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Example 1 with RangeMeaning

use of org.opengis.referencing.cs.RangeMeaning in project sis by apache.

the class GeodeticObjectVerifier method verifyRange.

 * Asserts that the axis range is either fully missing, or defined to exactly the given properties.
private static void verifyRange(final CoordinateSystemAxis axis, final double min, final double max, final RangeMeaning expected, final boolean isMandatory) {
    final double minimumValue = axis.getMinimumValue();
    final double maximumValue = axis.getMaximumValue();
    final RangeMeaning rangeMeaning = axis.getRangeMeaning();
    if (isMandatory || rangeMeaning != null || minimumValue != Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY || maximumValue != Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
        assertEquals("axis.minimumValue", min, minimumValue, STRICT);
        assertEquals("axis.maximumValue", max, maximumValue, STRICT);
        assertEquals("axis.rangeMeaning", expected, rangeMeaning);
Also used : RangeMeaning(org.opengis.referencing.cs.RangeMeaning)

Example 2 with RangeMeaning

use of org.opengis.referencing.cs.RangeMeaning in project sis by apache.

the class Normalizer method shiftAxisRange.

 * Returns a coordinate system with the same axes than the given CS, except that the wrapround axes
 * are shifted to a range of positive values. This method can be used in order to shift between the
 * [-180 … +180]° and [0 … 360]° ranges of longitude values.
 * <p>This method shifts the axis {@linkplain CoordinateSystemAxis#getMinimumValue() minimum} and
 * {@linkplain CoordinateSystemAxis#getMaximumValue() maximum} values by a multiple of half the range
 * (typically 180°). This method does not change the meaning of ordinate values. For example a longitude
 * of -60° still locate the same point in the old and the new coordinate system. But the preferred way
 * to locate that point become the 300° value if the longitude range has been shifted to positive values.</p>
 * @return a coordinate system using the given kind of longitude range, or {@code null} if no change is needed.
private static AbstractCS shiftAxisRange(final CoordinateSystem cs) {
    boolean changed = false;
    final CoordinateSystemAxis[] axes = new CoordinateSystemAxis[cs.getDimension()];
    for (int i = 0; i < axes.length; i++) {
        CoordinateSystemAxis axis = cs.getAxis(i);
        final RangeMeaning rangeMeaning = axis.getRangeMeaning();
        if (RangeMeaning.WRAPAROUND.equals(rangeMeaning)) {
            double min = axis.getMinimumValue();
            if (min < 0) {
                double max = axis.getMaximumValue();
                double offset = (max - min) / 2;
                offset *= Math.floor(min / offset + 1E-10);
                min -= offset;
                max -= offset;
                if (min < max) {
                    // Paranoiac check, but also a way to filter NaN values when offset is infinite.
                    final Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<>();
                    properties.putAll(IdentifiedObjects.getProperties(axis, EXCLUDES));
                    properties.put(DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis.MINIMUM_VALUE_KEY, min);
                    properties.put(DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis.MAXIMUM_VALUE_KEY, max);
                    properties.put(DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis.RANGE_MEANING_KEY, rangeMeaning);
                    axis = new DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis(properties, axis.getAbbreviation(), axis.getDirection(), axis.getUnit());
                    changed = true;
        axes[i] = axis;
    if (!changed) {
        return null;
    return castOrCopy(cs).createForAxes(IdentifiedObjects.getProperties(cs, EXCLUDES), axes);
Also used : RangeMeaning(org.opengis.referencing.cs.RangeMeaning) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) CoordinateSystemAxis(org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystemAxis)

Example 3 with RangeMeaning

use of org.opengis.referencing.cs.RangeMeaning in project sis by apache.

the class GeneralEnvelope method normalize.

 * Normalizes only the dimensions returned by the given iterator, or all dimensions if the iterator is null.
 * This is used for normalizing the result of a coordinate operation where a wrap around axis does not
 * necessarily means that the ordinates need to be normalized along that axis.
 * @param  cs          the coordinate system of this envelope CRS (as an argument because sometime already known).
 * @param  beginIndex  index of the first ordinate value in {@link #ordinates} array. Non-zero for sub-envelopes.
 * @param  count       number of coordinates, i.e. this envelope dimensions.
 * @param  dimensions  the dimensions to check for normalization, or {@code null} for all dimensions.
 * @return {@code true} if this envelope has been modified as a result of this method call.
final boolean normalize(final CoordinateSystem cs, final int beginIndex, final int count, final Iterator<Integer> dimensions) {
    boolean changed = false;
    final int d = ordinates.length >>> 1;
    for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
        final int i = (dimensions != null) ? : j;
        final int iLower = beginIndex + i;
        final int iUpper = iLower + d;
        final CoordinateSystemAxis axis = cs.getAxis(i);
        final double minimum = axis.getMinimumValue();
        final double maximum = axis.getMaximumValue();
        final RangeMeaning rm = axis.getRangeMeaning();
        if (RangeMeaning.EXACT.equals(rm)) {
            if (ordinates[iLower] < minimum) {
                ordinates[iLower] = minimum;
                changed = true;
            if (ordinates[iUpper] > maximum) {
                ordinates[iUpper] = maximum;
                changed = true;
        } else if (RangeMeaning.WRAPAROUND.equals(rm)) {
            final double csSpan = maximum - minimum;
            if (csSpan > 0 && csSpan < Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
                double o1 = ordinates[iLower];
                double o2 = ordinates[iUpper];
                if (Math.abs(o2 - o1) >= csSpan) {
                         * If the range exceed the CS span, then we have to replace it by the
                         * full span, otherwise the range computed by the "else" block is too
                         * small. The full range will typically be [-180 … 180]°.  However we
                         * make a special case if the two bounds are multiple of the CS span,
                         * typically [0 … 360]°. In this case the [0 … -0]° range matches the
                         * original values and is understood by GeneralEnvelope as a range
                         * spanning all the world.
                    if (o1 != minimum || o2 != maximum) {
                        if ((o1 % csSpan) == 0 && (o2 % csSpan) == 0) {
                            ordinates[iLower] = +0.0;
                            ordinates[iUpper] = -0.0;
                        } else {
                            ordinates[iLower] = minimum;
                            ordinates[iUpper] = maximum;
                        changed = true;
                } else {
                    o1 = Math.floor((o1 - minimum) / csSpan) * csSpan;
                    o2 = Math.floor((o2 - minimum) / csSpan) * csSpan;
                    if (o1 != 0) {
                        ordinates[iLower] -= o1;
                        changed = true;
                    if (o2 != 0) {
                        ordinates[iUpper] -= o2;
                        changed = true;
    return changed;
Also used : RangeMeaning(org.opengis.referencing.cs.RangeMeaning) CoordinateSystemAxis(org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystemAxis)

Example 4 with RangeMeaning

use of org.opengis.referencing.cs.RangeMeaning in project sis by apache.

the class AbstractDirectPosition method normalize.

 * Ensures that the position is contained in the coordinate system domain.
 * For each dimension, this method compares the ordinate values against the
 * limits of the coordinate system axis for that dimension.
 * If some ordinates are out of range, then there is a choice depending on the
 * {@linkplain CoordinateSystemAxis#getRangeMeaning() axis range meaning}:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>If {@link RangeMeaning#EXACT} (typically <em>latitudes</em> ordinates), then values
 *       greater than the {@linkplain CoordinateSystemAxis#getMaximumValue() axis maximal value}
 *       are replaced by the axis maximum, and values smaller than the
 *       {@linkplain CoordinateSystemAxis#getMinimumValue() axis minimal value}
 *       are replaced by the axis minimum.</li>
 *   <li>If {@link RangeMeaning#WRAPAROUND} (typically <em>longitudes</em> ordinates), then
 *       a multiple of the axis range (e.g. 360° for longitudes) is added or subtracted.</li>
 * </ul>
 * @return {@code true} if this position has been modified as a result of this method call,
 *         or {@code false} if no change has been done.
 * @see GeneralEnvelope#normalize()
public boolean normalize() {
    boolean changed = false;
    final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
    if (crs != null) {
        final int dimension = getDimension();
        final CoordinateSystem cs = crs.getCoordinateSystem();
        for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
            double ordinate = getOrdinate(i);
            final CoordinateSystemAxis axis = cs.getAxis(i);
            final double minimum = axis.getMinimumValue();
            final double maximum = axis.getMaximumValue();
            final RangeMeaning rm = axis.getRangeMeaning();
            if (RangeMeaning.EXACT.equals(rm)) {
                if (ordinate < minimum)
                    ordinate = minimum;
                else if (ordinate > maximum)
                    ordinate = maximum;
            } else if (RangeMeaning.WRAPAROUND.equals(rm)) {
                final double csSpan = maximum - minimum;
                final double shift = Math.floor((ordinate - minimum) / csSpan) * csSpan;
                if (shift == 0) {
                ordinate -= shift;
            setOrdinate(i, ordinate);
            changed = true;
    return changed;
Also used : RangeMeaning(org.opengis.referencing.cs.RangeMeaning) CoordinateSystem(org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystem) CoordinateSystemAxis(org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystemAxis) CoordinateReferenceSystem(

Example 5 with RangeMeaning

use of org.opengis.referencing.cs.RangeMeaning in project sis by apache.

the class StandardDefinitions method createAxis.

 * Creates an axis from hard-coded values for the given code.
 * @param  code  the EPSG code.
 * @return the coordinate system axis for the given code.
static CoordinateSystemAxis createAxis(final short code) {
    final String name, abrv;
    Unit<?> unit = Units.METRE;
    double min = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    double max = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    RangeMeaning rm = null;
    final AxisDirection dir;
    switch(code) {
        case 1:
            name = "Easting";
            abrv = "E";
            dir = AxisDirection.EAST;
        case 2:
            name = "Northing";
            abrv = "N";
            dir = AxisDirection.NORTH;
        case 60:
            name = "Spherical latitude";
            // See HardCodedAxes.SPHERICAL_LATITUDE in tests.
            abrv = "φ′";
            unit = Units.DEGREE;
            dir = AxisDirection.NORTH;
            min = Latitude.MIN_VALUE;
            max = Latitude.MAX_VALUE;
            rm = RangeMeaning.EXACT;
        case 61:
            name = "Spherical longitude";
            // See HardCodedAxes.SPHERICAL_LONGITUDE in tests.
            abrv = "θ";
            unit = Units.DEGREE;
            dir = AxisDirection.EAST;
            min = Longitude.MIN_VALUE;
            max = Longitude.MAX_VALUE;
            rm = RangeMeaning.WRAPAROUND;
        case 62:
            name = "Geocentric radius";
            // See HardCodedAxes.GEOCENTRIC_RADIUS in tests.
            abrv = "R";
            dir = AxisDirection.UP;
            rm = RangeMeaning.EXACT;
            min = 0;
        // Used in Ellipsoidal 3D.
        case 108:
        case 106:
            name = AxisNames.GEODETIC_LATITUDE;
            abrv = "φ";
            unit = Units.DEGREE;
            dir = AxisDirection.NORTH;
            min = Latitude.MIN_VALUE;
            max = Latitude.MAX_VALUE;
            rm = RangeMeaning.EXACT;
        // Used in Ellipsoidal 3D.
        case 109:
        case 107:
            name = AxisNames.GEODETIC_LONGITUDE;
            abrv = "λ";
            unit = Units.DEGREE;
            dir = AxisDirection.EAST;
            min = Longitude.MIN_VALUE;
            max = Longitude.MAX_VALUE;
            rm = RangeMeaning.WRAPAROUND;
        case 110:
            name = AxisNames.ELLIPSOIDAL_HEIGHT;
            abrv = "h";
            dir = AxisDirection.UP;
        case 114:
            name = AxisNames.GRAVITY_RELATED_HEIGHT;
            abrv = "H";
            dir = AxisDirection.UP;
        case 113:
            name = AxisNames.DEPTH;
            abrv = "D";
            dir = AxisDirection.DOWN;
        case 115:
            name = AxisNames.GEOCENTRIC_X;
            abrv = "X";
            dir = AxisDirection.GEOCENTRIC_X;
        case 116:
            name = AxisNames.GEOCENTRIC_Y;
            abrv = "Y";
            dir = AxisDirection.GEOCENTRIC_Y;
        case 117:
            name = AxisNames.GEOCENTRIC_Z;
            abrv = "Z";
            dir = AxisDirection.GEOCENTRIC_Z;
        // Actually no axis allocated by EPSG here, but createCoordinateSystem(1027) needs this number.
        case 1057:
        case 1056:
            name = "Easting";
            abrv = "E";
            dir = CoordinateSystems.directionAlongMeridian(AxisDirection.NORTH, 90);
        case 1058:
            name = "Northing";
            abrv = "N";
            dir = CoordinateSystems.directionAlongMeridian(AxisDirection.NORTH, 0);
        case 1065:
            name = "Easting";
            abrv = "E";
            dir = CoordinateSystems.directionAlongMeridian(AxisDirection.SOUTH, 90);
        case 1066:
            name = "Northing";
            abrv = "N";
            dir = CoordinateSystems.directionAlongMeridian(AxisDirection.SOUTH, 180);
            throw new AssertionError(code);
    final Map<String, Object> properties = properties(code, name, null, false);
    properties.put(DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis.MINIMUM_VALUE_KEY, min);
    properties.put(DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis.MAXIMUM_VALUE_KEY, max);
    properties.put(DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis.RANGE_MEANING_KEY, rm);
    return new DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis(properties, abrv, dir, unit);
Also used : RangeMeaning(org.opengis.referencing.cs.RangeMeaning) AxisDirection(org.opengis.referencing.cs.AxisDirection) DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis(org.apache.sis.referencing.cs.DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis)


RangeMeaning (org.opengis.referencing.cs.RangeMeaning)5 CoordinateSystemAxis (org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystemAxis)3 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis (org.apache.sis.referencing.cs.DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis)1 CoordinateReferenceSystem ( AxisDirection (org.opengis.referencing.cs.AxisDirection)1 CoordinateSystem (org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystem)1