use of org.openecard.common.SecurityConditionUnsatisfiable in project open-ecard by ecsec.
the class SmartCardSignerCredential method genSig.
private byte[] genSig(SignatureAndHashAlgorithm algorithm, byte[] sigData, boolean isRaw) throws IOException {
SignatureAlgorithms didAlg = getDidAlgorithm();
LOG.debug("Using DID with algorithm={}.", didAlg.getJcaAlg());
if (algorithm != null) {
String reqAlgStr = String.format("%s-%s", SignatureAlgorithm.getText(algorithm.getSignature()), HashAlgorithm.getText(algorithm.getHash()));
LOG.debug("Performing TLS 1.2 signature for algorithm={}.", reqAlgStr);
if (isRaw && isRawRSA(didAlg)) {
// TLS >= 1.2 needs a PKCS#1 v1.5 signature and no raw RSA signature
ASN1ObjectIdentifier hashAlgId = TlsUtils.getOIDForHashAlgorithm(algorithm.getHash());
DigestInfo digestInfo = new DigestInfo(new AlgorithmIdentifier(hashAlgId, DERNull.INSTANCE), sigData);
sigData = digestInfo.getEncoded(ASN1Encoding.DER);
LOG.debug("Signing DigestInfo with algorithm={}.", hashAlgId);
} else {
LOG.debug("Performing pre-TLS 1.2 signature.");
try {
if (isRaw) {
LOG.debug("Raw Signature of data={}.", ByteUtils.toHexString(sigData));
} else {
LOG.debug("Hashed Signature of data blob.");
CryptoMarkerType cryptoMarker = did.getGenericCryptoMarker();
if (didAlg.getHashAlg() != null && (cryptoMarker.getHashGenerationInfo() == null || cryptoMarker.getHashGenerationInfo() == HashGenerationInfoType.NOT_ON_CARD)) {
sigData = did.hash(sigData);
byte[] signature = did.sign(sigData);
return signature;
} catch (WSHelper.WSException ex) {
String msg = "Failed to create signature because of an unknown error.";
LOG.warn(msg, ex);
throw new IOException(msg, ex);
} catch (SecurityConditionUnsatisfiable ex) {
String msg = "Access to the signature DID could not be obtained.";
LOG.warn(msg, ex);
throw new IOException(msg, ex);
} catch (NoSuchDid ex) {
String msg = "Signing DID not available anymore.";
LOG.warn(msg, ex);
throw new IOException(msg, ex);
use of org.openecard.common.SecurityConditionUnsatisfiable in project open-ecard by ecsec.
the class SmartCardCredentialFactory method getClientCredentials.
public List<TlsCredentialedSigner> getClientCredentials(CertificateRequest cr) {
ArrayList<TlsCredentialedSigner> credentials = new ArrayList<>();
TlsCryptoParameters tlsCrypto = new TlsCryptoParameters(context);
LOG.debug("Selecting a suitable DID for the following requested algorithms:");
ArrayList<SignatureAndHashAlgorithm> crSigAlgs = getCrSigAlgs(cr);
for (SignatureAndHashAlgorithm reqAlg : crSigAlgs) {
String reqAlgStr = String.format("%s-%s", SignatureAlgorithm.getText(reqAlg.getSignature()), HashAlgorithm.getText(reqAlg.getHash()));
LOG.debug(" {}", reqAlgStr);
try {
DidInfos didInfos = tokenCache.getInfo(null, handle);
List<DidInfo> infos = didInfos.getCryptoDidInfos();
// remove unsuitable DIDs"Sorting out DIDs not able to handle the TLS request.");
infos = removeSecretCertDids(infos);
infos = removeNonAuthDids(infos);
infos = removeUnsupportedAlgs(infos);
infos = removeUnsupportedCerts(cr, infos);
// infos = nonRawFirst(infos);"Creating signer instances for the TLS Client Certificate signature.");
// TLS < 1.2
if (crSigAlgs.isEmpty()) {"Looking for a raw RSA DID.");
for (DidInfo info : infos) {
try {
LOG.debug("Checking DID= {}.", info.getDidName());
TlsCredentialedSigner cred;
List<X509Certificate> chain = info.getRelatedCertificateChain();
Certificate clientCert = convertCert(context.getCrypto(), chain);
if (isRawRSA(info)) {
LOG.debug("Adding raw RSA signer.");
TlsSigner signer = new SmartCardSignerCredential(info);
cred = new DefaultTlsCredentialedSigner(tlsCrypto, signer, clientCert, null);
} catch (SecurityConditionUnsatisfiable | NoSuchDid | CertificateException | IOException ex) {
LOG.error("Failed to read certificates from card. Skipping DID " + info.getDidName() + ".", ex);
} catch (UnsupportedAlgorithmException ex) {
LOG.error("Unsupported algorithm used in CIF. Skipping DID " + info.getDidName() + ".", ex);
} catch (WSHelper.WSException ex) {
LOG.error("Unknown error accessing DID " + info.getDidName() + ".", ex);
} else {
// TLS >= 1.2"Looking for most specific DIDs.");
// looping over the servers alg list preserves its ordering
for (SignatureAndHashAlgorithm reqAlg : crSigAlgs) {
for (DidInfo info : infos) {
LOG.debug("Checking DID={}.", info.getDidName());
try {
AlgorithmInfoType algInfo = info.getGenericCryptoMarker().getAlgorithmInfo();
SignatureAlgorithms alg = SignatureAlgorithms.fromAlgId(algInfo.getAlgorithmIdentifier().getAlgorithm());
TlsCredentialedSigner cred;
List<X509Certificate> chain = info.getRelatedCertificateChain();
Certificate clientCert = convertCert(context.getCrypto(), chain);
// find one DID for this problem, then continue with the next algorithm
if (matchesAlg(reqAlg, alg) && (alg.getHashAlg() != null || isSafeForNoneDid(reqAlg))) {
LOG.debug("Adding {} signer.", alg.getJcaAlg());
TlsSigner signer = new SmartCardSignerCredential(info);
cred = new DefaultTlsCredentialedSigner(tlsCrypto, signer, clientCert, reqAlg);
// break;
return credentials;
} catch (SecurityConditionUnsatisfiable | NoSuchDid | CertificateException | IOException ex) {
LOG.error("Failed to read certificates from card. Skipping DID " + info.getDidName() + ".", ex);
} catch (UnsupportedAlgorithmException ex) {
LOG.error("Unsupported algorithm used in CIF. Skipping DID " + info.getDidName() + ".", ex);
} catch (WSHelper.WSException ex) {
LOG.error("Unknown error accessing DID " + info.getDidName() + ".", ex);
} catch (NoSuchDid | WSHelper.WSException ex) {
LOG.error("Failed to access DIDs of smartcard. Proceeding without client authentication.", ex);
return credentials;
use of org.openecard.common.SecurityConditionUnsatisfiable in project open-ecard by ecsec.
the class ChipGateway method processSignRequest.
private CommandType processSignRequest(final SignRequestType signReq) throws ConnectionError, JsonProcessingException, InvalidRedirectUrlException, ChipGatewayDataError {
// check if we have been interrupted
BigInteger waitSecondsBig = signReq.getMaxWaitSeconds();
long waitMillis = getWaitMillis(waitSecondsBig);
// run the actual stuff in the background, so we can wait and terminate if needed
FutureTask<SignResponseType> action = new FutureTask<>(new Callable<SignResponseType>() {
public SignResponseType call() throws Exception {
SignResponseType signResp = new SignResponseType();
byte[] slotHandle = signReq.getSlotHandle();
String didName = signReq.getDIDName();
char[] pin = null;
try {
pin = getPin(signReq.getPIN());
Signer signer = new Signer(tokenCache, slotHandle, didName, pin);
byte[] signature = signer.sign(signReq.getMessage());
return signResp;
} finally {
if (pin != null) {
Arrays.fill(pin, ' ');
Thread t = new Thread(action, "SignRequest-Task-" + TASK_THREAD_NUM.getAndIncrement());
SignResponseType signResp = new SignResponseType();
try {
// wait for thread to finish
signResp = action.get(waitMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException ex) {"Background task took longer than the timeout value permitted.", ex);
// cancel task
// wait for task to finish, so the SC stack can not get confused
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ignore) {
// send stop message
} catch (ExecutionException ex) {
LOG.error("Background task produced an exception.", ex);
Throwable cause = ex.getCause();
if (cause instanceof RemotePinException) {
LOG.error("Error getting encrypted PIN.", cause);
} else if (cause instanceof ParameterInvalid) {
LOG.error("Error while processing the certificate filter parameters.", cause);
} else if (cause instanceof SlotHandleInvalid) {
LOG.error("No token for the given slot handle found.", cause);
} else if (cause instanceof NoSuchDid) {
LOG.error("DID does not exist.", cause);
} else if (cause instanceof PinBlocked) {
LOG.error("PIN is blocked.", ex);
} else if (cause instanceof SecurityConditionUnsatisfiable) {
LOG.error("DID can not be authenticated.", cause);
} else if (cause instanceof WSHelper.WSException) {
LOG.error("Unknown error.", cause);
} else if (cause instanceof ThreadTerminateException) {
LOG.error("Chipgateway process interrupted.", cause);
} else {
LOG.error("Unknown error during sign operation.", cause);
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
String msg = "Interrupted while waiting for background task.";
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug(msg, ex);
} else {;
// cancel task
// send stop message
return sendMessageInterruptableAndCheckTermination(getResource(signUrl), signResp);