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Example 1 with GeneralParameterValue

use of org.opengis.parameter.GeneralParameterValue in project sis by apache.

the class Formatter method append.

 * Appends the given {@code FormattableObject}.
 * This method performs the following steps:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>Invoke <code>object.{@linkplain FormattableObject#formatTo(Formatter) formatTo}(this)</code>.</li>
 *   <li>Prepend the keyword returned by the above method call (e.g. {@code "GEOCS"}).</li>
 *   <li>If the given object is an instance of {@link IdentifiedObject}, then append complementary information:</li>
 * </ul>
 * <blockquote><table class="sis">
 *   <caption>Complementary WKT elements</caption>
 *   <tr><th>WKT 2 element</th><th>WKT 1 element</th><th>For types</th></tr>
 *   <tr><td>{@code Anchor[…]}</td>        <td></td> <td>{@link Datum}</td></tr>
 *   <tr><td>{@code Scope[…]}</td>         <td></td> <td>{@link ReferenceSystem}, {@link Datum}, {@link CoordinateOperation}</td></tr>
 *   <tr><td>{@code Area[…]}</td>          <td></td> <td>{@link ReferenceSystem}, {@link Datum}, {@link CoordinateOperation}</td></tr>
 *   <tr><td>{@code BBox[…]}</td>          <td></td> <td>{@link ReferenceSystem}, {@link Datum}, {@link CoordinateOperation}</td></tr>
 *   <tr><td>{@code VerticalExtent[…]}</td><td></td> <td>{@link ReferenceSystem}, {@link Datum}, {@link CoordinateOperation}</td></tr>
 *   <tr><td>{@code TimeExtent[…]}</td>    <td></td> <td>{@link ReferenceSystem}, {@link Datum}, {@link CoordinateOperation}</td></tr>
 *   <tr><td>{@code Id[…]}</td><td>{@code Authority[…]}</td><td>{@link IdentifiedObject}</td></tr>
 *   <tr><td>{@code Remarks[…]}</td>       <td></td> <td>{@link ReferenceSystem}, {@link CoordinateOperation}</td></tr>
 * </table></blockquote>
 * @param  object  the formattable object to append to the WKT, or {@code null} if none.
public void append(final FormattableObject object) {
    if (object == null) {
         * Safety check: ensure that we do not have circular dependencies (e.g. a ProjectedCRS contains
         * a Conversion which may contain the ProjectedCRS as its target CRS). Without this protection,
         * a circular dependency would cause an OutOfMemoryError.
    final int stackDepth = enclosingElements.size();
    for (int i = stackDepth; --i >= 0; ) {
        if (enclosingElements.get(i) == object) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(Errors.getResources(locale).getString(Errors.Keys.CircularReference));
    if (hasContextualUnit < 0) {
        // Test if leftmost bit is set to 1.
        throw new IllegalStateException(Errors.getResources(locale).getString(Errors.Keys.TreeDepthExceedsMaximum));
    hasContextualUnit <<= 1;
         * Add a new line if it was requested, open the bracket and increase indentation in case the
         * element to format contains other FormattableObject elements.
    int base = buffer.length();
    elementStart = buffer.appendCodePoint(symbols.getOpeningBracket(0)).length();
         * Formats the inner part, then prepend the WKT keyword.
         * The result looks like the following:
         *         <previous text>,
         *           PROJCS["NAD27 / Idaho Central",
         *             GEOGCS[...etc...],
         *             ...etc...
    IdentifiedObject info = (object instanceof IdentifiedObject) ? (IdentifiedObject) object : null;
    String keyword = object.formatTo(this);
    if (keyword == null) {
        if (info != null) {
            setInvalidWKT(info, null);
        } else {
            setInvalidWKT(object.getClass(), null);
        keyword = getName(object.getClass());
    } else if (toUpperCase != 0) {
        final Locale locale = symbols.getLocale();
        keyword = (toUpperCase >= 0) ? keyword.toUpperCase(locale) : keyword.toLowerCase(locale);
    if (highlightError && colors != null) {
        final String color = colors.getAnsiSequence(ElementKind.ERROR);
        if (color != null) {
            buffer.insert(base, color + BACKGROUND_DEFAULT);
            base += color.length();
    highlightError = false;
    buffer.insert(base, keyword);
         * When formatting geometry coordinates, we may need to shift all numbers by the width
         * of the keyword inserted above in order to keep numbers properly aligned. Exemple:
         *     BOX[ 4.000 -10.000
         *         50.000   2.000]
    if (keywordSpaceAt != null) {
        final int length = keyword.length();
        final CharSequence additionalMargin = CharSequences.spaces(keyword.codePointCount(0, length));
        final int n = keywordSpaceAt.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ) {
            int p = keywordSpaceAt.getInt(i);
            // Take in account spaces added previously.
            p += (++i * length);
            buffer.insert(p, additionalMargin);
         * Format the SCOPE["…"], AREA["…"] and other elements. Some of those information
         * are available only for Datum, CoordinateOperation and ReferenceSystem objects.
    if (info == null && convention.majorVersion() != 1 && object instanceof GeneralParameterValue) {
        info = ((GeneralParameterValue) object).getDescriptor();
    if (info != null) {
        appendComplement(info, (stackDepth >= 1) ? enclosingElements.get(stackDepth - 1) : null, (stackDepth >= 2) ? enclosingElements.get(stackDepth - 2) : null);
         * Close the bracket, then update the queue of enclosed elements by removing this element.
    hasContextualUnit >>>= 1;
Also used : Locale(java.util.Locale) GeneralParameterValue(org.opengis.parameter.GeneralParameterValue) InternationalString(org.opengis.util.InternationalString) IdentifiedObject(org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject)

Example 2 with GeneralParameterValue

use of org.opengis.parameter.GeneralParameterValue in project sis by apache.

the class TensorValuesTest method testValues.

 * Tests {@link TensorValues#values()}.
public void testValues() {
    final ParameterValueGroup group = createWKT1();
    List<GeneralParameterValue> values = group.values();
    assertValueEquals(NUM_ROW, 2, values.get(0));
    assertValueEquals(NUM_COL, 3, values.get(1));
    assertEquals("size", 2, values.size());
         * Above list had no explicit parameters, since all of them had their default values.
         * Now set some parameters to different values. Those parameters should now appear in
         * the list.
    values = group.values();
    assertValueEquals(NUM_ROW, 2, values.get(0));
    assertValueEquals(NUM_COL, 3, values.get(1));
    assertValueEquals("elt_0_1", 8.0, values.get(2));
    assertValueEquals("elt_1_1", 7.0, values.get(3));
    assertValueEquals("elt_1_2", 6.0, values.get(4));
    assertEquals("size", 5, values.size());
Also used : GeneralParameterValue(org.opengis.parameter.GeneralParameterValue) ParameterValueGroup(org.opengis.parameter.ParameterValueGroup) Test(org.junit.Test) DependsOnMethod(org.apache.sis.test.DependsOnMethod)

Example 3 with GeneralParameterValue

use of org.opengis.parameter.GeneralParameterValue in project sis by apache.

the class DefaultParameterValueGroupTest method testValuesAddAllWithSubgroups.

 * Tests {@code DefaultParameterValueGroup.values().addAll(…)} with subgroups.
 * @since 0.6
@DependsOnMethod({ "testValuesAddAll", "testAddGroup", "testEqualsAndHashCode" })
public void testValuesAddAllWithSubgroups() {
    final DefaultParameterDescriptorGroup group, subGroup;
    final List<GeneralParameterDescriptor> descriptors = new ArrayList<>(descriptor.descriptors());
    subGroup = new DefaultParameterDescriptorGroup(singletonMap(NAME_KEY, "theSubGroup"), 2, 4, descriptors.toArray(new GeneralParameterDescriptor[descriptors.size()]));
    group = new DefaultParameterDescriptorGroup(singletonMap(NAME_KEY, "theGroup"), descriptors.toArray(new GeneralParameterDescriptor[descriptors.size()]));
         * Prepare the GeneralParameterValue instances that we are going to add in the above group.
         * We assign arbitrary integer values to each instance if order to be able to differentiate
         * them, but the purpose of this test is not to verify those integer values.
         * We intentionally:
         *   - Omit the creation of a mandatory parameter value
         *   - Create more sub-groups than the minimum required.
    final ParameterValue<?> v2 = (ParameterValue<?>) descriptor.descriptor("Mandatory 2").createValue();
    final ParameterValue<?> v3 = (ParameterValue<?>) descriptor.descriptor("Optional 3").createValue();
    final ParameterValueGroup g1 = subGroup.createValue();
    final ParameterValueGroup g2 = subGroup.createValue();
    final ParameterValueGroup g3 = subGroup.createValue();
    g1.parameter("Mandatory 1").setValue(3);
    g2.parameter("Optional 4").setValue(7);
    g3.parameter("Mandatory 2").setValue(5);
    final List<GeneralParameterValue> expected = new ArrayList<>(6);
         * A newly created group should be initialized with 4 GeneralParameterValue instances because of
         * the mandatory ones. After we added our own instances created above, the group should contains
         * 6 instances (one more than what we added) because of the "Mandatory 1" parameter that we did
         * not provided. Note that the element order in the 'values' collection does not need to be the
         * order in which we provided our GeneralParameterValue instances.
    final List<GeneralParameterValue> values = group.createValue().values();
    assertEquals("Initial size", 4, values.size());
    assertTrue("List shall be modified", values.addAll(expected));
    assertEquals("Size after addAll(…)", 6, values.size());
    final ParameterValue<?> v1 = (ParameterValue<?>) values.get(0);
    assertEquals("Default value", DefaultParameterDescriptorGroupTest.DEFAULT_VALUE, v1.getValue());
    assertSetEquals(expected, values);
Also used : GeneralParameterValue(org.opengis.parameter.GeneralParameterValue) GeneralParameterValue(org.opengis.parameter.GeneralParameterValue) ParameterValue(org.opengis.parameter.ParameterValue) ParameterValueGroup(org.opengis.parameter.ParameterValueGroup) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) GeneralParameterDescriptor(org.opengis.parameter.GeneralParameterDescriptor) Test(org.junit.Test) DependsOnMethod(org.apache.sis.test.DependsOnMethod)

Example 4 with GeneralParameterValue

use of org.opengis.parameter.GeneralParameterValue in project sis by apache.

the class ParameterValueList method set.

 * Sets the parameter at the given index. The descriptor of the given parameter must be one of those
 * in the {@link DefaultParameterDescriptorGroup#descriptors()} list, and storing that parameter must
 * be allowed by the cardinality constraints.
public GeneralParameterValue set(final int index, final GeneralParameterValue parameter) {
    ArgumentChecks.ensureValidIndex(size, index);
    final GeneralParameterValue value = values[index];
    ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("parameter", parameter);
    final GeneralParameterDescriptor desc = parameter.getDescriptor();
    if (!value.getDescriptor().equals(desc)) {
    values[index] = parameter;
    return value;
Also used : GeneralParameterValue(org.opengis.parameter.GeneralParameterValue) GeneralParameterDescriptor(org.opengis.parameter.GeneralParameterDescriptor)

Example 5 with GeneralParameterValue

use of org.opengis.parameter.GeneralParameterValue in project sis by apache.

the class ParameterValueList method add.

 * Adds a {@link ParameterValue} or an other {@link ParameterValueGroup} to this list.
 * If an existing parameter is already included for the same name and adding the new
 * parameter would increase the number past what is allowable by {@code maximumOccurs},
 * then an {@link InvalidParameterCardinalityException} will be thrown.
 * @param  parameter  new parameter to be added to this group.
 * @return always {@code true} since this object changes as a result of this call.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified parameter is not allowable by the groups descriptor.
 * @throws InvalidParameterCardinalityException if adding this parameter would result in more parameters
 *         than allowed by {@code maximumOccurs}.
public boolean add(final GeneralParameterValue parameter) {
    ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("parameter", parameter);
    final GeneralParameterDescriptor desc = parameter.getDescriptor();
         * If we had an uninitialized parameter (a parameter created by the DefaultParameterValueGroup constructor
         * and never been queried or set by the user), then the given parameter will replace the uninitialized.
         * The intent is to allow users to set its own parameters by a call to group.values().addAll(myParam).
         * Otherwise the given parameter will be added, in which case we need to check the cardinality.
    final Identifier name = desc.getName();
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        final GeneralParameterValue value = values[i];
        if (name.equals(value.getDescriptor().getName())) {
            if (value instanceof UninitializedParameter) {
                values[i] = parameter;
                return true;
    final int max = desc.getMaximumOccurs();
    if (count >= max) {
        throw new InvalidParameterCardinalityException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.TooManyOccurrences_2, max, name), name.getCode());
    return true;
Also used : GeneralParameterValue(org.opengis.parameter.GeneralParameterValue) Identifier(org.opengis.metadata.Identifier) InvalidParameterCardinalityException(org.opengis.parameter.InvalidParameterCardinalityException) GeneralParameterDescriptor(org.opengis.parameter.GeneralParameterDescriptor)


GeneralParameterValue (org.opengis.parameter.GeneralParameterValue)21 ParameterValueGroup (org.opengis.parameter.ParameterValueGroup)11 ParameterValue (org.opengis.parameter.ParameterValue)7 GeneralParameterDescriptor (org.opengis.parameter.GeneralParameterDescriptor)5 IdentifiedObject (org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject)4 DependsOnMethod (org.apache.sis.test.DependsOnMethod)3 Test (org.junit.Test)3 InternationalString (org.opengis.util.InternationalString)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 FormattableObject ( Formatter ( DefaultParameterValue (org.apache.sis.parameter.DefaultParameterValue)2 UnavailableFactoryException (org.apache.sis.referencing.factory.UnavailableFactoryException)2 GeoTiffFormat (org.geotools.gce.geotiff.GeoTiffFormat)2 GeoTiffWriteParams (org.geotools.gce.geotiff.GeoTiffWriteParams)2 GeoTiffWriter (org.geotools.gce.geotiff.GeoTiffWriter)2 Identifier (org.opengis.metadata.Identifier)2 ParameterDescriptorGroup (org.opengis.parameter.ParameterDescriptorGroup)2 CoordinateSystem (org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystem)2 OperationMethod (org.opengis.referencing.operation.OperationMethod)2