use of in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class TeLspIpv6NlriParser method parseObjectType.
protected ObjectType parseObjectType(final ByteBuf buffer) {
final TeLspCaseBuilder builder = new TeLspCaseBuilder();
final Ipv6CaseBuilder ipv6CaseBuilder = new Ipv6CaseBuilder();
builder.setTunnelId(new TunnelId(buffer.readUnsignedShort()));
builder.setLspId(new LspId((long) buffer.readUnsignedShort()));
return builder.setAddressFamily(;
use of in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class AbstractTeLspNlriCodec method serializeTeLsp.
public static TeLspCase serializeTeLsp(final ChoiceNode objectType) {
final TeLspCaseBuilder teLsp = new TeLspCaseBuilder();
teLsp.setLspId(new LspId((Long) objectType.getChild(LSP_ID).get().getValue()));
teLsp.setTunnelId(new TunnelId((Integer) objectType.getChild(TUNNEL_ID).get().getValue()));
final ChoiceNode addressFamily = (ChoiceNode) objectType.getChild(ADDRESS_FAMILY).get();
teLsp.setAddressFamily(serializeAddressFamily(addressFamily, addressFamily.getChild(IPV4_TUNNEL_SENDER_ADDRESS).isPresent()));
use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class ElanItmUtils method buildItmEgressActions.
* Builds the list of actions to be taken when sending the packet over external port such as tunnel, physical
* port etc.
* @param interfaceName
* the interface name
* @param tunnelKey
* can be VNI for VxLAN tunnel interfaces, Gre Key for GRE
* tunnels, etc.
* @return the list
public List<Action> buildItmEgressActions(String interfaceName, Long tunnelKey) {
List<Action> result = Collections.emptyList();
try {
GetEgressActionsForInterfaceInput getEgressActInput = new GetEgressActionsForInterfaceInputBuilder().setIntfName(interfaceName).setTunnelKey(tunnelKey).build();
Future<RpcResult<GetEgressActionsForInterfaceOutput>> egressActionsOutputFuture = interfaceManagerRpcService.getEgressActionsForInterface(getEgressActInput);
if (egressActionsOutputFuture.get().isSuccessful()) {
GetEgressActionsForInterfaceOutput egressActionsOutput = egressActionsOutputFuture.get().getResult();
result = egressActionsOutput.getAction();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Error in RPC call getEgressActionsForInterface {}", e);
if (result == null || result.isEmpty()) {
LOG.warn("Could not build Egress actions for interface {} and tunnelId {}", interfaceName, tunnelKey);
return result;
use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class ExternalRoutersListener method removeNaptFlowsFromActiveSwitch.
public void removeNaptFlowsFromActiveSwitch(long routerId, String routerName, BigInteger dpnId, Uuid networkId, String vpnName, @Nonnull Collection<String> externalIps, Collection<Uuid> externalSubnetList, WriteTransaction removeFlowInvTx, ProviderTypes extNwProvType) {
LOG.debug("removeNaptFlowsFromActiveSwitch : Remove NAPT flows from Active switch");
BigInteger cookieSnatFlow = NatUtil.getCookieNaptFlow(routerId);
// Remove the PSNAT entry which forwards the packet to Outbound NAPT Table (For the
// traffic which comes from the VMs of the NAPT switches)
String preSnatFlowRef = getFlowRefSnat(dpnId, NwConstants.PSNAT_TABLE, routerName);
FlowEntity preSnatFlowEntity = NatUtil.buildFlowEntity(dpnId, NwConstants.PSNAT_TABLE, preSnatFlowRef);"removeNaptFlowsFromActiveSwitch : Remove the flow in the {} for the active switch with the DPN ID {} " + "and router ID {}", NwConstants.PSNAT_TABLE, dpnId, routerId);
mdsalManager.removeFlowToTx(preSnatFlowEntity, removeFlowInvTx);
// Remove the Terminating Service table entry which forwards the packet to Outbound NAPT Table (For the
// traffic which comes from the VMs of the non NAPT switches)
long tunnelId = NatUtil.getTunnelIdForNonNaptToNaptFlow(dataBroker, elanManager, idManager, routerId, routerName);
String tsFlowRef = getFlowRefTs(dpnId, NwConstants.INTERNAL_TUNNEL_TABLE, tunnelId);
FlowEntity tsNatFlowEntity = NatUtil.buildFlowEntity(dpnId, NwConstants.INTERNAL_TUNNEL_TABLE, tsFlowRef);"removeNaptFlowsFromActiveSwitch : Remove the flow in the {} for the active switch with the DPN ID {} " + "and router ID {}", NwConstants.INTERNAL_TUNNEL_TABLE, dpnId, routerId);
mdsalManager.removeFlowToTx(tsNatFlowEntity, removeFlowInvTx);
// Remove the flow table 25->44 from NAPT Switch
if (NatUtil.isOpenStackVniSemanticsEnforcedForGreAndVxlan(elanManager, extNwProvType)) {
NatUtil.removePreDnatToSnatTableEntry(mdsalManager, dpnId, removeFlowInvTx);
// Remove the Outbound flow entry which forwards the packet to FIB Table
String outboundNatFlowRef = getFlowRefOutbound(dpnId, NwConstants.OUTBOUND_NAPT_TABLE, routerId);
FlowEntity outboundNatFlowEntity = NatUtil.buildFlowEntity(dpnId, NwConstants.OUTBOUND_NAPT_TABLE, outboundNatFlowRef);"removeNaptFlowsFromActiveSwitch : Remove the flow in the {} for the active switch with the DPN ID {}" + " and router ID {}", NwConstants.OUTBOUND_NAPT_TABLE, dpnId, routerId);
mdsalManager.removeFlowToTx(outboundNatFlowEntity, removeFlowInvTx);
removeNaptFibExternalOutputFlows(routerId, dpnId, networkId, externalIps, removeFlowInvTx);
// External Subnet Vpn Id.
for (Uuid externalSubnetId : externalSubnetList) {
long subnetVpnId = NatUtil.getVpnId(dataBroker, externalSubnetId.getValue());
if (subnetVpnId != -1) {
String natPfibSubnetFlowRef = getFlowRefTs(dpnId, NwConstants.NAPT_PFIB_TABLE, subnetVpnId);
FlowEntity natPfibFlowEntity = NatUtil.buildFlowEntity(dpnId, NwConstants.NAPT_PFIB_TABLE, natPfibSubnetFlowRef);
mdsalManager.removeFlowToTx(natPfibFlowEntity, removeFlowInvTx);
LOG.debug("removeNaptFlowsFromActiveSwitch : Removed the flow in table {} with external subnet " + "Vpn Id {} as metadata on Napt Switch {}", NwConstants.NAPT_PFIB_TABLE, subnetVpnId, dpnId);
// Remove the NAPT PFIB TABLE which forwards the incoming packet to FIB Table matching on the router ID.
String natPfibFlowRef = getFlowRefTs(dpnId, NwConstants.NAPT_PFIB_TABLE, routerId);
FlowEntity natPfibFlowEntity = NatUtil.buildFlowEntity(dpnId, NwConstants.NAPT_PFIB_TABLE, natPfibFlowRef);"removeNaptFlowsFromActiveSwitch : Remove the flow in the {} for the active switch with the DPN ID {} " + "and router ID {}", NwConstants.NAPT_PFIB_TABLE, dpnId, routerId);
mdsalManager.removeFlowToTx(natPfibFlowEntity, removeFlowInvTx);
// Long vpnId = NatUtil.getVpnId(dataBroker, routerId);
// - This does not work since ext-routers is deleted already - no network info
// Get the VPN ID from the ExternalNetworks model
long vpnId = -1;
if (vpnName == null || vpnName.isEmpty()) {
// ie called from router delete cases
Uuid vpnUuid = NatUtil.getVpnIdfromNetworkId(dataBroker, networkId);
LOG.debug("removeNaptFlowsFromActiveSwitch : vpnUuid is {}", vpnUuid);
if (vpnUuid != null) {
vpnId = NatUtil.getVpnId(dataBroker, vpnUuid.getValue());
LOG.debug("removeNaptFlowsFromActiveSwitch : vpnId {} for external network {} router delete or " + "disableSNAT scenario", vpnId, networkId);
} else {
// ie called from disassociate vpn case
LOG.debug("removeNaptFlowsFromActiveSwitch : This is disassociate nw with vpn case with vpnName {}", vpnName);
vpnId = NatUtil.getVpnId(dataBroker, vpnName);
LOG.debug("removeNaptFlowsFromActiveSwitch : vpnId for disassociate nw with vpn scenario {}", vpnId);
if (vpnId != NatConstants.INVALID_ID) {
// Remove the NAPT PFIB TABLE which forwards the outgoing packet to FIB Table matching on the VPN ID.
String natPfibVpnFlowRef = getFlowRefTs(dpnId, NwConstants.NAPT_PFIB_TABLE, vpnId);
FlowEntity natPfibVpnFlowEntity = NatUtil.buildFlowEntity(dpnId, NwConstants.NAPT_PFIB_TABLE, natPfibVpnFlowRef);"removeNaptFlowsFromActiveSwitch : Remove the flow in {} for the active switch with the DPN ID {} " + "and VPN ID {}", NwConstants.NAPT_PFIB_TABLE, dpnId, vpnId);
mdsalManager.removeFlowToTx(natPfibVpnFlowEntity, removeFlowInvTx);
// For the router ID get the internal IP , internal port and the corresponding external IP and external Port.
IpPortMapping ipPortMapping = NatUtil.getIportMapping(dataBroker, routerId);
if (ipPortMapping == null) {
LOG.error("removeNaptFlowsFromActiveSwitch : Unable to retrieve the IpPortMapping");
List<IntextIpProtocolType> intextIpProtocolTypes = ipPortMapping.getIntextIpProtocolType();
for (IntextIpProtocolType intextIpProtocolType : intextIpProtocolTypes) {
List<IpPortMap> ipPortMaps = intextIpProtocolType.getIpPortMap();
for (IpPortMap ipPortMap : ipPortMaps) {
String ipPortInternal = ipPortMap.getIpPortInternal();
String[] ipPortParts = ipPortInternal.split(":");
if (ipPortParts.length != 2) {
LOG.error("removeNaptFlowsFromActiveSwitch : Unable to retrieve the Internal IP and port");
String internalIp = ipPortParts[0];
String internalPort = ipPortParts[1];
// Build the flow for the outbound NAPT table
naptPacketInHandler.removeIncomingPacketMap(routerId + NatConstants.COLON_SEPARATOR + internalIp + NatConstants.COLON_SEPARATOR + internalPort);
String switchFlowRef = NatUtil.getNaptFlowRef(dpnId, NwConstants.OUTBOUND_NAPT_TABLE, String.valueOf(routerId), internalIp, Integer.parseInt(internalPort));
FlowEntity outboundNaptFlowEntity = NatUtil.buildFlowEntity(dpnId, NwConstants.OUTBOUND_NAPT_TABLE, cookieSnatFlow, switchFlowRef);"removeNaptFlowsFromActiveSwitch : Remove the flow in the {} for the active switch " + "with the DPN ID {} and router ID {}", NwConstants.OUTBOUND_NAPT_TABLE, dpnId, routerId);
mdsalManager.removeFlowToTx(outboundNaptFlowEntity, removeFlowInvTx);
IpPortExternal ipPortExternal = ipPortMap.getIpPortExternal();
String externalIp = ipPortExternal.getIpAddress();
int externalPort = ipPortExternal.getPortNum();
// Build the flow for the inbound NAPT table
switchFlowRef = NatUtil.getNaptFlowRef(dpnId, NwConstants.INBOUND_NAPT_TABLE, String.valueOf(routerId), externalIp, externalPort);
FlowEntity inboundNaptFlowEntity = NatUtil.buildFlowEntity(dpnId, NwConstants.INBOUND_NAPT_TABLE, cookieSnatFlow, switchFlowRef);"removeNaptFlowsFromActiveSwitch : Remove the flow in the {} for the active active switch " + "with the DPN ID {} and router ID {}", NwConstants.INBOUND_NAPT_TABLE, dpnId, routerId);
mdsalManager.removeFlowToTx(inboundNaptFlowEntity, removeFlowInvTx);
use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class NexthopManager method getBucketsForRemoteNexthop.
private List<BucketInfo> getBucketsForRemoteNexthop(Long vpnId, BigInteger dpnId, VrfEntry vrfEntry, String rd, List<Routes> vpnExtraRoutes) {
List<BucketInfo> listBucketInfo = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, List<ActionInfo>> egressActionMap = new HashMap<>();
vpnExtraRoutes.forEach(vpnExtraRoute -> vpnExtraRoute.getNexthopIpList().forEach(nextHopIp -> {
String nextHopPrefixIp;
if (isIpv4Address(nextHopIp)) {
nextHopPrefixIp = nextHopIp + NwConstants.IPV4PREFIX;
} else {
nextHopPrefixIp = nextHopIp + NwConstants.IPV6PREFIX;
List<String> tepIpAddresses = fibUtil.getNextHopAddresses(rd, nextHopPrefixIp);
if (tepIpAddresses.isEmpty()) {
// There would be only one nexthop address for a VM ip which would be the tep Ip
String tepIp = tepIpAddresses.get(0);
AdjacencyResult adjacencyResult = getRemoteNextHopPointer(dpnId, vpnId, vrfEntry.getDestPrefix(), tepIp);
if (adjacencyResult == null) {
String egressInterface = adjacencyResult.getInterfaceName();
if (!FibUtil.isTunnelInterface(adjacencyResult)) {
Class<? extends TunnelTypeBase> tunnelType = VpnExtraRouteHelper.getTunnelType(interfaceManager, egressInterface);
Interface ifState = fibUtil.getInterfaceStateFromOperDS(egressInterface);
if (ifState == null || ifState.getOperStatus() != OperStatus.Up) {
LOG.trace("Tunnel not up {}", egressInterface);
if (!TunnelTypeVxlan.class.equals(tunnelType)) {
Long label = FibUtil.getLabelFromRoutePaths(vrfEntry).get();
Prefixes prefixInfo = fibUtil.getPrefixToInterface(vpnId, nextHopPrefixIp);
BigInteger tunnelId;
if (fibUtil.enforceVxlanDatapathSemanticsforInternalRouterVpn(prefixInfo.getSubnetId(), vpnId, rd)) {
java.util.Optional<Long> optionalVni = fibUtil.getVniForVxlanNetwork(prefixInfo.getSubnetId());
if (!optionalVni.isPresent()) {
LOG.error("VNI not found for nexthop {} vrfEntry {} with subnetId {}", nextHopIp, vrfEntry, prefixInfo.getSubnetId());
tunnelId = BigInteger.valueOf(optionalVni.get());
} else {
tunnelId = BigInteger.valueOf(label);
List<ActionInfo> actionInfos = new ArrayList<>();
actionInfos.add(new ActionSetFieldTunnelId(tunnelId));
String ifName = prefixInfo.getVpnInterfaceName();
String vpnName = fibUtil.getVpnNameFromId(vpnId);
if (vpnName == null) {
String macAddress = fibUtil.getMacAddressFromPrefix(ifName, vpnName, nextHopPrefixIp);
actionInfos.add(new ActionSetFieldEthernetDestination(actionInfos.size(), new MacAddress(macAddress)));
List<ActionInfo> egressActions;
if (egressActionMap.containsKey(egressInterface)) {
egressActions = egressActionMap.get(egressInterface);
} else {
egressActions = getEgressActionsForInterface(egressInterface, actionInfos.size());
egressActionMap.put(egressInterface, egressActions);
if (egressActions.isEmpty()) {
LOG.error("Failed to retrieve egress action for prefix {} route-paths {}" + " interface {}." + " Aborting remote FIB entry creation.", vrfEntry.getDestPrefix(), vrfEntry.getRoutePaths(), egressInterface);
BucketInfo bucket = new BucketInfo(actionInfos);
LOG.trace("LOCAL: listbucket {}, rd {}, dpnId {}, routes {}", listBucketInfo, rd, dpnId, vpnExtraRoutes);
return listBucketInfo;