only when the routes originated from the same AS. On the other
* hand, when they are from the same AS, they are in the same iBGP/eBGP
* relationship.
if (bestAs.equals(newAs)) {
// 6. prefer the path with the lowest multi-exit discriminator (MED)
if (this.bestState.getMultiExitDisc() != null || state.getMultiExitDisc() != null) {
final Long bmed = this.bestState.getMultiExitDisc();
final Long nmed = state.getMultiExitDisc();
return nmed > bmed;
} else {
* 7. prefer eBGP over iBGP paths
* EBGP is peering between two different AS, whereas IBGP is between same AS (Autonomous System),
* so we just compare the AS numbers to our AS.
* FIXME: we should know this information from the peer directly.
if (this.ourAs != bestAs && this.ourAs == newAs) {
return true;
* 10. Prefer the route that comes from the BGP router with the lowest router ID.
* This is normally guaranteed by the iteration order of our caller, which runs selection
* in the order of increasing router ID, but RFC-4456 Route Reflection throws a wrench into that.
* With RFC-5004, this gets a bit easier, because it completely eliminates step f) and later :-)
* RFC-5004 states that this algorithm should end here and select existing path over new path in the
* best path selection process. Benefits are listed in the RFC: @see
* - This algorithm SHOULD NOT be applied when either path is from a BGP Confederation peer.
* - not applicable, we don't deal with confederation peers
* - The algorithm SHOULD NOT be applied when both paths are from peers with an identical BGP identifier
* (i.e., there exist parallel BGP sessions between two BGP speakers).
* - not applicable, BUG-2631 prevents parallel sessions to be created.
return true;